Trump:"I Did Not Vote for You to Pull This Crap."

Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
After 2 months in office, and you DEMAND.. It took Obama, Reid and Pelosi 2 years before they went behind doors to do anything and that was to SCREW over the US citizens with its failed from the start Un Affordable Care act where everyone would save$2,500 and Jonathan Gruber called the liberal voters "STUPID". Ah yes, relax man, take a breath, you still have four more years to get all that you want, unless the libtards rise up and try to overthrow this country. Then it will be lock and load.
We have popular sovereignty in this nation. WashingtonDC political class was checked up by Trump voters. I demand nothing. I expect much.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
Did you think he was going to accomplish all those things within a few months? lol
That's the point. He is already signaling a change after only a few months.
The only thing that's changed is his approach. The end result will still benefit Americans.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Look... Time for Real Talks here...

MANY of us wanted to nominate a sensible Conservative for the GOP. We felt that Hillary was SO bad and the stakes were SO high that virtually ANY of the GOP field could've beaten her. Through the process, we narrowed it down to Ted Cruz. HOWEVER.... In the "home stretch" we were met by the loud obnoxious Trump fans who relentlessly attacked Cruz and anyone else who stood in Donald Trump's way. And even AFTER we gave up on Cruz winning, many of Trump's ardent supporters simply wouldn't stop trashing and bashing Ted Cruz... it became a cult-like obsession. MANY of us had reservations about this man... MANY of us tried to talk sense into those who were supporting him and we got resoundingly hooted down.

So Congratulations... you won.... got YOUR guy elected with all his warts. You knew because we all told you what you were getting. We repeatedly told you that he was not going to govern as a Conservative or like any Republican you've ever known... didn't matter... Trump was your guy! Nothing else mattered... you didn't care what anyone had to say... you trashed them and hooted them down... threatened them even.... "GET IN LINE ASSHOLES!"

I don't want to hear ANY of you fuckwits WHINING about Trump! He's going to do what he's going to do whether you like it or not and you've gotta live with that. I will leave you with the smart-ass remark that I often had hurled in my face.... At Least He's Not Hillary!
"Sensible conservative?" You mean people like Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, or others who are just a shade from being Democrat and are the reason the people are sick of typical politicians. You are one of those "tax reform" Republicans. Working class folks don't give two shits about tax reform for the wealthy. They want JOBS!
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

While I am in no way defending President Trump, there are a few things I would like to point out a few things.

1. Our trade imbalance to China is going to take much longer than four years to balance. We have trillions in debt that has been built up over a few presidencies. The best Trump could do is put legislation in place to get the ball rolling.

2. It's impossible to cut off the flow of illegal immigrants without encasing our country in a steel dome and checking everyone that enters one by one. Even that has its workarounds. People are smarter than a wall.

3. Repealing Obamacare without repllacing it immediately means kicking 20 million americans that need healthcare, off of it. Obamacare has its flaws, but those need to fixed rather than just giving up altogether.

4. I'm not sure what this is referring to.

5. This country needs less extreme politicians because right now, they oppose each other on the very principle of "Well this idea came from the other party, so shoot it down without question." We need a government where the two parties work together to find compromise that's best for the american people instead of tearing our country into "Republican" and "Democrat."
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
Did you think he was going to accomplish all those things within a few months? lol
That's the point. He is already signaling a change after only a few months.
The only thing that's changed is his approach. The end result will still benefit Americans.
I hope.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Still better than crimminal Billary cabal.
We'll see if you're still saying that once Trump's multiple wars get going.
I hope we take military action against North Korea and stop sucking up to China. The bastards have done nothing on North Korea since the 1990's despite promises to the contrary. We cannot allow North Korea to develop a nuke that can reach our west coast.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
Did you think he was going to accomplish all those things within a few months? lol
That's the point. He is already signaling a change after only a few months.
The only thing that's changed is his approach. The end result will still benefit Americans.
I hope.
Be patient. Fixing obamas mess is going to take some time.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Still better than crimminal Billary cabal.
We'll see if you're still saying that once Trump's multiple wars get going.
I hope we take military action against North Korea and stop sucking up to China. The bastards have done nothing on North Korea since the 1990's despite promises to the contrary. We cannot allow North Korea to develop a nuke that can reach our west coast.
Then stop complaining. Trump campaigned on no war, and here you are hoping he flip flops. You just blew your entire thread out of the water.
Looks like he's adopted a 'If you can't beat em. join em' mentality. He's giving in to the NWO Globalists. He's making a deal. If he goes along, they won't try to destroy him. His recent decisions are being universally praised by the NWO folks. From China and NATO, to committing to the 'Regime Change' policy. It is very disappointing, but i thought it could happen. I just didn't think it would happen so soon in his Presidency. I thought he would hold out for awhile.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

