Trump: "I Thought It Would Be Easier"

how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.
you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation. He didn't. Under clinton we had a surplus and booming economy. So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Trump said he would release his taxes.

Yeah "he said he would", apparently some people actually believed him when he said it, those of us paying attention to what has actually been going on with U.S. politicians didn't.

"Politicians were mostly people who'd had too little morals and ethics to stay lawyers." -- George R.R. Martin
how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.
you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation.
I said he fucked up PERIOD, it doesn't imply anything, it outright says it. He fucked up the job, as in he did it poorly and without achieving the objectives he was elected to achieve. We'd have been better off leaving the Oval Office vacant during both his and President Gunslingers terms.

So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Like I said if Bush is your benchmark, you need to raise the bar, a trained poodle could have done a better job than Bush it's just unfortunate that we had replace him with one to test the theory.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

And the funny thing is, that they'll vote for another one again and again and again. As if Dubya wasn't enough.
how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.
you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation.
I said he fucked up PERIOD, it doesn't imply anything, it outright says it. He fucked up the job, as in he did it poorly and without achieving the objectives he was elected to achieve. We'd have been better off leaving the Oval Office vacant during both his and President Gunslingers terms.

So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Like I said if Bush is your benchmark, you need to raise the bar, a trained poodle could have done a better job than Bush it's just unfortunate that we had replace him with one to test the theory.
Taking us from 10% unemployment to 4.8%, on the back of 75 consecutive months of job growth, is your idea of fucking up, is it?
how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.
you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation.
I said he fucked up PERIOD, it doesn't imply anything, it outright says it. He fucked up the job, as in he did it poorly and without achieving the objectives he was elected to achieve. We'd have been better off leaving the Oval Office vacant during both his and President Gunslingers terms.

So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Like I said if Bush is your benchmark, you need to raise the bar, a trained poodle could have done a better job than Bush it's just unfortunate that we had replace him with one to test the theory.
Taking us from 10% unemployment to 4.8%, on the back of 75 consecutive months of job growth, is your idea of fucking up, is it?

Spending over $40 Trillion and increasing the cumulative operating deficits by nearly $10 Trillion, nearly doubling the size of the federal registry and saddling current and future generations with yet another un-affordable entitlement program, giving the Iranians everything they wanted while getting a pinkie promise in return, handing Iraq over to ISIS and oh yeah bailing out Wall Street, GM and every other irresponsible big corporate CEO That managed to run their businesses into the ground, Yeah that's my idea of fucking up.

Fuck President "I Promise I'm gonna close Gitmo" Obama and every boot-licking sycophantic lemming that worships his sorry ass.
how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.
you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation.
I said he fucked up PERIOD, it doesn't imply anything, it outright says it. He fucked up the job, as in he did it poorly and without achieving the objectives he was elected to achieve. We'd have been better off leaving the Oval Office vacant during both his and President Gunslingers terms.

So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Like I said if Bush is your benchmark, you need to raise the bar, a trained poodle could have done a better job than Bush it's just unfortunate that we had replace him with one to test the theory.
Taking us from 10% unemployment to 4.8%, on the back of 75 consecutive months of job growth, is your idea of fucking up, is it?

Spending over $40 Trillion and increasing the cumulative operating deficits by nearly $10 Trillion, nearly doubling the size of the federal registry and saddling current and future generations with yet another un-affordable entitlement program, giving the Iranians everything they wanted while getting a pinkie promise in return, handing Iraq over to ISIS and oh yeah bailing out Wall Street, GM and every other irresponsible big corporate CEO That managed to run their businesses into the ground, Yeah that's my idea of fucking up.

Fuck President "I Promise I'm gonna close Gitmo" Obama and every boot-licking sycophantic lemming that worships his sorry ass.
$40t? Where do you come up with that number?

Government Spending Chart: United States 2000-2017 - Federal State Local Data

Your opinion of the Iran deal is noted and discarded since there's no evidence it was a bad deal. If anything, it coalesced 6 countries to unify in their interest in keeping nuclear weapons out of Iran's hands.

Gitmo was a failure but not one anyone cares about. He left office with a 60% approval rating. You know, what you think of as fucking up. :cuckoo:
how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.
you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation.
I said he fucked up PERIOD, it doesn't imply anything, it outright says it. He fucked up the job, as in he did it poorly and without achieving the objectives he was elected to achieve. We'd have been better off leaving the Oval Office vacant during both his and President Gunslingers terms.

