Trump: I was right on immigration ban

Donald Trump lashed out at the country's immigration policies Monday in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting ... saying he was right all along.

Trump -- I Was Right On Immigration Ban (VIDEO)

Apparently Trump is too stupid to know that the shooter was an American citizen born in Queens, New York - like he was.

Yes he was from NY. His parents came here from Afghanistan.

Imagine if the ban was in place when his parents tried to come????? 50 gay Americans wouldn't be dead today.

THAT IS the point. We have what we already have.

Let's not bring in more.

Well, dumbass, America is a nation of immigrants. Where did you come from?

And this is important because?

Because of this every muslim should be let in... because?

This invalidates the fact that had muslims not been let in, the incident wouldn't have happened, because?

Do you ever think at all how dumb your arguments are before posting?
Donald Trump lashed out at the country's immigration policies Monday in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting ... saying he was right all along.

Trump -- I Was Right On Immigration Ban (VIDEO)

Apparently Trump is too stupid to know that the shooter was an American citizen born in Queens, New York - like he was.

Yes he was from NY. His parents came here from Afghanistan.

Imagine if the ban was in place when his parents tried to come????? 50 gay Americans wouldn't be dead today.

THAT IS the point. We have what we already have.

Let's not bring in more.

Well, dumbass, America is a nation of immigrants. Where did you come from?

And this is important because?

Because of this every muslim should be let in... because?

This invalidates the fact that had muslims not been let in, the incident wouldn't have happened, because?

Do you ever think at all how dumb your arguments are before posting?

Why are you responding for bucs90?
The guy is a royal dunce.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, he is - but his zombie supporters are too stupid to care. They are all a bunch of deranged anarchists.

We need MORE "gubermint"!!!!!!!!

Yes, we do - especially good and functional government.

Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution
Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution - 26k - similar pages
Details government's crucial role in improving Americans' lives and promoting the public good. Also critiques the right-wing attack on government.

What you fail to understand is that we don't have a representative "gubermint". We have a corporate entity and corporate officers that do the bidding of the banking oligarchs that have owned this country since 1913. Your labor is surety on the debt due to the bankruptcy of 1933 when FDR pledged our labor....that is a FACT. In 1950, the Fed bankers drove USA.INC into bankruptcy yet again after stealing the people's gold with the March 9th bankruptcy of 1933. They milked us by driving us into debt by driving us into WWII where they financed BOTH sides and then allowed their "sister" corporation (the International Monetary Fund) to take it into receivership in 1950 and that was when cities, towns and counties started incorporating as they became subsidiaries of the states that were subsidiaries of USA.INC whose owners are the international bankers. It is a fact and well documented and it's not even something you could possibly refute. I have the acts, statutes and codes that will stand up under ANY scrutiny. I can produce the CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) of any of these corporate entities like the IRS, FBI, the Supreme Court, your local municipality is INCORPORATED thus under the UCC (universal Commercial Code) which is admiralty law that was brought on the land. The gold fringed flag in the court room represents admiralty law. We do not have "judges"...we have administrators that work on behalf of the bankers which is why there is monetary amounts placed on any court tell me again as to why we need more corporate "gubermint"?????
Donald Trump lashed out at the country's immigration policies Monday in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting ... saying he was right all along.

Trump -- I Was Right On Immigration Ban (VIDEO)

Apparently Trump is too stupid to know that the shooter was an American citizen born in Queens, New York - like he was.
He was the child of a immigrant muslim just like all the shooters.
Children of immigrants are the new jihad recruit ground.
That;s why donald is right. But youll take the country down before you admit you're wrong.

American-born children of immigrants proving most fruitful recruiting ground for jihad in U.S.
Donald Trump lashed out at the country's immigration policies Monday in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting ... saying he was right all along.

Trump -- I Was Right On Immigration Ban (VIDEO)

Apparently Trump is too stupid to know that the shooter was an American citizen born in Queens, New York - like he was.

Yes he was from NY. His parents came here from Afghanistan.

Imagine if the ban was in place when his parents tried to come????? 50 gay Americans wouldn't be dead today.

THAT IS the point. We have what we already have.

Let's not bring in more.

Well, dumbass, America is a nation of immigrants. Where did you come from?

