Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

Politics should never be about the person but what the party represents. The party is too big to be held in the hands of just one person, especially if that person is as irresponsible as trump is, or has questionable senility on Biden's part. Doubt kills a party.
True...but the GOP hasn't even updated their platform since 2016....policies isn't what they are all about.
What are you talking about ? Mail-in voting is more popular than ever; it's not going away anytime soon. Even trump voted by mail in the last election.

Again with the VBM (Vote By Mail). With no proof whatsoever, Cons are so goddamn sure of the evils of VBM, never mind that the Traitor has been a VBM voter for years.

VBM is safe. VBM is secure. The envelope you receive to return your ballot has QR Code on it. When the Registrar of Voters scans the return envelope, the QR containing your name, address and party affiliation and signature is scanned. Then the ballot is removed and scanned. By scanning the QR Code, the Voting Official can check if you have already voted and if you have the ballot is disqualified and YOU receive a visit from local law enforcement.

Election Fraud/Voter Fraud is extremely rare. Less .03% in California in the last General Election. ReNaziKlans, including the Traitor use V.B.M. when they vote. Let me you Cons, that members of ReNaziKlan Party love the whole V.B.M. voting system, except when they are attacking the very system they use.

Oh? You think Trump will get more votes than the Democrat this time?


The Traitor did NOT beat the Dems last time, this time if he is the nominee, the ReNaziKlans have their ass handed to them. I know he has a solid 30% of the vote, but 30% ain't near enough to win. It sticks in the Traitor throat that he lost to Biden by the amount as the Traitor beat HRC ins Electoral College in '16. The Traitor cannot accept being the loser he is.
Again with the VBM (Vote By Mail). With no proof whatsoever, Cons are so goddamn sure of the evils of VBM, never mind that the Traitor has been a VBM voter for years.

VBM is safe. VBM is secure. The envelope you receive to return your ballot has QR Code on it. When the Registrar of Voters scans the return envelope, the QR containing your name, address and party affiliation and signature is scanned. Then the ballot is removed and scanned. By scanning the QR Code, the Voting Official can check if you have already voted and if you have the ballot is disqualified and YOU receive a visit from local law enforcement.

Election Fraud/Voter Fraud is extremely rare. Less .03% in California in the last General Election. ReNaziKlans, including the Traitor use V.B.M. when they vote. Let me you Cons, that members of ReNaziKlan Party love the whole V.B.M. voting system, except when they are attacking the very system they use.

Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises​


VBM is safe.


More outright lies from the retarded brain dead left.

VBM is secure.


See above.

The envelope you receive to return your ballot has QR Code on it.


You are totally, completely full of shit.

When the Registrar of Voters scans the return envelope, the QR containing your name, address and party affiliation and signature is scanned. Then the ballot is removed and scanned. By scanning the QR Code, the Voting Official can check if you have already voted and if you have the ballot is disqualified and YOU receive a visit from local law enforcement.

What the fuck - these asswipes just make this shit up!

None of these fucktards has told the truth since the turn of the century. These assholes are LIARS, they stink up any room they enter.

Election Fraud/Voter Fraud is extremely rare. Less .03% in California in the last General Election. ReNaziKlans, including the Traitor use V.B.M. when they vote. Let me you Cons, that members of ReNaziKlan Party love the whole V.B.M. voting system, except when they are attacking the very system they use.
What a jackass.

The left has lost its marbles.

Completely. Entirely.

More outright lies from the retarded brain dead left.


See above.


You are totally, completely full of shit.

What the fuck - these asswipes just make this shit up!

None of these fucktards has told the truth since the turn of the century. These assholes are LIARS, they stink up any room they enter.

What a jackass.

The left has lost its marbles.

Completely. Entirely.
Ok great. Prove it.
United States of America: 1776-2023

You will hate what comes next, Leftists. But if you were smarter, you wouldn't be Leftists.
United States of America: 1776-2023

You will hate what comes next, Leftists. But if you were smarter, you wouldn't be Leftists.

And what, pray tell, comes next? Now, don't keep it a secret where it passes and no one was the wiser to it's passing.

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