Trump: "If we didn't test, we wouldn't have cases."

Trump actually said that in Wisconsin. And he went on to say, "Because we test, we have cases."

This is absolute lunacy. It's the same as saying, "If we don't test people for cancer, no one will have cancer." This is wishful thinking on a stupefying scale. And people are dying because of it. You can't magically make Covid-19 disappear. You have to work at it. And that includes social distancing, wearing a mask in public, all that stuff that shouldn't be political but somehow has become political. Just look at the data and ask yourself: Why are many areas of the world reducing their infection rate, but in the U.S. it's going up?
We're living in a time where the President's sycophants have to translate what he says into adult.

I hope we learn from this time as a cautionary tale. We can't let ourselves be conned like this again.

No, we're living in a time where the President's attackers insist on misquoting him and believing the most asinine interpretation of their misquotes that they can possibly devise.

I hope you do learn from this time as a cautionary tale, because you really shouldn't let yourself be conned like that again.
How did I misquote Trump? I used his exact words, and just the other day in another context, he said (and again, I quote), "I don't kid." Should I not take him at his word? I realize that his word is pretty much worthless, but he still might accidentally tell the truth once in a while. Anyway, Trump doesn't have the wit to speak in metaphors or anything like that, and he sure as hell has NO sense of humor. So I have to assume that he meant what he said.
It doesn't matter. They don't like it when we quote him directly, using his exact words, even showing video of him saying it.

And, if they don't like something, it's fake news.

This is how bad it's gotten. This is a group psychosis. We've seen this before in world history, 80-90 years ago. We'll get past it.

Yes, how DARE we point out that your "direct quotes" are clipped and edited to destroy any context, so that you can attribute the most insane, extreme interpretation you can think of to it? How very silly of us to point out what a delusional, dishonest crowd of liars that makes you, instead of slurping down your bullshit with a spoon like the sheep you want us to be?

This is how bad it's gotten, this group psychosis of "We should be trusted, no matter HOW untrustworthy we are". We've seen this before in world history, every damned time an evil group of wanna-be dictators crops up. And we WILL get past it, and past you.
If you think that I quoted Trump out of context, you're free to put his words IN context. Who's stopping you? But you didn't do that. Instead, you just threw out a bunch of insults. Is that because you really don't have any intelligent response? Go ahead, put Trump's words in context, and then explain them. I'd love to hear it.
Trump actually said that in Wisconsin. And he went on to say, "Because we test, we have cases."

This is absolute lunacy. It's the same as saying, "If we don't test people for cancer, no one will have cancer." This is wishful thinking on a stupefying scale. And people are dying because of it. You can't magically make Covid-19 disappear. You have to work at it. And that includes social distancing, wearing a mask in public, all that stuff that shouldn't be political but somehow has become political. Just look at the data and ask yourself: Why are many areas of the world reducing their infection rate, but in the U.S. it's going up?
We're living in a time where the President's sycophants have to translate what he says into adult.

I hope we learn from this time as a cautionary tale. We can't let ourselves be conned like this again.

No, we're living in a time where the President's attackers insist on misquoting him and believing the most asinine interpretation of their misquotes that they can possibly devise.

I hope you do learn from this time as a cautionary tale, because you really shouldn't let yourself be conned like that again.
How did I misquote Trump? I used his exact words, and just the other day in another context, he said (and again, I quote), "I don't kid." Should I not take him at his word? I realize that his word is pretty much worthless, but he still might accidentally tell the truth once in a while. Anyway, Trump doesn't have the wit to speak in metaphors or anything like that, and he sure as hell has NO sense of humor. So I have to assume that he meant what he said.
It doesn't matter. They don't like it when we quote him directly, using his exact words, even showing video of him saying it.

And, if they don't like something, it's fake news.

This is how bad it's gotten. This is a group psychosis. We've seen this before in world history, 80-90 years ago. We'll get past it.

Yes, how DARE we point out that your "direct quotes" are clipped and edited to destroy any context, so that you can attribute the most insane, extreme interpretation you can think of to it? How very silly of us to point out what a delusional, dishonest crowd of liars that makes you, instead of slurping down your bullshit with a spoon like the sheep you want us to be?

