Trump Has Worn Us All Out


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasn’t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. They’re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivals’ fabrications. He’s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


“Even Trump’s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Drama” was the headline on Jim Geraghty’s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, “is exhausted from the president behaving like ‘a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she won’t sell him Greenland.’”


I wouldn’t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just can’t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldn’t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. It’s essentially the message of Joe Biden’s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.
Trump has to be tough to beat the Dirty Democrats at their own game.
Obammy illegally used the power of the Federal Government as political weapon to influence the election.
Hillary has gotten away with raping our laws because the Crazy Democrat Cult has ZERO ethics.
The Dem Voters don't care because their greed for power is above our laws and our democracy*.

That TDS is hell.
Trump has to be tough to beat the Dirty Democrats at their own game.
Obammy illegally used the power of the Federal Government as political weapon to influence the election.
Hillary has gotten away with raping our laws because the Crazy Democrat Cult has ZERO ethics.
The Dem Voters don't care because their greed for power is above our laws and our democracy*.
Hollywood Liberals are all baby-fucking they really hate Trump.
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasn’t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. They’re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivals’ fabrications. He’s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


“Even Trump’s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Drama” was the headline on Jim Geraghty’s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, “is exhausted from the president behaving like ‘a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she won’t sell him Greenland.’”


I wouldn’t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just can’t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldn’t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. It’s essentially the message of Joe Biden’s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

LMAO, Trump is not nearly as disruptive as some in the commie field promise to be. If the commies don't to an about face, Trump will be a shoe in.

Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasn’t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. They’re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivals’ fabrications. He’s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


“Even Trump’s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Drama” was the headline on Jim Geraghty’s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, “is exhausted from the president behaving like ‘a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she won’t sell him Greenland.’”


I wouldn’t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just can’t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldn’t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. It’s essentially the message of Joe Biden’s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

No doubt, life in general has been unclear to you.
You bed wetters wore yourselves out.

After 8 years of that meat puppet faggot all of the people who opposed his policies collectively did not waste the energy and time let alone consume themselves with the hate you sniveling turds have in just the last 3 years as individuals.

You fuckers might have cured cancer, AIDs, and colonized Mars if you put all that effort into something productive.
I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.
I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.
comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

But nothing about Competence? Succesful policy? Good business deals? The list keeps on giving.
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasn’t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. They’re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivals’ fabrications. He’s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


“Even Trump’s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Drama” was the headline on Jim Geraghty’s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, “is exhausted from the president behaving like ‘a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she won’t sell him Greenland.’”


I wouldn’t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just can’t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldn’t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. It’s essentially the message of Joe Biden’s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

I'm still humored by it. The only way to get me worn out, is if you engage in bad policy, or if you have real scandals.

A completely faked Russian probe is not going to wear me out. Why would it? It was a massive nothing burger, and I knew it was a nothing burger for months before the report even came out.

For my part, I'm enjoying seeing the left-wingers spin and freak out non-stop, and seeing idiots like AOC actually get play in the media with her "we're all dead in 12 years" stuff.

I'm having a blast. This has been by far the most entertaining presidency in my lifetime. The part where Trump called out Omar directly, with his "spare me your fake tears when you hate Israel" tweet? That was classic. That was frame worthy, and should be posted in Time Square for everyone to see.

And just seeing all the lefties freak and start a dozen threads on this forum, every time Trump sneezes. I love it. It's been a good time to be on the right.
It must be exhausting to wake up screaming "Oh My God Trump is President....AIAIAIAAEEEEEE!!!!" Then you run to your laptop, read Trump's first Tweet and start rolling around on the floor. You've worn yourselves out acting like spoiled kids.
I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.

You mean in 2025?

BTW, have you noticed who the Communist party is running?

I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.

In addition to that, I would also hope that whoever our next president is, they can and will be treated with the dignity, intelligence, respect, and maturity that the office should command by the media, academia, and Hollywood regardless of which party he or she belongs to. Whether he or she deserves it or not.

NOT half the time, but ALL the fucking time. I won't settle for anything less.

"but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward" - why not?
I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.
Whomever wins in 2024 will have a different personality and style but in the meantime I'd rather have no POTUS at all than any of the current passengers aboard the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car except maybe Gabbard.
2020 seems already decided thanks to their lunacy.
You bed wetters wore yourselves out.

After 8 years of that meat puppet faggot all of the people who opposed his policies collectively did not waste the energy and time let alone consume themselves with the hate you sniveling turds have in just the last 3 years as individuals.

You fuckers might have cured cancer, AIDs, and colonized Mars if you put all that effort into something productive.
....that's why they fail = they concentrate on non-critical items/''fake'' crap and not the important stuff
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasn’t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. They’re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivals’ fabrications. He’s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


“Even Trump’s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Drama” was the headline on Jim Geraghty’s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, “is exhausted from the president behaving like ‘a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she won’t sell him Greenland.’”


I wouldn’t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just can’t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldn’t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. It’s essentially the message of Joe Biden’s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

I'm still humored by it. The only way to get me worn out, is if you engage in bad policy, or if you have real scandals.

A completely faked Russian probe is not going to wear me out. Why would it? It was a massive nothing burger, and I knew it was a nothing burger for months before the report even came out.

For my part, I'm enjoying seeing the left-wingers spin and freak out non-stop, and seeing idiots like AOC actually get play in the media with her "we're all dead in 12 years" stuff.

I'm having a blast. This has been by far the most entertaining presidency in my lifetime. The part where Trump called out Omar directly, with his "spare me your fake tears when you hate Israel" tweet? That was classic. That was frame worthy, and should be posted in Time Square for everyone to see.

And just seeing all the lefties freak and start a dozen threads on this forum, every time Trump sneezes. I love it. It's been a good time to be on the right.
What the author describes is late stage TDS fueled by our loony-left MSM which has infused the lemmings with daily doses of Mourning Joe rage du jour. No human can survive 3 years of hysteria and it has driven many of 'em bat-shit crazier.

Lawrence O'Donnell retracts his reporting about Trump loans
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