Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.
If it pisses you off, put me in that catagory
99%of the people that contract the coronavirus will recover.

However, 99.99% of the Moon Bats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome will have the mental illness the rest of their lives, even with professional mental health treatment.
Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.
Yu have TDS worse than ANY coronavirus old bean. Yes; people have already gone to work thinking they have a cold or have no symptoms at all. Playing this up is really rather dumb.

Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.

People with a bad cold will still impact a business. Better that one stay home, than that one infect others. Trump is stupid, that much cannot be denied.

Yep, he's so stupid that he consistently outsmarts his political opponents.
View attachment 310504

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
And most people survived the Spanish flu of 2018 which killed 678,000 Americans just as most people will survive now. However, if all Americans believe as you seem to, many thousands in the US will die needlessly. According to epidemiologists, we are at the point where we can control the outbreak but people have to willing to do so. What is happening now may seem like an overreaction but that is exactly how we stop epidemics before they become national disasters.
Well he's right that influenza has killed more Americans than coronavirus this year … and that probably will remain true. But it doesn't detract from Trump's idiocy in saying going to work with a mild case of flu is something one can responsibly do. It doesn't matter if its influenza or coronavirus, the idiot should be telling people to stay home if they feel sick
What you are suggesting is idiocy. At present there is a very low risk of being infected with the virus in the US, yet you would want to shut down the economy at the first sign of sniffles. You are responding to the efforts of irresponsible Democratic politicians and reporters from rags like the NYT who want to stir up a panic for political reasons.


information is knowledge, knowledge is power-

my bad - what the f do rw's know about knowledge.
The crazy left thinks a statement by the President that people who test positive for the virus can go to work, is dangerous but a U.S. Senator who threatens bodily harm to two Supreme Court Justices is another day at the office.
The left, of course, is lying again. Trump didn't say people with coronavirus should go to work, but that many cases are so mild that even if they did go to work they would recover. Two entirely different issues.

"Trump also suggested that people with coronavirus can “go to work” and get better without any treatment or rest.

“If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better, and then when you do have a death, like you’ve had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California, I believe you had one in New York," Trump said on “Hannity.” No deaths have been reported in New York; 11 cases have been confirmed."

Trump makes false claims about coronavirus, suggests you can ‘go to work’ if you’re sick

The President was not talking about going to work in terms of spreading the virus, but only that most cases are so mild no special rest or treatment is required to recover. In fact, this is why the mortality rates reported are so unreliable since those who do not seek treatment are not recorded as infected.
View attachment 310504

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
And most people survived the Spanish flu of 2018 which killed 678,000 Americans just as most people will survive now. However, if all Americans believe as you seem to, many thousands in the US will die needlessly. According to epidemiologists, we are at the point where we can control the outbreak but people have to willing to do so. What is happening now may seem like an overreaction but that is exactly how we stop epidemics before they become national disasters.
Well he's right that influenza has killed more Americans than coronavirus this year … and that probably will remain true. But it doesn't detract from Trump's idiocy in saying going to work with a mild case of flu is something one can responsibly do. It doesn't matter if its influenza or coronavirus, the idiot should be telling people to stay home if they feel sick
What you are suggesting is idiocy. At present there is a very low risk of being infected with the virus in the US, yet you would want to shut down the economy at the first sign of sniffles. You are responding to the efforts of irresponsible Democratic politicians and reporters from rags like the NYT who want to stir up a panic for political reasons.


information is knowledge, knowledge is power-

my bad - what the f do rw's know about knowledge.
Next time take a minute to think before you start drooling out nonsense.
You know, even if a person has mild symptoms, they can still transmit the virus to other people. Going to work sick is irresponsible.
You know, even if a person has mild symptoms, they can still transmit the virus to other people. Going to work sick is irresponsible.
Unless you have been tested, you have no way of knowing you have Covid-19 and you will not be tested if your symptoms are so mild, they could just be a cold, so the only way to be sure some one with mild symptoms will not go to work is for everyone with the sniffles to stay home.

Good Lord what a fucking idiot - No wonder corporations are reacting like they are - cancelling meetings, telling people to work from home, etc. The messaging oozing out of this shit-show national nightmare is stunningly awful.

Looks like another dump today. Sad

26,377.82 −713.04 (2.63%)
Mar 5, 10:43 AM EST
Too boot, you have Trumptard morons on this board disputing what Trump actually said. You can't make up their stupidity.

And when they have no other excuse or absurd mansplanation -They claim Donnie was only "joking". Those like Dotardo with zero sense of humor don't joke.
Trumptards are truly a pathetic bunch. Trump was clear in what he said. He was condemned for it by many experts. But trumptards being trumptards, they can find no fault in their false God.
I know exactly what Trump said on Hannity regarding COVID-19. It is at ~11:30 - 26:00 in this youtube video.

