Trump: 'I will bring back free speech in America'

Trump requested the NG on Tuesday, J4, and dems denied the request.
Then on J6 after Bowser said her police could handle it, dems want Trump to pull the NG out of his ass.
The NG are NOT on standby dumbass.
Pelosi and Bowser should have approved Trump's and Capitol Police Chief Sund's request from J4. There would have been no J6 riot.
Fake News. On J6, Pelosi and Grassley finally got Pence to authorize the NG who were on standby to clear the Capitol.,
Looting and razing was for social Justice. Court of law. LOL
Again you need try and express more complete thoughts. Are you suggesting a court of law ruled looting was legal under "social justice"? That'd be news to me.
Says the race baiter who claims courts are racist and the country is systematically racist.
The difference is that I have evidence of that like Republican law makers admitting the war on drugs was an excuse to go after black and brown people and studies on the criminal justice system that show despite Black and White people using drugs at similar rates Black people get arrested at more than twice the rate for non violent drug crimes and are given tougher sentences. This are objective facts, not arguments based on my sensitive feelings like yours are.
The Governor pardoned him for a reason.
Yes. Political reasons.
The school hid the facts.
Has that been determined by a court or is this another expression of your emotional beliefs?
You should read about the case before opining and sounding even dumber than you usually do, fat boy.
I can read the verdict.
Don’t have free speech at school board meetings it seems. Only simp is you, fat boy.

How fat are you Azog?? Are you just a little chubby or are you Orca fat??

Once again, "free speech" is not a license to lie, slander or make false accusations on NO EVIDENCE, against teachers or members of the Board. As for the "free speech" issue, it's the teachers' rights to free speech and freedom of association which are being attacked here.

Teachers are being falsley accused of "grooming" children, and false accusations. Gay teachers can't discuss any racially related, or related to human sexuality, marriage or family life. Florida has over 8000 teacher vacancies, and is "investigating teachers" for inappropriate gender discussions. Classrooms are being stripped of any materials on race, family life or history or gender.

All to combat CRT which isn't being taught, and "homosexual grooming" which isn't happening. The whole point of these attacks is to end public education in the USA, and replace it with Christian based education promoting virginity and abstinence. Neither of which has ever worked in preventing teen pregancies.
How fat are you Azog?? Are you just a little chubby or are you Orca fat??

Once again, "free speech" is not a license to lie, slander or make false accusations on NO EVIDENCE, against teachers or members of the Board. As for the "free speech" issue, it's the teachers' rights to free speech and freedom of association which are being attacked here.

Teachers are being falsley accused of "grooming" children, and false accusations. Gay teachers can't discuss any racially related, or related to human sexuality, marriage or family life. Florida has over 8000 teacher vacancies, and is "investigating teachers" for inappropriate gender discussions. Classrooms are being stripped of any materials on race, family life or history or gender.

All to combat CRT which isn't being taught, and "homosexual grooming" which isn't happening. The whole point of these attacks is to end public education in the USA, and replace it with Christian based education promoting virginity and abstinence. Neither of which has ever worked in preventing teen pregancies.
Yeah, screw the children.
Again you need try and express more complete thoughts. Are you suggesting a court of law ruled looting was legal under "social justice"? That'd be news to me.

The difference is that I have evidence of that like Republican law makers admitting the war on drugs was an excuse to go after black and brown people and studies on the criminal justice system that show despite Black and White people using drugs at similar rates Black people get arrested at more than twice the rate for non violent drug crimes and are given tougher sentences. This are objective facts, not arguments based on my sensitive feelings like yours are.

Yes. Political reasons.

Has that been determined by a court or is this another expression of your emotional beliefs?

I can read the verdict.
Show evidence the country is systematically racist. LOL

The Governor pardoned him for a reason. 🤷‍♂️

Talk about court of law. You still consider Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer. Your hypocrisy is delicious.
No one has any right to slander, defame, or lie about school board members or school staff or faculty or administration without evidence.