This is how bad it's gotten, this group psychosis of "We should be trusted, no matter HOW untrustworthy we are". We've seen this before in world history, every damned time an evil group of wanna-be dictators crops up. And we WILL get past it, and past you.
If you think that I quoted Trump out of context, you're free to put his words IN context. Who's stopping you? But you didn't do that. Instead, you just threw out a bunch of insults. Is that because you really don't have any intelligent response? Go ahead, put Trump's words in context, and then explain them. I'd love to hear it.
It's all she knows how to do. Trump said what he said. I took the quotes from readily-available videos, and in context. Not hard to find at all. We're on "the internet".

That's how they're conditioned to react to the indefensible: Deny, deflect, pivot, attack. Obviously they have to do it a lot with this guy.

Nasty. Ugly. But we'll get past this.
Why in the fuck is testing going on? Imagine if Fauci demanded qu33rs get tested for the homo disease he is famous for failing to cure. Close down all the bathhouses!
The problem is not that Trump says stupid things, he basically doesnt.

The problem is that Dimocrats deliberately ignore the plain meaning of what he says and tries to spin it to look ridiculous.

View attachment 355289

Lol, clean your lungs out with some bleach and swallow a light bulb. Ewe will be fine!!!

"LOL" I think if you're really stupid enough to think that's what he said, then you should feel free to act on that stupidity.

ROTFLMFAO, it is exactly what the stable genius said and waiting for you to go first.

Well, the crazed rolling on the floor, laughing at nothing DOES explain why you believe "that's exactly what he said": mental patients usually aren't the brightest and most perceptive people on Earth.

Run along now, I'm sure it's time for your meds.
He is right. That's why the more people who are tested the higher the case count gets.
One dimensional thinking... what about the rise in hospital cases?? is that because of testing as well?
My grandson works in a hospital. Everyone that comes in has wuflu. Everyone. Break a leg and the record is broken tibia and wuflu as a contributing factor.
Ohh ok so the case numbers are high because Trump is doing more testing and the hospitalizations are high because all the hospitals are lying about the cases. Got it. I’m sure the same is true for deaths right? Guy dies in a car accident and they are marking COVID? Is this how the brainwashed are thinking now a days?

This is exactly 100% how the tRumptards are thinking. No bullshit, have heard it from several conservative friends and all I can do is bust out laughing when they come with this drivel.

I'm guessing that any friends of yours are far less a representation of conservatives in general, and far more a representation of the inferior sort of person you are in general.

From a turd like you, nah makes me know they maybe save able.

Hey, far be it from me to encourage you to leave your cesspit and start bothering normal people with attempts to befriend them.
Trump actually said that in Wisconsin. And he went on to say, "Because we test, we have cases."

This is absolute lunacy. It's the same as saying, "If we don't test people for cancer, no one will have cancer." This is wishful thinking on a stupefying scale. And people are dying because of it. You can't magically make Covid-19 disappear. You have to work at it. And that includes social distancing, wearing a mask in public, all that stuff that shouldn't be political but somehow has become political. Just look at the data and ask yourself: Why are many areas of the world reducing their infection rate, but in the U.S. it's going up?
We're living in a time where the President's sycophants have to translate what he says into adult.

I hope we learn from this time as a cautionary tale. We can't let ourselves be conned like this again.

No, we're living in a time where the President's attackers insist on misquoting him and believing the most asinine interpretation of their misquotes that they can possibly devise.

I hope you do learn from this time as a cautionary tale, because you really shouldn't let yourself be conned like that again.
How did I misquote Trump? I used his exact words, and just the other day in another context, he said (and again, I quote), "I don't kid." Should I not take him at his word? I realize that his word is pretty much worthless, but he still might accidentally tell the truth once in a while. Anyway, Trump doesn't have the wit to speak in metaphors or anything like that, and he sure as hell has NO sense of humor. So I have to assume that he meant what he said.
It doesn't matter. They don't like it when we quote him directly, using his exact words, even showing video of him saying it.

And, if they don't like something, it's fake news.

This is how bad it's gotten. This is a group psychosis. We've seen this before in world history, 80-90 years ago. We'll get past it.

Yes, how DARE we point out that your "direct quotes" are clipped and edited to destroy any context, so that you can attribute the most insane, extreme interpretation you can think of to it? How very silly of us to point out what a delusional, dishonest crowd of liars that makes you, instead of slurping down your bullshit with a spoon like the sheep you want us to be?

