Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting
OK, idiot, here's the deal: you're right, millions WILL catch the virus. The idea right now is to slow the spread of the virus, so that millions of people won't catch the virus AT THE SAME TIME and overwhelm the health care system. That's why everybody should self-quarantine as much as possible right now. It won't stop the virus, but it should slow it down. Get it?
Most people who get the virus just don't get sick.
Your evidence for that claim is...? Oh, wait, you supposedly have some kind of medical degree, right? Right?? Let's see it.
Can you explain this then? Because leaders publicly admit they are responsible. That is if they are real leaders.
I know of only 2 times Obama admitted 'making a mistake':

1. Obama admission of mistake rare for presidents

“I screwed up” in pushing ahead with Tom Daschle as U.S. health care chief despite a controversy over unpaid taxes was a sign of the new style he brings to the White House."

Despite promising the smoothest transition ever, the Obama administration's transition into the WH was a disaster as many of the peope he appointed to positions had not paid their taxes, to include lil' Timmy Tax Cheat Geittner, Obama's choice for Secretary of the Treasurer.

2. President Obama Admits the 'Worst Mistake' of His Presidency

“Probably failing to plan for the day after what I think was the right thing to do in intervening in Libya” “We averted large-scale civilian casualties, we prevented what almost surely would have been a prolonged and bloody civil conflict,” Obama said of the U.S.’s efforts to prevent mass slaughter in Libya. “And despite all that, Libya is a mess.”


Obama considers failing to plan for the day AFTER Al Qaeda murdered Libya's leader, Mommar Gadhafi, and took over Libya for their own, with his and the US military's help, was his worst mistake.....

....Not pimping out our military to Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, to help them murder the leader of the sovereign nation of Libya - who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and giving Al Qaeda its own nation after years of war carrying out Bush's policy of denying terrorists safe havens anywhere in the world....

dragging the nation into another military help the terrorists who attacked and murdered US citizens on S soil....

His worst mistake was not thinking through giving Al Qaeda its own nation which resulted in:
- Al Qaeda having its own country
- Al Qaeda's numbers swelling
- Al Qaeda starting up their terrorist training camps again and the numbers of training camps growing\
- Benghazi

Arming, supplying, funding, training, defending, protecting terrorists and drug traffickers .... running his own drone assassination program ... illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices....and initiating a FISA Court Abuse-fueled political coup... Nope.

What was that about 'leaders' admitting their 'mistakes' publicly....?
OK, you admit 2 times when Obama admitted a mistake. Name ONE time when Trump admitted a mistake. Just one. Just one.
See post #6
Yes, nothing is EVER Trump's fault. He's a victim, put upon by his enemies and the world. He's just trying to help all the downtrodden people of the world... How stupid ARE you???
Now you are confusing responsibility with blame

the internal failures of the career employees at the CDC are not trumps fault

but ultimately the responsibility for their screwup does fall on him
So, I guess you're saying that Trump should be blamed for the poor response of the CDC to the coronavirus pandemic?

He should be responsible for his administration of which he is the chief executive.
Yes, I agree

Trump will be held responsible

but he is not an asleep-at-the-wheel bureaucrat who cant be fired for incompetence, and is daydreaming about his retirement instead of concentrating on making test kits that are not defective
Hey, we could impeach him again! That actually IS an option, and he's incompetent enough to warrant it!
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.
Bill Clinton ignored the problem in the Middle-East and left Bush to have to deal with the problem.

It's what Democrats always do.
They IGNORED the problem? No U.S. administration has ignored the Middle East for 60 years. They haven't solved it, OK, but they haven't ignored it. It's okay to criticize, but don't make ridiculous claims.
Not through any fault of trump

Mostly true. But it was not good due to any fault of Trump either.
I disagree

when trump replaced obama business optimism soared

and so did consumer optimism

optimism is always the highest right before the is the nature of things
A 3-year rise is hardly just before the fall
A 10-year rise, actually.

You're welcome.
If the Dow Jones drops another 500 points tomorrow (after a 3,000 point drop today), ALL of the gains of the Trump era will be wiped out.
Not through any fault of trump

Mostly true. But it was not good due to any fault of Trump either.
I disagree

when trump replaced obama business optimism soared

and so did consumer optimism

optimism is always the highest right before the is the nature of things
A 3-year rise is hardly just before the fall
A 10-year rise, actually.

You're welcome.
Yes, mostly due to Obama.
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.
Sorry....but those pricks helped impeach Trump. Can you smell Bull shit?
That's Obama's spy-ring....the NSC. Bolton defends decision to shutter NSC pandemic office

All these years you motherfuckers have been saying Russian and Climate Change was the worse threat to the you cocksuckers say it's a global pandemic.
Make up your motherfucking minds.

