Trump: 'I will bring back free speech in America'

Maybe you don't know that Trump is a billionaire?

So what? One of you Hollywood actors - unfortunatelly I forgot the name - gaev once this very nice statement: "When you give a lot of money to a poor idiot then he will become a rich idiot."

The Trump Organization is vast and very high class.

Donald Trump and high quality exclude each other in my view to this absurde man.

Trump was a NY democrat most of his life,

No wonder. He made a lot of profit with subsidized housing.

but then graduated to be a Republican, probably because they always just want to cut taxes.

I heard every average American pays more taxes relativelly to the income than Donald Trump ever did do.

Trump went to the prestigious Wharton School of Business. He's no "dummkopf".

What he learned in this school I do not know - but he is an unbelievable knucklehead - one of the worst. Partially he seemsnot only not to know anything what had happened in international politics during his own life - he knows even less than nothing.

Trump is an AH,

Is what? An Amperehour? An old German football player? A wrong working adaptive hypermedia-system?

General Kelly described him as "a very flawed man".

The former General Kelly had been a dependent employee - in the eyes of Donald Trump a slave - of the government Donald Trump. Trump is an autocrat - no team player.

Yet he does a good job as president of the US.

When he was trumpsident of the USA he did do a good job? Which one?

Sometimes an AH is the right man for the job.
View attachment 831238

"AH" again? What means this? 1001 different things ... One moment please: I hope you do not use the acronym "AH" now for Adolf Hitler. No one needed Adolf Hitler. "Adolf Hitler" was not an own original existence - it was an artificially made existence. That's perhaps a common element between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. Both had been/are faking fake news producers in a self-made fake-reality.
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So what? One of you Hollywood actors - unfortunatelly I forgot the name - gave once this very nice statement: "When you give a lot of money to a poor idiot then he will become a rich idiot."

Donald Trump and high quality exclude each other in my view to this absurd man.

No wonder. He made a lot of profit with subsidized housing.

I heard every average American pays more taxes relatively to the income than Donald Trump ever did do.

What he learned in this school I do not know - but he is an unbelievable knucklehead - one of the worst. Partially he seems not only not to know anything what had happened in international politics during his own life - he knows even less than nothing.

Is what? An Amperehour? An old German football player? A wrong working adaptive hypermedia-system?

The former General Kelly had been a dependent employee - in the eyes of Donald Trump a slave - of the government Donald Trump. Trump is an autocrat - no team player.

When he was trumpsident of the USA he did do a good job? Which one?

"AH" again? What means this? 1001 different things ... One moment please: I hope you do not use the acronym "AH" now for Adolf Hitler. No one needed Adolf Hitler. "Adolf Hitler" was not an own original existence - it was an artificially made existence. That's perhaps a common element between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. Both had been/are faking fake news producers in a self-made fake-reality.
From your post #133 you said Germans consider Trump an "asshole" (AH for short)

1. Becoming a billionaire is very difficult. We have a saying "A fool and his money will soon part ways".

2. Trump built very expensive properties, not subsidized housing.

3. Trump knows the tax system and bribes politicians to include "loopholes" so that he minimizes his taxes. That's why he doesn't want his tax records publicized.

4. The US was much better under Trump than the senile moron criminal Biden.

5. AH is short for asshole. Trump is one, but he's better than any democrat.
From your post #133 you said Germans consider Trump an "asshole" (AH for short)

AHa - that's AH. "Asshole" is in Germany sometimes also a fiendly comment under freiunds - but not so in case of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is for very most Germans a "persons non grata".

1. Becoming a billionaire is very difficult.

What a nonsense. Donald Trump never made anythiong speir kly than to be born superrich. Someone who is superrich is not able to become poor again.

We have a saying "A fool and his money will soon part ways".

Harvesting the money of hard working tenants is one of the most easy jobs in the whole world.

2. Trump built very expensive properties, not subsidized housing.

Trump never buuided anything. He financed buildings. Toda yinthe m,soiring for example I read in the newspaper a big company will invests some hduinrd millions now. What means such a "grace" in reöaliaty? The tax payer wil pay a lotof m0opebny for thsi invetsment - and the profust wil make the superrich owners amnd shrehilers of thei company. In case the idea behind this investment will be a so called "Schnapsidee" (a drunken unreal idea made under the influence of Schnapps or drugs and euphoric emotions) then the taxapüüyer will have to take care fot he negative social results.

3. Trump knows the tax system

Trump knows nothing.

and bribes politicians to include "loopholes" so that he minimizes his taxes. That's why he doesn't want his tax records publicized.

