Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

Sorry but being a Christian and a Trump supporter is impossible.
You do know a Christian is still a sinner, right? One who seeks to change and follow as best he can in living a life for Christ? It's funny to me how Christian-haters (for lack of a better word) think they are doing something by pointing out Christians SIN. :p

Pointing out your hypocrisy you stupid shit.
No, being REAL. Sorry you can't grasp the whole concept / situation.... :p
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that

no less so than the last few residents of the White House
Actually less in bidens case

all three before trump were bad in their own unique ways

but at least they were not losing their mental faculties

biden is slipping from a level that was not very high to begin with

it is kind of cute how you leave Trump out of the list of shitty unqualified presidents.
Trump has not been a shitty president
Oh yea, resounding success

Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.
Sorry....but those pricks helped impeach Trump. Can you smell Bull shit?
That's Obama's spy-ring....the NSC. Bolton defends decision to shutter NSC pandemic office

All these years you motherfuckers have been saying Russian and Climate Change was the worse threat to the you cocksuckers say it's a global pandemic.
Make up your motherfucking minds.

All of these years with your open-borders and your millions of illegals crossing our porous borders and you supported it. NOW you trouser-snakes dare to say we have put this country at risk????
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I was referring to our death rate being lower than europe, and italy in particular

thanks for helping clarify that

We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.

you think those numbers are gonna real - based on actual cases? hopefully the death rate will not spike - but confirmed cases are gonna skyrocket & sympoms don't even show up for 5days - 2 weeks.

A) i am female & have been from the day i was born

B) go fetch a credible link that states biden saying he is for open borders.

speaking of which - canada needs to close its border to protect themselves from US.

I have an entire thread here based on Biden's retarded notion of Trump being a xenophobe for closing the border in the midst of the death virus.

Are you saying there is something in identifying you as male? That's very sexist and genderist... hope you make it to Canada so we won't need to tolerate your toxic masculinity.

biden didn't say he was for open borders - so you lied again.

i learned that saying i am female ( when someone who is too lazy to click & find out to make sure first thinks i am male ) i got the obligatory response by y'all that i'm really either pre op or post op - so it's a preemptive strike. you won't CONvince me that wouldn't have been your go to reply if i didn't; given the ending to your stupid reply.
Do you have a link to what biden did say?

that burden is on you. you made the claim - now back it up.

chop chop.
Identifying Trump as the best president ever is of course shocking to a gamma, since Trump is a mega-alpha but the gamma was supposed to be the king!

One of the reasons he is so effective as leader, is his big balls.

Putting aside your fantasies about Trump's genitals, he has done nothing of note and his one claim to fame, the economy, is proving to be a paper tiger.

Spoken like a true low status male.

Everyone knows Trump has massive balls. Some just choose to not accept it.

Why are you fascinated with the genitals of another male?

Is there something you need to get off your chest?

A closet you need to come out of maybe?

Once again, a person with 100 IQ points could have figured out that I am not literally referring to his balls. Are you going to bring forth the dictionary and present us the definition of balls in order to demonstrate how smart you are now?

Trump: "I have big balls?... Everyone says I have big balls. All the experts say I have big balls. I do have big balls. They all say it"
We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.

you think those numbers are gonna real - based on actual cases? hopefully the death rate will not spike - but confirmed cases are gonna skyrocket & sympoms don't even show up for 5days - 2 weeks.

A) i am female & have been from the day i was born

B) go fetch a credible link that states biden saying he is for open borders.

speaking of which - canada needs to close its border to protect themselves from US.

I have an entire thread here based on Biden's retarded notion of Trump being a xenophobe for closing the border in the midst of the death virus.

Are you saying there is something in identifying you as male? That's very sexist and genderist... hope you make it to Canada so we won't need to tolerate your toxic masculinity.

biden didn't say he was for open borders - so you lied again.

i learned that saying i am female ( when someone who is too lazy to click & find out to make sure first thinks i am male ) i got the obligatory response by y'all that i'm really either pre op or post op - so it's a preemptive strike. you won't CONvince me that wouldn't have been your go to reply if i didn't; given the ending to your stupid reply.
Do you have a link to what biden did say?

that burden is on you. you made the claim - now back it up.

chop chop.

That would be a first.
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.

' They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years '

Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that

he was VP during the ebola crisis & was VP to the man that put a pandemic response team in place after that & your man fired them in 2018. ya, biden has insight & experience. donny? he's incapable of most everything involving this health emergency.
AND he'll listen to the fucking experts AND not rely on his hunches.
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.

