Trump: 'I will bring back free speech in America'

You want me to prove you're a liar? Too easy.
1. RW billionaires don't tell me anything.
2. How many rioters were charged with insurrection? Zero
3. Hunter committed crimes, extortion, money laundering, etc. Stay tuned, just because the fix is in, doesn't mean he's innocent
4. The DOJ is full of leftist lawyers who are there many years, that's why its called the "deep state", examples are Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page only because we saw their texts.
5. Donald Trump already was president dumbass. A much better one than Pedo Joe.
6. Kamala Harris is a moron you moron. Her color or sex isn't the issue. I like Nikki Haley for president.
7. The borders are always closed to illegal entry.

See all you post are lies.

EVIDENCE. You have all kinds of accusations but there’s no proof of ANY of it.

No criminal is so smart or so clever that no one can find a shred of evidence against them and that’s the problem you have.

You rant and you rave and you carry on about the Democrats being criminals, but you never come up with a shred of evidence of anything you claim they’ve done.

And then, when you find nothing, you blame the “deep state”, or some other excuse for your failures, but the bald fact is the Democrats are not committing the crimes you claim, or there would be evidence of it and witnesses.

You’re being duped by Republicans who have nothing to offer you but lies and bullshit.
If Trump said that it was just hyperbole.
No, Trump said that, because he is a lying idiot.

Trump Wrongly Says Cereal Requires ID in Push for Strict ...​

Business Insider › Politics › Life

Nov 14, 2018 — President Donald Trump wrongly suggested that buying cereal requires shoppers to present identification cards — and therefore so should ...

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. ...​

1694941114116.png › 2019/10/14 › politics › fact-chec...

Oct 14, 2019 — President Donald Trump said again on Friday that Americans need identification to buy groceries, which remains not true.

However, there are now many more things that you need to show ID for to purchase.
So, why didn't Trump mention them?
Again, Trump claims the ridiculous.
And also the right not to have to be a liar. Or must it be that only unreal 3000-lies-a-day liars are able to become presidents of the USA because US-Americans are in average not able to bear the truth? The sense of "free speech" is not to give power to liars - the sense of free speech is to fight lies. But unfortunately to find the truth needs much more words than lies or threats like "You're next!" for example. By the way: Also the right to bear arms in public is not defending any truth. No one speaks free when the other one has a gun. A gun is the brain of idiots.
Here in the US everyone lies. There is no truth. Every "fact" has an alternate fact. Yes we all have the right to lie, its called "free speech". Years ago we had "journalists" who worked hard to find the "truth". Now everyone is a hyper-partisan who spins the facts into lies that help their side and hurt the opposition. You can see it in every post on this forum.
The "right to bear arms" under the 2nd Amendment really doesn't have anything to do with the 1st Amendment (Free Speech).
Who is ready to be president? No one or no one? No reason to let AI's decide what to do or not to do.
By the way. What about the idea to throw dice and to give every US-American the chance to become president of the USA? In this case everyone has always ready to be president of the USA. A nation full of presidents. But would you trust in everyone to be the best of all possible presidents for the USA? I guess the best presidents of the USA could be people who say "Are you mad? I'm not able to be president of the USA. What an unbelievable responsibility."
AIs are nothing but computer programs comprised of a machine's interpretation of a "0" or a "1". Amazing when you really think about it.

Who is ready to be president? My pick would be Mike Pompeo. Graduated 1st in his class at West Point, was Secretary of State, has the best resume' of anyone on the planet. Trump also has a good resume', as well as Nikki Haley, or Ron Desantis.

There are too many stupid people to let anyone become president. Don't ask me how Biden or Fetterman got elected, as I said, too many stupid people makes too many stupid voters.

Exactly! It is an unbelievable responsibility, to balance fiscal restraints with the needs of the US and the rest of the planet.
No wonder Joe Biden fails miserably. The fight with the morons continues...

EVIDENCE. You have all kinds of accusations but there’s no proof of ANY of it.
No criminal is so smart or so clever that no one can find a shred of evidence against them and that’s the problem you have.
You rant and you rave and you carry on about the Democrats being criminals, but you never come up with a shred of evidence of anything you claim they’ve done.
And then, when you find nothing, you blame the “deep state”, or some other excuse for your failures, but the bald fact is the Democrats are not committing the crimes you claim, or there would be evidence of it and witnesses.
You’re being duped by Republicans who have nothing to offer you but lies and bullshit.
The evidence is the money trail, and the sworn testimony dumbass.

Trump: 'Fake news' is the true enemy of the people

Much of the Rump agenda is actually very good for America.

The problem is, that Rump comes with it.

January 6, 2021, has rendered him un-electable, after he aimed an Insurrectionist mob against Congress that day.

Oh, he'll get the GOP nomination alright, if he isn't already in jail, but he cannot win the general election in November 2024.

The Republican Party is a minority of the voting electorate.

To win, they need Republicans, Independents and Swing Voters.

In November 2024 they will have a lock on (most) Republicans.

They will not, however, get enough Independents and Swing Voters to actually win back the White House in 2024.

