Trump: "I Thought It Would Be Easier"

Trump is an idiot. He is surrounded by idiots. Idiots voted for him. We'll all be lucky to live through it.
Have you got it all up your *ss and backwards, like most teabaggers.
The pile of excrement that is in the White House that you voted for made the comments.
You buffoon.

Another thread from the Democrats whining about how butt-hurt they are because they lost the election.
People need to give Trump a break. Do people realize that he is only has been able to take golfing vacations an average of once per week since he has been president? Not to mention that he can't even go to his club in Florida without some head of state tagging along. Trump does not have a very long attention span, and some of these people he has to deal with are with him up to 4 or 5 hours! Not only that, they don't even speak English, and their translators use long words! Worse, the only place he gets any respect is at his Florida club. The Freedom Caucus is mean to him, the press is even meaner, and the democrats are no fun at all!
it's so refreshing to have a leader who is not afraid to candidly speak him mind

kuddos to POTUS
I'd rather have a president who isn't a baby and whines about how tough the job is.
The data I posted included all federal outlays,
Yeah, I understand, you stopped looking there because you're intellectually lazy and don't know that total expenditures include the future costs of enacted legislation in addition the to amortized liabilities that accumulate for past legislation.

Typical partisan lemming, parsing the output in the hopes that nobody will notice your attempt at revisionism. :rolleyes:

.......but don't let pesky things like facts and objectivity deter you from your never ending quest to become a more perfect partisan apologist.
Wow, you are truly fucking nuts. You said Obama spent $40 trillion. Obama did not spend anything near that and now he's out of office. He can't spend another dime.
Uh-huh, that's right, when the conversation goes beyond your limited capacity to understand the specifics resort to accusing your opposition of being crazy, good way to distract attention from the fact that your understanding of the subject matter is so limited.

Anywho, enjoy wallowing in your ignorance, word on the street is that "it's bliss".

Auf wiedersehen Buckwheat
The data I posted included all federal outlays,
Yeah, I understand, you stopped looking there because you're intellectually lazy and don't know that total expenditures include the future costs of enacted legislation in addition the to amortized liabilities that accumulate for past legislation.

Typical partisan lemming, parsing the output in the hopes that nobody will notice your attempt at revisionism. :rolleyes:

.......but don't let pesky things like facts and objectivity deter you from your never ending quest to become a more perfect partisan apologist.
Wow, you are truly fucking nuts. You said Obama spent $40 trillion. Obama did not spend anything near that and now he's out of office. He can't spend another dime.
Uh-huh, that's right, when the conversation goes beyond your limited capacity to understand the specifics resort to accusing your opposition of being crazy, good way to distract attention from the fact that your understanding of the subject matter is so limited.

Anywho, enjoy wallowing in your ignorance, word on the street is that "it's bliss".

Auf wiedersehen Buckwheat

How is pointing out you're nuts distracting me from also pointing out Obama can't spend more than he did while in office; where he spent nowhere near the amount you foolishly attributed to him? :dunno:
Let's hope that being president is not so hard that Trump decides to take a week off to golf in Scotland at the same time that North Korea decides to nuke Seattle.
it's so refreshing to have a leader who is not afraid to candidly speak him mind

kuddos to POTUS
I'd rather have a president who isn't a baby and whines about how tough the job is.

Trump is approaching 100 days, and so far accomplished less than any other modern president. His eo's have been stayed, they didn't even vote on his laws, and his long list of things he would do, like withdraw from NAFTA or declare China a currency manipulator, hasn't happened.
Let's hope that being president is not so hard that Trump decides to take a week off to golf in Scotland at the same time that North Korea decides to nuke Seattle.

Trump will be playing golf when N. Korea holds it's next nuke or missile test. We'll get to see a quote from Trump telling folks "Watch this swing!"
it's so refreshing to have a leader who is not afraid to candidly speak him mind

kuddos to POTUS
I'd rather have a president who isn't a baby and whines about how tough the job is.

Trump is approaching 100 days, and so far accomplished less than any other modern president. His eo's have been stayed, they didn't even vote on his laws, and his long list of things he would do, like withdraw from NAFTA or declare China a currency manipulator, hasn't happened.

...and according to the news this morning, the first quarter of 2017 has the slowest growth rate in the last 3 years. So much for the "Trump bump"!
How could ANY reasonable person NOT see that being president is a difficult job?

The most concerning thing is not the fact that Trump currently thinks it is a hard job, but that he THOUGHT it was going to be an EASY job.

Proof that his insight is lacking.
When did he say it would be easy? I heard many speeches so I know you're full of shit. Like all lefties.

"This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier."

Clearly he admits that he bit off far more than he could chew.
No, that's not what those words mean. You are illiterate.
"This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier."

Clearly he admits that he bit off far more than he could chew.
No, that's not what those words mean. You are illiterate.

Trump is making excuses why he hasn't been able to do even 1/10th of what he promised to do. Trump and the republican majority have control of the federal and state governments, and till can't do shit.
How could ANY reasonable person NOT see that being president is a difficult job?

The most concerning thing is not the fact that Trump currently thinks it is a hard job, but that he THOUGHT it was going to be an EASY job.

Proof that his insight is lacking.
When did he say it would be easy? I heard many speeches so I know you're full of shit. Like all lefties.

"This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier."

Clearly he admits that he bit off far more than he could chew.
No, that's not what those words mean. You are illiterate.

What do they mean, oh wise one?

Anyone who knows English understand that when Trump says "I thought it would be easier", it means that he thought it would be easier.
What do they mean, oh wise one?

Anyone who knows English understand that when Trump says "I thought it would be easier", it means that he thought it would be easier.

Obama made the job look easy. So did Bill Clinton. Both of them cut the deficits, created millions of jobs, and cut unemployment. Leaving the economy in vastly better shape than what they inherited. They left the stock market more than double where it was when they took office. And they made it look easy.
Trump has always thought that being elected president was some sort of "prize" that he won. It never occurred to him that he would have to actually work. Amazingly enough, it didn't even occur to him that he could not just treat congress and the judiciary as just a bunch of apprentice lackeys that he could fire on a whim.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Snowflakes are snowflakes. Somehow Trump is mostly brutally honest, yet somehow he's a liar. The snowflakes can't decide which way is up.

For anyone else, it's hard because there's lots to do, plenty a mess, and Trump is a doer. As opposed Obama who was just a mouth, never mind anti-American. For Obama, being POUS was to just act cool, invite socialism & one world order.

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