This is how bad it's gotten, this group psychosis of "We should be trusted, no matter HOW untrustworthy we are". We've seen this before in world history, every damned time an evil group of wanna-be dictators crops up. And we WILL get past it, and past you.
If you think that I quoted Trump out of context, you're free to put his words IN context. Who's stopping you? But you didn't do that. Instead, you just threw out a bunch of insults. Is that because you really don't have any intelligent response? Go ahead, put Trump's words in context, and then explain them. I'd love to hear it.

What's stopping me is the fact that this has already been done for you, dozens of times, and you've utterly ignored it because you liked your lies better. Why would I waste my time on you again? You're damned right I didn't patiently go through yet another repeat just as though you were a real person deserving of serious consideration. What you got is exactly what you earned by your own selective hearing and memory, no more and no less. If you want to prance around, declaring victory because you've finally been obtuse enough to make people give up on explaining things to you, that's your mental deficiency. Have at.
Trump actually said that in Wisconsin. And he went on to say, "Because we test, we have cases."

This is absolute lunacy. It's the same as saying, "If we don't test people for cancer, no one will have cancer." This is wishful thinking on a stupefying scale. And people are dying because of it. You can't magically make Covid-19 disappear. You have to work at it. And that includes social distancing, wearing a mask in public, all that stuff that shouldn't be political but somehow has become political. Just look at the data and ask yourself: Why are many areas of the world reducing their infection rate, but in the U.S. it's going up?
We're living in a time where the President's sycophants have to translate what he says into adult.

I hope we learn from this time as a cautionary tale. We can't let ourselves be conned like this again.

No, we're living in a time where the President's attackers insist on misquoting him and believing the most asinine interpretation of their misquotes that they can possibly devise.

I hope you do learn from this time as a cautionary tale, because you really shouldn't let yourself be conned like that again.
How did I misquote Trump? I used his exact words, and just the other day in another context, he said (and again, I quote), "I don't kid." Should I not take him at his word? I realize that his word is pretty much worthless, but he still might accidentally tell the truth once in a while. Anyway, Trump doesn't have the wit to speak in metaphors or anything like that, and he sure as hell has NO sense of humor. So I have to assume that he meant what he said.
It doesn't matter. They don't like it when we quote him directly, using his exact words, even showing video of him saying it.

And, if they don't like something, it's fake news.

This is how bad it's gotten. This is a group psychosis. We've seen this before in world history, 80-90 years ago. We'll get past it.

Yes, how DARE we point out that your "direct quotes" are clipped and edited to destroy any context, so that you can attribute the most insane, extreme interpretation you can think of to it? How very silly of us to point out what a delusional, dishonest crowd of liars that makes you, instead of slurping down your bullshit with a spoon like the sheep you want us to be?

This is how bad it's gotten, this group psychosis of "We should be trusted, no matter HOW untrustworthy we are". We've seen this before in world history, every damned time an evil group of wanna-be dictators crops up. And we WILL get past it, and past you.
If you think that I quoted Trump out of context, you're free to put his words IN context. Who's stopping you? But you didn't do that. Instead, you just threw out a bunch of insults. Is that because you really don't have any intelligent response? Go ahead, put Trump's words in context, and then explain them. I'd love to hear it.
It's all she knows how to do. Trump said what he said. I took the quotes from readily-available videos, and in context. Not hard to find at all. We're on "the internet".

That's how they're conditioned to react to the indefensible: Deny, deflect, pivot, attack. Obviously they have to do it a lot with this guy.

Nasty. Ugly. But we'll get past this.

Yeah, you two stroking each other IS pretty nasty and ugly, you're right about that.
IN CONTEXT Trump was saying our numbers are worse than other countries because they don't they have no confirmed cases.

If you would put your TDS on hold for 5 minutes you would know that already.

If that is true......
We shouldn’t have large numbers deaths? We shouldn’t have hospitals like Houston being overwhelmed? Texas mandate of mask. Arizona, Texas and California are shutting down bars, restaurants etc etc etc..... AGAIN because of people like you..

TDS defense is the best you can defend Trump idiocies?
TDS... Trump Deranged Sympathizers
The problem is not that Trump says stupid things, he basically doesnt.

The problem is that Dimocrats deliberately ignore the plain meaning of what he says and tries to spin it to look ridiculous.

