Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'

Could be interesting to know how man men and women thought "shit!" when they heard Trump was tested not to have Corona. Keeps a hope: He continues to shake hands and to get and to spread Corona in this way. Fortunatelly idiotic comments from him do not spread Corona - or do they? Whatever - I'm sure the virus hears hot what he says. Trump fights the wrong war - together with this virus against other human beings and against other nations. The enemy is now the virus and not any mistake from whomever in the past, whether thsi mistake had happenend or not. If hekinows aht thsi sjistake is: What is the result of this words? What likes Donald Trump do now immediatelly depending on the current dynamic situation? And how likes he to coordinate the fight of the USA against this virus with the fight of all other nations against this virus? This virus is not only an US-American problem - it's a global problem too and it needs global solutions, if we really like to eliminate it or to minimize the dangers for everyone.
Drumpf is no leader. Trust me. You dont really want this blow hard idiot leading a global effort.

And I guess that you feel that Goofy, Gropin, Joe Biden is!
Goofy I have no problem with. A consistent narcissistic wind bag and fuck up like Drumpf I simply cant abide by
Yes, I agree

Trump will be held responsible

but he is not an asleep-at-the-wheel bureaucrat who cant be fired for incompetence, and is daydreaming about his retirement instead of concentrating on making test kits that are not defective

He had choices. He didn't have to wait for new kits. He chose poorly.
Not using bad kits has done no measurable harm to the situation

Our death rate is incredibly low
Actually, our coronavirus death rate is two percent. Two hundreds times higher than the flu.
The death rate is merely 2% of the known cases, not the actual number of people who caught it

You are very inarticulate even for a lib
Why are the Communist China apologists in America so insecure about pointing out the fact COVID is from China?
I was referring to our death rate being lower than europe, and italy in particular

thanks for helping clarify that

We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.
Only liberals worry about how many communists in china die from the commie virus
Actually assfuck, real human beings care.

Christians care.

Evidently stupid Trump ass suckers don't care.
We are not a theocracy

liberals used to be ready to fight anytime real Christians dared be motivated by religious convictions

they to wrap your mind around this:


Betting your life on them is the essence of godless bleeding heart lib stupidity
WE are not a theocracy yet you keep trying to shove your religious beliefs down everyone's throat. Funny chit.

Sorry but being a Christian and a Trump supporter is impossible.
I think its easy for Christians to support trump when the laternative is godless liberals in the democrat party
We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.
Only liberals worry about how many communists in china die from the commie virus
Actually assfuck, real human beings care.

Christians care.

Evidently stupid Trump ass suckers don't care.
We are not a theocracy

liberals used to be ready to fight anytime real Christians dared be motivated by religious convictions

they to wrap your mind around this:


Betting your life on them is the essence of godless bleeding heart lib stupidity
WE are not a theocracy yet you keep trying to shove your religious beliefs down everyone's throat. Funny chit.

Sorry but being a Christian and a Trump supporter is impossible.
I think its easy for Christians to support trump when the laternative is godless liberals in the democrat party
I never knew Christians were down with pussy grabbers. I thought they were all pious and shit?
We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.

you think those numbers are gonna real - based on actual cases? hopefully the death rate will not spike - but confirmed cases are gonna skyrocket & sympoms don't even show up for 5days - 2 weeks.

A) i am female & have been from the day i was born

B) go fetch a credible link that states biden saying he is for open borders.

speaking of which - canada needs to close its border to protect themselves from US.

I have an entire thread here based on Biden's retarded notion of Trump being a xenophobe for closing the border in the midst of the death virus.

Are you saying there is something in identifying you as male? That's very sexist and genderist... hope you make it to Canada so we won't need to tolerate your toxic masculinity.

biden didn't say he was for open borders - so you lied again.

i learned that saying i am female ( when someone who is too lazy to click & find out to make sure first thinks i am male ) i got the obligatory response by y'all that i'm really either pre op or post op - so it's a preemptive strike. you won't CONvince me that wouldn't have been your go to reply if i didn't; given the ending to your stupid reply.
Do you have a link to what biden did say?

that burden is on you. you made the claim - now back it up.

