Trump:"I Did Not Vote for You to Pull This Crap."

Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

How is he not doing these things....he is working on all of them....he is far from a weak moderate like jeb......

Your mistake is going to CNN......
All I am saying is, that he better keep these promises. I sense moderation in his tone lately. I did not vote for moderation.

You can't tell anything from his Rush always points out everything he says and does revolves around negotiating to get a better deal....the mess he has to deal with isn't going to be over quickly, but he said the things he is going to do, and he means what he says.....
I hope so. I support Trump...but I want no moderation. Have seen it too many times in the past. Send a conservative to WashingtonDC and after 24 months he/she is a moderate. 2016 was a "Time for Choosing" and the people elected a champion. Ben waiting since 1964 for someone in the White House who cared about the average Joe and was tough and SMART on foreig policy. Trump, to me, is Governor Reagan words come true.
There will be many union voters to replace your dead "establishment" wing with populists who got good jobs
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

Only those born in the White working class are real Americans. We must take all power away from spoiled HeirHeads, both the social-justice warlords and the economic elitists, and disenfrancise their pet minority attack dogs.
There will be many union voters to replace your dead "establishment" wing with populists who got good jobs
I was always a Union voter but those jobs are gone to China now because our Congress is traitors.Your service worker and government unions will support whoever the Democratic nominee is...AGAIN.
If They Own a Man's Work, They Own That Man

The union leadership betrayed us when they didn't answer the white-collar recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" with "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Union. You'll Make As Much As a College Graduate."
There will be many union voters to replace your dead "establishment" wing with populists who got good jobs
I was always a Union voter but those jobs are gone to China now because our Congress is traitors.Your service worker and government unions will support whoever the Democratic nominee is...AGAIN.
If They Own a Man's Work, They Own That Man

The union leadership betrayed us when they didn't answer the white-collar recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" with "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Union. You'll Make As Much As a College Graduate."
They betrayed blue collar workers for a generation in the Rust Belt. Then they asked us to elect Clinton- Gore and the betrayal was completed.
There will be many union voters to replace your dead "establishment" wing with populists who got good jobs
I was always a Union voter but those jobs are gone to China now because our Congress is traitors.Your service worker and government unions will support whoever the Democratic nominee is...AGAIN.
If They Own a Man's Work, They Own That Man

The union leadership betrayed us when they didn't answer the white-collar recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" with "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Union. You'll Make As Much As a College Graduate."
The people that defend our country, fight and die in our wars, come back and work 8-12 hour days on blue collar jobs and build this nation, have been betrayed by Washington DC. They give the most...and get the least.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
So you will vote to have Democrats extend their "cultural communism" by virtue of gaining power?

If Democrats win again like they did in 2006 and 2008, this country is finished.
Well, to be fair, I think Jeb would have made some compromise with the dems or the open Scotus seat, and whomever we got would still be center right, and in turn the dems might have compromised on Biz taxes because pretty much everyone knows we'd be better off if the multinationals brought profits back to the US.

But Trump is Yuuugely entertaining.

Jeb had 2% of the vote... he was NEVER going to be the nominee!
But he is who the party elites wanted...those "mainstream Republicans."

Right... the SAME people who are now RUNNING the Trump White House!
Wrong. Never saw coal miners in Obama's Oval Office thanking him.

Why are you running away from talking about Republicans to talk about Obama?
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -


We warned them......
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
So you will vote to have Democrats extend their "cultural communism" by virtue of gaining power?

If Democrats win again like they did in 2006 and 2008, this country is finished.

History says they will likely do well in the 2018 midterms
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
AMEN! You said it better than I ever could have! I am already off his train and I don't see it getting better so just gonna sit here and wait and see.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
So you will vote to have Democrats extend their "cultural communism" by virtue of gaining power?

If Democrats win again like they did in 2006 and 2008, this country is finished.

History says they will likely do well in the 2018 midterms

History says they may pick up seats in the House but they need to pick up 24 to take the House and that ain't gonna happen. In the Senate, this is the Republican's cycle... the Democrat's was 2016 and they failed miserably. Republicans could conceivably gain 10 seats in the Senate and have 62 votes to pass anything. Also, if the GOP takes 4 more statehouses, they can ratify Constitutional amendments without opposition.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
After 2 months in office, and you DEMAND.. It took Obama, Reid and Pelosi 2 years before they went behind doors to do anything and that was to SCREW over the US citizens with its failed from the start Un Affordable Care act where everyone would save$2,500 and Jonathan Gruber called the liberal voters "STUPID". Ah yes, relax man, take a breath, you still have four more years to get all that you want, unless the libtards rise up and try to overthrow this country. Then it will be lock and load.
drumpf might not have 4 more years
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
So you will vote to have Democrats extend their "cultural communism" by virtue of gaining power?

