Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
As we test more people, we will find a lot of people with little or no symptoms that were previously unreported. This should bring down the mortality rate. How much is just a guess at this point. Also consider that the mortality varies greatly with age, the general health of a population, and the quality of healthcare.
Exactly. Right now they are relying on PCR testing to check for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen genome markers in people suspected of having COVID-19 or who are known to have been exposed to the virus. However the PCR test will not detect anything after someone has fully recovered.

Once they have a reliable serology test to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies public health officials will have a much better idea of the actual mortality rate, which will undoubtedly be significantly less than 3.4%.

Singapore has announced that they have developed a serology test for the antibodies, but it will take time to determine how reliable it is.
As far as it is known Covid19 doesn't produce any antibodies. That's why people can get reinfected. Did they find antibodies?
Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
As we test more people, we will find a lot of people with little or no symptoms that were previously unreported. This should bring down the mortality rate. How much is just a guess at this point. Also consider that the mortality varies greatly with age, the general health of a population, and the quality of healthcare.
Exactly. Right now they are relying on PCR testing to check for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen genome markers in people suspected of having COVID-19 or who are known to have been exposed to the virus. However the PCR test will not detect anything after someone has fully recovered.

Once they have a reliable serology test to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies public health officials will have a much better idea of the actual mortality rate, which will undoubtedly be significantly less than 3.4%.

Singapore has announced that they have developed a serology test for the antibodies, but it will take time to determine how reliable it is.
As far as it is known Covid19 doesn't produce any antibodies. That's why people can get reinfected. Did they find antibodies?

"Antibodies" destroy the body of a virus. The only way to survive in contact with a virus is an integer immune system. Hate, stress and a lack of sport - loneliness too - but also drugs and alcohol, fast food, and so on - are counterproductive in this context. What a luck seldom to find such people in the internet. And not to forget: To infect others is also counterproductive - for others. But - what a luck - your pseudo-president is a wise guy: Listen to his ideas and you are lost.

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Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
As we test more people, we will find a lot of people with little or no symptoms that were previously unreported. This should bring down the mortality rate. How much is just a guess at this point. Also consider that the mortality varies greatly with age, the general health of a population, and the quality of healthcare.
Exactly. Right now they are relying on PCR testing to check for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen genome markers in people suspected of having COVID-19 or who are known to have been exposed to the virus. However the PCR test will not detect anything after someone has fully recovered.

Once they have a reliable serology test to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies public health officials will have a much better idea of the actual mortality rate, which will undoubtedly be significantly less than 3.4%.

Singapore has announced that they have developed a serology test for the antibodies, but it will take time to determine how reliable it is.
As far as it is known Covid19 doesn't produce any antibodies. That's why people can get reinfected. Did they find antibodies?
Perhaps an FYI explanation of terms is in order here.

COVID-19 is a disease that is caused by a viral pathogen known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

Pathogens cause diseases, they do not produce antibodies. Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are proteins created by your immune system which counteract pathogens.

And yes there are SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The 2 cases of reported "reinfection" are likely due to those 2 individuals not being fully recovered in the first place, but discharged after a false negative test and later suffering a relapse.
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This is the extent to which the empty headed worship The State....What's the prez supposed to do, run out and be a one-man pathogen exterminator?
Not at all. But he is the president, right? Is it too much to ask that he should be aware that suggesting that people go to work while having the Coronavirus should at the very least be immediately followed by explaining how bad of an idea that is? Is it too much to ask to NOT give information that's contrary to the information of the professionals? Is it too much to ask to not confuse the public on a deadly pathogen?

He is the president in a time of a global health crisis. His job is to try to help the situation NOT exacerbate it because it's inconvenient.
Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.
Not what he nor I said. Why are you doing this? To be a troll? He said many don’t even know they have it and continue with their daily lives.
There are threads all over this board, for instance, started by Trumpists that the coronavirus is some kind of joke. Trump said that if you have it you can go to work to recover. I mean what kind of idiot says that. Trump was clear what he said and what he meant.
I just told you that’s not what he said and not what I am saying. Let me dumb it down.

If you know you have the virus seek help and follow CDC protocol. Many think it’s just a bad cold and still go to work. Have you never gone to work with a bad cold? You’re conflating the two in order to troll. Why are you purposely spreading false rumors and lies? Not only about Trump but now me? Hold yourself accountable
Does Trump hold himself accountable when he says that the WHO is purposefully inflating the mortality rate of Corona? at 23.30 or at 24.15 normalizing going to work while infected without reiterating how bad that is? Social isolation is the only thing that even has a chance of containing something like this. Yet here we have the president going on national television and downplaying its severity and normalizing social contact while sick.

