Trump: I never mentioned 'Israel' to Russians in Oval Office meeting


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?
LOLOLOLOL.....I was wondering when the honeymoon of reading off script would occur and Trump true to his ignorance, does not disappoint. (sigh).....this country thanks to white ingrates will never ever live down the Trump presidency. This guy is too green to president and to orange to tan correctly.
McMaster said he didn't know the source, so I would imagine he didn't know it was Israel. Someone else leaked it was from Israel after the story broke. Might want to research for a change.
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?
McMaster said he didn't know the source, so I would imagine he didn't know it was Israel. Someone else leaked it was from Israel after the story broke. Might want to research for a change.
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?
Trump confirmed today in Israel that he is guilty.
Bull. He had since heard the source was Israel. You both love to spin and twist.
McMaster said he didn't know the source, so I would imagine he didn't know it was Israel. Someone else leaked it was from Israel after the story broke. Might want to research for a change.
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?
Trump confirmed today in Israel that he is guilty.
McMaster said he didn't know the source, so I would imagine he didn't know it was Israel. Someone else leaked it was from Israel after the story broke. Might want to research for a change.
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?
Trump confirmed today in Israel that he is guilty.

Yes he did. Beyond a shadow of doubt. And while in Israel. Loose lips sink ships!
Bull. He had since heard the source was Israel. You both love to spin and twist.
McMaster said he didn't know the source, so I would imagine he didn't know it was Israel. Someone else leaked it was from Israel after the story broke. Might want to research for a change.
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?
Trump confirmed today in Israel that he is guilty.

No govt official had confirmed it was Israel. Until today.
Bull. He had since heard the source was Israel. You both love to spin and twist.
McMaster said he didn't know the source, so I would imagine he didn't know it was Israel. Someone else leaked it was from Israel after the story broke. Might want to research for a change.
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?
Trump confirmed today in Israel that he is guilty.

No govt official had confirmed it was Israel. Until today.

I agree! The NaziCons are spinning hard.
After Trump, the country must learn, this outsider bullshit don't play so well in the real world.
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?

You poor little boy, I've already shown you that CNN reported the laptop bombs on April 1st.
Imagine if this guy was a gun owner....its bad enough he keeps shooting himself in the foot with his own words...with a loaded gun?????
Nobody said he said the thing he says “they were all saying” he said.

President Donald Trump on Monday denied that he mentioned Israel at the Oval Office meeting where he reportedly leaked classified information to Russian officials, seemingly referring to reports that Israel was the source of that information.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name ‘Israel.’ Never mentioned it during that conversation,” Trump said during an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as part of his first foreign trip as president.

The president was referring to reports that Israel was the source of classified information he disclosed to Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak during an Oval Office meeting on May 10.

More: Trump Denies Mentioning The Word ‘Israel’ To Russians At Oval Office Meeting

Trump said he never mentioned "Israel" when he shared highly classified intel with Russians. Well, he has now - unless he thinks Russians don't listen to the news. You just can't make this stuff up. How dumb is this guy?

This is what is so hilarious about Donald Trump. H.R. McMaster the National Security adviser takes over for Sean Spicer one day to circle the wagon around Trump regarding this incident and states: "I was in that meeting Trump did NOT give the Russians any Classified information"--LOL

"The national security adviser H.R. McMaster just emerged from the White House to declare that The Washington Post's story about Trump giving highly classified information to Russia "as reported, is false."
H.R. McMaster didn't really deny that Trump gave Russia classified information

Then Trump comes out the next day and rolls his surrogates that are trying to circle the wagons. He throws himself under the bus every single day with his crazy ass tweets and what he says. Bascially here he is admitting that he did indeed give the Russians classified information. So now McMaster the National Security adviser looks like a total idiot and a liar.

The real SHOCKER is this:

US spies warned their Israeli counterparts that Russia may have “levers of pressure” over Donald Trump and told them to be careful about sharing intelligence with the White House in case it was passed on to the Kremlin, according to Israeli media reports.
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'


Then the dumbass goes into a rage when the Russians tweeted this picture out of their meeting. Of course he blocked American media and let Russian media in. What in the hell did he think they were going to do with pictures?
White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -



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