So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Like I said if Bush is your benchmark, you need to raise the bar, a trained poodle could have done a better job than Bush it's just unfortunate that we had replace him with one to test the theory.
Taking us from 10% unemployment to 4.8%, on the back of 75 consecutive months of job growth, is your idea of fucking up, is it?
yea republican logic.. Good is bad and bad is good. Evil is great.
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.
you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation.
I said he fucked up PERIOD, it doesn't imply anything, it outright says it. He fucked up the job, as in he did it poorly and without achieving the objectives he was elected to achieve. We'd have been better off leaving the Oval Office vacant during both his and President Gunslingers terms.

So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Like I said if Bush is your benchmark, you need to raise the bar, a trained poodle could have done a better job than Bush it's just unfortunate that we had replace him with one to test the theory.
Taking us from 10% unemployment to 4.8%, on the back of 75 consecutive months of job growth, is your idea of fucking up, is it?

Spending over $40 Trillion and increasing the cumulative operating deficits by nearly $10 Trillion, nearly doubling the size of the federal registry and saddling current and future generations with yet another un-affordable entitlement program, giving the Iranians everything they wanted while getting a pinkie promise in return, handing Iraq over to ISIS and oh yeah bailing out Wall Street, GM and every other irresponsible big corporate CEO That managed to run their businesses into the ground, Yeah that's my idea of fucking up.

Fuck President "I Promise I'm gonna close Gitmo" Obama and every boot-licking sycophantic lemming that worships his sorry ass.
$40t? Where do you come up with that number?
Actual Federal Outlays + Projected Obamacare Costs + Amortized Unfunded Liability Costs, the actual expenditures are higher but I'm not going to bother projecting out the future costs of all the bullshit legislation that President Nimrod and his merry band of money wasters enacted during his reign.

Your opinion of the Iran deal is noted and discarded since there's no evidence it was a bad deal. If anything, it coalesced 6 countries to unify in their interest in keeping nuclear weapons out of Iran's hands.
Your hyper-partisan, politician apologist opinions on anything are noted, given the consideration they deserve and promptly filed under "no objectivity, reason or substance". The Iran deal was idiotic in that Iran got everything it wanted up front without having to do a damn thing for it other than sign on the dotted line, all the rest of the world got in return was a promise of good behavior from a regime that has consistently proven itself untrustworthy, ruthless and prone to aggression, events since this "deal" was implemented have demonstrated that it isn't worth the paper it's printed on, but hey the Big "O" got the "legacy achievement" he wanted and that's all that really counts, right?

you said obama fucked us up, that implies that he worsened our situation.
I said he fucked up PERIOD, it doesn't imply anything, it outright says it. He fucked up the job, as in he did it poorly and without achieving the objectives he was elected to achieve. We'd have been better off leaving the Oval Office vacant during both his and President Gunslingers terms.

So yes Bush is the benchmark for where our country got fucked up in modern politics.
Like I said if Bush is your benchmark, you need to raise the bar, a trained poodle could have done a better job than Bush it's just unfortunate that we had replace him with one to test the theory.
Taking us from 10% unemployment to 4.8%, on the back of 75 consecutive months of job growth, is your idea of fucking up, is it?

Spending over $40 Trillion and increasing the cumulative operating deficits by nearly $10 Trillion, nearly doubling the size of the federal registry and saddling current and future generations with yet another un-affordable entitlement program, giving the Iranians everything they wanted while getting a pinkie promise in return, handing Iraq over to ISIS and oh yeah bailing out Wall Street, GM and every other irresponsible big corporate CEO That managed to run their businesses into the ground, Yeah that's my idea of fucking up.

Fuck President "I Promise I'm gonna close Gitmo" Obama and every boot-licking sycophantic lemming that worships his sorry ass.
$40t? Where do you come up with that number?
Actual Federal Outlays + Projected Obamacare Costs + Amortized Unfunded Liability Costs, the actual expenditures are higher but I'm not going to bother projecting out the future costs of all the bullshit legislation that President Nimrod and his merry band of money wasters enacted during his reign.

Your opinion of the Iran deal is noted and discarded since there's no evidence it was a bad deal. If anything, it coalesced 6 countries to unify in their interest in keeping nuclear weapons out of Iran's hands.
Your hyper-partisan, politician apologist opinions on anything are noted, given the consideration they deserve and promptly filed under "no objectivity, reason or substance". The Iran deal was idiotic in that Iran got everything it wanted up front without having to do a damn thing for it other than sign on the dotted line, all the rest of the world got in return was a promise of good behavior from a regime that has consistently proven itself untrustworthy, ruthless and prone to aggression, events since this "deal" was implemented have demonstrated that it isn't worth the paper it's printed on, but hey the Big "O" got the "legacy achievement" he wanted and that's all that really counts, right?