How do you accuse someone of "flip-flopping" while "flip-flopping"?
Your opinions are without foundation. You have fallen prey to the Lefts perversions of truth and fact.
Seek facts and apply logic by way of plausibility.
Did Trump "flip-flop"...or is he masterful at manipulation?
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

While I am in no way defending President Trump, there are a few things I would like to point out a few things.

1. Our trade imbalance to China is going to take much longer than four years to balance. We have trillions in debt that has been built up over a few presidencies. The best Trump could do is put legislation in place to get the ball rolling.

2. It's impossible to cut off the flow of illegal immigrants without encasing our country in a steel dome and checking everyone that enters one by one. Even that has its workarounds. People are smarter than a wall.

3. Repealing Obamacare without repllacing it immediately means kicking 20 million americans that need healthcare, off of it. Obamacare has its flaws, but those need to fixed rather than just giving up altogether.

4. I'm not sure what this is referring to.

5. This country needs less extreme politicians because right now, they oppose each other on the very principle of "Well this idea came from the other party, so shoot it down without question." We need a government where the two parties work together to find compromise that's best for the american people instead of tearing our country into "Republican" and "Democrat."
1.) Cut off trade with China and stop all the crap from coming in and making its way to the shelves of our big box realtail stores.
2.) We can stop illegal immigration tomorrow. Cut off border...use military...shoot on sight.
3.) Repeal Obamacare and send out 20 million voucher checks and let people shop for cheaper health care plan. Would take about 30 days.
4.) Liberal cultural values that they want to force on society as a whole.
5.) We have had enough moderation. We need extreme action to save the Republic.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

How do you accuse someone of "flip-flopping" while "flip-flopping"?
Your opinions are without foundation. You have fallen prey to the Lefts perversions of truth and fact.
Seek facts and apply logic by way of plausibility.
Did Trump "flip-flop"...or is he masterful at manipulation?
I have never flip flopped. I hired Donald Trump to do a job.
Looks like he's adopted a 'If you can't beat em. join em' mentality. He's giving in to the NWO Globalists. He's making a deal. If he goes along, they won't try to destroy him. His recent decisions are being universally praised by the NWO folks. From China and NATO, to committing to the 'Regime Change' policy. It is very disappointing, but i thought it could happen. I just didn't think it would happen so soon in his Presidency. I thought he would hold out for awhile.
Right on!
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Still better than crimminal Billary cabal.
We'll see if you're still saying that once Trump's multiple wars get going.
I hope we take military action against North Korea and stop sucking up to China. The bastards have done nothing on North Korea since the 1990's despite promises to the contrary. We cannot allow North Korea to develop a nuke that can reach our west coast.
Then stop complaining. Trump campaigned on no war, and here you are hoping he flip flops. You just blew your entire thread out of the water.
Trump said he would get tough on North Korea and "bomb the shit out of ISIS."
Working out ok for me. The millionaires get a much better tax cut than I do under President Trump's plan, but at least I make enough to deserve a tax cut, unlike something like 60% of my less worthy fellow citizens. Sure the deficits are higher ... but that's a trade off. Lawn care should remain cheap. Don't really care about Obamacare, so long as my yearly physicals remain covered with no copays. Don't really buy anything from Jina, but I do need a new chain saw.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

While I am in no way defending President Trump, there are a few things I would like to point out a few things.