If someone starts screaming in meeting, security batons them down, handcuffs them, drags them out, and puts them in the drunk tank until the next morning,.

We had that problem at one meeting back in 2009 from three Tea Party people. That's how it was handled. All meetings have been quiet since.
Fake News. On J6, Pelosi and Grassley finally got Pence to authorize the NG who were on standby to clear the Capitol.,
Type all the lies you want. Here is the truth. Both Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund requested the National Guard for J6 3-days before J6.

Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6, Irving’s friend told The Washington Post.

The hostile media/entertainers could have given him a chance. T
Could have. They didn't. He wasn't "Presidential" enough. But that's now water under the bridge. His time is over.
hey did not. Now we have more poorer people designed on purpose or from idiots.
Oh, no doubt... his (and your) problem is that more than half of the American Electorate see him as a threat to democracy.

When your own party is not large enough to get you elected on its own - if they need other groups (in this case, the lion's share of Independents and Swing Voters) in order to overcome the numbers of The Adversary, you cannot serve-up a perceived threat.

That's a sure-fire recipe for getting beaten... perhaps quite badly this next time around... but there is still time to rethink this.

You have a much deeper "bench" or :"bullpen" than the Democrats do... find somebody else who can beat the Leftists in 2024.
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Fake News. On J6, Pelosi and Grassley finally got Pence to authorize the NG who were on standby to clear the Capitol.,
BOTH Capitol Police Chief Sund and President Trump requested the National Guard 3-days BEFORE J6, and BOTH requests were denied.
lyzr is ignoring J6, when Trump, asked three times to release the NG, refused to do so,

It took Trump trapped in the underground garage that afternoon to release them.

Mike Flynn's brother, of all ironies, was the commanding officer of the NG there, who asked eagerly, "Can we machine gun the protestors?"
lyzr is ignoring J6, when Trump, asked three times to release the NG, refused to do so,
It took Trump trapped in the underground garage that afternoon to release them.
Mike Flynn's brother, of all ironies, was the commanding officer of the NG there, who asked eagerly, "Can we machine gun the protestors?"
You type shit that doesn't matter. The NG is NOT on standby dumbass, they need to be activated. That's why it took so long for them to get to DC, they came from other states, MD and VA.
What part of Trump and Chief Sund requested the NG 3-days before J6, and the democrats denied their requests don't you understand?
If stupid Nancy Pelosi and Murial Bowser approved their requests there would have been NO J6 RIOT.
lyzr is ignoring J6, when Trump, asked three times to release the NG, refused to do so,
It took Trump trapped in the underground garage that afternoon to release them.
Mike Flynn's brother, of all ironies, was the commanding officer of the NG there, who asked eagerly, "Can we machine gun the protestors?"
Link please. Or you are lying.....waiting...
Here in the US everyone lies.


There is no truth.

The truth "there is no truth" is for sure wrong.

Every "fact" has an alternate fact.

No fact has any alternate fact. Facts are facts. It is what it is.

Yes we all have the right to lie,

Not really. Example: When you say the company Kellogs delivered no cornflakes but thumbtacks and millions of children had to go to a doctor or died then I guess Kellogs will ignore this as long as no one believes such a bullshit. But when suddenly every idiot will believe such a bullshit could be true then they will force you to stop to tell such lies.

its called "free speech".

Not everything what someone is saying is "free speech". Defamations or calumnies are for example no free speech but a crime - that's why for example Alex Jones has to pay hundreds of millions. He made the life of many respectable citizens to a hell with his agitatoric lies.

Years ago we had "journalists" who worked hard to find the "truth". Now everyone is a hyper-partisan who spins the facts into lies that help their side and hurt the opposition. You can see it in every post on this forum.

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time - but not everyone is a liar.

The "right to bear arms" under the 2nd Amendment really doesn't have anything to do with the 1st Amendment (Free Speech).

What's wrong - as I said here without to know anything about the constitution of the USA: No one - except an idiot - is using free speech in case the other one is armed.
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