Trump Impeachment Vote Will Take Place After President’s ‘Racist’ ‘Shithole’ Remarks, Democrat Says

So they're going to base Presidential impeachment proceedings on that tweet?

By any means necessary Bro ...the fate of our Nation hangs in the Balance

Monica Lewinsky
Yeah, I hear that one from both ends.
But it really does hang in the balance this time....the boy who cried wolf through Clinton, Bush2, and Obama is facing the real deal right now, and no one is any longer listening to the warnings.... :eek:
and therein lies the problem of using the extreme verbiage *every single time*. you devalue the words so much that they become meaningless. you can only scream it louder because you're out of extreme ways to portray someone.

now if/when the time comes someone does something bad to deserve the attention, no one will care because they spent a month calling someone racist for eating fried chicken.
there is nothing about this president, that is presidential, normal or acceptable...

the people who make excuses for his actions, his behavior, his chronic beyond belief lying, and his continual condemnation of our Nation, out Institutions that protect us, the free press and long time Allies around the world while praising the likes of Putin and Russia and Ergoden a testament to his ignorance, and his planned divisiveness and chaos and Simon Says games that his senators and congress critters are all happy to play so they can get what ''they want'' from Simon is destroying us....

this isn't just politics as usual....

and those who PRETEND it is... and ''everything's going to be okay''....blah blah blah 'sheep' (shi*) are just as bad as him, for our Nation and the future of our children.

this is not NORMAL, this will not easily pass...once the man of lawlessness leaves office...
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So they're going to base Presidential impeachment proceedings on that tweet?

By any means necessary Bro ...the fate of our Nation hangs in the Balance

Monica Lewinsky
Yeah, I hear that one from both ends.
But it really does hang in the balance this time....the boy who cried wolf through Clinton, Bush2, and Obama is facing the real deal right now, and no one is any longer listening to the warnings.... :eek:
and therein lies the problem of using the extreme verbiage *every single time*. you devalue the words so much that they become meaningless. you can only scream it louder because you're out of extreme ways to portray someone.

now if/when the time comes someone does something bad to deserve the attention, no one will care because they spent a month calling someone racist for eating fried chicken.
there is nothing about this president, that is presidential, normal or acceptable...

the people who make excuses for his actions, his behavior, his chronic beyond belief lying, and his continual condemnation of our Nation, out Institutions that protect us, the free press and long time Allies around the world while praising the likes or Putin and Russia and Ergoden a testament to his ignorance, and his planned divisiveness and chaos and Simon Says games that his senators and congress critters are all happy to play so they can get what ''they want'' from Simon is destroying us....

this isn't just politics as usual....

and those who PRETEND it is... and ''everything's going to be okay''....blah blah blah 'sheep' (shi*) are just as bad as him, for our Nation and the future of our children.

this is not NORMAL, this will not easily pass...once the man of lawlessness leaves office...
and to many, there was nothing normal nor acceptable about obama. we're still hearing about the spying done and still in denial obama ever did anything wrong.

obamas admin can have FISA say "hey, that's too far and illegal" and people defend him. Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

trump can call a shithole a shithole and people want him out of office and abuse the shit out of the word "racist" til there's nothing recognizable about the event any longer.

when one side can excuse illegal spying and using the gov against other parties within the gov don't get all righteous and surprised the other side doesn't give a damn trumps not "cooth" enough for you.

so we can keep playing in the extreme world and trying to force one side over the other or we can stop and realize how stupid of a goal that really is and begin to come together and ignore the extremes on both sides.
By any means necessary Bro ...the fate of our Nation hangs in the Balance

Monica Lewinsky
Yeah, I hear that one from both ends.
But it really does hang in the balance this time....the boy who cried wolf through Clinton, Bush2, and Obama is facing the real deal right now, and no one is any longer listening to the warnings.... :eek:
and therein lies the problem of using the extreme verbiage *every single time*. you devalue the words so much that they become meaningless. you can only scream it louder because you're out of extreme ways to portray someone.