My question is why are you defending that instead of calling for him to be accountable for it?
Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.
Not what he nor I said. Why are you doing this? To be a troll? He said many don’t even know they have it and continue with their daily lives.
There are threads all over this board, for instance, started by Trumpists that the coronavirus is some kind of joke. Trump said that if you have it you can go to work to recover. I mean what kind of idiot says that. Trump was clear what he said and what he meant.
I just told you that’s not what he said and not what I am saying. Let me dumb it down.

If you know you have the virus seek help and follow CDC protocol. Many think it’s just a bad cold and still go to work. Have you never gone to work with a bad cold? You’re conflating the two in order to troll. Why are you purposely spreading false rumors and lies? Not only about Trump but now me? Hold yourself accountable
Does Trump hold himself accountable when he says that the WHO is purposefully inflating the mortality rate of Corona? at 23.30 or at 24.15 normalizing going to work while infected without reiterating how bad that is? Social isolation is the only thing that even has a chance of containing something like this. Yet here we have the president going on national television and downplaying its severity and normalizing social contact while sick.

My question is why are you defending that instead of calling for him to be accountable for it?

Restate? I heard the interview. He never minimized virus.

Good Lord what a fucking idiot - No wonder corporations are reacting like they are - cancelling meetings, telling people to work from home, etc. The messaging oozing out of this shit-show national nightmare is stunningly awful.

Looks like another dump today. Sad

26,377.82 −713.04 (2.63%)
Mar 5, 10:43 AM EST
Too boot, you have Trumptard morons on this board disputing what Trump actually said. You can't make up their stupidity.

And when they have no other excuse or absurd mansplanation -They claim Donnie was only "joking". Those like Dotardo with zero sense of humor don't joke.

Well isn't this a TDS circle jerk.

Are you the power bottom?
Wow, the TDS argument. You know your argument is full of shit when you resort to TDS as a come back.

What - TDS and "57 States" no longer leaves a mark? Join the club ;)

Good Lord what a fucking idiot - No wonder corporations are reacting like they are - cancelling meetings, telling people to work from home, etc. The messaging oozing out of this shit-show national nightmare is stunningly awful.

Looks like another dump today. Sad

26,377.82 −713.04 (2.63%)
Mar 5, 10:43 AM EST
Too boot, you have Trumptard morons on this board disputing what Trump actually said. You can't make up their stupidity.

And when they have no other excuse or absurd mansplanation -They claim Donnie was only "joking". Those like Dotardo with zero sense of humor don't joke.
Trumptards are truly a pathetic bunch. Trump was clear in what he said. He was condemned for it by many experts. But trumptards being trumptards, they can find no fault in their false God.

In Cheesus they Trust! :icon_rolleyes:

Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.

Derp - And that's why they shouldn't go to work until they are TESTED. Even if low level symptoms, they can still infect everyone in their workplace. JEEZUS

So everyone who has a cold should get tested? You think that people will actually do that? He was saying they likely would not. Never said they should not. I listened to the entire interview. He was not downplaying this whatsoever.

I didn't say a cold. Symptoms of a common cold are quite different. If they have a fever, dry cough, etc - They should be TESTED

Some bad colds have fevers and coughs. All he said was people will think it is a cold, go to work and then get better. That is actually the likely scenario. I've gone to work with terrible flus before because shit had to get done. More people die from the flu than corona. He nor I are downplaying this, they are just giving people the sense of reality.

Yer getting wobbly - Please sit down before ya fall down

And if you came to work next to me with a terrible flu, I'm going straight to HR to have your ass sent home.

Fucking liar.

and if there are asymptomatic or mild cases that go unreported, that DOES impact the true mortality rate of infection overall. What we need to know is the mortality rates for specific risk groups, the elderly, those with weak immune systems, and those with heart disease.

Also we need to know the overall rate of secondary infections as well as the secondary infection rates for those in the above risk groups, and then we need to know the mortality of those groups via the virus itself or via the secondary infections.[/QUOTE

You really are a Trumptard.

Listen dumbass, I'll put you down as one of the fucking morons that think it is okay for someone to go to work if you are infected with the coronavirus.

You have your head so far up Trump's ass you can't see daylight. It is plain as day on what Trump said and what he continues to say. You are so ignorant that you dispute what is right in front of you. What an idiot. You are not only a idiot but a friggin liar as well.

You double down on a lie with another lie, to protect your original lies.

You've lost the original argument, and now are back to just plain old TDS.

The only liar I see is you Trumptard. Lying about what words Trump obviously said. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.

Nice attempt at turnaround, but you are the one obviously lying.
If you are not sick go to work. Do not kill your dog and cat. Do not put your children in the hospital. Accept that you are not sick and go to work.
If you are infected with the coronavirus should you go to work?