Trump did not say or in any way imply or insinuate that if you are infected with the virus you should "go to work and recover', as you claimed in your thread title.

Your OP is simply false. You obviously consume way too much fake news in a stupid effort to reinforce your TDS induced delusions.
All over the internet libs are saying Trump says it's "OK" to go to work if you have the virus.
Nowhere does he say it's "ok".
Exactly, the moonbatosphere is dangerously disseminating disinformation as usual.

Actually, in the interview Trump said that people infected with the virus are being quarantined. He certainly did not recommend that they go to work.

Look, I can't stand Trump. He needs to keep his mouth shut and let the grownups handle this outbreak. But he never said anyone should go to work when infected. Never hinted at it. Your idiocy with the thread title and dishonesty of the article you linked put you in the running for being just as big an asshole as Trump.

Now stop posting tripe like this, I hate defending that jerk.
View attachment 310504

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
And most people survived the Spanish flu of 2018 which killed 678,000 Americans just as most people will survive now. However, if all Americans believe as you seem to, many thousands in the US will die needlessly. According to epidemiologists, we are at the point where we can control the outbreak but people have to willing to do so. What is happening now may seem like an overreaction but that is exactly how we stop epidemics before they become national disasters.
Well he's right that influenza has killed more Americans than coronavirus this year … and that probably will remain true. But it doesn't detract from Trump's idiocy in saying going to work with a mild case of flu is something one can responsibly do. It doesn't matter if its influenza or coronavirus, the idiot should be telling people to stay home if they feel sick
This is typical Trump behavior. The CDC who works for Trump creates the guidelines to deal with the virus and Trump get's a wild hair up his ass and tells people to do the very opposite. This is a good example of why people working to stop the spread of the virus are pessimist, no leadership from the top.
View attachment 310504

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
And most people survived the Spanish flu of 2018 which killed 678,000 Americans just as most people will survive now. However, if all Americans believe as you seem to, many thousands in the US will die needlessly. According to epidemiologists, we are at the point where we can control the outbreak but people have to willing to do so. What is happening now may seem like an overreaction but that is exactly how we stop epidemics before they become national disasters.
Well he's right that influenza has killed more Americans than coronavirus this year … and that probably will remain true. But it doesn't detract from Trump's idiocy in saying going to work with a mild case of flu is something one can responsibly do. It doesn't matter if its influenza or coronavirus, the idiot should be telling people to stay home if they feel sick
This is typical Trump behavior. The CDC who works for Trump creates the guidelines to deal with the virus and Trump get's a wild hair up his ass and tells people to do the very opposite. This is a good example of why people working to stop the spread of the virus are pessimist, no leadership from the top.
Did you even read what he said? He didnt say what the Trump haters attribute to him. You guys are being dishonest
View attachment 310504

There are more threads on the virus than deaths in the US.

Reality is there is no avoiding it. It will run through the population and most folks will be fine. Many probably already have it and mistake it for a cold.
At this point boring old influenza is the killer.
And most people survived the Spanish flu of 2018 which killed 678,000 Americans just as most people will survive now. However, if all Americans believe as you seem to, many thousands in the US will die needlessly. According to epidemiologists, we are at the point where we can control the outbreak but people have to willing to do so. What is happening now may seem like an overreaction but that is exactly how we stop epidemics before they become national disasters.
Well he's right that influenza has killed more Americans than coronavirus this year … and that probably will remain true. But it doesn't detract from Trump's idiocy in saying going to work with a mild case of flu is something one can responsibly do. It doesn't matter if its influenza or coronavirus, the idiot should be telling people to stay home if they feel sick
This is typical Trump behavior. The CDC who works for Trump creates the guidelines to deal with the virus and Trump get's a wild hair up his ass and tells people to do the very opposite. This is a good example of why people working to stop the spread of the virus are pessimist, no leadership from the top.
Of course, he never did say that, so you must have a wild hair up your ass to post such lies.
99%of the people that contract the coronavirus will recover.

However, 99.99% of the Moon Bats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome will have the mental illness the rest of their lives, even with professional mental health treatment.
Wow, 99% will recover. So that would be only a maximum of 3 or 4 million dead Americans. No wonder Trump's not concerned.
99%of the people that contract the coronavirus will recover.

However, 99.99% of the Moon Bats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome will have the mental illness the rest of their lives, even with professional mental health treatment.
Wow, 99% will recover. So that would be only a maximum of 3 or 4 million dead Americans. No wonder Trump's not concerned.
Obviously the President is concerned, but now we have to try to figure out why you're so stupid you can't see it.
Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
When a worker is sick a good company WANTS them to stay home as to not affect others. Common sense.

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