Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

Then you are saying Trump sold political access to China while a sitting president, like the Big Guy?
If I remember, it was Trump who screwed up China taking over our manufacturing jobs via tariffs.
I didn’t say that at all. Selling access was made legal by SCOTUS about 10 years ago in a famous case of a Republican governor selling access to his government.

It’s just a fact that Trump took money from
Wrong as usual. It is just ANOTHER first for Trump.
  • First billionaire president.
  • First president with no prior political experience who kicked the Clinton's ass as well.
  • First president to kick a communist out of the FBI.
  • First president to defeat ISIS.
  • First president to actually fix the VA.
  • First president in a long time not to start a war and to get out of all others.
  • First president to secure the southern border.
  • First president to tackle national crime, especially foreign gangs.
  • First president to ever be impeached twice, for bullshit charges, and beat BOTH.
  • First president to be proven smarter and more right than the CDC and Tony Fauchi.
  • First president to have an election stolen from him.
  • First president to get raided at his home for things that belong to him they could have just asked for.
  • First sitting president to get 75 million votes.
  • First president to scare the shit out of the corrupt deep state democrats so badly, that they have to throw 75 lawsuits at him hoping that even one of them might possibly stick!
All true. And that is what traitor Dems are scared of.
You should be grateful, shit for brains.. The alternative is much worse.

Remember, you were already exposed as a liar and a fraud 20 pages ago. You don't even have a stump to stand on.

You've proven to the whole world that you're just another lying leftard.

I tire of the leftard BS. I'm done here. Bye.
That freak IS a tree stump.
Trump’s indictment is a victory for democracy and the rule of law – every American should be proud that the United States has clearly demonstrated that no one is above the law, including former presidents.
How about all the Black Thugs the Fat Fag Bragg has let go?
Trump received millions from China.

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease

People do business with China all the time. Not illegal.
A sitting President can't, though. It violates the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. It's right there in the linked article.

Trump was actually violating that Emoluments Clause through his entire Presidency, boldly and out in the open, but because the DOJ doesn't indict Presidents while they're in office, there really isn't any way to enforce it. He was sued over it on Day One, but his team just stalled that until it became moot when he got voted out.
Mark Levin was really upset at that tonight.

It was fun listening to him flail.
Levin also said that Trump has a book coming out called "Letters to Trump". LOL... It should be a rather hilarious read.

Yes... every time Biden doesn't act to defend the USA against the CCP... like allowing their spy balloon to photograph our strategic bases....

Who paid president Biden to not shoot down the Chinese balloon? When did he receive the money?

Biden admin has been harsher on China than even trump. Pay attention...leave Your alternative universe and come out and breath, get some oxygen to Your brain!

The right wing fake news lies from your lying leaders, are dangerous to this Nation!!

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