Trump Having Meltdown-Publicly Displaying His Mental Illness

You really aren't bright enough (that means smart) to hijack a thread. Find a new job.
I didn't know this was a pissing contest
maybe some disgruntled diabetic piss at that. i think some people are just abusive, toxic personalities, uptight wanting to smash someone's face in with a brick, but they know that they can't get away with that, so they go online and take their frustrations out on their keyboards. it's very sad, no sense of humor, no fun, very sad indeed. if you ever want to remind anyone that no one exists for their pleasure, no one is obliged to produce happiness for anyone else, especially when all they want is a quick fix instant gratification style, you know? losing the public trust, it's like losing a limb, once it's gone it's gone, doesn't grow back no matter how much it still itches or tingles... both trump and hillary are the kind of leaders a nation gets when it's about to go the way of the dinosaur. behold, the madness of king george, such a mild form of insanity compared to what we're soon to see in these debates!

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