Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

Pervasive lies take hold easily, now a days....and I haven't seen anyone out there in public or the news even talking about hunter.... that are democrats.
That's what the dem groups were created to do, spread lies about the evidence forthcoming from the laptop from hell. Do you actually think for a minute that dems would line up against Biden and stop the implementation of their radical agenda?
Repo's tried to get the 150 SAR's from treasury.......last year, dems said ok, if you get one democrat to sign on to it. Then this year, repo's in charge Biden changed the rules in an attempt to deny repo's access......why would he do that? Nothing to see I guess...LOL
I've seen dems in committees with Republicans spreading lies.... being countered by others on the committee that are democrats.
I've seen documents and emails that are quite incriminating that need further investigation, yet the dems come up with misleading cover up explanations, that obviously,is an attempt to counter the evidence found.

Keep drinking the Koolaid.
I'm hearing personally autographed mug shots will soon be available.

Former President Donald Trump raked in more than $5 million in donations in the 48 hours after he was indicted on Thursday.

Trump's supporters threw in $4 million in the first 24 hours alone, followed by more than $1 million the following day, according to Axios.
The funding surge serves to partially confirm the claims from Trump and some of his allies that an indictment would only serve to further ingratiate him to his base.

"This is someone who has run twice for President of the United States," Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller told the outlet. "There's a whole new group of Trump supporters who are angered by what they see as this political persecution."

Well, there was that China Virus, it may have had something to do with that amount of spending.
I doubt you would agree as you're one of the ilk.
He spent most of that money before the pandemic began. But, yes the pandemic has hurt both trump's and Biden's administrations. Possibly Biden's more because of trump's mishandling of the crisis in the first place.
Well, the unofficial stuff is. The stuff his team has endorsed is made in the USA.
The Washington Post had the best coverage of trump merchandise ( August 16, 2016 ). It's mostly made in 12 countries other than the US. They account for the majority of the merchandise sold ( 88 % ). Even trump supporters buy products from foreign countries to get the cheaper prices that go along with it. They're not fools in that respect at least
New York City of Trump's Dreams, Delivers HIs Comeuppance.

NEW YORK (AP) — His name has been plastered on this city’s tabloids, bolted to its buildings and cemented to a special breed of brash New York confidence. Now, with Donald Trump due to return to the place that put him on the map, the city he loved is poised to deliver his comeuppance.

Rejected by its voters, ostracized by its protesters and now rebuked by its jurors, the people of New York have one more thing on which to splash Trump’s name: Indictment No. 71543-23.

“He wanted to be in Manhattan. He loved Manhattan. He had a connection to Manhattan,” says Barbara Res, a longtime employee of the former president who was a vice president at the Trump Organization. “I don’t know that he has accepted it and I don’t know that he believes it, but New York turned on him.”

The people of New York City despise the Traitor. He was desperate to be accepted by that City's elite, and now all he is an sad, sick individual facing indictment.
Trump is too crazy. But hey, if they dems screwed up and Trump wins, we get what we deserve.
trump is full of surprises, the next one's going to be on him. I have a very strong feeling he's going to die.
I wish ill on no one. But the best thing for my country is not Trump.
Oh, I'm not wishing this either. Have you seen him lately ? Physically, he appears all washed out. And his aura isn't that shitty gray anymore, it's a lot darker. Not black yet, but getting there.

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