It is time for MAGA Brown Shirts and whatever is left of the REAL Republican Party to awaken to that harsh Reality.

The only way the GOP wins in November 2024 is to serve-up a different candidate.

One who can advance the Trump Agenda without the mortally toxic Trump Baggage.

I despair of any such return to Sanity... they are delusional... but they will understand on the morning of November 6, 2024.

Thereby condemning the Republic to another four years of toxic, idiotic, suicidal Democratic Party policies and governance.

And all because these MAGA idiots couldn't get their noses out of Rump's Rump... suckered - Bigly - by a True Con-Man.
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Here in the US everyone lies. There is no truth. Every "fact" has an alternate fact. Yes we all have the right to lie, its called "free speech". Years ago we had "journalists" who worked hard to find the "truth". Now everyone is a hyper-partisan who spins the facts into lies that help their side and hurt the opposition. You can see it in every post on this forum.
The "right to bear arms" under the 2nd Amendment really doesn't have anything to do with the 1st Amendment (Free Speech).

The law says your free speech is not unlimited.,
Much of the Rump agenda is actually very good for America.

The problem is, that Rump comes with it.

January 6, 2021, has rendered him un-electable, after he aimed an Insurrectionist mob against Congress that day.

Oh, he'll get the GOP nomination alright, if he isn't already in jail, but he cannot win the general election in November 2024.

The Republican Party is a minority of the voting electorate.

To win, they need Republicans, Independents and Swing Voters.

In November 2024 they will have a lock on (most) Republicans.

They will not, however, get enough Independents and Swing Voters to actually win back the White House in 2024.

It is time for MAGA Brown Shirts and whatever is left of the REAL Republican Party to awaken to that harsh Reality.

The only way the GOP wins in November 2024 is to serve-up a different candidate.

One who can advance the Trump Agenda without the mortally toxic Trump Baggage.

I despair of any such return to Sanity... they are delusional... but they will understand on the morning of November 6, 2024.

Thereby condemning the Republic to another four years of toxic, idiotic, suicidal Democratic Party policies and governance.

And all because these MAGA idiots couldn't get their noses out of Rump's Rump... suckered - Bigly - by a True Con-Man.
The hostile media/entertainers could have given him a chance. They did not. Now we have more poorer people designed on purpose or from idiots.
The law says your free speech is not unlimited.,
On MTP just now the new gal lied her ass off. She said Trump did not request NG troops to protect the J6 protesters. Sgt at Arms Irving admitted he denied Trump's request based on Pelosi's policy.

She also did NOT address Trump's statement that Capitol Police Chief Sund's formal request for the National Guard was denied by Mayor Bowser.

Examples of propaganda on NBC. Democrats denied two requests for the National Guard for J6.
I think Guam won't capsize.
I think J6 was not an insurrection.
I think Joe Biden did discuss his son's business dealings
I think the DOJ and FBI are biased
I think Joe Biden is too old for a 2nd term
I think Kamala is not ready to be president
I think the southern border is open not closed
I think many democrat run cities and states are lawless shooting galleries
I think democrats do not value law enforcement adequately
I think Biden should not have let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US
I think parental rights trumps state rights of their kids regarding sexuality and education

If I hear the opposite of the above, I consider it propaganda.

Maintaining state secrets has nothing to do with the government lying to the people.
Like the Russia Collusion hoax.
^^^^ All magaturd propaganda 'truths'.
Trump: 'I will bring back free speech in America'

The greatest president ever, and the next president: Donald Trump! He spoke at the Pray Vote Stand Summit. He talked about BidenFlation, border control, talks child trafficking, More to come in following posts.

Wow, you rattled the bedpans of all the trolls with this one it seems. But yes, if a bit of hyperbole or metaphor can get you investigated by the FBI, if protesting at a school board meeting can get you accused of terrorist activity, when media/social media is instructed to bury or disallow certain topics, when we can be prosecuted for using the 'wrong' pronoun, etc., free speech is definitely at risk in this country.

I see nothing from any Democrat or leftists recognizing that. Somebody needs to. And somebody(ies) with power need to make sure our First Amendment rights are secured and that no segment, oligarchy, group, administration is allowed to suppress it.
The evidence is the money trail, and the sworn testimony dumbass.

The money trail is evidence that everything HB has said is true. The money was all reported and taxes paid on it. There is zero evidence of Joe Biden receiving ANY of this foreign money.

What's even more laughable is Comey has issued subpoenas for MORE bank records. Bank records are evidence of NOTHING. Speaking as a former banker, there is nothing in the bank records to help an investigation.

Copies of bank statements are great for proving you have more money coming in than you declared on your taxes, and that's about it. But it's already been ascertained that no tax evasion was involved in the monies the Biden family members received. So in order to prove a crime, you need evidence of WHY these entities paid money to the Bidens - copies of contracts, deal memos, and shareholder agreements.

The reason why Comer hasn't sought subpeonas for these documents from the various Biden entities is because the have no "probably cause" to be granted a subpeona or a search warrant. He has zero EVIDENCE that ANY crime has been committed at all!!!

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