Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

Looks like I'm not the only one thinking about the Biden family, given Trump's arrest for withholding dirt.
An age-old American taboo has been broken and
Elon Musk correctly points out that this Overton Window should be open to both parties.

Now they reminded Clinton of the emails and Biden will be reminded of the laptop
TRUMP then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws," Bragg alleged. "In total, 34 false entries were made in New York business records to conceal the initial covert $130,000 payment."

made via Trump himself, or his subordinates?

Made for him by a lawyer of his. Then reimbursed the lawyer.
Pence is a good man, even though he's a bigot. I believe he did the right thing too. People make mistakes, but you can't defend people who make them on purpose.
He failed to back up Trump when Trump told the truth. Pence wussed out. I don't want a wussy in the White House. You may hate Trump to kingdom come for this, that or the other petty reason, but Trump never once lied. Not once.
Too funny...I guess sharing is caring?

As time passed, the protesters and the counter-protesters got bored. Neither had much to show for themselves. “Go get another mask!,” a Trump supporter yelled at a counter-protester. “Go get another Big Gulp!,” her target shouted back.
The New York Police Department, which was out in force for the event, had divided the park into two halves to keep the opposing sides separated. It all proceeded predictably, depressingly: Three gay men on the anti-Trump side shouted and cursed at a woman. She responded using anti-gay slurs. On the anti-Trump side, a group resisted when a Fox News reporter entered, yelling, “Get the hell out!” A man took an impressive hit of a joint and blew the smoke into the reporter’s face. She strolled away, uncaringly.

Everyone who hires a lawyer reimburses them. Nothing like damning some one if they do or damning them if they don't. Play fair, Mr. Faun. It will keep you from returning to Hades. Well, OTOH, some like it hot. Love, beautress.


And if you pay your lawyer for committing a crime for you, you're also guilty.

As far as Hades, that's a fictional place, like Agartha.
Getting a little ahead of yourself as usual.

oh dear. part of the charges involve karen mcdougal - the bunny that donny banged & michael cohen has it on tape.

oh my....& well, in just a few weeks, the e jean carroll trial will start.

& then there's the NYS AG letitia james & georgia.

& jack smith... parts A & B...

Wheres the conviction then?

lol ... first it was 'where's the indictments' now you wanna move them goal posts? ne'eh ... one thing at a time, starting with NY.

Has your boy been convicted or are you only having a public episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome.....

yada yada yada

Hey Babe, you're as predictable as a time piece.

TRUMP then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws," Bragg alleged. "In total, 34 false entries were made in New York business records to conceal the initial covert $130,000 payment."

made via Trump himself, or his subordinates?

the act of falsifying biz'nez records went from misdemeanors to felonies was because it was carried out to CONceal election violations.

the act of falsifying biz'nez records went from misdemeanors to felonies was because it was carried out to CONceal election violations.
No because Bragg was running out of time to file, SOL is up 4-15. I also find it very odd he needs until Dec 4th to have a preliminary hearing. That's an awful long time from indictment to prelim in my book. Probably having a hard time making his case. We'll see.
No because Bragg was running out of time to file, SOL is up 4-15. I also find it very odd he needs until Dec 4th to have a preliminary hearing. That's an awful long time from indictment to prelim in my book. Probably having a hard time making his case. We'll see.

you would think donny & his mob lawyer would want a speedy trial - get it done & over with ... prove his innocence.... but nooooooooooooo.... they are fine with the time- which i wonder if there's been a flipper & bragg needs time to dive deeper. still doesn't change all the other trials & tribulations of yer chosen one. & all the cash raised doesn't really matter - he was spectacular at funding the (R) war chest but the losing loser from loser town still lost.
And what crime was invented just for President Trump, hon? Love, beautress.
david pecker :heehee:

who gave up the goods on donny & corroborated michael cohen's admission of washing donny's hands in 34 counts of biz'nez fraud & election violations.

not ' invented ' ....


but committed.


And if you pay your lawyer for committing a crime for you, you're also guilty.

As far as Hades, that's a fictional place, like Agartha.
I'd think someone who calls himself "Faun" has a map hidden somewhere for a location he foists on others as a fictional place. And every meal is a roast feast. At least in your case there won't be many Trump supporters going there, because they'd be at a Christian prayer meeting where everyone is rocked in the arms of the Lord. Any time you want to share an eternity with people who love and care for freedom, hope, and acceptance, attending a prayer meeting that teaches what the Kingdom of God, well, it is free and will fill your heart with love for Jesus. And the air conditioning is perfect. There is a fountain filled with forgiveness there, and a balm for every pain that brought tears or sadness to you. All that you suffered will be exchanged for the peace of God and a healing that cannot be explained by fools like me. Love, beautress.

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david pecker :heehee:

who gave up the goods on donny & corroborated michael cohen's admission of washing donny's hands in 34 counts of biz'nez fraud & election violations.

not ' invented ' ....


but committed.

Those 34 counts were Satan's fable, love. There was no crime committed by anyone but the Deep Staters who got a black man in trouble, and he could lose his job and get disbarred for what they would have done if that judge hadn't done the right thing and thrown the entire lying case out. All men have peckers, dear. My older brother told me so when Mom and Dad weren't around. And actually, I didn't have a clue what he was ranting on about. :eek: Love, beautress.
Those 34 counts were Satan's fable, love. There was no crime committed by anyone but the Deep Staters who got a black man in trouble, and he could lose his job and get disbarred for what they would have done if that judge hadn't done the right thing and thrown the entire lying case out. All men have peckers, dear. My older brother told me so when Mom and Dad weren't around. And actually, I didn't have a clue what he was ranting on about. :eek: Love, beautress.


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