1. Our trade imbalance to China is going to take much longer than four years to balance. We have trillions in debt that has been built up over a few presidencies. The best Trump could do is put legislation in place to get the ball rolling.

2. It's impossible to cut off the flow of illegal immigrants without encasing our country in a steel dome and checking everyone that enters one by one. Even that has its workarounds. People are smarter than a wall.

3. Repealing Obamacare without repllacing it immediately means kicking 20 million americans that need healthcare, off of it. Obamacare has its flaws, but those need to fixed rather than just giving up altogether.

4. I'm not sure what this is referring to.

5. This country needs less extreme politicians because right now, they oppose each other on the very principle of "Well this idea came from the other party, so shoot it down without question." We need a government where the two parties work together to find compromise that's best for the american people instead of tearing our country into "Republican" and "Democrat."
1.) Cut off trade with China and stop all the crap from coming in and making its way to the shelves of our big box realtail stores.
2.) We can stop illegal immigration tomorrow. Cut off border...use military...shoot on sight.
3.) Repeal Obamacare and send out 20 million voucher checks and let people shop for cheaper health care plan. Would take about 30 days.
4.) Liberal cultural values that they want to force on society as a whole.
5.) We have had enough moderation. We need extreme action to save the Republic.

1. If we do that, we have very little in this country. Most of our goods that we buy are made in China, which means if we cut off all imports from China, we're just about dead in the water.

2. That would require having soldiers placed on the border so that each soldier is withing eyesight of one another. Also, that would mean killing innocent people instead of sending them back.

3. While that may help the main problem of repealing Obamacare, it doesn't do anything for, say, the fact that Obamacare requires insurance companies to work in their client's best interest, or the fact that it keeps insurance companies from denying care to patients with potentially terminal illnesses.

4. Most of the examples you listed in your earlier post would simply require people to be passive on certain issues. It doesn't require that all people be involved in gay marriages, but rather just to accept them as normal. Republicans are currently discriminating against peopel that don't fit into their views of sexuality.

5. It's not a republic, but extreme politics will turn it into one. This is a democracy, where people are supposed to have a say in government.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

How do you accuse someone of "flip-flopping" while "flip-flopping"?
Your opinions are without foundation. You have fallen prey to the Lefts perversions of truth and fact.
Seek facts and apply logic by way of plausibility.
Did Trump "flip-flop"...or is he masterful at manipulation?
I have never flip flopped. I hired Donald Trump to do a job.

And he's either doing it or trying to get it
Just to be are flip-flopping.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Look... Time for Real Talks here...

MANY of us wanted to nominate a sensible Conservative for the GOP. We felt that Hillary was SO bad and the stakes were SO high that virtually ANY of the GOP field could've beaten her. Through the process, we narrowed it down to Ted Cruz. HOWEVER.... In the "home stretch" we were met by the loud obnoxious Trump fans who relentlessly attacked Cruz and anyone else who stood in Donald Trump's way. And even AFTER we gave up on Cruz winning, many of Trump's ardent supporters simply wouldn't stop trashing and bashing Ted Cruz... it became a cult-like obsession. MANY of us had reservations about this man... MANY of us tried to talk sense into those who were supporting him and we got resoundingly hooted down.

So Congratulations... you won.... got YOUR guy elected with all his warts. You knew because we all told you what you were getting. We repeatedly told you that he was not going to govern as a Conservative or like any Republican you've ever known... didn't matter... Trump was your guy! Nothing else mattered... you didn't care what anyone had to say... you trashed them and hooted them down... threatened them even.... "GET IN LINE ASSHOLES!"