All of these years with your open-borders and your millions of illegals crossing our porous borders and you supported it. NOW you trouser-snakes dare to say we have put this country at risk????
Well, apparently, you can't hold more than one threat in your mind at a time. So just devolve into your immigrant hell, and let us adults take care of the other problems.
Who takes responsibility for this crazy mess of a human being?

Twitter Deletes Dangerous Coronavirus Tweets By Former Sheriff David Clarke | HuffPost

GO INTO THE STREETS FOLKS. Visit bars, restaurants, shopping malls, CHURCHES and demand that your schools re-open. NOW!
If government doesn’t stop this foolishness...STAY IN THE STREETS.

It's incredible that our institutions of gov, WH, Congress, DOJ, and big media are corrupt & all we do is bitch. Pitchforks and torches time.
Trump is handicapped by what comes out of his own mouth, he really needs this?
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.

' They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years '

Must be why Obama ignored the problem.....cuz his biggest donors were predicting....and yes, hoping for, a pandemic for years.

Right, Obama and all the rest of us libtards were just hoping for a pandemic. YOU ASSHOLE. I would never accuse a right-winger of something like that. How dare you. After everything, have you no sense of decency?
Why are the Communist China apologists in America so insecure about pointing out the fact COVID is from China?
The coronavirus IS from China. That's a fact. So what? It probably jumped from an animal to a human. It could have happened anywhere. If it illustrates a problem, it's that China deals in endangered species.
Yes, nothing is EVER Trump's fault. He's a victim, put upon by his enemies and the world. He's just trying to help all the downtrodden people of the world... How stupid ARE you???
Now you are confusing responsibility with blame

the internal failures of the career employees at the CDC are not trumps fault

but ultimately the responsibility for their screwup does fall on him
So, I guess you're saying that Trump should be blamed for the poor response of the CDC to the coronavirus pandemic?

He should be responsible for his administration of which he is the chief executive.
Yes, I agree

Trump will be held responsible

but he is not an asleep-at-the-wheel bureaucrat who cant be fired for incompetence, and is daydreaming about his retirement instead of concentrating on making test kits that are not defective
Hey, we could impeach him again! That actually IS an option, and he's incompetent enough to warrant it!
Please do. That'll mean even more Republican seats in the House.
truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting
OK, idiot, here's the deal: you're right, millions WILL catch the virus. The idea right now is to slow the spread of the virus, so that millions of people won't catch the virus AT THE SAME TIME and overwhelm the health care system. That's why everybody should self-quarantine as much as possible right now. It won't stop the virus, but it should slow it down. Get it?
Most people who get the virus just don't get sick.
Still waiting for the proof of your medical degree...
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.

' They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years '

Must be why Obama ignored the problem.....cuz his biggest donors were predicting....and yes, hoping for, a pandemic for years.

Right, Obama and all the rest of us libtards were just hoping for a pandemic. YOU ASSHOLE. I would never accuse a right-winger of something like that. How dare you. After everything, have you no sense of decency?

You're still asking?
It's time for everyone to come together and stay apart! We need to stay away from each other for now. Stay at home if you can! Minimize your contacts with others as much as you can. Wash your hands often!
Only liberals worry about how many communists in china die from the commie virus
Actually assfuck, real human beings care.

Christians care.

Evidently stupid Trump ass suckers don't care.
We are not a theocracy

liberals used to be ready to fight anytime real Christians dared be motivated by religious convictions

they to wrap your mind around this:


Betting your life on them is the essence of godless bleeding heart lib stupidity
WE are not a theocracy yet you keep trying to shove your religious beliefs down everyone's throat. Funny chit.

Sorry but being a Christian and a Trump supporter is impossible.
I think its easy for Christians to support trump when the laternative is godless liberals in the democrat party
I never knew Christians were down with pussy grabbers. I thought they were all pious and shit?
I guess you live and learn
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt
Do you know ANYTHING about history?
What would you like me to know?
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

the virus itself isn't his fault - but how he has handled it is. they knew about this for months & there were several meetings held at the HHS, where government EXPERTS were excluded. we are also weeks behind in testing - thereby we are completely in the dark as far as how many actual cases there are. we are woefully unprepared when we had lost weeks & weeks of preparatory actions. people WOULD have had time to slowly stock up on essentials to ride this out. the medical side WOULD have had time to stock up & acquire ventilators etc.
Calm down

whats the current body count in the US from the chinese virus?

you are totally freaked out over 50 deaths
It's not over, dipshit. The numbers will go UP for a while. Maybe you'll change your mind when your grandma dies from it.
Why the need for personal insults?

libs like you are really just children with a keyboard

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