A billionaire who pays no taxes although he makes a lot of money knows for sure very well how to make idiots out of everyone else.

4. The US was much better under Trump than the senile moron criminal Biden.

Empty nonsense phrase.

5. AH is short for asshole. Trump is one,

The Germans are right? Are you sure you are an US-American?

but he's better than any democrat.

From my point of view one of the best presidents of the USA in the younger history had been Bill Clinton.


Berlin (taz) – Jetzt ist es amtlich: Die USA schreiben zum erstenmal seit 29 Jahren ihre Haushaltszahlen mit schwarzer Tinte. Das Haushaltsbüro des Weißen Hauses gab gestern bekannt, daß dieses Jahr die US-Bundesregierung 39 Milliarden US-Dollar mehr einnimmt, als sie ausgibt.
Den Republikanern hat Bill Clinton mit diesem Haushalt den Wind aus den Segeln genommen. Den schmachvollen Winter 1995/96 kann der Präsident jetzt endlich vergessen. Damals hatte der konservativ dominierte Kongreß, angeführt von Clintons Gegenspieler Newt Gingrich, Gelder blockiert, so daß der Staat teilweise seine Arbeit einstellen mußte. Die Regierung mußte ein Programm unterzeichnen, wonach sie bis zum Jahr 2002 den Haushalt auszugleichen hatte.
Den Plan hat Clinton übererfüllt. Bis 2002 erwartet sein Haushaltsbüro jetzt bis zu 148 Milliarden Dollar an Überschüssen. Zu dem Erfolg trug nicht nur eine Begrenzung der Staatsausgaben bei. Nur noch 15 Prozent des Etats gehen beispielsweise an das Militär.
Vor allem die immer weiter boomende Konjunktur hat dem Bund noch reichlichere Einnahmen beschert, als die Regierung selbst erwartet hatte. Noch im Februar hatte sie das diesjährige Defizit auf 10 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt. Der selten hohe Beschäftigungsstand bedeutet für den Staat selten hohe Lohnsteuereinnahmen. Auch vom anhaltenden Aktienboom bekommt der Bund durch die Kapitalertragsteuern etwas ab.
Ob etwas von den Überschüssen zum Abbau der Schulden eingesetzt wird, ist indes fraglich. Die jahrzehntelangen Haushaltsdefizite haben in den USA inzwischen eine Staatsverschuldung von 5,6 Billionen US-Dollar auflaufen lassen – das sind 75 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Allein zwischen 1981 und 1992, also in den Jahren der republikanischen Präsidentschaft, vervierfachten sich die Staatsschulden, nicht zuletzt wegen Ronald Reagans Rüstungsmanie, gepaart mit seiner Steuersenkungsphilosophie. ...


Berlin (taz) - Now it's official: The U.S. is writing its budget figures in black ink for the first time in 29 years. The White House budget office announced yesterday that this year the US federal government will take in $39 billion more than it spends.


Bill Clinton has taken the wind out of the Republicans' sails with this budget. The president can now finally forget the disgraceful winter of 1995-96. Back then, the conservative-dominated Congress, led by Clinton's opponent Newt Gingrich, had blocked funds, so that the state had to partially stop its work. The government had to sign off on a program to balance the budget by 2002.

Clinton overachieved on that plan. By 2002, his budget office now expects up to $148 billion in surpluses. Limiting government spending was not the only factor contributing to the success. Only 15 percent of the budget now goes to the military, for example.

Above all, the ever-booming economy has provided the federal government with even more abundant revenues than the government itself had expected. As recently as February, it had estimated this year's deficit at $10 billion. Rarely high employment levels mean rarely high payroll tax revenues for the government. The federal government also gets something from the ongoing stock boom through capital gains taxes.

Whether any of the surpluses will be used to reduce the debt, however, is questionable. Decades of budget deficits in the U.S. have now accumulated a national debt of $5.6 trillion - that's 75 percent of gross domestic product. Between 1981 and 1992 alone, the years of the Republican presidency, the national debt quadrupled, not least because of Ronald Reagan's arms mania, coupled with his tax-cutting philosophy. ...


AHa - that's AH. "Asshole" is in Germany sometimes also a friendly comment under friends - but not so in case of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is for most Germans a "persona non grata".

What nonsense. Donald Trump never made anything speir kly than to be born superrich. Someone who is superrich is not able to become poor again.
Harvesting the money of hard working tenants is one of the most easy jobs in the whole world.

