Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
99%of the people that contract the coronavirus will recover.

However, 99.99% of the Moon Bats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome will have the mental illness the rest of their lives, even with professional mental health treatment.
Wow, 99% will recover. So that would be only a maximum of 3 or 4 million dead Americans. No wonder Trump's not concerned.

It will be far less than the number of deaths from Obama mismanaging the H1N1 epidemic. Hell, there were 2,000 deaths before Obama even put down his college basketball playoff bracket worksheet to pay any attention.
Idiotic threads like this one start because the left really believes that everyone else is are too stupid to make their own political decisions. According to them, they believe themselves to be most "intelligent" people in the word, and as such, governing should be left up to them.

Take the "Russian interference" hoax of 2016, for example: Many liberals still believe that some voters were so stupid, that Russian "propaganda" or Facebook ads actually caused them to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

They also believe that most Trump-supporters slavishly follow his every word, as if they are "hypnotized" or some such bullshit. As if the President told people to "Go lay down in the middle of the road", someone would actually be stupid enough to do that.

I don't see the eventuality of anyone interpreting what President Trump said and actually going to work while infected with COVID-19. Most people stay home when they feel like they're coming down with something and in the event someone is actually diagnosed with COVID-19, they would automatically be quarantined by medical personnel.

This is just more bullshit scare-mongering by the left, and one more in a long like of attempts to discredit something the President said, or turn it into a BFD. They've done that so much the last three years, I hardly give threads like these a second look. We can fully expect to see this kind of crap on a daily basis, throughout his next term, because that's all the left can do at this point. They sure as hell can't beat him any other way.
Trump's an idiot. Don't blame the OP
Actually, the President has done a near perfect job of dealing with the virus, despite determined efforts from Democrats and the MSM to create panic in America. Only an idiot wouldn't see that.

" restrictions!!!"

They sure hated that when Trump started enacting them. :laughing0301:

so the fat fucker goes to India where there were KNOWN CASES of the virus -

fuck Trump

What do you want him to do? Stay in the White House and hide under the Oval Office desk?

How about you go to India and strengthen our ties with them. What's going to happen when co many people in China get sick and it disrupts our supply line?

F. you.
Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.

People with a bad cold will still impact a business. Better that one stay home, than that one infect others. Trump is stupid, that much cannot be denied.

Yep, he's so stupid that he consistently outsmarts his political opponents.

Really? Is being mocked, laughed at and exposed as dumb outsmarting his opponents, as well as most of the persons who once served in his administration have spoken out?
If a person is sick then they should not go to work...what boss wants them making others sick?
A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “So you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

thats exactly what the fat bastard said -
Jeepers if a person is sick then a person is sick. You want them to go to work sick and spread it? How unreal DUMB is that?
Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
As we test more people, we will find a lot of people with little or no symptoms that were previously unreported. This should bring down the mortality rate. How much is just a guess at this point. Also consider that the mortality varies greatly with age, the general health of a population, and the quality of healthcare.
A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “So you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

thats exactly what the fat bastard said -
I'm sure you believe that's exactly what Trump said, because you rely on the fake news media to tell you what he said rather than actually listening to what he said yourself.

It's a fake quote. And the article in the OP is fake news.
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Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
As we test more people, we will find a lot of people with little or no symptoms that were previously unreported. This should bring down the mortality rate. How much is just a guess at this point. Also consider that the mortality varies greatly with age, the general health of a population, and the quality of healthcare.
We will not be testing people who don't show clear symptoms of covid - 19 so we will never know the true mortality rate or even the t rue infection rate. The WHO is reporting the morality rate among confirmed cases of covid -19 only, not the mortality rate among he whole population of people who might have been infected.
Three more Corona hysteria threads have popped up.

This thing is sure spreading, at least 1400 threads on it and counting.
A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “So you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

thats exactly what the fat bastard said -

And that's exactly why he has been called a moron. And, in his case, that is not a pejorative, it's a fact!
A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “So you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

thats exactly what the fat bastard said -

What's your point?

What isnt true in that statement?
A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “So you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

thats exactly what the fat bastard said -

And that's exactly why he has been called a moron. And, in his case, that is not a pejorative, it's a fact!
No, that's why you should be called a moron. He's not telling people to go to work with the virus, he's saying that some, perhaps many, people will have such mild cases of it that they will need no special rest or treatment to recover from it. This is a great disappointment to Democrats who hoped panic over the virus and a high mortality rate will help them politically, so they lie about what the President said and falsely claim he told people with the virus to go to wo rk.
A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “So you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

thats exactly what the fat bastard said -

And that's exactly why he has been called a moron. And, in his case, that is not a pejorative, it's a fact!
No, that's why you should be called a moron. He's not telling people to go to work with the virus, he's saying that some, perhaps many, people will have such mild cases of it that they will need no special rest or treatment to recover from it. This is a great disappointment to Democrats who hoped panic over the virus and a high mortality rate will help them politically, so they lie about what the President said and falsely claim he told people with the virus to go to wo rk.
Liberals can't read. They wear TDS blinders that prevent them from understanding anything they read.

This will be added to the long list of lies as they rewrite history.
Three more Corona hysteria threads have popped up. ...

Your are right. Don't be hysteric. "Workers" ... ah sorry: "ideologists" ... of the white house: Go to "work" with Corona. Nothing is more relaxing than quarantine holidays and Donald Trumps immune system is great, greater, greatest, super. Personally he will fight and win against Corona - for the USA: USA first.

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Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
As we test more people, we will find a lot of people with little or no symptoms that were previously unreported. This should bring down the mortality rate. How much is just a guess at this point. Also consider that the mortality varies greatly with age, the general health of a population, and the quality of healthcare.
Exactly. Right now they are relying on PCR testing to check for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen genome markers in people suspected of having COVID-19 or who are known to have been exposed to the virus. However the PCR test will not detect anything after someone has fully recovered.

Once they have a reliable serology test to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies public health officials will have a much better idea of the actual mortality rate, which will undoubtedly be significantly less than 3.4%.

Singapore has announced that they have developed a serology test for the antibodies, but it will take time to determine how reliable it is.

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