' They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years '

wow, was he spot on or what.
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'

Could be interesting to know how man men and women thought "shit!" when they heard Trump was tested not to have Corona. Keeps a hope: He continues to shake hands and to get and to spread Corona in this way. Fortunatelly idiotic comments from him do not spread Corona - or do they? Whatever - I'm sure the virus hears hot what he says. Trump fights the wrong war - together with this virus against other human beings and against other nations. The enemy is now the virus and not any mistake from whomever in the past, whether thsi mistake had happenend or not. If hekinows aht thsi sjistake is: What is the result of this words? What likes Donald Trump do now immediatelly depending on the current dynamic situation? And how likes he to coordinate the fight of the USA against this virus with the fight of all other nations against this virus? This virus is not only an US-American problem - it's a global problem too and it needs global solutions, if we really like to eliminate it or to minimize the dangers for everyone.
Drumpf is no leader. Trust me. You dont really want this blow hard idiot leading a global effort.

And I guess that you feel that Goofy, Gropin, Joe Biden is!
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.

' They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years '

Must be why Obama ignored the problem.....cuz his biggest donors were predicting....and yes, hoping for, a pandemic for years.
Sorry but being a Christian and a Trump supporter is impossible.
You do know a Christian is still a sinner, right? One who seeks to change and follow as best he can in living a life for Christ? It's funny to me how Christian-haters (for lack of a better word) think they are doing something by pointing out Christians SIN. :p

Pointing out your hypocrisy you stupid shit.
No, being REAL. Sorry you can't grasp the whole concept / situation.... :p
I can grasp the hypocrisy of claiming to be a Christian & wanting the Chinese people to die & supporting a piece of shit like Trump.

At the Golden gates:

Peter: Sorry but you have too many sins, you said you were a Christian and supported a true sinner like Trump.

You: But all Christians are sinners, That is God's fault & I shouldn't be punished because God made me such a piece of shit.

Peter: hahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahaha See ya
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.

' They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years '

Must be why Obama ignored the problem.....cuz his biggest donors were predicting....and yes, hoping for, a pandemic for years.

Seems Obama at least had a National Security Council Pandemic response team....something that Trump had to get rid of because of his jealousy of Obama.
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.
Sorry....but those pricks helped impeach Trump. Can you smell Bull shit?
That's Obama's spy-ring....the NSC. Bolton defends decision to shutter NSC pandemic office

All these years you motherfuckers have been saying Russian and Climate Change was the worse threat to the you cocksuckers say it's a global pandemic.
Make up your motherfucking minds.

All of these years with your open-borders and your millions of illegals crossing our porous borders and you supported it. NOW you trouser-snakes dare to say we have put this country at risk????

If you assfucks did not want Trump impeached, you should blame Trump for trying to bribe a foreign leader.

Trump's one new mile of fencing where there was none before is doing what?

Just like with Climate Change, you stupid fucks believe Trump over the scientists.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ignore the advice hows not to catch the virus.
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.

They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.
Sorry....but those pricks helped impeach Trump. Can you smell Bull shit?
That's Obama's spy-ring....the NSC. Bolton defends decision to shutter NSC pandemic office

All these years you motherfuckers have been saying Russian and Climate Change was the worse threat to the you cocksuckers say it's a global pandemic.
Make up your motherfucking minds.

All of these years with your open-borders and your millions of illegals crossing our porous borders and you supported it. NOW you trouser-snakes dare to say we have put this country at risk????

If you assfucks did not want Trump impeached, you should blame Trump for trying to bribe a foreign leader.

Trump's one new mile of fencing where there was none before is doing what?

Just like with Climate Change, you stupid fucks believe Trump over the scientists.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ignore the advice hows not to catch the virus.
There is soooo much of that post that is simply made up.
But ask yourself....why is there always a crisis every month with the media?
One would think they were trying to help Democrats get back into the White House.....instead of simply reporting the news.
Not through any fault of trump

Mostly true. But it was not good due to any fault of Trump either.
I disagree

when trump replaced obama business optimism soared

and so did consumer optimism

optimism is always the highest right before the is the nature of things
A 3-year rise is hardly just before the fall

we had been rising for more than 10 years prior to this past month. It did not start with Trump.
No one said it started with trump

but he kicked it into high gear
Yes, I agree

Trump will be held responsible

but he is not an asleep-at-the-wheel bureaucrat who cant be fired for incompetence, and is daydreaming about his retirement instead of concentrating on making test kits that are not defective

He had choices. He didn't have to wait for new kits. He chose poorly.
Not using bad kits has done no measurable harm to the situation

Our death rate is incredibly low

Not the bad kits, dope.
The kits offered by Europe, the WHO and S korea. Instead, we're weeks behind. Pure incompetence.
More testing would merely have lowered the death percent by proving the commie virus was less deadly than advertised, dope.
It would have given us a clearer picture of who, how many and where infections were. Instead the disease was allowed to spread undetected. We should have closed everything two weeks ago.

Trump alone is responsible for that.
You must be pretty stupid if you can only express yourself through personal insults

We know where the infections are

the areas that are closely tied to china were the first to go

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