Trump never built anything. He financed buildings. Toda yinthe m,soiring for example I read in the newspaper a big company will invest some hundred millions now. What means such a "grace" in reality? The tax payer will pay a lot of money for this investment - and the profust will make the superrich owners amnd shrehilers of the company. In case the idea behind this investment will be a so called "Schnapsidee" (a drunken unreal idea made under the influence of Schnapps or drugs and euphoric emotions) then the taxpayer will have to take care of the negative social results.

Trump knows nothing.
A billionaire who pays no taxes although he makes a lot of money knows for sure very well how to make idiots out of everyone else.

Empty nonsense phrase.

The Germans are right? Are you sure you are an US-American

From my point of view one of the best presidents of the USA in the younger history had been Bill Clinton.

Berlin (taz) - Now it's official: The U.S. is writing its budget figures in black ink for the first time in 29 years. The White House budget office announced yesterday that this year the US federal government will take in $39 billion more than it spends.
Bill Clinton has taken the wind out of the Republicans' sails with this budget. The president can now finally forget the disgraceful winter of 1995-96. Back then, the conservative-dominated Congress, led by Clinton's opponent Newt Gingrich, had blocked funds, so that the state had to partially stop its work. The government had to sign off on a program to balance the budget by 2002.

Clinton overachieved on that plan. By 2002, his budget office now expects up to $148 billion in surpluses. Limiting government spending was not the only factor contributing to the success. Only 15 percent of the budget now goes to the military, for example.

Above all, the ever-booming economy has provided the federal government with even more abundant revenues than the government itself had expected. As recently as February, it had estimated this year's deficit at $10 billion. Rarely high employment levels mean rarely high payroll tax revenues for the government. The federal government also gets something from the ongoing stock boom through capital gains taxes.

Whether any of the surpluses will be used to reduce the debt, however, is questionable. Decades of budget deficits in the U.S. have now accumulated a national debt of $5.6 trillion - that's 75 percent of gross domestic product. Between 1981 and 1992 alone, the years of the Republican presidency, the national debt quadrupled, not least because of Ronald Reagan's arms mania, coupled with his tax-cutting philosophy. ...
1. Are you a billionaire? It is very difficult to build that much wealth. Elon Musk did it with brilliance and reckless abandon. Risking everything on every new enterprise. Trump built his empire with business shrewdness, and probably political astuteness paying the right people for tax loopholes. Trump's businesses are all for the very wealthy. Its very easy to lose your money. One example is the idiot who forgot his password for his $millions of crypto-currency, duh.

2. Trump does NOT have shareholders. He is the OWNER of his empire. He borrows money from banks to finance his enterprises.

3. FACT: the US was much better under Trump than the senile moron criminal Biden. That is a FACT. You will see in the coming 2024 election who wins, and by how much.

4. Germans are right, Trump has personality flaws. He can be rude and abusive, call him an AH. However, he is smart and does know how to run a complex country like the US better than democrats. Biden can't do a press conference, Trump has command of facts and abuses the abusive press at press conferences.

5. I think you give Bill Clinton too much credit for the Balanced Budget. Newt Gingrich was speaker of the House and made the balanced budgets for Clinton to sign. Clinton had weak morals and should have resigned for abusing a young intern.
Here's a video Clinton would have liked:

Trump: 'I will bring back free speech in America'

The greatest president ever, and the next president: Donald Trump! He spoke at the Pray Vote Stand Summit. He talked about BidenFlation, border control, talks child trafficking, More to come in following posts.

Greatest president ever
1. Are you a billionaire?

No. I'm only rich and not superrich. I'm able to become poor. But that's okay: No risk - no fun.

It is very difficult to build that much wealth.

Is it difficult to win a high lottery prize only because it is nearly impossible to win such a prize? Superrich people are inevitable in the capitalistic system. That's why this system is under fire. Imagine someone works in his life 45 years, 45 weeks a year and 8 hours a day in 5 days a week. This are 45*45*5*8 = 81,000 hours. If someine earns a billion dollar in this days then this means he earns in an hour $12,500.

The minimum wage in the USA is between $7 and $14. So a billionaire earns per billion about 1000x more then someone who gets the minimum wage in the USA. But who is able to work 1000 times more than anyone else?

Elon Musk did it with brilliance and reckless abandon. Risking everything on every new enterprise. Trump built his empire with business shrewdness, and probably political astuteness paying the right people for tax loopholes. Trump's businesses are all for the very wealthy. Its very easy to lose your money. One example is the idiot who forgot his password for his $millions of crypto-currency, duh.

Sorry. But I am happy that I do not have to do anything with people like Trump or Musk. Epicurus - the philosopher of happiness - said "Stay away from the powerful" and I think he is right. I have the prejudice such people make no one happy - not even themselves.

