Trump-haters making democracy impossible

I thought ya'll had rules on obvious hate speech, intolerance and persecuting families .. sooo what happened?... :popcorn:

... View attachment 140084
then the elections were crooked Now they speak for America?? BULL Shit

Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH

it is just a hunch

but one could bet that Trumps IQ

is much higher then yours
maybe but the guy is one lousy speaker and a pos to boot
And now he's in a bind
017 New York Times

WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders have reached an agreement on sweeping sanctions legislation to punish Russia for its election meddling and aggression toward its neighbors, they said Saturday, defying the White House's argument that President Donald Trump needs flexibility to adjust the sanctions to fit his diplomatic initiatives with Moscow.

The new legislation sharply limits the president's ability to suspend or terminate the sanctions — a remarkable handcuffing by a Republican-led Congress six months into Trump's tenure. It is also the latest Russia-tinged turn for a presidency consumed by investigations into the Trump campaign's interactions with Russian officials last year.

Trump could soon face a decision: veto the bill — a move that would fuel accusations that he is doing the bidding of President Vladimir Putin of Russia — or sign legislation imposing sanctions his administration abhors.

"A nearly united Congress is poised to send President Putin a clear message on behalf of the American people and our allies, and we need President Trump to help us deliver that message," said Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The White House has not publicly spoken about the compromise legislation. But two senior administration officials said they could not imagine Trump vetoing the legislation in the current political atmosphere, even if he regards it as interfering with his executive authority to conduct foreign policy. But as ever, Trump retains the capacity to surprise, and this would be his first decision about whether to veto a significant bill.

Congress has complicated his choice because the legislation also encompasses new sanctions against Iran and North Korea, two countries the administration has been eager to punish
Just politics? Mr. Trump alleged to have a, "fine and wonderful" health plan. Where is it.

That just show you are stupid, or you are just lying about the facts. The republicans have to get a bill to his desk as he said many times on the campaign trail if they put it on his desk his first day he will sign it. That is WHAT he said along with the statement about having a great, wonderful, and all types of other positive adjectives. Trumps only FAILURE was in having confidence in some of the Republican chicken shit players.
In regards to Health Care Funding................Our country spends more per capita than any country on earth..........



We spend more than ANY OTHER a large amount.........typical solution from Big Gov't types...........throw more money at it.

Same with education...........we throw more money at it than the rest of the world.................still get beat.........throw more money at it..........

At some point in time perhaps we'd realize that throwing more money at it isn't the solution.

Simply "throwing more money at it" is the only option when one wing has, nothing but repeal instead of better solutions that are more cost effective.

And people in this country wonder why we are in debt up to our asses.....................:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Maybe if we spend 4 times as much as any other country on Earth it will fix it.

Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.
you elected a sb an inhuman pos and if overturning an election which btw you ah's lost in the popular elections.,means america survives ,,,so be it
It's my America, chulo, not yours.
The 3 million more Americans that voted for Clinton disagree with you ....and unfortunately we too along with you trumpettes will pay the price ,the price of having a lying pos in our WH BTW did he fire anyone today?
I'm sure that the illegal voters don't want our borders secure..........................high time we enforce our laws..............high time we ensure 1 citizen ..........1 VOTE..........................

That war is being waged right lawsuits are ongoing across the country to FORCE VOTER REGISTRATION ROLES to be KEPT CURRENT.

True The Vote
yeah those 3 million voters were all illegals and pigs fly
Just politics? Mr. Trump alleged to have a, "fine and wonderful" health plan. Where is it.

That just show you are stupid, or you are just lying about the facts. The republicans have to get a bill to his desk as he said many times on the campaign trail if they put it on his desk his first day he will sign it. That is WHAT he said along with the statement about having a great, wonderful, and all types of other positive adjectives. Trumps only FAILURE was in having confidence in some of the Republican chicken shit players.
Wrong,,,,, his fault is he thinks everyone must kiss his ass like they did before his presidency
then the elections were crooked Now they speak for America?? BULL Shit

Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH

it is just a hunch

but one could bet that Trumps IQ

is much higher then yours
maybe but the guy is one lousy speaker and a pos to boot
And now he's in a bind
017 New York Times

WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders have reached an agreement on sweeping sanctions legislation to punish Russia for its election meddling and aggression toward its neighbors, they said Saturday, defying the White House's argument that President Donald Trump needs flexibility to adjust the sanctions to fit his diplomatic initiatives with Moscow.

The new legislation sharply limits the president's ability to suspend or terminate the sanctions — a remarkable handcuffing by a Republican-led Congress six months into Trump's tenure. It is also the latest Russia-tinged turn for a presidency consumed by investigations into the Trump campaign's interactions with Russian officials last year.

Trump could soon face a decision: veto the bill — a move that would fuel accusations that he is doing the bidding of President Vladimir Putin of Russia — or sign legislation imposing sanctions his administration abhors.

"A nearly united Congress is poised to send President Putin a clear message on behalf of the American people and our allies, and we need President Trump to help us deliver that message," said Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The White House has not publicly spoken about the compromise legislation. But two senior administration officials said they could not imagine Trump vetoing the legislation in the current political atmosphere, even if he regards it as interfering with his executive authority to conduct foreign policy. But as ever, Trump retains the capacity to surprise, and this would be his first decision about whether to veto a significant bill.

Congress has complicated his choice because the legislation also encompasses new sanctions against Iran and North Korea, two countries the administration has been eager to punish
So the pundits can say on the news that he is against sanctions against Iran and North Korea.............typical Political Black Mail for future Fake News by the slim balls in office.

Sanctions against Iran.....killed by Obama by a SO CALLED TREATY that was NEVER voted on as Prescribed by the Laws of our Republic..........Making it not worth the paper it was written on............Another Obama legacy going through the shredder.
That same constitution you speak of protects my right to freedom of speech.