I don't want to hear ANY of you fuckwits WHINING about Trump! He's going to do what he's going to do whether you like it or not and you've gotta live with that. I will leave you with the smart-ass remark that I often had hurled in my face.... At Least He's Not Hillary!
"Sensible conservative?" You mean people like Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, or others who are just a shade from being Democrat and are the reason the people are sick of typical politicians. You are one of those "tax reform" Republicans. Working class folks don't give two shits about tax reform for the wealthy. They want JOBS!

No, I said very clearly, we narrowed the field down to Ted Cruz. BUT... You Trump people attacked him with everything but the kitchen sink... much of it totally baseless innuendo. "Lyin' Ted!" You screamed it for weeks and months until you killed any chance he had of winning the nomination and continued to smear him even AFTER the fucking convention!

So you all GOT what you wanted and NOW you are all taken aback that Trump isn't what he said he was going to be! Hey.... We tried to tell you this! You called us every name in the book... accused us of helping Hillary... You wouldn't even allow constructive criticism of Trump! I can pull up threads of YOURS where you chastised people for questioning Trump's campaign rhetoric.

I turn on the radio now and I hear these talk show hosts who were all on the Trump Train... Laura Ingraham, Micheal Savage, etc.... and they're all pissed off that Trump's not what they thought he would be! Well it's TOO FUCKING LATE now! You got him! He's the man! Suck it up and live with it! All of you need to shut your whiny ass pie holes and resign yourself to the fact this man is going to do some things you don't like. Sorry, that's REALITY!
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

While I am in no way defending President Trump, there are a few things I would like to point out a few things.

1. Our trade imbalance to China is going to take much longer than four years to balance. We have trillions in debt that has been built up over a few presidencies. The best Trump could do is put legislation in place to get the ball rolling.

2. It's impossible to cut off the flow of illegal immigrants without encasing our country in a steel dome and checking everyone that enters one by one. Even that has its workarounds. People are smarter than a wall.

3. Repealing Obamacare without repllacing it immediately means kicking 20 million americans that need healthcare, off of it. Obamacare has its flaws, but those need to fixed rather than just giving up altogether.

4. I'm not sure what this is referring to.

5. This country needs less extreme politicians because right now, they oppose each other on the very principle of "Well this idea came from the other party, so shoot it down without question." We need a government where the two parties work together to find compromise that's best for the american people instead of tearing our country into "Republican" and "Democrat."
1.) Cut off trade with China and stop all the crap from coming in and making its way to the shelves of our big box realtail stores.
2.) We can stop illegal immigration tomorrow. Cut off border...use military...shoot on sight.
3.) Repeal Obamacare and send out 20 million voucher checks and let people shop for cheaper health care plan. Would take about 30 days.
4.) Liberal cultural values that they want to force on society as a whole.
5.) We have had enough moderation. We need extreme action to save the Republic.

1. If we do that, we have very little in this country. Most of our goods that we buy are made in China, which means if we cut off all imports from China, we're just about dead in the water.

2. That would require having soldiers placed on the border so that each soldier is withing eyesight of one another. Also, that would mean killing innocent people instead of sending them back.

3. While that may help the main problem of repealing Obamacare, it doesn't do anything for, say, the fact that Obamacare requires insurance companies to work in their client's best interest, or the fact that it keeps insurance companies from denying care to patients with potentially terminal illnesses.

4. Most of the examples you listed in your earlier post would simply require people to be passive on certain issues. It doesn't require that all people be involved in gay marriages, but rather just to accept them as normal. Republicans are currently discriminating against peopel that don't fit into their views of sexuality.

5. It's not a republic, but extreme politics will turn it into one. This is a democracy, where people are supposed to have a say in government.
China needs us...we do not need them.
Apache attack helicopters...there are no "innocents" who cross our border illegally.
More unecessary government intervention that does nothing it was intended to do.
People do not need to be culturally "neutralized" Typical liberal intolerence.
We live in a Republic. We choose to practice democracy to elect our leaders to represent us.

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