2. Trump does NOT have shareholders. He is the OWNER of his empire. He borrows money from banks to finance his enterprises.

3. FACT: the US was much better under Trump than the senile moron criminal Biden. That is a FACT. You will see in the coming 2024 election who wins, and by how much.

4. Germans are right.

Eeek - what's wrong now? No one says "Germans are right" - never. Everyone in your world calls all Germans Nazis when they have the feeling a German could be right.

Trump has personality flaws. He can be rude and abusive, call him an AH. However, he is smart

He is an idiot.

and does know how to run a complex country like the US better than democrats. Biden can't do a press conference, Trump has command of facts and abuses the abusive press at press conferences.

Donald Trump never said anything what made any sense in politics. He is nothing else than an empty phrase. His politics is only one big letter - the letter "I".

5. I think you give Bill Clinton too much credit for the Balanced Budget. ...

No I give him no credit at all - I give no politicians any credit at all. Because this credits will be public debts in the end which everyone else will have to pay - directly or indirectly.

Newt Gingrich was speaker of the House and made the balanced budgets for Clinton to sign. Clinton had weak morals ...

What a bullshit. I do not have any idea what you try to discuss with me. Donald Trump is a high traitor.
No. I'm only rich and not superrich. I'm able to become poor. But that's okay: No risk - no fun.

Is it difficult to win a high lottery prize only because it is nearly impossible to win such a prize? Superrich people are inevitable in the capitalistic system. That's why this system is under fire. Imagine someone works in his life 45 years, 45 weeks a year and 8 hours a day in 5 days a week. This are 45*45*5*8 = 81,000 hours. If someone earns a billion dollar in this days then this means he earns in an hour $12,500. The minimum wage in the USA is between $7 and $14. So a billionaire earns per billion about 1000x more then someone who gets the minimum wage in the USA. But who is able to work 1000 times more than anyone else?

Sorry. But I am happy that I do not have to do anything with people like Trump or Musk. Epicurus - the philosopher of happiness - said "Stay away from the powerful" and I think he is right. I have the prejudice such people make no one happy - not even themselves.

Eeek - what's wrong now? No one says "Germans are right" - never. Everyone in your world calls all Germans Nazis when they have the feeling a German could be right.

He is an idiot.

Donald Trump never said anything what made any sense in politics. He is nothing else than an empty phrase. His politics is only one big letter - the letter "I".

No I give him no credit at all - I give no politicians any credit at all. Because this credits will be public debts in the end which everyone else will have to pay - directly or indirectly.

What a bullshit. I do not have any idea what you try to discuss with me. Donald Trump is a high traitor.
!. Without rich powerful people there are only peons fighting for scraps of food, or territory. It takes energy, seed money, and great business sense to accumulate wealth, not to mention the employees and their families who depend upon those jobs for survival. Trump and Musk employ many thousands of people.

2. Germans are right that Trump is a tough man to deal with. He wants to add tariffs on everything, especially imported cars, and especially when the trade is unfair.

3. You call Trump an "idiot" without proof. You should at least put up a few examples of how or why you think he is an idiot. Democrats put up reasons every day. We Republicans push back proving why they are wrong, and why Joe Biden is the real idiot.

4. Trump always makes sense, he told the UAW auto workers union, that Biden's push for EVs would put them out of business. He was right. Trump said that Biden's war on energy would cause inflation, he was right. Trump kept migrants out of the US, and Biden is letting millions in, Trump is right. I could go on and on, but you wouldn't know many of the US issues. One more, Trump told NATO deadbeats that they needed to meet their financial committments, he was right, Stoltenberg thanked Trump.

5. Not Bullshit. Sometimes you don't know how US politics works or its history. Newt Gingrich made a "contract with America" where he made many promises, and kept them, including a balanced budget. Bill Clinton was nothing but a sexual predator who took advantage of young pretty interns.

6. Trump is no traitor, Biden is the traitor, leaving in thousands of spies and terrorists thru the open southern border. If you think Trump is a traitor you are wrong. Trump is leading Biden in the 2024 polls. Biden is too old, but is staying in the race, he will lose to Trump thankfully.

That is not a free speech platform. Trump was shut down by a private platform, not the government.
You're not the brightest bulb in the drawer. Nazi Musk's new fascism is to prevent non-member of Twitter from seeing current posts of members. This internet nazism goes beyond privacy to help castrate American democracy.
You're not the brightest bulb in the drawer. Nazi Musk's new fascism is to prevent non-member of Twitter from seeing current posts of members. This internet nazism goes beyond privacy to help castrate American democracy.
Private company, idiot. You don't have a constitutional right to social media, idiot.

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