Trump:"I Did Not Vote for You to Pull This Crap."

Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Look... Time for Real Talks here...

MANY of us wanted to nominate a sensible Conservative for the GOP. We felt that Hillary was SO bad and the stakes were SO high that virtually ANY of the GOP field could've beaten her. Through the process, we narrowed it down to Ted Cruz. HOWEVER.... In the "home stretch" we were met by the loud obnoxious Trump fans who relentlessly attacked Cruz and anyone else who stood in Donald Trump's way. And even AFTER we gave up on Cruz winning, many of Trump's ardent supporters simply wouldn't stop trashing and bashing Ted Cruz... it became a cult-like obsession. MANY of us had reservations about this man... MANY of us tried to talk sense into those who were supporting him and we got resoundingly hooted down.

So Congratulations... you won.... got YOUR guy elected with all his warts. You knew because we all told you what you were getting. We repeatedly told you that he was not going to govern as a Conservative or like any Republican you've ever known... didn't matter... Trump was your guy! Nothing else mattered... you didn't care what anyone had to say... you trashed them and hooted them down... threatened them even.... "GET IN LINE ASSHOLES!"

I don't want to hear ANY of you fuckwits WHINING about Trump! He's going to do what he's going to do whether you like it or not and you've gotta live with that. I will leave you with the smart-ass remark that I often had hurled in my face.... At Least He's Not Hillary!
"Sensible conservative?" You mean people like Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, or others who are just a shade from being Democrat and are the reason the people are sick of typical politicians. You are one of those "tax reform" Republicans. Working class folks don't give two shits about tax reform for the wealthy. They want JOBS!

No, I said very clearly, we narrowed the field down to Ted Cruz. BUT... You Trump people attacked him with everything but the kitchen sink... much of it totally baseless innuendo. "Lyin' Ted!" You screamed it for weeks and months until you killed any chance he had of winning the nomination and continued to smear him even AFTER the fucking convention!

So you all GOT what you wanted and NOW you are all taken aback that Trump isn't what he said he was going to be! Hey.... We tried to tell you this! You called us every name in the book... accused us of helping Hillary... You wouldn't even allow constructive criticism of Trump! I can pull up threads of YOURS where you chastised people for questioning Trump's campaign rhetoric.

I turn on the radio now and I hear these talk show hosts who were all on the Trump Train... Laura Ingraham, Micheal Savage, etc.... and they're all pissed off that Trump's not what they thought he would be! Well it's TOO FUCKING LATE now! You got him! He's the man! Suck it up and live with it! All of you need to shut your whiny ass pie holes and resign yourself to the fact this man is going to do some things you don't like. Sorry, that's REALITY!
Ted Cruz is more unpopular among his colleagues than Trump is.
Did you really think that a Coastal Elite with "New York Values" was going to give a shit about you and your needs?
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

How do you accuse someone of "flip-flopping" while "flip-flopping"?
Your opinions are without foundation. You have fallen prey to the Lefts perversions of truth and fact.
Seek facts and apply logic by way of plausibility.
Did Trump "flip-flop"...or is he masterful at manipulation?
I have never flip flopped. I hired Donald Trump to do a job.

And he's either doing it or trying to get it
Just to be are flip-flopping.
No I am not. He gets done what he promised he would do when I voted for him or he loses me in 2020. BTW...there are millions of "me" out there. We spoke loudly in 2016.
You voted for a pretender and yet seem shocked that he was a fraud. :lol:
Did you really think that a Coastal Elite with "New York Values" was going to give a shit about you and your needs?
Nope. That's why I voted for Trump based on his campaign promises and the fact I was part of a "basket of deplorables."
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Look... Time for Real Talks here...

MANY of us wanted to nominate a sensible Conservative for the GOP. We felt that Hillary was SO bad and the stakes were SO high that virtually ANY of the GOP field could've beaten her. Through the process, we narrowed it down to Ted Cruz. HOWEVER.... In the "home stretch" we were met by the loud obnoxious Trump fans who relentlessly attacked Cruz and anyone else who stood in Donald Trump's way. And even AFTER we gave up on Cruz winning, many of Trump's ardent supporters simply wouldn't stop trashing and bashing Ted Cruz... it became a cult-like obsession. MANY of us had reservations about this man... MANY of us tried to talk sense into those who were supporting him and we got resoundingly hooted down.