Again, he wasn't telling people to do that. he was saying people with a mild case of it may think it's a cold and go about their daily lives.
Yes, that's the problem. It is over twice as contagious as the garden variety flu and because we had trouble getting working test kits in the US, there are probably a lot of folks walking around--and yes, working--who have no idea. Then the bug spreads to someone who is susceptible and gets very very sick.
That's what the problem is. China finally brought this thing under control with draconian quarantine measures. It seems to be the only thing that will work.

I believe Trump's point was that many go to work UNAWARE that they have the virus. He should be encouraging people who show the symptoms to get tested immediately and to stay out of public areas as much as humanly possible until they know for sure they are negative.

The infection rate isn't entirely known yet, your assumption is based on insufficient data.

China could also have things under control due to asymptomatic people having it, and now being immune.

Do we really want every person who has a sniffle going to their doctor to get tested? Allergy season is also upon us, and would lead to a massive strike to our medical system if everyone panicked and decided to go to their doctor RIGHT NOW.
The infection rate isn't entirely known yet, your assumption is based on insufficient data.

You're right not everyone with a sniffle should go to the doctor. Shortness of breath or symptoms of pneumonia should trigger a person to seek help and if you have EVEN the sniffles, you should try to stay home. People with allergies know the difference.

I googled some articles this morning and they are much more reassuring than the ones a week ago.

My allergies when in full force mimic cold symptoms. I get fatigued and sluggish, just like when I get a cold.

Now the Flu is something you can't mistake, as the Flu comes on quick, one hour you are fine, the next out cold in bed.

Good Lord what a fucking idiot - No wonder corporations are reacting like they are - cancelling meetings, telling people to work from home, etc. The messaging oozing out of this shit-show national nightmare is stunningly awful.

Looks like another dump today. Sad

26,377.82 −713.04 (2.63%)
Mar 5, 10:43 AM EST
Too boot, you have Trumptard morons on this board disputing what Trump actually said. You can't make up their stupidity.

And when they have no other excuse or absurd mansplanation -They claim Donnie was only "joking". Those like Dotardo with zero sense of humor don't joke.

Well isn't this a TDS circle jerk.

Are you the power bottom?
Wow, the TDS argument. You know your argument is full of shit when you resort to TDS as a come back.

Its an observation.

You care nothing about the actual outbreak, just caring about how to make Trump look bad because of it.
You really are a Trumptard.

Listen dumbass, I'll put you down as one of the fucking morons that think it is okay for someone to go to work if you are infected with the coronavirus.

You have your head so far up Trump's ass you can't see daylight. It is plain as day on what Trump said and what he continues to say. You are so ignorant that you dispute what is right in front of you. What an idiot. You are not only a idiot but a friggin liar as well.

You double down on a lie with another lie, to protect your original lies.

You've lost the original argument, and now are back to just plain old TDS.

The only liar I see is you Trumptard. Lying about what words Trump obviously said. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.
The top two articles in Google backed up a lot of what Marty said, John. Maybe his motivation is suspect, but the really scary stuff I was reading last week is beginning to be tempered by reputable folks like Harvard etc.

Don't try to reason with JohnLoser, he's too far gone.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.
Not what he nor I said. Why are you doing this? To be a troll? He said many don’t even know they have it and continue with their daily lives.
There are threads all over this board, for instance, started by Trumpists that the coronavirus is some kind of joke. Trump said that if you have it you can go to work to recover. I mean what kind of idiot says that. Trump was clear what he said and what he meant.
I just told you that’s not what he said and not what I am saying. Let me dumb it down.

If you know you have the virus seek help and follow CDC protocol. Many think it’s just a bad cold and still go to work. Have you never gone to work with a bad cold? You’re conflating the two in order to troll. Why are you purposely spreading false rumors and lies? Not only about Trump but now me? Hold yourself accountable
Does Trump hold himself accountable when he says that the WHO is purposefully inflating the mortality rate of Corona? at 23.30 or at 24.15 normalizing going to work while infected without reiterating how bad that is? Social isolation is the only thing that even has a chance of containing something like this. Yet here we have the president going on national television and downplaying its severity and normalizing social contact while sick.

My question is why are you defending that instead of calling for him to be accountable for it?

Restate? I heard the interview. He never minimized virus.

If you say that your "instinct of the mortality rate is not 3.3 as the WHO suggests but rather less than 1 percent than that is minimizing it is it not?"
Not what he nor I said. Why are you doing this? To be a troll? He said many don’t even know they have it and continue with their daily lives.
There are threads all over this board, for instance, started by Trumpists that the coronavirus is some kind of joke. Trump said that if you have it you can go to work to recover. I mean what kind of idiot says that. Trump was clear what he said and what he meant.
I just told you that’s not what he said and not what I am saying. Let me dumb it down.

