Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

I have no idea what they have charged him with. Neither do you. I'm fairly sure cheating on your taxes has a longer than 2 year limitation though.
I have been reading that this may be a 30 count indictment.
And it is only one of five seperate cases working against him around the country.
Sure, this is unprecedented.....but so is the level of Trump's corruption.
All we are seeing now is the result of allowing some fool as corrupt and devoid of integrity as Trump into the presidency.
I have been reading that this may be a 30 count indictment.
And it is only one of five seperate cases working against him around the country.
Sure, this is unprecedented.....but so is the level of Trump's corruption.
All we are seeing now is the result of allowing some fool as corrupt and devoid of integrity as Trump into the presidency.

It's bigger than that. Trump is just a symptom. The problem is allowing the rich to get away with things others can not.

This is once again a good place to point out that not a single banker was prosecuted over the 2018 collapse. Banks were gave billions and then they were caught over and over still screwing people over. They had to pay some fines to the continues on as usual.

Trump had been allowed to get away with things for years because he had money. He's not the only one.
When your mainstream media is locked up on the same page 99% of the time I'd say I know your politics pretty well
Okay. What are my positions on immigration, race, Single Payer, the border, political correctness, identity politics and abortion?

I'm sure this will be easy for you. Go.

I have been reading that this may be a 30 count indictment.
And it is only one of five seperate cases working against him around the country.
Sure, this is unprecedented.....but so is the level of Trump's corruption.
All we are seeing now is the result of allowing some fool as corrupt and devoid of integrity as Trump into the presidency.

Did she work for the company or do business with the company, or was her NDA a payoff to keep her mouth shut about a sexual encounter/affair with Trump?

Which has fuck-all to do with Trump attempting to silence his whore in order to influence the election.
Oh you mean like Biden using his whores to silence the Hunter Lap Top Story in order to influence an election ??
Thank you Democrats.

It's a special kind of stupid that gets online and actually brags about being bilked by a two-bit grifter like twice impeached, one term, indicted co-conspirator Trump.

Are you a Trump University graduate by any chance?
It's a special kind of stupid that gets online and actually brags about being bilked by a two-bit grifter like twice impeached, one term, indicted co-conspirator Trump.

Are you a Trump University graduate by any chance?

Maybe he ate Trump Steak on Trump Airlines.
The issue of today -

The political Left is seemingly attempting to "normalize" for political reasoning, all of their "agenda's", and much of their personal activities in life as well..

Why ??

It's simple, they are insulating themselves from future scrutiny, and even from possible criminal liability through the "normalization" of things in which they promote or are engaged in that might actually be criminal......

On the other hand, we being a majority Christian and/or Christian mindful nation, has always relied upon the written word, and the guidance along with the forgiveness that the written word brings to us, otherwise it encourages us to try and do our best, and to do our best to follow those words, but if we fail then hopefully we can correct ourselves and try again to get it right before it's over.

Now how is it that nobody on the left wants to compare notes on what the two different opposed ideologies, culture's, and their religious or non-religious atmosphere's bring to the tables, and to also compare which ideology and culture suffers the most due to the daily choice's that are being made in each area of life ?

Oh wait, I think those studies have been done in real time, but of course the negative result's are being ignored or hidden big time by the government now, and by it's media arm operating with the government .

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