Trump: "I Thought It Would Be Easier"

I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Well after watching Obama for 8 years it easy to conclude that a president does nothing but play golf and do fund raisers!

Well, Trump is following in those footsteps nicely.

Yes Trump does play on his golf courses..

But you can do that when you own them!
Everyone is completely unprepared to be president, but some of them, like Obama, lack the character to acknowledge it.

Obama: No president has ever been as prepared as Hillary Clinton

"without ever acknowledging Trump, President Obama made the most convincing case we have seen this convention for why Donald Trump cannot become president. He argued that the presidency is the most difficult and serious and crushingly lonely position in the world, and that it takes someone of exceptional moral character to occupy it."

President Obama just delivered the most convincing argument for why Donald Trump can’t be president.
Everyone is completely unprepared to be president, but some of them, like Obama, lack the character to acknowledge it.

Obama: No president has ever been as prepared as Hillary Clinton

"without ever acknowledging Trump, President Obama made the most convincing case we have seen this convention for why Donald Trump cannot become president. He argued that the presidency is the most difficult and serious and crushingly lonely position in the world, and that it takes someone of exceptional moral character to occupy it."

President Obama just delivered the most convincing argument for why Donald Trump can’t be president.

And yet the far left chose a half white male that had zero experience in 2008!
Well after watching Obama for 8 years it easy to conclude that a president does nothing but play golf and do fund raisers!

Trump is golfing twice as much as Obama did

No he is not, another far left drone failed post!

The Obama Golf Counter - I will not rest until...

:lol: obama golf count dot com? i don't think so...

And Obama golfed a lot. Trump: Twice as much. Yikes.

This exclusive analysis was conducted using public data, a calendar, and some long division. Even Fox & Friends will be hard to call this “fake news,” though Sean Hannity might still try.

The inputs? So far, according to multiple reports, Trump has gone golfing 13 times since becoming president.

March 31 is Trump’s 71st day in office. That’s one round of golf every five-and-a-half days.

Meanwhile the magazine Golf Digest, in the kind of exhaustive and heroic work that really deserves some kind of prize, in January added up all the times Obama went golfing during his eight-year term as president.

The total: 306 times. The calendar tell us there were 2,922 days in Obama’s two terms. So that’s one round of golf every nine-and-a-half days.

In other words, Trump has been golfing at almost twice the rate as Obama did. And this in the supposedly busy early days of his presidency to boot.

Trump is golfing twice as much as Obama did
Well after watching Obama for 8 years it easy to conclude that a president does nothing but play golf and do fund raisers!

Trump is golfing twice as much as Obama did

No he is not, another far left drone failed post!

The Obama Golf Counter - I will not rest until...

:lol: obama golf count dot com? i don't think so...

And Obama golfed a lot. Trump: Twice as much. Yikes.

This exclusive analysis was conducted using public data, a calendar, and some long division. Even Fox & Friends will be hard to call this “fake news,” though Sean Hannity might still try.

The inputs? So far, according to multiple reports, Trump has gone golfing 13 times since becoming president.

March 31 is Trump’s 71st day in office. That’s one round of golf every five-and-a-half days.

Meanwhile the magazine Golf Digest, in the kind of exhaustive and heroic work that really deserves some kind of prize, in January added up all the times Obama went golfing during his eight-year term as president.

The total: 306 times. The calendar tell us there were 2,922 days in Obama’s two terms. So that’s one round of golf every nine-and-a-half days.

In other words, Trump has been golfing at almost twice the rate as Obama did. And this in the supposedly busy early days of his presidency to boot.

Trump is golfing twice as much as Obama did

Once again the far left will deny reality!

We've crunched the numbers, and it's official: President Obama played A LOT of golf while in office - Golf Digest
once again the dumbo parrot trump apologist will deny the reality that not everyone who disagrees with them is FAR LEFT.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Wow, what a bizarre interview, if I didn't know that Donald was a tea tottler I'd suspect he was drunk.

"Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject," he added. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."
Yeah Donnie, nobody except anybody that had studied the issue for more than 5 minutes.

