Trump - Hillary's Dream Candidate

Trump cannot win!!!



Trump will never last the sensationalism and empty rhetoric spewing from his mouth, on the other hand Bush suffers from having to endorse his brothers positions while at the same time demonstrate he is not his brother, most importantly lacks the ability to galvanize the party and sway independent voter support. In short both, are doomed to fail long before the general election. Trump like Ross Perot will fail and start a third party movement which will guarantee another Clinton ascends to the White House. Like it or not Trump has succeeded in feeding his narcissistic tendencies at the cost of the country.
what a small percentage of idiots THINK is "great" is far from it... true story.
Trump's polls are awful, outside of his supporters.
  • 27% of Republicans will not support Trump, as many Republicans who support him
  • Trump has the worst ratings favorability of 12 candidates from both parties
  • 60% of independents dislike him
  • 69% of young people dislike him
  • 84% of Latinos dislike him
  • 87% of blacks dislike him
  • 59% of Americans do not trust Trump
  • 67% of Americans say Clinton has the experience to be President, 34% say Trump does
  • 59% of Americans say that Trump "doesn't care about people like them." 83% of Hispanics and 88% of blacks say the same
  • Clinton leads Trump by 20% amongst young people
  • Clinton leads Trump in most head-to-head polls ever taken
  • Trump leads Clinton by 12% amongst whites, less than Romney lead Obama
Who said all this?

Why, none other than Karl Rove.

Trump Is the Democrats’ Dream Nominee

Oh, but wait, Rove is a RINO. Or, he's the establishment.
Don't panic yet... Trump is getting 1/3+ of the republican voters, but that means 2/3's do not support him.....if the race is culled to two or three, preferably two candidates, then anyone of them has a chance of beating trump.
Trump's polls are awful, outside of his supporters.
  • 27% of Republicans will not support Trump, as many Republicans who support him
  • Trump has the worst ratings favorability of 12 candidates from both parties
  • 60% of independents dislike him
  • 69% of young people dislike him
  • 84% of Latinos dislike him
  • 87% of blacks dislike him
  • 59% of Americans do not trust Trump
  • 67% of Americans say Clinton has the experience to be President, 34% say Trump does
  • 59% of Americans say that Trump "doesn't care about people like them." 83% of Hispanics and 88% of blacks say the same
  • Clinton leads Trump by 20% amongst young people
  • Clinton leads Trump in most head-to-head polls ever taken
  • Trump leads Clinton by 12% amongst whites, less than Romney lead Obama
Who said all this?

Why, none other than Karl Rove.

Trump Is the Democrats’ Dream Nominee

Oh, but wait, Rove is a RINO. Or, he's the establishment.

Trump cannot win!!!





^ must be tough going through life as the ugly step sister...

Amputee soldier's Muslim Facebook post goes viral -

"Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg," he wrote. "A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.

"A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field. A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life.

"A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK.

"A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk.

"A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.

"A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didn't know how to deal with my medicines and side effects."

"Blaming all Muslims for the actions of groups like Daeshe and the Taliban, is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the KKK or Westboro Baptist Church," he added.

"Get a grip of your lives, hug your family and get back to work."
just ask darf liarability what's up and then go with the complete opposite :thup:
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