If Democrats win again like they did in 2006 and 2008, this country is finished.

History says they will likely do well in the 2018 midterms

History says they may pick up seats in the House but they need to pick up 24 to take the House and that ain't gonna happen. In the Senate, this is the Republican's cycle... the Democrat's was 2016 and they failed miserably. Republicans could conceivably gain 10 seats in the Senate and have 62 votes to pass anything. Also, if the GOP takes 4 more statehouses, they can ratify Constitutional amendments without opposition.

There is ZERO chance of the Republicans picking up 10 Senate seats. LOL
There is ZERO chance of the Republicans picking up 10 Senate seats. LOL

You think so? The Dems have 23 up for grabs and 12 are in states Trump won. I wouldn't say "zero" chance... it may not be likely, it may be a bit optimistic at this point, but it's certainly doable.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
So you will vote to have Democrats extend their "cultural communism" by virtue of gaining power?

If Democrats win again like they did in 2006 and 2008, this country is finished.

History says they will likely do well in the 2018 midterms

History says they may pick up seats in the House but they need to pick up 24 to take the House and that ain't gonna happen. In the Senate, this is the Republican's cycle... the Democrat's was 2016 and they failed miserably. Republicans could conceivably gain 10 seats in the Senate and have 62 votes to pass anything. Also, if the GOP takes 4 more statehouses, they can ratify Constitutional amendments without opposition.

There is ZERO chance of the Republicans picking up 10 Senate seats. LOL

Yikes, hopefully you're not basing your "facts" on any of those pollsters Hillary used.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -
Cultural communism, what exactly is that?
Gay marraige being allowed despite state proposition where voters said otherwise...Black Lives Matter...Transgender rest rooms...liberal professors and public education system that teaches from a left wing bias...White privilege lie...and every bullshit politically angled movie put out by Hollywood.

None of those can be fixed by the President alone. I suggest realigning your expectations with reality.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

While I am in no way defending President Trump, there are a few things I would like to point out a few things.

1. Our trade imbalance to China is going to take much longer than four years to balance. We have trillions in debt that has been built up over a few presidencies. The best Trump could do is put legislation in place to get the ball rolling.

2. It's impossible to cut off the flow of illegal immigrants without encasing our country in a steel dome and checking everyone that enters one by one. Even that has its workarounds. People are smarter than a wall.

3. Repealing Obamacare without repllacing it immediately means kicking 20 million americans that need healthcare, off of it. Obamacare has its flaws, but those need to fixed rather than just giving up altogether.

4. I'm not sure what this is referring to.

5. This country needs less extreme politicians because right now, they oppose each other on the very principle of "Well this idea came from the other party, so shoot it down without question." We need a government where the two parties work together to find compromise that's best for the american people instead of tearing our country into "Republican" and "Democrat."
1.) Cut off trade with China and stop all the crap from coming in and making its way to the shelves of our big box realtail stores.
2.) We can stop illegal immigration tomorrow. Cut off border...use military...shoot on sight.
3.) Repeal Obamacare and send out 20 million voucher checks and let people shop for cheaper health care plan. Would take about 30 days.
4.) Liberal cultural values that they want to force on society as a whole.
5.) We have had enough moderation. We need extreme action to save the Republic.

Did you ever take a civics or government class? None of that is within the President's power.

Checks and balances.
There is ZERO chance of the Republicans picking up 10 Senate seats. LOL

You think so? The Dems have 23 up for grabs and 12 are in states Trump won. I wouldn't say "zero" chance... it may not be likely, it may be a bit optimistic at this point, but it's certainly doable.

I would say zero chance. The question is whether there was a realignment in 2016 or a weak candidate in Clinton. I suspect it was a weak candidate. To get to 60 seats you need to win states like Michigan and Pennsylvania which likely will not happen. Even as Montana voted for Trump, they elected a Democrat governor. Also the Nevada seat held by the Republicans could be lost. In 2016, high Hispanic turnout allowed Democrats to keep Reid's seat and take back the 1 house of the state legislature that Republicans controlled.
There will be many union voters to replace your dead "establishment" wing with populists who got good jobs
I was always a Union voter but those jobs are gone to China now because our Congress is traitors.Your service worker and government unions will support whoever the Democratic nominee is...AGAIN.
If They Own a Man's Work, They Own That Man

The union leadership betrayed us when they didn't answer the white-collar recruiting slogan, "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Education" with "To Get a Good Job, Get a Good Union. You'll Make As Much As a College Graduate."
The people that defend our country, fight and die in our wars, come back and work 8-12 hour days on blue collar jobs and build this nation, have been betrayed by Washington DC. They give the most...and get the least.
An Anti-Democratic Manifesto Written by Lawyers for the 1%

Nullify the Constitution. That's what set up this hereditary plutocratic oligarchy.

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