chop chop.
I didnt make the claim
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
That's exactly what you are doing. Got your pussy hat out for november yet?
The level of denial is stunning.
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt
Do you know ANYTHING about history?
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

the virus itself isn't his fault - but how he has handled it is. they knew about this for months & there were several meetings held at the HHS, where government EXPERTS were excluded. we are also weeks behind in testing - thereby we are completely in the dark as far as how many actual cases there are. we are woefully unprepared when we had lost weeks & weeks of preparatory actions. people WOULD have had time to slowly stock up on essentials to ride this out. the medical side WOULD have had time to stock up & acquire ventilators etc.
Calm down

whats the current body count in the US from the chinese virus?

you are totally freaked out over 50 deaths
It's not over, dipshit. The numbers will go UP for a while. Maybe you'll change your mind when your grandma dies from it.
Could be interesting to know how man men and women thought "shit!" when they heared Trump was tested not to have Corona. Keeps a hope: He continues to shake hands and to get and spread Corona in this way. Fortuntalely idiotic comments from him do not spread Corona - or do they? Whategre - I'm sure the virus hears hot what he says. Trump fights the wrong war - together with this virus against other human beings and against other nations. The enemy is now the virus and not any mistake from whomever in the past. What is the e54ruskl oif this words? What likes Donald Trump do now immediatelly depending on the current dynamic situation? How likes he to to coordinate the fight iof the USA against this virus with the fight of all other nations against this virus? This virus is global problem and we need global solutions.
This virus is global problem and we need global solutions

Then why dont you harass the United Nations instead of bitching at America?

The United Nations are doing a good job. The USA is a disaster.
The US has fewer deaths from the chinese virus than the UN does in its area of responsibility
So far.
I predict that liberals are going to be very disappointed by the low number of deaths from the chinese virus
I'd be happy to see a low number of deaths from the coronavirus. But for that to happen, we need to self-quarantine as much as possible, so that anyone who has the virus can't give it to someone else. That's how we're going to prevent a lot of deaths.
uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting
OK, idiot, here's the deal: you're right, millions WILL catch the virus. The idea right now is to slow the spread of the virus, so that millions of people won't catch the virus AT THE SAME TIME and overwhelm the health care system. That's why everybody should self-quarantine as much as possible right now. It won't stop the virus, but it should slow it down. Get it?
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'

Trump definitely has some responsibility for this crisis. Among other things, he fired former President Obama's Pandemic Response Team in 2018.

You should be thanking Trump for keeping the virus out of the US for as long as possible. Look at the EU and see that their infection rate is about 15x more than the US for similar population size. Why is that? Like I said, its because Trump kept it out as long as possible.
However, now that COVID-19 has a foothold it will be spreading fast. How well we contain it and keep the peak of the bell curve as low as possible will determine if we were successful or if we failed. Automated testing was approved and is coming online just when it is needed most, as the bell curve starts to ramp up. The next two or three weeks will decide the fight against COVID-19. Stay safe.

Quest Diagnostics Newsroom - News Releases

Thermo Fisher to produce millions of coronavirus diagnostic tests - STAT

Jack Ma Offers to Supply the US With Covid-19 Tests and Masks

New Coronavirus Test 10 Times Faster Is FDA Approved

Roche’s cobas SARS-CoV-2 Test to detect novel coronavirus receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization and is available in markets accepting the CE mark

Roche Diagnostics receives emergency approval for new COVID-19 test
What did Trump do to keep the coronavirus out of the U.S., exactly?
A 1 Hour review.
trump did nothing wrong. Conservative View.
trump did nothing wrong.. Of course he did... a Liberal view.

I support this Liberal view.
trump is the failure we ALWAYS knew he was.

Can you RWI admit that a mistake was made

Run a new Candidate against Biden.

Please Do. Trump is a disaster. A YUGE DISASTER.
Please. Disown this idiot.

I'll vote for the BEST candidate/
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting
OK, idiot, here's the deal: you're right, millions WILL catch the virus. The idea right now is to slow the spread of the virus, so that millions of people won't catch the virus AT THE SAME TIME and overwhelm the health care system. That's why everybody should self-quarantine as much as possible right now. It won't stop the virus, but it should slow it down. Get it?
Most people who get the virus just don't get sick.
Can you RWI admit that a mistake was made

Run a new Candidate against Biden.

Please Do. Trump is a disaster. A YUGE DISASTER.
Please. Disown this idiot.

I'll vote for the BEST candidate/

Look who's talking you people are trying to nominate Joe Biden :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!

as of this posting italy has over 1800 dead.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
And America has 60

you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.
We have far fewer deaths than italy

obviously America is doing something right
No, obviously it got to the U.S. AFTER it got to Italy, so it hasn't had as much time to spread.

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