View attachment 355289
BULLFUCKING SHIT..... Trump lies all the time. Trump said and tweets a lots of false stupid information and conspiracies several time. That Trumpits like you don’t even know the differences.
Talking of tests Book just out says Trump paid some one to take SAT test for him Sounds like him No surprise
IN CONTEXT Trump was saying our numbers are worse than other countries because they don't they have no confirmed cases.

If you would put your TDS on hold for 5 minutes you would know that already.

If that is true......
We shouldn’t have large numbers deaths? We shouldn’t have hospitals like Houston being overwhelmed? Texas mandate of mask. Arizona, Texas and California are shutting down bars, restaurants etc etc etc..... AGAIN because of people like you..

TDS defense is the best you can defend Trump idiocies?
TDS... Trump Deranged Sympathizers
Miami shutting down too
The problem is not that Trump says stupid things, he basically doesnt.

The problem is that Dimocrats deliberately ignore the plain meaning of what he says and tries to spin it to look ridiculous.

View attachment 355289

Lol, clean your lungs out with some bleach and swallow a light bulb. Ewe will be fine!!!

"LOL" I think if you're really stupid enough to think that's what he said, then you should feel free to act on that stupidity.

ROTFLMFAO, it is exactly what the stable genius said and waiting for you to go first.

Well, the crazed rolling on the floor, laughing at nothing DOES explain why you believe "that's exactly what he said": mental patients usually aren't the brightest and most perceptive people on Earth.

Run along now, I'm sure it's time for your meds.

No meds ever needed. The laughing is at ewe and your kind. So stupid ewe are comical!

He is right. That's why the more people who are tested the higher the case count gets.
One dimensional thinking... what about the rise in hospital cases?? is that because of testing as well?
My grandson works in a hospital. Everyone that comes in has wuflu. Everyone. Break a leg and the record is broken tibia and wuflu as a contributing factor.
Ohh ok so the case numbers are high because Trump is doing more testing and the hospitalizations are high because all the hospitals are lying about the cases. Got it. I’m sure the same is true for deaths right? Guy dies in a car accident and they are marking COVID? Is this how the brainwashed are thinking now a days?

This is exactly 100% how the tRumptards are thinking. No bullshit, have heard it from several conservative friends and all I can do is bust out laughing when they come with this drivel.

I'm guessing that any friends of yours are far less a representation of conservatives in general, and far more a representation of the inferior sort of person you are in general.

From a turd like you, nah makes me know they maybe save able.

Hey, far be it from me to encourage you to leave your cesspit and start bothering normal people with attempts to befriend them.

Saveable a turd like ewe are not. For ewe to compare yourself with normal people is an affront to them. Stop it!
Trump actually said that in Wisconsin. And he went on to say, "Because we test, we have cases."

This is absolute lunacy. It's the same as saying, "If we don't test people for cancer, no one will have cancer." This is wishful thinking on a stupefying scale. And people are dying because of it. You can't magically make Covid-19 disappear. You have to work at it. And that includes social distancing, wearing a mask in public, all that stuff that shouldn't be political but somehow has become political. Just look at the data and ask yourself: Why are many areas of the world reducing their infection rate, but in the U.S. it's going up?
We're living in a time where the President's sycophants have to translate what he says into adult.

I hope we learn from this time as a cautionary tale. We can't let ourselves be conned like this again.

No, we're living in a time where the President's attackers insist on misquoting him and believing the most asinine interpretation of their misquotes that they can possibly devise.

I hope you do learn from this time as a cautionary tale, because you really shouldn't let yourself be conned like that again.
How did I misquote Trump? I used his exact words, and just the other day in another context, he said (and again, I quote), "I don't kid." Should I not take him at his word? I realize that his word is pretty much worthless, but he still might accidentally tell the truth once in a while. Anyway, Trump doesn't have the wit to speak in metaphors or anything like that, and he sure as hell has NO sense of humor. So I have to assume that he meant what he said.
It doesn't matter. They don't like it when we quote him directly, using his exact words, even showing video of him saying it.

And, if they don't like something, it's fake news.

This is how bad it's gotten. This is a group psychosis. We've seen this before in world history, 80-90 years ago. We'll get past it.

Yes, how DARE we point out that your "direct quotes" are clipped and edited to destroy any context, so that you can attribute the most insane, extreme interpretation you can think of to it? How very silly of us to point out what a delusional, dishonest crowd of liars that makes you, instead of slurping down your bullshit with a spoon like the sheep you want us to be?

