trump hints the Arizona lame recount will lead to him getting back in the White House

Sorry bout that,

1. The DNC.
2. And their machines.
3. The machines grass hopper, the machines.
4. Those who controlled the machines created 50 million votes out of thin air.
5. Poof!


The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.
First of all, it is an audit not a recount. That means illegal ballots will not be counted. And those illegal ballots will be evidence no one can deny.
There are no illegal ballets if there were it would have been by the right for Trump. You do not understand how the voting system works or you are just plain dumb. Voter fraud is extremely rare — a fact that won't be changed by the Trump team's repeated attempts to subvert the election.
Sorry bout that,

1. My so worried about these audits?
2. First of many.
3. Why bemoan and scream to fight against the audit, seeing your so sure everything was up and up, on the 2020 election.
4. Why aren't you transparent?
5. If your right, then this will all go away.
6. But if your wrong.

More TDS butthurt and a lot of fear being projected by leftards here. Seeing as this is an AUDIT not a recount.
Its neither recount or audit, its just for sowing doubt into future elections.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.
If finding cheating to stop cheating is lame then the episodes of "cheaters" where you catch your wife cheating is lame. Next time you see your best friend, tell him he's lame. *L*
He didn't damage anything.

The state election offices did.

All kinds of garbage going on that has shaken the confidence of many.
Like what?

The stupid audit in Arizona.

Do you live under a frigging rock.

I don't mind them questioning the results. And if they want to audit...fine.

If they don't find anything, do you think they shut up ?
The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.

From my observation lookout, the AZ recount is disturbing. ALL reasonable people know how this will end up - with an opinion that there was MASSIVE FRAUD!!! and THOUSANDS of bad Biden Ballots. Proof? Nah, they don't need that.

Wadda sham and scam by a Q-Kook letting idiots like THIS who was PART of the violent insurrection count ballots.

Then where do they go from there.

So what if they say MASSIVE FRAUD ? If they can't prove goes nowhere.

Why are you so bent on preventing people from looking stupid ?

It keeps you in some type of company anyway.
Were you on Mars on January 6th? We are six months from the election loss by trump and the SOB is still whining about a stolen election. There has NEVER been evidence of massive fraud....but that won't stop trump and his cult. The IDIOT is talking about having the Ninjas did audits in Georgia...Pennsylvania...and Michigan. He really wants to start a second civil war....all because he cannot admit he lost an election.

How you chose to read things is not my issue.

Trump is Trump. He has an ego. Get over it.

For four years, all we heard about was Trump from the left.

Do you guys ever get tired of his continual occupation of your heads ?

Maybe we’ll get over Dear Leader when he and his cult get the fuck over the election they lost six months ago.
Y’think? :rolleyes-41:
He'll never admit he lost. Never. Ever.

As for the sheep, the hope is that enough will peel off over time that the whole thing can fit back on the fringe where it belongs.

They still have the propaganda coming at them 24/7/365. This is gonna take a long, long time.

I agree, and the more often he repeats the Big Lie, the more his cult believe it. So 70% of Republicans believe Biden stole the election. I think that half of those don't REALLY believe it, but they know it's Trump's Party and they're afraid of him and to admit to their Trumpist friends that they don't believe it.

So figure the die hards at about 35%. It's beyond amazing - You invite this guy to your party and he hits on your girlfriend, tips over the punchbowl and winds up wearing one of your lampshades as you pour him into the Uber.

And yet you're STUPID enough to invite him to your next party? :rolleyes-41:

The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.
Bush is a globalist. What did you expect him to say?
We do alright in the global economy and globally in general. The "globalist" thing really doesn't strike much fear in me.
Does $30T strike any fear in you?
Sorry bout that,

1. So much bullshit from those who support the steal.
2. If the audit goes for Trump, Trumps at fault.
3. If the audit supports Biden, Trumps at fault again.
4. No you nutters better come up with some better bullshit.
5. AZ is about to rock your dumb little world.
6. And you will be the ones whining then, and it will be GLORIOUS!!!!!
7. I wonder what new bullshit you nutters will be saying, I can wait, don't answer that!

My trump humpers are Stupid. The election has been over for six months. trump lost. Get over it.....please...cause he can't. trump is being eaten from within because he cannot admit he lost.

That is a lot of eating. Even for a fatboy like him!
Sorry bout that,

1. The DNC.
2. And their machines.
3. The machines grass hopper, the machines.
4. Those who controlled the machines created 50 million votes out of thin air.
5. Poof!


Ewe had better get this proof to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto!
Sorry about that!!
Sorry bout that,

1. The DNC.
2. And their machines.
3. The machines grass hopper, the machines.
4. Those who controlled the machines created 50 million votes out of thin air.
5. Poof!

Newsmax admits Dominion was not manipulated.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.

The American people who live and vote in the great state of Arizona voted for a republican state house and a republican state senate. Nobody disputes that.

Anyone who is arguing that Traitor Joe actually won any state that went GOP state house and senate is certifiably treasonous or a sub human math invalid.

Donald trump won AZ

And everyone whining about this audit knows it.
The man is losing his tiny mind.
He believes it. His Trumpsters believe it. When it doesn't happen, they'll play the victim.

All we can do at this point is stand back and observe.
Just heard President Bush on a podcast. He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it was ever stolen. Did not enjoy his time in office, but nice to know there are rational republicans out there.
Trump is a loser chump.
You people called him Hitler and the Devil when he was in office. Shut the fuck up.

The man is losing his tiny mind. There were official audits performed in Arizona by independent auditors. Now the biased Cyber Ninjas are combing through ballots and even using UV lights. What is that for?

The idiot trump just cannot admit that he lost the election. We are six months into the Biden administration. The man is giving Putin what he wants....which is to damage the confidence in the US electoral system. And the GOPQ is going along with the Lie.

The American people who live and vote in the great state of Arizona voted for a republican state house and a republican state senate. Nobody disputes that.

Anyone who is arguing that Traitor Joe actually won any state that went GOP state house and senate is certifiably treasonous or a sub human math invalid.

Donald trump won AZ

And everyone whining about this audit knows it.
Dump lost AZ bigly

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