Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

Granny don't think it gonna work...

... she gonna stay at home...

... where nobody gonna breathe on her...

... after dey scratch dey's butt.
the CDC and every Dr on the planet is telling the world to stay home, and avoid spreading the virus -

Trump says go to work.

quintessential incompetent pos -
If any business promotes it's employees to work when they're sick and then one or more employees die from corona virus, the deceased family should sue the daylights out of the company!

But I guess that's a bit above the head of the orange idiot.

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
View attachment 310504

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
If you have the reg influenza … don't go to work with that either.

Mods didn't approve of this thread. LOL
This is the extent to which the empty headed worship The State....What's the prez supposed to do, run out and be a one-man pathogen exterminator?
The prez should not be downplaying a spreading pandemic. Is that so hard.

2/3rds of the world could die off and trumps asslickers would still get in line to blow him.
Does Trump not realize the harm he does with these off the cuff statements and ill advised tweets? The last thing this country needs is a president who shares with the world his hunches, guesses, prejudices, and conspiracy theories. Words have power particular when they come from a president. Words can heal. Words can destroy. Words can bring peace, and yes, words can start wars. But we’ve elected a president who just doesn't get any of this.

At almost the same time Trump is telling people that it it might be ok to go to work if infected, the CDC is telling people to stay home. While epidemiologists acknowledge that this virus can be contained, it becomes clear that the US simply does have the leadership at the top to do so. You can't have the president undermining the instructions of CDC and expect to bring this thing under control. The president and the people that work for him have to speak with one voice in a time of crisis.
View attachment 310504

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
If you have the reg influenza … don't go to work with that either.

Mods didn't approve of this thread. LOL

what mods ?

it was Hillary.
Idiotic threads like this one start because the left really believes that everyone else is are too stupid to make their own political decisions. According to them, they believe themselves to be most "intelligent" people in the word, and as such, governing should be left up to them.

Take the "Russian interference" hoax of 2016, for example: Many liberals still believe that some voters were so stupid, that Russian "propaganda" or Facebook ads actually caused them to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

They also believe that most Trump-supporters slavishly follow his every word, as if they are "hypnotized" or some such bullshit. As if the President told people to "Go lay down in the middle of the road", someone would actually be stupid enough to do that.

I don't see the eventuality of anyone interpreting what President Trump said and actually going to work while infected with COVID-19. Most people stay home when they feel like they're coming down with something and in the event someone is actually diagnosed with COVID-19, they would automatically be quarantined by medical personnel.

This is just more bullshit scare-mongering by the left, and one more in a long like of attempts to discredit something the President said, or turn it into a BFD. They've done that so much the last three years, I hardly give threads like these a second look. We can fully expect to see this kind of crap on a daily basis, throughout his next term, because that's all the left can do at this point. They sure as hell can't beat him any other way.
This is the extent to which the empty headed worship The State....What's the prez supposed to do, run out and be a one-man pathogen exterminator?
The prez should not be downplaying a spreading pandemic. Is that so hard.

2/3rds of the world could die off and trumps asslickers would still get in line to blow him.
Well its not so much that people will die. But airlines are now cancelling domestic flights in addition to intl. Cruises are not selling. The fed's going to cut again just to try and stave off an wall street meltdown.

If businesses have to quarantine, we'll see a brief but probably SHARP recession.

Trumpstetters don't want that. And really, even I would say Trump should not be blamed for that … but fucking up testing kits and his idiotic messaging on public heath … well, that is a POLITICAL ISSUE, whether the mods and Trumpstettes (is there a diff) like it or not.
Idiotic threads like this one start because the left really believes that everyone else is are too stupid to make their own political decisions. According to them, they believe themselves to be most "intelligent" people in the word, and as such, governing should be left up to them.

Take the "Russian interference" hoax of 2016, for example: Many liberals still believe that some voters were so stupid, that Russian "propaganda" or Facebook ads actually caused them to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

They also believe that most Trump-supporters slavishly follow his every word, as if they are "hypnotized" or some such bullshit. As if the President told people to "Go lay down in the middle of the road", someone would actually be stupid enough to do that.

I don't see the eventuality of anyone interpreting what President Trump said and actually going to work while infected with COVID-19. Most people stay home when they feel like they're coming down with something and in the event someone is actually diagnosed with COVID-19, they would automatically be quarantined by medical personnel.

This is just more bullshit scare-mongering by the left, and one more in a long like of attempts to discredit something the President said, or turn it into a BFD. They've done that so much the last three years, I hardly give threads like these a second look. We can fully expect to see this kind of crap on a daily basis, throughout his next term, because that's all the left can do at this point. They sure as hell can't beat him any other way.
Trump's an idiot. Don't blame the OP
Does Trump not realize the harm he does with these off the cuff statements and ill advised tweets? The last thing this country needs is a president who shares with the world his hunches, guesses, prejudices, and conspiracy theories. Words have power particular when they come from a president. Words can heal. Words can destroy. Words can bring peace, and yes, words can start wars. But we’ve elected a president who just doesn't get any of this.

At almost the same time Trump is telling people that it it might be ok to go to work if infected, the CDC is telling people to stay home. While epidemiologists acknowledge that this virus can be contained, it becomes clear that the US simply does have the leadership at the top to do so. You can't have the president undermining the instructions of CDC and expect to bring this thing under control.

after 911 43 told the country to get on with daily life - that worked for him too.

Daddy Dumbass is shooting for the same result using a world crisis as the foundation.

whatadamnidiot -
Does Trump not realize the harm he does with these off the cuff statements and ill advised tweets? The last thing this country needs is a president who shares with the world his hunches, guesses, prejudices, and conspiracy theories. Words have power particular when they come from a president. Words can heal. Words can destroy. Words can bring peace, and yes, words can start wars. But we’ve elected a president who just doesn't get any of this.

At almost the same time Trump is telling people that it it might be ok to go to work if infected, the CDC is telling people to stay home. While epidemiologists acknowledge that this virus can be contained, it becomes clear that the US simply does have the leadership at the top to do so. You can't have the president undermining the instructions of CDC and expect to bring this thing under control. The president and the people that work for him have to speak with one voice in a time of crisis.
Normally I'd disagree, but Trump supporters ARE STUPID ENOUGH to think he's got a valid point that people should go to work with the flu so long as they don't feel too bad. I mean who wants to waste paid leave? LOL Better to infect all the fucks they work with who think they're MORONS
Does Trump not realize the harm he does with these off the cuff statements and ill advised tweets? The last thing this country needs is a president who shares with the world his hunches, guesses, prejudices, and conspiracy theories. Words have power particular when they come from a president. Words can heal. Words can destroy. Words can bring peace, and yes, words can start wars. But we’ve elected a president who just doesn't get any of this.

At almost the same time Trump is telling people that it it might be ok to go to work if infected, the CDC is telling people to stay home. While epidemiologists acknowledge that this virus can be contained, it becomes clear that the US simply does have the leadership at the top to do so. You can't have the president undermining the instructions of CDC and expect to bring this thing under control.

after 911 43 told the country to get on with daily life - that worked for him too.

Daddy Dumbass is shooting for the same result using a world crisis as the foundation.

whatadamnidiot -

Well 43 was right, but terrorism is not infectious LOL

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