now if/when the time comes someone does something bad to deserve the attention, no one will care because they spent a month calling someone racist for eating fried chicken.
there is nothing about this president, that is presidential, normal or acceptable...

the people who make excuses for his actions, his behavior, his chronic beyond belief lying, and his continual condemnation of our Nation, out Institutions that protect us, the free press and long time Allies around the world while praising the likes or Putin and Russia and Ergoden a testament to his ignorance, and his planned divisiveness and chaos and Simon Says games that his senators and congress critters are all happy to play so they can get what ''they want'' from Simon is destroying us....

this isn't just politics as usual....

and those who PRETEND it is... and ''everything's going to be okay''....blah blah blah 'sheep' (shi*) are just as bad as him, for our Nation and the future of our children.

this is not NORMAL, this will not easily pass...once the man of lawlessness leaves office...
and to many, there was nothing normal nor acceptable about obama. we're still hearing about the spying done and still in denial obama ever did anything wrong.

obamas admin can have FISA say "hey, that's too far and illegal" and people defend him. Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

trump can call a shithole a shithole and people want him out of office and abuse the shit out of the word "racist" til there's nothing recognizable about the event any longer.

when one side can excuse illegal spying and using the gov against other parties within the gov don't get all righteous and surprised the other side doesn't give a damn trumps not "cooth" enough for you.

so we can keep playing in the extreme world and trying to force one side over the other or we can stop and realize how stupid of a goal that really is and begin to come together and ignore the extremes on both sides.
The problem with your argument is that you are basically declaring that your opinions on Obama are shit. And worthless. And to be ignored. What an odd position to take!
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.

Impeach him on what grounds?
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.
they would never pull the trigger because then that only gives way to letting emo's rule.

we're toast when we stop thinking and only let our over zealous emotions guide us.
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.

Impeach him on what grounds?
Obstruction and fitness. Remember, it's a senate trial by vote, not a court of law.
Democrat icon (the most admired democrat in modern history?) FDR incarcerated American citizens and legal aliens on a freaking executive order and denied them due cause and locked them up in concentration camps for the duration of WW2. Japanese Americans lost their property and their possessions for the crime of being Japanese. An FDR appointed Supreme Court Justice who happened to be a former KKK member wrote the majority opinion justifying the incarceration of American citizens. Today democrats want to impeach the President for using the word "shithole". How freaking absurd. Democrats need professional counseling.
they would never pull the trigger because then that only gives way to letting emo's rule.
Of cpurse they would, if they feel their window of controlling both houses may be wasted by the incompetent distraction that is Trump. They dont give a shit about him. They care about their agenda.
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.

Impeach him on what grounds?

Coffee grounds?

Polo grounds?

Stomping grounds?

Electrical grounds?

Any of those will do for a libtard.
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.

Impeach him on what grounds?

Coffee grounds?

Polo grounds?

Stomping grounds?

Electrical grounds?

Any of those will do for a libtard.
Again (geesh, pay attention), it's not the left that would impeach trump.
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.

Impeach him on what grounds?
uhm,,,the golf course grounds?
They waited too long. We now know that the racist statements were nothing but another democrat lie born in the twisted mind of Dick Durbin.
i dont think we have 60 democrat senators at the moment

You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.

Impeach him on what grounds?
Obstruction and fitness. Remember, it's a senate trial by vote, not a court of law.

Obstruction? Fitness? What on Earth?
You need 67 to impeach!
does al green know this? he seems to be under the impression that he and maxine alone can fire trump just for being too white
You guys are being silly. You dont need 67 democrat senators to impeach...just 67 votes. And the republicans will pull the trigger, unless Trump starts helping them instead of impeding them.

Impeach him on what grounds?
Obstruction and fitness. Remember, it's a senate trial by vote, not a court of law.

Obstruction? Fitness? What on Earth?
Yes, both. They can't impeach him just for "getting in their way". I don't find it very likely. I think it's more.likely that someone will make Trump understand that becoming "President Rubber Stamp" and keeping his mouth shut could be better for him, in the long run.

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