This is how bad it's gotten, this group psychosis of "We should be trusted, no matter HOW untrustworthy we are". We've seen this before in world history, every damned time an evil group of wanna-be dictators crops up. And we WILL get past it, and past you.
If you think that I quoted Trump out of context, you're free to put his words IN context. Who's stopping you? But you didn't do that. Instead, you just threw out a bunch of insults. Is that because you really don't have any intelligent response? Go ahead, put Trump's words in context, and then explain them. I'd love to hear it.

What's stopping me is the fact that this has already been done for you, dozens of times, and you've utterly ignored it because you liked your lies better. Why would I waste my time on you again? You're damned right I didn't patiently go through yet another repeat just as though you were a real person deserving of serious consideration. What you got is exactly what you earned by your own selective hearing and memory, no more and no less. If you want to prance around, declaring victory because you've finally been obtuse enough to make people give up on explaining things to you, that's your mental deficiency. Have at.
I invited you to put Trump's words in context, since you claimed that I took them out of context. Instead of doing that, you insult me. To me, that proves that I'm right and you're wrong. I'm rubber and you're glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Nyaaah!!
Trump actually said that in Wisconsin. And he went on to say, "Because we test, we have cases."

This is absolute lunacy. It's the same as saying, "If we don't test people for cancer, no one will have cancer." This is wishful thinking on a stupefying scale. And people are dying because of it. You can't magically make Covid-19 disappear. You have to work at it. And that includes social distancing, wearing a mask in public, all that stuff that shouldn't be political but somehow has become political. Just look at the data and ask yourself: Why are many areas of the world reducing their infection rate, but in the U.S. it's going up?
We're living in a time where the President's sycophants have to translate what he says into adult.

I hope we learn from this time as a cautionary tale. We can't let ourselves be conned like this again.

No, we're living in a time where the President's attackers insist on misquoting him and believing the most asinine interpretation of their misquotes that they can possibly devise.

I hope you do learn from this time as a cautionary tale, because you really shouldn't let yourself be conned like that again.
How did I misquote Trump? I used his exact words, and just the other day in another context, he said (and again, I quote), "I don't kid." Should I not take him at his word? I realize that his word is pretty much worthless, but he still might accidentally tell the truth once in a while. Anyway, Trump doesn't have the wit to speak in metaphors or anything like that, and he sure as hell has NO sense of humor. So I have to assume that he meant what he said.
It doesn't matter. They don't like it when we quote him directly, using his exact words, even showing video of him saying it.

And, if they don't like something, it's fake news.

This is how bad it's gotten. This is a group psychosis. We've seen this before in world history, 80-90 years ago. We'll get past it.

Yes, how DARE we point out that your "direct quotes" are clipped and edited to destroy any context, so that you can attribute the most insane, extreme interpretation you can think of to it? How very silly of us to point out what a delusional, dishonest crowd of liars that makes you, instead of slurping down your bullshit with a spoon like the sheep you want us to be?

This is how bad it's gotten, this group psychosis of "We should be trusted, no matter HOW untrustworthy we are". We've seen this before in world history, every damned time an evil group of wanna-be dictators crops up. And we WILL get past it, and past you.
If you think that I quoted Trump out of context, you're free to put his words IN context. Who's stopping you? But you didn't do that. Instead, you just threw out a bunch of insults. Is that because you really don't have any intelligent response? Go ahead, put Trump's words in context, and then explain them. I'd love to hear it.

What's stopping me is the fact that this has already been done for you, dozens of times, and you've utterly ignored it because you liked your lies better. Why would I waste my time on you again? You're damned right I didn't patiently go through yet another repeat just as though you were a real person deserving of serious consideration. What you got is exactly what you earned by your own selective hearing and memory, no more and no less. If you want to prance around, declaring victory because you've finally been obtuse enough to make people give up on explaining things to you, that's your mental deficiency. Have at.
I invited you to put Trump's words in context, since you claimed that I took them out of context. Instead of doing that, you insult me. To me, that proves that I'm right and you're wrong. I'm rubber and you're glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Nyaaah!!