The data I posted included all federal outlays, so who knows what the fuck you're rambling about? And no, Iran did not get everything they wanted. What they wanted was nuclear weapons and they're not getting that as long as this deal is in place. And again, despite your delusions, Obama still left office with a 60% approval rating. Almost to tie is Reagan's when he left office.
What's interesting is that Democrats and the media are attacking Trump for EVERYTHING he says and does.

If he passed the White House men's room and said, "I got to use this right now," the headlines would scream "Trump takes a shit on the American people!"
The data I posted included all federal outlays,
Yeah, I understand, you stopped looking there because you're intellectually lazy and don't know that total expenditures include the future costs of enacted legislation in addition the to amortized liabilities that accumulate for past legislation.

Typical partisan lemming, parsing the output in the hopes that nobody will notice your attempt at revisionism. :rolleyes:

.......but don't let pesky things like facts and objectivity deter you from your never ending quest to become a more perfect partisan apologist.
Trump Says He Thought Being President Would Be Easier Than His Old Life

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going.”

He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is.

President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump told Reuters in an interview. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

More: Trump Says He Thought Being President Would Be Easier Than His Old Life

Trump has obviously been elected to his level of incompetency. Hence, the Peter Principle.

I guess the old saying applies; the first step is to admit you have a problem.
Can you imagine the jokes the other national leaders tell about this moron and his band of misfit children pretending to know what they are doing?
Trump Says He Thought Being President Would Be Easier Than His Old Life

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going.”

He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is.

President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump told Reuters in an interview. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

More: Trump Says He Thought Being President Would Be Easier Than His Old Life

Trump has obviously been elected to his level of incompetency. Hence, the Peter Principle.

I guess the old saying applies; the first step is to admit you have a problem.
Can you imagine the jokes the other national leaders tell about this moron and his band of misfit children pretending to know what they are doing?

Are those the geniuses who imported millions of Muslims savages into Europe and then wonder why they have a terrorism problem and a rape problem?
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -
Imagine if he was asked to get us out of the bush recession. That was hard.

Not a single legislative victory yet with a super majority.

Maybe a democratic debate can get something done
The senate doesn't have 60 Republicans, you have no idea what you're talking about. The Bush recession? We did well under democrats took over congress.
You guys went nuclear
You guys? You mean like the dems did? Anyway that's not what a super majority is. I really have better things to do than explain things to someone that destroyed their brains with drugs. You simply throw more shit out.

I just remember you republicans trashing the Democrats because they couldn't get it done. You said, "they have a bigger majority than Bush Delay and Hastert did and they haven't gotten anything done. That was your reasoning for voting Republican in 2010. Well Republicans haven't done shit in the first 100 days. Trump is renegging left and right on his promises. Obamacare, The Wall, China and NAFTA just to name 4 things. Pretty good for someone who's high huh?
What's interesting is that Democrats and the media are attacking Trump for EVERYTHING he says and does.

If he passed the White House men's room and said, "I got to use this right now," the headlines would scream "Trump takes a shit on the American people!"

OMG what a hypocrite. After 8 years of doing that to Obama??? And Obama didn't do anything but you guys cried about petty shit for 8 years. Trump is breaking all the campaign promises that got him elected. Turns out he's just another Bush/Republican. They'll deregulate and give rich people more tax breaks. That's all Bush accomplished too right before he caused a global recession.
I think almost every president is shocked by how hard the job is, and I like the fact that President Trump is candid about it.

Since you would like practically anything Trump did or said, I'd say your opinion is not particularly useful.
lol Well, since you oppose everything President Trump says or does, clearly your opinion is not useful.
Trump is an unprecedented disaster for the Oval Office and you know it. Even if you like his retarded policy ideas, you are seriously in denial for not at least acknowledging he has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
You're just uncomfortable with the President being candid and honest with voters. President Trump often tells voters exactly how he feels, much like Harry Truman did, while some other presidents say behind closed doors what President Trump says in public. I prefer to know what is going on while you seem to prefer to be kept in the dark.
Um him being candid doesn't change the fact that he has the mind of a child.

Trump was good at running for President. Like winning a reality tv show. But actually running the country? Now he sees that's hard.

Hey Don, if you want Hillary will take over for you. She did receive more votes than you did so she's perfectly qualified and has a mandate of THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS VOTED FOR HER.
I bet Bill Clinton thought being president was pretty easy after a couple of rounds with Monica. Barry Hussein thought the presidency was pretty easy. All he had to do was go on a worldwide apology tour and everything would be fine.

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