I thought ya'll had rules on obvious hate speech, intolerance and persecuting families .. sooo what happened?... :popcorn:

... View attachment 140084
then the elections were crooked Now they speak for America?? BULL Shit

Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH
come on eagle I'll bet even you know more about our economy and foreign affairs than that moron
Just politics? Mr. Trump alleged to have a, "fine and wonderful" health plan. Where is it.

That just show you are stupid, or you are just lying about the facts. The republicans have to get a bill to his desk as he said many times on the campaign trail if they put it on his desk his first day he will sign it. That is WHAT he said along with the statement about having a great, wonderful, and all types of other positive adjectives. Trumps only FAILURE was in having confidence in some of the Republican chicken shit players.
Wrong,,,,, his fault is he thinks everyone must kiss his ass like they did before his presidency

He's had everything but the kitchen sink throw at him by the Libs, the MSM, the establishment, the Never Trumpers. ..........and this idiot thinks he gives a damn about people kissing his ass.

I thought ya'll had rules on obvious hate speech, intolerance and persecuting families .. sooo what happened?... :popcorn:

... View attachment 140084
then the elections were crooked Now they speak for America?? BULL Shit

Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH
come on eagle I'll bet even you know more about our economy and foreign affairs than that moron
My God the stupidity in this thread is beyond reason..........If you are an example of half of our country we are FUCKED.
Just politics? Mr. Trump alleged to have a, "fine and wonderful" health plan. Where is it.

That just show you are stupid, or you are just lying about the facts. The republicans have to get a bill to his desk as he said many times on the campaign trail if they put it on his desk his first day he will sign it. That is WHAT he said along with the statement about having a great, wonderful, and all types of other positive adjectives. Trumps only FAILURE was in having confidence in some of the Republican chicken shit players.
Wrong,,,,, his fault is he thinks everyone must kiss his ass like they did before his presidency

He's had everything but the kitchen sink throw at him by the Libs, the MSM, the establishment, the Never Trumpers. ..........and this idiot thinks he gives a damn about people kissing his ass.

Sure he's had a lot of shit thrown at him From the people he put in his cabinet to relatives given high posts ,,,Most all have connections to russia and were afraid to mention them The russians gave him the election and now he's trying to pay them back Our enemy Shame
then the elections were crooked Now they speak for America?? BULL Shit

Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH
come on eagle I'll bet even you know more about our economy and foreign affairs than that moron
My God the stupidity in this thread is beyond reason..........If you are an example of half of our country we are FUCKED.
Funny you mention that eagle We were fucked on Jan 20th when this psycho p**ck became the leader of the free world voted on by assholes
then the elections were crooked Now they speak for America?? BULL Shit

Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH
come on eagle I'll bet even you know more about our economy and foreign affairs than that moron
My God the stupidity in this thread is beyond reason..........If you are an example of half of our country we are FUCKED.
lol lol well I'm in Saratoga now trying to pick some winners Hope my luck is better than it was on election day
Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH
come on eagle I'll bet even you know more about our economy and foreign affairs than that moron
My God the stupidity in this thread is beyond reason..........If you are an example of half of our country we are FUCKED.
Funny you mention that eagle We were fucked on Jan 20th when this psycho p**ck became the leader of the free world voted on by assholes
Someone else deal with this IDIOT...........I;M DONE WITH HIM.
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.
Bringing him down? I remember when Republicans tried that with Obama.
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.
Bringing him down? I remember when Republicans tried that with Obama.
Try to remember most trumpsters have alzheimers and can't remember the shit they threw at Obama AND Hillary Guess they don't like it getting thrown back in their faces.......Shame they believe that fn liar
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

Trump lost the election by nearly 3 million votes so he's not my president.

Although I'm grudgingly having to own up to the reality that trump has done a couple of things I like.

. He finally admitted that the Iran deal is working as advertised; and signed off on it.

Second; imposing travel restrictions on North Korea so the religious right in this country can no longer send their children into that hellhole as warriors for god.

Thank you Trump.

View attachment 140017

.. Trump counties in red, nut cases likely in blue..
There's a lot of empty space in the red part of that map, mostly it's inside the heads of the people who enthusiastically voted for Trump.

"Trump lost the election by nearly 3 million votes so he's not my president."

True story...HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Agreed .. Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation and what's the deal with super delegates deciding for all Democrats, epic Democrat voter suppression. If Bernie wasn't such a fascist blowhard and totally corrupt insider after all, it would have bothered me.

Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH
come on eagle I'll bet even you know more about our economy and foreign affairs than that moron
My God the stupidity in this thread is beyond reason..........If you are an example of half of our country we are FUCKED.
Funny you mention that eagle We were fucked on Jan 20th when this psycho p**ck became the leader of the free world voted on by assholes

When you say "assholes" are you referring to the legitimate, proud, hard working REAL American's whom have decided they want their country back?
Bernie sure got screwed over by the corrupt DNC Hillary coronation

and yet the leftards would still go along with it

and defend her actions and vote for the criminal


Far Far better than this uneducated in our presidency , lying sack of turd in our WH
come on eagle I'll bet even you know more about our economy and foreign affairs than that moron
My God the stupidity in this thread is beyond reason..........If you are an example of half of our country we are FUCKED.
Funny you mention that eagle We were fucked on Jan 20th when this psycho p**ck became the leader of the free world voted on by assholes

When you say "assholes" are you referring to the legitimate, proud, hard working REAL American's whom have decided they want their country back?
no I refer to the AH's who voted against themselves just because they hated the life they were leading Trump won't make your lives better
If any where like a million illegal votes were cast then our whole country & our way of life is defeated. that means your vote means nothing.

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