Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

I'm not a big Trump fan, I only voted for him when he proved in the debate that Hillary supported partial-birth abortion.


I am angry that Democrats are interfering with the 2024 election using the legal system as a weapon.

I would rather have any other Republican who is running, but I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee.
Mr. Trump will be the first former president to face criminal charges. The precise charges are not yet known, but the case is focused on a hush-money payment to a porn star during his 2016 campaign.

Start the music
Not just one but another playboy model McDougal, possibly
If prosecutors convince a grand jury that an individual has committed a crime then that individual should be inducted regardless of the fact that said individual has a privately armed militia of anti-democracy racist fascists who would storm the US Capitol for him and any law facility when he complains the deep state is out to get him.

Shove the deep state up his fascist ass for every crime the Orange hate mongering leader of losers commits including spitting on a sidewalk while blubbering about his victim hood.

This is a good appetizer for the main dish of high treason and or insurrection.

You write great propaganda!!
actually this benefits trump he will become more popular than ever as i explained in my last post.this is going to backfire big time on the establishment.

Trump under oath.

Trump: Yes I lied when I said I did not have sex with a porn star while my wife sat at home with our recently born son.

Yep, that's going to make him real popular.
I bet the Donald has made millions in contributions from the rubes since the news broke.

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