And this is important because?

Because of this every muslim should be let in... because?

This invalidates the fact that had muslims not been let in, the incident wouldn't have happened, because?

Do you ever think at all how dumb your arguments are before posting?

Why are you responding for bucs90?

Because you threw the exact same nonsense argument at me.

I don't think the NON-Islamic colonization of 1500s has much to do with the issue,
The guy is a royal dunce.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, he is - but his zombie supporters are too stupid to care. They are all a bunch of deranged anarchists.

We need MORE "gubermint"!!!!!!!!

Yes, we do - especially good and functional government.

Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution
Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution - 26k - similar pages
Details government's crucial role in improving Americans' lives and promoting the public good. Also critiques the right-wing attack on government.

Nice fairly tales.

Bet they didn't mention that as government has grown 5x in size (relative to the economy) to the point of confiscating in average about 40% of one's income, the GDP growth has halved. Those damn facts...

Listen retard, Reaganism destroyed the unions and the bargaining power of the workers that built the middle class in this country to begin with. Government Hasn't effin grown at all in infrastructure, science, or r&d investment in which during the 60's made up over 70% of all such investment compared to around 40% now. The rich use to pay twice or more times as much in taxes 40 years ago. You really need to learn by researching the issue. Your belief system is based on lies and idiocy.

Deregulations caused the depression and great recession! The destruction of peoples bargaining rights and ability to compete against big corporate has destroyed our middle class.

Reaganism and what you propose is disgusting as our roads turn to shit and educational standards go straight to hell.

The only thing that maybe too big is welfare but otherwise...Learn history and do some research.

No, the Great Depression was caused by the foreign owned federal reserve bankers that sold and got out of the market when it was at it's peak and then did a margin call causing a run on the bank. They then swooped in and bought up unaffilliated banks and corporations that they coveted WHILE retracting the money supply. Your knowledge of our real history is lacking...very much so. Allow me to educate you and let's have a serious discussion. I am not looking to score points. My goal is to educate and arouse some intellectual curiosity.
The guy is a royal dunce.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, he is - but his zombie supporters are too stupid to care. They are all a bunch of deranged anarchists.

We need MORE "gubermint"!!!!!!!!

Yes, we do - especially good and functional government.

Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution
Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution - 26k - similar pages
Details government's crucial role in improving Americans' lives and promoting the public good. Also critiques the right-wing attack on government.

Nice fairly tales.

Bet they didn't mention that as government has grown 5x in size (relative to the economy) to the point of confiscating in average about 40% of one's income, the GDP growth has halved. Those damn facts...

Listen retard, Reaganism destroyed the unions and the bargaining power of the workers that built the middle class in this country to begin with. Government Hasn't effin grown at all in infrastructure, science, or r&d investment in which during the 60's made up over 70% of all such investment compared to around 40% now. The rich use to pay twice or more times as much in taxes 40 years ago. You really need to learn by researching the issue. Your belief system is based on lies and idiocy.

Deregulations caused the depression and great recession! The destruction of peoples bargaining rights and ability to compete against big corporate has destroyed our middle class.

Reaganism and what you propose is disgusting as our roads turn to shit and educational standards go straight to hell.

The only thing that maybe too big is welfare but otherwise...Learn history and do some research.
signed jimmy carter
Lakhota can only "snicker" but yet she has NO hope of refuting my claims. That is the way of the leftard......laugh nervously and pretend that I never kicked their ass because they have no hope of refuting my information.

Lakhota's cyber pelt has been added to my wall of other leftards that did the epic "fail"........(snicker)
The guy is a royal dunce.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, he is - but his zombie supporters are too stupid to care. They are all a bunch of deranged anarchists.

We need MORE "gubermint"!!!!!!!!

Yes, we do - especially good and functional government.

Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution
Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution - 26k - similar pages
Details government's crucial role in improving Americans' lives and promoting the public good. Also critiques the right-wing attack on government.