So Congratulations... you won.... got YOUR guy elected with all his warts. You knew because we all told you what you were getting. We repeatedly told you that he was not going to govern as a Conservative or like any Republican you've ever known... didn't matter... Trump was your guy! Nothing else mattered... you didn't care what anyone had to say... you trashed them and hooted them down... threatened them even.... "GET IN LINE ASSHOLES!"

I don't want to hear ANY of you fuckwits WHINING about Trump! He's going to do what he's going to do whether you like it or not and you've gotta live with that. I will leave you with the smart-ass remark that I often had hurled in my face.... At Least He's Not Hillary!
"Sensible conservative?" You mean people like Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, or others who are just a shade from being Democrat and are the reason the people are sick of typical politicians. You are one of those "tax reform" Republicans. Working class folks don't give two shits about tax reform for the wealthy. They want JOBS!

No, I said very clearly, we narrowed the field down to Ted Cruz. BUT... You Trump people attacked him with everything but the kitchen sink... much of it totally baseless innuendo. "Lyin' Ted!" You screamed it for weeks and months until you killed any chance he had of winning the nomination and continued to smear him even AFTER the fucking convention!

So you all GOT what you wanted and NOW you are all taken aback that Trump isn't what he said he was going to be! Hey.... We tried to tell you this! You called us every name in the book... accused us of helping Hillary... You wouldn't even allow constructive criticism of Trump! I can pull up threads of YOURS where you chastised people for questioning Trump's campaign rhetoric.

I turn on the radio now and I hear these talk show hosts who were all on the Trump Train... Laura Ingraham, Micheal Savage, etc.... and they're all pissed off that Trump's not what they thought he would be! Well it's TOO FUCKING LATE now! You got him! He's the man! Suck it up and live with it! All of you need to shut your whiny ass pie holes and resign yourself to the fact this man is going to do some things you don't like. Sorry, that's REALITY!

Well, to be fair, I think Jeb would have made some compromise with the dems or the open Scotus seat, and whomever we got would still be center right, and in turn the dems might have compromised on Biz taxes because pretty much everyone knows we'd be better off if the multinationals brought profits back to the US.

But Trump is Yuuugely entertaining.
Message to President Trump." I did not vote for you to flip-flop on key issues." I quit the Democratic Party many years ago and voted third party until 2016. Those people in the Rust Belt that voted for you did so for these reasons:
1.) Correct trade imbalance with China and Mexico.
2.) Build the wall and cut off flow of criminals into United States.
3.) Repeal...not replace...REPEAL Obamacare and stop the abuse of power by federal government.
4.) Stop cultural communist from ruining our society and our education system.
5.) You were not a typical politician and weak moderate like Jeb Bush.
If you do not get back to these things I will not vote for you in 2020! Back to third party.
Then and Now: Donald Trump's biggest reversals -

Look... Time for Real Talks here...

MANY of us wanted to nominate a sensible Conservative for the GOP. We felt that Hillary was SO bad and the stakes were SO high that virtually ANY of the GOP field could've beaten her. Through the process, we narrowed it down to Ted Cruz. HOWEVER.... In the "home stretch" we were met by the loud obnoxious Trump fans who relentlessly attacked Cruz and anyone else who stood in Donald Trump's way. And even AFTER we gave up on Cruz winning, many of Trump's ardent supporters simply wouldn't stop trashing and bashing Ted Cruz... it became a cult-like obsession. MANY of us had reservations about this man... MANY of us tried to talk sense into those who were supporting him and we got resoundingly hooted down.

So Congratulations... you won.... got YOUR guy elected with all his warts. You knew because we all told you what you were getting. We repeatedly told you that he was not going to govern as a Conservative or like any Republican you've ever known... didn't matter... Trump was your guy! Nothing else mattered... you didn't care what anyone had to say... you trashed them and hooted them down... threatened them even.... "GET IN LINE ASSHOLES!"