And I told you to stuff your invitation to repeat what you've been told multiple times where the sun don't shine. Instead of paying attention when your lies are debunked, you just wait a couple of days and then come back spouting the lies like nothing ever happened. And for some reason, you think you're entitled to be treated with respect that you haven't earned. To me, that proves that I'm right and you're a worthless, dishonest piece of crap whose opinion isn't worth caring about.
Great idea Trump just cured Cancer Don't test for cancer and it's all gone
And the business part didn't do badly either
+$237,925.60 (2.29%)
Day Change
+$2,842,389.97 (36.41%)
YTD Change
Trump actually said that in Wisconsin. And he went on to say, "Because we test, we have cases."

This is absolute lunacy. It's the same as saying, "If we don't test people for cancer, no one will have cancer." This is wishful thinking on a stupefying scale. And people are dying because of it. You can't magically make Covid-19 disappear. You have to work at it. And that includes social distancing, wearing a mask in public, all that stuff that shouldn't be political but somehow has become political. Just look at the data and ask yourself: Why are many areas of the world reducing their infection rate, but in the U.S. it's going up?
We're living in a time where the President's sycophants have to translate what he says into adult.

I hope we learn from this time as a cautionary tale. We can't let ourselves be conned like this again.

No, we're living in a time where the President's attackers insist on misquoting him and believing the most asinine interpretation of their misquotes that they can possibly devise.

I hope you do learn from this time as a cautionary tale, because you really shouldn't let yourself be conned like that again.
How did I misquote Trump? I used his exact words, and just the other day in another context, he said (and again, I quote), "I don't kid." Should I not take him at his word? I realize that his word is pretty much worthless, but he still might accidentally tell the truth once in a while. Anyway, Trump doesn't have the wit to speak in metaphors or anything like that, and he sure as hell has NO sense of humor. So I have to assume that he meant what he said.
It doesn't matter. They don't like it when we quote him directly, using his exact words, even showing video of him saying it.

And, if they don't like something, it's fake news.

This is how bad it's gotten. This is a group psychosis. We've seen this before in world history, 80-90 years ago. We'll get past it.

Yes, how DARE we point out that your "direct quotes" are clipped and edited to destroy any context, so that you can attribute the most insane, extreme interpretation you can think of to it? How very silly of us to point out what a delusional, dishonest crowd of liars that makes you, instead of slurping down your bullshit with a spoon like the sheep you want us to be?

This is how bad it's gotten, this group psychosis of "We should be trusted, no matter HOW untrustworthy we are". We've seen this before in world history, every damned time an evil group of wanna-be dictators crops up. And we WILL get past it, and past you.
If you think that I quoted Trump out of context, you're free to put his words IN context. Who's stopping you? But you didn't do that. Instead, you just threw out a bunch of insults. Is that because you really don't have any intelligent response? Go ahead, put Trump's words in context, and then explain them. I'd love to hear it.

What's stopping me is the fact that this has already been done for you, dozens of times, and you've utterly ignored it because you liked your lies better. Why would I waste my time on you again? You're damned right I didn't patiently go through yet another repeat just as though you were a real person deserving of serious consideration. What you got is exactly what you earned by your own selective hearing and memory, no more and no less. If you want to prance around, declaring victory because you've finally been obtuse enough to make people give up on explaining things to you, that's your mental deficiency. Have at.
I invited you to put Trump's words in context, since you claimed that I took them out of context. Instead of doing that, you insult me. To me, that proves that I'm right and you're wrong. I'm rubber and you're glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Nyaaah!!

And I told you to stuff your invitation to repeat what you've been told multiple times where the sun don't shine. Instead of paying attention when your lies are debunked, you just wait a couple of days and then come back spouting the lies like nothing ever happened. And for some reason, you think you're entitled to be treated with respect that you haven't earned. To me, that proves that I'm right and you're a worthless, dishonest piece of crap whose opinion isn't worth caring about.
So, because I don't LIVE on this board is somehow proof that I'm wrong? But again, you don't respond with any facts, or reasoning, or any kind of cogent argument. Instead, you just insult me. That's the sign of intellectual bankruptcy. But go ahead: Tell me, how were my "lies" debunked?

And I don't care if you treat me with respect, because I don't have any for you. But I still invite you to put Trump's ACTUAL WORDS in context (which you claim that I did not do), and prove that I'm wrong, or that I somehow distorted his position. C'mon, let's see what you've got. But if all you have are more insults, don't bother.

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