"I actually, this is more work than my previous life. I thought it would be easier."
You didn't know that being the chief executive of a nation of 325 million people with an $18.5 trillion economy and the preeminent superpower on the planet was a bigger and more demanding job than running your own $9.5 billion company? . :eek:

Dear Mr. President,

Please stop giving these types of interviews, you're scaring the shit out of everybody.


The Human Race
lol I like it when he gives candid interviews; it lets me know he is aware of his vulnerabilities and limitations. It is he guys who pretend to have everything under control when they don't that scare me.
While I understand how you would appreciate his candidness, part of being a good leader is inspiring confidence in those you aim to lead even when your own confidence is shaky and part of being POTUS is understanding that anything you say or do can have enormous effects across the globe.

This interview doesn't inspire confidence that the Donald has things under control nor does it indicate that he understands that even his most casual statements can have far reaching impact, quite the opposite since it makes it appear as though he's in way over his head and doesn't have a grip on how to control what he says.

Personally I would suggest that he sit down with his Secretary of State and get some pointers on how interviews like this should be handled, since Tillerson just did a marvelous job talking about the differences between his job at Exxon and his role as Secretary of State in an interview with Brett Baier.
Every president is in way over his head, and I understand that's a frightening thought for many people. We are accustomed to seeing politicians in the WH and politicians are at least as concerned, perhaps more concerned, with appearances as they are in outcomes, but President Trump is a businessman, not a politicians, and businessmen must be primarily concerned with outcomes to survive. I have no interest in the President trying to make me feel more secure by pretending he is in control of everything when he is not, but that's what politicians do. I'm more interested in seeing the President focused on getting things done regardless of appearances.

What's he really saying in the interview? He's saying, I know exactly what I want to do for the country, but I'm a novice politician and I'm only now learning how to work the system to get these things done. I find nothing disquieting in that, and I find comfort in the fact that he is secure enough in himself to be able to talk candidly to voters about it.

As for people around the world hanging on his every word, I think he has used his "bully pulpit" very effectively to get the responses he wants from foreign leaders.
I think almost every president is shocked by how hard the job is, and I like the fact that President Trump is candid about it.

Since you would like practically anything Trump did or said, I'd say your opinion is not particularly useful.
lol Well, since you oppose everything President Trump says or does, clearly your opinion is not useful.
Trump is an unprecedented disaster for the Oval Office and you know it. Even if you like his retarded policy ideas, you are seriously in denial for not at least acknowledging he has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of a 9 year old.
You're just uncomfortable with the President being candid and honest with voters. President Trump often tells voters exactly how he feels, much like Harry Truman did, while some other presidents say behind closed doors what President Trump says in public. I prefer to know what is going on while you seem to prefer to be kept in the dark.
Um him being candid doesn't change the fact that he has the mind of a child.
Saying that indicates you have the mind of a child.
Everyone is completely unprepared to be president, but some of them, like Obama, lack the character to acknowledge it.

Obama: No president has ever been as prepared as Hillary Clinton

"without ever acknowledging Trump, President Obama made the most convincing case we have seen this convention for why Donald Trump cannot become president. He argued that the presidency is the most difficult and serious and crushingly lonely position in the world, and that it takes someone of exceptional moral character to occupy it."

President Obama just delivered the most convincing argument for why Donald Trump can’t be president.
Of course Obama was suggesting it was all a slam dunk for him.
Yea.......imagine having to actually work
This ain't the Apprentice

But at least he has his golf game and monthly pep rallies
Reminds me, for some reason, what Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies said when asked what he wanted to be...

"...a brain surgeon...or a soda jerk!"
Look at all the rubes who have to deflect to the Former President. :lol:
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

How hard can it be? He did it.

I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

How hard can it be? He did it.


Yeah he did it and just look at how badly he fucked it up...... maybe we need to raise the bar a bit, you know put a mentally stable, grown up in the job, just for a change of pace?
how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
So what Trump is really saying is that he never would have run for president if he'd known how much real work there was to being president.

It's also more evidence that he was most likely running to run, not running to win.
how badly did he fuck it up? We were doing much better under W? :haha:
LOL, George W. Screwup is your benchmark? Like I said, we need to raise the bar for POTUS since we're batting 0-3 since the turn of the Century. Perhaps we should consider outsourcing the job because neither major crime family.... er.. political party can seem to find any Americans to nominate that are worth a damn.

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