Trump Indicted

What a joke. You come across as so nasty, lonely and self-loathing it's hilarious. You represent no one but your pathetic self.
I don't respect any free loading, nanny state democrats, if you support Biden, I would not piss on you, even if you were on fire.
Oh? Where is the classified document Trump shared with 4 people on a golf course?
And Trump was video taped getting pissed in in Russia. It was pushed big time by democrat controlled media and the justice department as part of the trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory
And Trump was video taped getting pissed in in Russia. It was pushed big time by democrat controlled media and the justice department as part of the trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory

Except there was no such video while there is the audio recording of Trump admitting he was holding a classified document.
Israel has been threatening Iran every quarter since 1996.

Too bad they haven't nuked the Mullahs yet.

I’ve read them and they’re not relevant.

If you disagree, go ahead cite the language in the decision that makes a difference.
Once again:
"The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: “[a]lthough the President must notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.” Id., citing H.R. Rep. No. 95-1487, at 13 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 5744.
Once again:
"The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: “[a]lthough the President must notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.” Id., citing H.R. Rep. No. 95-1487, at 13 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 5744.
Uh oh. Did you miss this line:
Notably, the D.C. Circuit did not insist: “We did not hold in Armstrong Ithat the President could designate any material he wishes as personal records.”
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Uh oh. Did you miss this line:
Notably, the D.C. Circuit did not insist: “We did not hold in Armstrong Ithat the President could designate any material he wishes as personal records.”
We'll see what happens. It might get thrown out for reasons I don't know because I'm not a lawyer. :dunno:

I know the Special Counsel in this case is a corrupt DOJ lawyer and is a big part of the corruption in the DOJ.

He's had cases overturned for being unethical. He also was behind corruption of the IRS in 2010.
We'll see what happens. It might get thrown out for reasons I don't know because I'm not a lawyer. :dunno:

I know the Special Counsel in this case is a corrupt DOJ lawyer and is a big part of the corruption in the DOJ.

He's had cases overturned for being unethical.
He was part of Obama's attack with the IRS to purge Conservative or Christian organizations from 501 tax exemptions. He is a dick sucking sycophant being rewarded for his unethical bullshit.
We'll see what happens. It might get thrown out for reasons I don't know because I'm not a lawyer. :dunno:

I know the Special Counsel in this case is a corrupt DOJ lawyer and is a big part of the corruption in the DOJ.

He's had cases overturned for being unethical. He also was behind corruption of the IRS in 2010.
Next time rest the whole case instead of reposting the quotes you’ve been fed by unethical and dishonest right wing media.
Next time rest the whole case instead of reposting the quotes you’ve been fed by unethical and dishonest right wing media.
You stupid fucktard, that's actual court case decisions and judge's opinions and rulings on those cases.

What right-or-left wing site did I link, retard?

This one?

This one?

I'm the guy whose services you libtards no longer get.

Because you're a bunch of lying jackals, and you dont deserve the time of day, from me or anyone else.
Aww, thats too bad...because you're such an expert on everything...

That's only the beginning. I'm an expert with darts. Big ones, small ones, tiny little feathered ones fired out of a Bic pen and bigass poison ones fired from a drone.
I'm also an electronics expert so I can build and fix the drone, and I have a medical degree which makes me knowledgeable about the substances on the tip.
I'm also a security expert.
There are thousands like me - millions.
People like me designed and built them, we know 8,192 ways to disable them by remote without even blinking an eyelash
That's why there's people like me, who can straddle the fence and walk both sides of it
I have about a 99% success rate with penetrations.
Not with females.
There have 46-President's of the United States.

Only ONE has been impeached twice.

Only ONE has been indicted twice.

Only One has been indicted on Federal Charges including 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act of 1917.

Only one fought to hide illegally removed Classified Documents at his residence in Florida.

Only one stacked boxes of Classified Documents in a bathroom at his in Florida.

One and Only ONE did all of this.

The Fucking Lying Rapist and Traitor.

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