Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times


Much of the damage caused by Trump is irreparable.

And conservatives want Trump to be ‘president’ again to continue his destruction of America; such is the right’s contempt for this country.
After everything you see going on within leftist world, do you think the people want that ? Better think again on that one.
Actually, they have been stealing money from the people of the future for a long time. Who cares about these unborn bastards.
In the days of metal money, inflation was expressed by adding non-precious metals to coins. I wonder if it was like the Middle Ages, what percentage of silver and gold would be preserved in today's dollars?
In today's world, money is not backed up by gold, silver or any other commodity. It runs simply on the faith of the people of that nation. So when the shit finally hits the fan, it's going to be a collosal world-wide failure.
Are the MAGA hats really from China?
Almost everything is made in China, they have become the world's factory. I noticed that the other day in the grocery store at least 25% of our food is coming from China now Especially sea food I couldn't find any American produced shrimp. Every brand was from China.
Nahhh, if they found illegal activity, he would have been indicted already...this is all for political show! Hide and watch!
If what you think is true, why have the dems formed about 5-6 attack groups to try and counter the revelations coming out?
In today's world, money is not backed up by gold, silver or any other commodity. It runs simply on the faith of the people of that nation. So when the shit finally hits the fan, it's going to be a collosal world-wide failure.
Nope, because none of those commodities are valued except for what intrinsic value man places upon them. You can't drink or eat them to stay alive (go back to the great depression).

A balanced system or budget that controls the depletion of natural resources is best, and then we are to allocate printed money or notes if you will, and placing value's upon the money or notes that are printed, but backed up by such natural resources that support life of the human being and the family..

We should be looking at commodities such as things created through farming, and then supporting them by spurring on those farming operations that feed us, and we should be spurring textile manufacturing in order to clothe us, and we should always keep and support a military to protect us, and lastly we should put money out for the exchange of commodities and the exchanges in ideas with one another, otherwise for all other trading that is going on between us.

Once the system was created back in the day, then the balancing sheets were controlled in order to keep balance in the many individual economic systems being operated within our nation (allocating a budget for the spur and creation of ideas and necessity), then while we are on a type of grid that monitors all activities in the adding of values or value to the system, and the monitoring of the depletion of our resources we end up with the U.S. budget that was created for all activities of economic activity to be funded and fueled where needed.

The Democrat's are destroying the system.
The whole, "He did not break law" is a lie. While making a hush money payoff porno actress and Playboy Bunny in order to prevent them from telling the world he was banging them while he was married to another woman are not in and of themselves against the law, covering up those payments to protect a political campaign is against the law, big time against the law. In New York State it is a felony.

A conspiracy count could be did the Traitor knowingly and willingly and with intent to do the same conspire with then fixer Michael Cohen to make such payments and were such payments paid out of campaign funds (a felony) or were such payments funneled through (according to Ghouli they were) the Traitor's business accounts and in so doing were those payments declared as business payments which of course they were not.

I'm sure we hear, once again that Mr. Cohen is a disbarred lawyer who lies his ass off. Remember MAGA MAGGOTS, Cohen lied at the direction of the Traitor and made those payments at the direction of the Traitor and he has check from the Traitor as proof. Also, Cohen was returned to prison after the Traitor discovered that Cohen was writing a book about the damn thing had butt boy billy barr returned to prison (Cohen challenged his return to prison and won).

AND, the Traitor is now attacking the judge, threatening the judge. NOT SMART. Count on the judge telling the Traitor that such threats are also against the law and if the Traitor continues such behavior, there will be a cell waiting for him at Rikers.

The Traitor has zero control of the court, the judge and the jury. He is finally going to held accountable for his actions, and the Traitor is shitting in his diapers at the thought of it.
Well in the 4 years he was in he increased the national debt by 7.8 trillion, the most of any president in history, so we're very lucky he didn't win reelection for a second term. No one could have afforded that. He would have bankrupted the country like he's done to so many of his business schemes. You can't run a country on irresponsible schemes, that isn't what made America great.
Well, there was that China Virus, it may have had something to do with that amount of spending.
I doubt you would agree as you're one of the ilk.
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yep. & yet donny is in deep doo doo over the whole ordeal. 💩 :lmao:
I'm hearing personally autographed mug shots will soon be available.

Former President Donald Trump raked in more than $5 million in donations in the 48 hours after he was indicted on Thursday.

Trump's supporters threw in $4 million in the first 24 hours alone, followed by more than $1 million the following day, according to Axios.
The funding surge serves to partially confirm the claims from Trump and some of his allies that an indictment would only serve to further ingratiate him to his base.

"This is someone who has run twice for President of the United States," Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller told the outlet. "There's a whole new group of Trump supporters who are angered by what they see as this political persecution."

Did you know The snidey tactics of witholding and hiding stuff that Bragg did means the DA's office and judge(that knew this) are guilty of DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW
Section 242 of Title 1
Also under that law it would ESPECIALLY be violated if Bragg was the leak on the Grand Jury, which violated Trumps rights.
Also Bragg and his cohorts openly admitted a few things in public speeches in front of news corps that point to clear cut racial bias.
I found more proof of Bragg and associates Crimes besides the obvious timing obstruction and false charge false arrest to come tues, there's something openly in front of us during their present and past speeches in front of press.
You'll notice there is no racial diversity in Bragg's foot soldiers, and they all made the mistake of talking about race and his political affiliation in a case that does not warrant those defaming and racist comments and in premeditative years before the charges. So they exposed themselves as "radically" prejudiced.
This falls into Braggs act of false arrest as being a hate crime, which is a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or disability(which they accused Trump of being many times), social status and even political affiliation-and political ideology (which the violators proved prejudiced against in their speeches).

Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, people cannot be prosecuted simply for their beliefs. People may be offended or upset about beliefs (which they admited they were) but it can not be used for prejudiced cases, especially when those with your views are not treated equal upon the law.
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I see if there is nothing there there, you sure as hell seem quite concerned.
Pervasive lies take hold easily, now a days....and I haven't seen anyone out there in public or the news even talking about hunter.... that are democrats.

I've seen dems in committees with Republicans spreading lies.... being countered by others on the committee that are democrats.
Pervasive lies take hold easily, now a days....and I haven't seen anyone out there in public or the news even talking about hunter.... that are democrats.

I've seen dems in committees with Republicans spreading lies.... being countered by others on the committee that are democrats.
They can't speak out like Gabbard and Drew Did while in the party, because they will set their own up to be ousted and ruined, see Al Franken rail roading as an example, see how they chased Gabbard out and how they treat Manchin and how careful he has to be. This is why I always post the circle of movies this reminds me of, one being the "distinguishd gentleman" where the political corruption ypu either join the game or be ousted. Which is why they hate non CFR CFA members (cause foreign committees is where the big $ is, that's why Hillary wanted to be Sec of State & why similarly corrupt Kerry soon Followed.) Circle of thieves that know they can trust each other, anyone outside that circle is a threat. Trump was not a politician or CFA CFR member, nor would be giving those foreign donors their access and needs.

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