What you fail to understand is that we don't have a representative "gubermint". We have a corporate entity and corporate officers that do the bidding of the banking oligarchs that have owned this country since 1913. Your labor is surety on the debt due to the bankruptcy of 1933 when FDR pledged our labor....that is a FACT. In 1950, the Fed bankers drove USA.INC into bankruptcy yet again after stealing the people's gold with the March 9th bankruptcy of 1933. They milked us by driving us into debt by driving us into WWII where they financed BOTH sides and then allowed their "sister" corporation (the International Monetary Fund) to take it into receivership in 1950 and that was when cities, towns and counties started incorporating as they became subsidiaries of the states that were subsidiaries of USA.INC whose owners are the international bankers. It is a fact and well documented and it's not even something you could possibly refute. I have the acts, statutes and codes that will stand up under ANY scrutiny. I can produce the CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) of any of these corporate entities like the IRS, FBI, the Supreme Court, your local municipality is INCORPORATED thus under the UCC (universal Commercial Code) which is admiralty law that was brought on the land. The gold fringed flag in the court room represents admiralty law. We do not have "judges"...we have administrators that work on behalf of the bankers which is why there is monetary amounts placed on any court tell me again as to why we need more corporate "gubermint"?????

And which side supports Citizens United... Which side has rejected all Election reform... Which side introduced personhood...

We have guys here who want to win at all costs and will sign any deal for power... Gerrymandering, Campaign Finance,....
Donald Trump lashed out at the country's immigration policies Monday in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting ... saying he was right all along.

Trump -- I Was Right On Immigration Ban (VIDEO)

Apparently Trump is too stupid to know that the shooter was an American citizen born in Queens, New York - like he was.

Oh he knows that. He also knows the parents were from Pakistan. The father ran for president of Pakistan as a Taliban. If the parents hadn't been allowed in the US, that home grown terrorist would have been born in Pakistan.
Max Boot, an influential conservative at the Council on Foreign Relations, said the Orlando tragedy “could have provided an opening for Trump to rally Republicans against terrorism.” But instead, Boot said, Trump has been “partisan and petty.”

Boot criticized Trump for suggesting on Monday that President Barack Obama may sympathize with radicalized Muslims and for reviving the proposed Muslim ban. “His performance has been in character,” Boot said, “which is to say appalling.”
Trump's post-Orlando message falls flat with Republican establishment
Donald Trump lashed out at the country's immigration policies Monday in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting ... saying he was right all along.

Trump -- I Was Right On Immigration Ban (VIDEO)

Apparently Trump is too stupid to know that the shooter was an American citizen born in Queens, New York - like he was.

One question... How did this guy's parents become americans?

Oh, muslim immigration. Have any other dumb remarks to make?

Oh for fuck's sake, you really think immigration should be limited based on the fact that someone might have a child one day and that child might grow up to become a 30 year old criminal? That's as fucking stupid as the liberals who are trying to cry about gun control.
The guy is a royal dunce.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, he is - but his zombie supporters are too stupid to care. They are all a bunch of deranged anarchists.

We need MORE "gubermint"!!!!!!!!
We need less government and less regulations. Libertarians would just let the free market decide. If people want less guns then that's the solution. If they want more that's cool too
Oh he knows that. He also knows the parents were from Pakistan. The father ran for president of Pakistan as a Taliban. If the parents hadn't been allowed in the US, that home grown terrorist would have been born in Pakistan.


Well, you've just shown how much you know about this. Which is slightly less than jack shit.

His parents are Afghani, not Pakistani. His father was a supporter of the anti-Soviet Mujahideen organization of the 80s.
Donald Trump lashed out at the country's immigration policies Monday in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting ... saying he was right all along.

Trump -- I Was Right On Immigration Ban (VIDEO)

Apparently Trump is too stupid to know that the shooter was an American citizen born in Queens, New York - like he was.

After the San Bernardino massacre Trump declared we have to ban Muslim immigration
After Orlando, Trump got on his soapbox and said .......see? You should have listened to me

Both killings were by native born Americans
Oh he knows that. He also knows the parents were from Pakistan. The father ran for president of Pakistan as a Taliban. If the parents hadn't been allowed in the US, that home grown terrorist would have been born in Pakistan.

His father was a supporter of the anti-Soviet Mujahideen organization of the 80s.
So was Osama Bin Laden!

So was Ronald Reagan and Donald Rumsfeld
Yea but Reagan and Rumsfeld weren't Muslim and didn't worship the pedophile Allah.

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