If you know you have the virus seek help and follow CDC protocol. Many think it’s just a bad cold and still go to work. Have you never gone to work with a bad cold? You’re conflating the two in order to troll. Why are you purposely spreading false rumors and lies? Not only about Trump but now me? Hold yourself accountable
Does Trump hold himself accountable when he says that the WHO is purposefully inflating the mortality rate of Corona? at 23.30 or at 24.15 normalizing going to work while infected without reiterating how bad that is? Social isolation is the only thing that even has a chance of containing something like this. Yet here we have the president going on national television and downplaying its severity and normalizing social contact while sick.

My question is why are you defending that instead of calling for him to be accountable for it?

Restate? I heard the interview. He never minimized virus.

If you say that your "instinct of the mortality rate is not 3.3 as the WHO suggests but rather less than 1 percent than that is minimizing it is it not?"

He said he had a hunch and explained his hunch and I agree with it.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.
Not what he nor I said. Why are you doing this? To be a troll? He said many don’t even know they have it and continue with their daily lives.
There are threads all over this board, for instance, started by Trumpists that the coronavirus is some kind of joke. Trump said that if you have it you can go to work to recover. I mean what kind of idiot says that. Trump was clear what he said and what he meant.
I just told you that’s not what he said and not what I am saying. Let me dumb it down.

If you know you have the virus seek help and follow CDC protocol. Many think it’s just a bad cold and still go to work. Have you never gone to work with a bad cold? You’re conflating the two in order to troll. Why are you purposely spreading false rumors and lies? Not only about Trump but now me? Hold yourself accountable
Does Trump hold himself accountable when he says that the WHO is purposefully inflating the mortality rate of Corona? at 23.30 or at 24.15 normalizing going to work while infected without reiterating how bad that is? Social isolation is the only thing that even has a chance of containing something like this. Yet here we have the president going on national television and downplaying its severity and normalizing social contact while sick.

My question is why are you defending that instead of calling for him to be accountable for it?

Restate? I heard the interview. He never minimized virus.

He did "normalize" it by saying a lot of people have been going to work with it and nothing bad happened. Some people who aren't well informed may take that to mean, "Hey, the President said a lot of people are going to work with it--just because I'm sick doesn't mean I need to stay home; lots of other people don't."

No, he never said "Go to work." His unfortunate turn of phrase made it sound like people CAN though. He really needs to leave this to Pence.
Good Lord what a fucking idiot - No wonder corporations are reacting like they are - cancelling meetings, telling people to work from home, etc. The messaging oozing out of this shit-show national nightmare is stunningly awful.

Looks like another dump today. Sad

26,377.82 −713.04 (2.63%)
Mar 5, 10:43 AM EST
Too boot, you have Trumptard morons on this board disputing what Trump actually said. You can't make up their stupidity.

And when they have no other excuse or absurd mansplanation -They claim Donnie was only "joking". Those like Dotardo with zero sense of humor don't joke.

Well isn't this a TDS circle jerk.

Are you the power bottom?
Wow, the TDS argument. You know your argument is full of shit when you resort to TDS as a come back.

What - TDS and "57 States" no longer leaves a mark? Join the club ;)

Getting tired of having each other's fists up your respective asses?
There are threads all over this board, for instance, started by Trumpists that the coronavirus is some kind of joke. Trump said that if you have it you can go to work to recover. I mean what kind of idiot says that. Trump was clear what he said and what he meant.
I just told you that’s not what he said and not what I am saying. Let me dumb it down.

If you know you have the virus seek help and follow CDC protocol. Many think it’s just a bad cold and still go to work. Have you never gone to work with a bad cold? You’re conflating the two in order to troll. Why are you purposely spreading false rumors and lies? Not only about Trump but now me? Hold yourself accountable
Does Trump hold himself accountable when he says that the WHO is purposefully inflating the mortality rate of Corona? at 23.30 or at 24.15 normalizing going to work while infected without reiterating how bad that is? Social isolation is the only thing that even has a chance of containing something like this. Yet here we have the president going on national television and downplaying its severity and normalizing social contact while sick.

My question is why are you defending that instead of calling for him to be accountable for it?

Restate? I heard the interview. He never minimized virus.

If you say that your "instinct of the mortality rate is not 3.3 as the WHO suggests but rather less than 1 percent than that is minimizing it is it not?"

He said he had a hunch and explained his hunch and I agree with it.

Thereby minimizing it. And explain to me what place you figure having "hunches" have when discussing the mortality rate of a pathogen?

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