I don't want to hear ANY of you fuckwits WHINING about Trump! He's going to do what he's going to do whether you like it or not and you've gotta live with that. I will leave you with the smart-ass remark that I often had hurled in my face.... At Least He's Not Hillary!
"Sensible conservative?" You mean people like Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, or others who are just a shade from being Democrat and are the reason the people are sick of typical politicians. You are one of those "tax reform" Republicans. Working class folks don't give two shits about tax reform for the wealthy. They want JOBS!

No, I said very clearly, we narrowed the field down to Ted Cruz. BUT... You Trump people attacked him with everything but the kitchen sink... much of it totally baseless innuendo. "Lyin' Ted!" You screamed it for weeks and months until you killed any chance he had of winning the nomination and continued to smear him even AFTER the fucking convention!

So you all GOT what you wanted and NOW you are all taken aback that Trump isn't what he said he was going to be! Hey.... We tried to tell you this! You called us every name in the book... accused us of helping Hillary... You wouldn't even allow constructive criticism of Trump! I can pull up threads of YOURS where you chastised people for questioning Trump's campaign rhetoric.

I turn on the radio now and I hear these talk show hosts who were all on the Trump Train... Laura Ingraham, Micheal Savage, etc.... and they're all pissed off that Trump's not what they thought he would be! Well it's TOO FUCKING LATE now! You got him! He's the man! Suck it up and live with it! All of you need to shut your whiny ass pie holes and resign yourself to the fact this man is going to do some things you don't like. Sorry, that's REALITY!

Well, to be fair, I think Jeb would have made some compromise with the dems or the open Scotus seat, and whomever we got would still be center right, and in turn the dems might have compromised on Biz taxes because pretty much everyone knows we'd be better off if the multinationals brought profits back to the US.

But Trump is Yuuugely entertaining.
How much did the deficit rise under his brother W? How did GOP under Hastert conduct themselves in the House? Pork barrel...waste...they acted like Democrats. What would Jeb do about the border? Nothing.
Ted Cruz is more unpopular among his colleagues than Trump is.

Oh, I KNOW... His Globalist, NWO, Neocon, Bush-era colleagues like Trump MUCH better than Cruz! They can manipulate Trump and they're doing just that! He surrounded himself, almost immediately, with Establishment Republicans that he was supposed to be fighting against!

So again... Well fucking done! You wanted someone that Mitt Romney, John McCain and Lindsey Graham liked better than Cruz! That's what you got! Deal with it!
OMG, like the 4-years is up already. Trump is just getting started. He is not a dictator and needs Congress to go along with his spending priorities. He may need to raise revenue before he gets to his wish-list items. There are way to many crises to fix than to whine about minutiae. He got Gorsuch thru, mega-plus. That's enough for this year. His defense guys are spectacular. He needs a "McMaster" for domestic policy. Jarad/Steve/Reince don't seem to be getting it done.
Well, to be fair, I think Jeb would have made some compromise with the dems or the open Scotus seat, and whomever we got would still be center right, and in turn the dems might have compromised on Biz taxes because pretty much everyone knows we'd be better off if the multinationals brought profits back to the US.

But Trump is Yuuugely entertaining.

Jeb had 2% of the vote... he was NEVER going to be the nominee!
OMG, like the 4-years is up already. Trump is just getting started. He is not a dictator and needs Congress to go along with his spending priorities. He may need to raise revenue before he gets to his wish-list items. There are way to many crises to fix than to whine about minutiae. He got Gorsuch thru, mega-plus. That's enough for this year. His defense guys are spectacular. He needs a "McMaster" for domestic policy. Jarad/Steve/Reince don't seem to be getting it done.
But I do not like rhetoric about China "not being a currency manipulator."
60 years of bloated government failures and some people want instant results.
There will be many union voters to replace your dead "establishment" wing with populists who got good jobs
I was always a Union voter but those jobs are gone to China now because our Congress is traitors.Your service worker and government unions will support whoever the Democratic nominee is...AGAIN.
60 years of bloated government failures and some people want instant results.
All I'm saying is that when I hear a change in rhetoric and Charles Krauthammer applauds you in his latest are moving in the wrong direction.

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