Trump invited Philippine leader to WH

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday likened himself to the Nazi leader, saying he wants to kill millions of drug addicts, just as Hitler killed Jews during the Holocaust.
"Hitler massacred 3 million Jews. Now there is 3 million, what is it, 3 million drug addicts (in the Philippines), there are," he said in a speech in his hometown of Davao City.
The man is an idiot. Ignoring the fact that it was 6 million (not 3 million) Jews that were murdered, the man actually thinks the problem with drugs in the Philippines is the addicts! What a jerk!
it's nothing like gun control.
Why would you like someone who insulted the President of the United States?

The Right hit a new low when they started applauding such.

You're so full of shit.

When Hugo Chavez implied that GWB was Satan at the UN, you libturds dropped the bar into the Mariana Trench.

barry deserves all the insulting he receives.

His mindless acolytes deserve to see that meat puppet faggot excoriated mercilessly, just as they've impugned the character of everyone in the country who opposed his policies.

Fuck these sniveling libturd parasites and their moonbat messiah.

Trump's moves are interesting. He's reached out to the Philippines, of course Russia and then Taiwan thus confronting China. It suggest a policy of containment and a recognition of China being a (the) strategic enemy.
Trump's moves are interesting. He's reached out to the Philippines, of course Russia and then Taiwan thus confronting China. It suggest a policy of containment and a recognition of China being a (the) strategic enemy.
I agree with all but the last line. Why should he regard China as an "enemy"? Do you believe that someone's enemy should also be your enemy'?
Trump's moves are interesting. He's reached out to the Philippines, of course Russia and then Taiwan thus confronting China. It suggest a policy of containment and a recognition of China being a (the) strategic enemy.
I agree with all but the last line. Why should he regard China as an "enemy"? Do you believe that someone's enemy should also be your enemy'?
China being the strategic opponent, enemy if you will, of the US and more importantly its immediate neighbors is really a no-brainer. China is clearly seeking to expand its sphere of influence which will invariably come at the expense of not only the US but even more certainly of countries such as those which have been in contact with Trump.
Yes, the same one who called President Obama son of a w*** some time ago, remember? yes.

My, I am liking Trump more and more. :2up:

Aide: Trump invited Philippine leader to WH
Careful, Skye.

At best, Duarte is a mentally unstable loose cannon.

At worst, Duarte is an autocratic, bloodthirsty dictator, who will turn on the United States for a pack of cigarettes.

I voted for the HildaBeast but I didn't much like it. I don't trust Trump, but, now, folks have to be willing to give him a bona fide chance to govern.

Dealing with Duarte - until his own people throw him out - is going to require a delicate balancing act, and Trump is more bulldozer than finesse.

I'm glad that the Filipino President is more agreeable to dealing with Trump, but I'm really worried about guilt-by-association for Duarte's psychotic behaviors and policies.
Yes, the same one who called President Obama son of a w*** some time ago, remember? yes.

My, I am liking Trump more and more. :2up:

Aide: Trump invited Philippine leader to WH
Careful, Skye.

At best, Duarte is a mentally unstable loose cannon.

At worst, Duarte is an autocratic, bloodthirsty dictator, who will turn on the United States for a pack of cigarettes.

I voted for the HildaBeast but I didn't much like it. I don't trust Trump, but, now, folks have to be willing to give him a bona fide chance to govern.

Dealing with Duarte - until his own people throw him out - is going to require a delicate balancing act, and Trump is more bulldozer than finesse.

I'm glad that the Filipino President is more agreeable to dealing with Trump, but I'm really worried about guilt-by-association for Duarte's psychotic behaviors and policies.
Does this mean we should not deal with him in a respectful, positive manner?
Yes, the same one who called President Obama son of a w*** some time ago, remember? yes.

My, I am liking Trump more and more. :2up:

Aide: Trump invited Philippine leader to WH
Careful, Skye.

At best, Duarte is a mentally unstable loose cannon.

At worst, Duarte is an autocratic, bloodthirsty dictator, who will turn on the United States for a pack of cigarettes.

I voted for the HildaBeast but I didn't much like it. I don't trust Trump, but, now, folks have to be willing to give him a bona fide chance to govern.

Dealing with Duarte - until his own people throw him out - is going to require a delicate balancing act, and Trump is more bulldozer than finesse.

I'm glad that the Filipino President is more agreeable to dealing with Trump, but I'm really worried about guilt-by-association for Duarte's psychotic behaviors and policies.
Does this mean we should not deal with him in a respectful, positive manner?
That's a very good question.

We have not had much luck getting into bed with dictators over the years.
Yes, the same one who called President Obama son of a w*** some time ago, remember? yes.

My, I am liking Trump more and more. :2up:

Aide: Trump invited Philippine leader to WH
Careful, Skye.

At best, Duarte is a mentally unstable loose cannon.

At worst, Duarte is an autocratic, bloodthirsty dictator, who will turn on the United States for a pack of cigarettes.

I voted for the HildaBeast but I didn't much like it. I don't trust Trump, but, now, folks have to be willing to give him a bona fide chance to govern.

Dealing with Duarte - until his own people throw him out - is going to require a delicate balancing act, and Trump is more bulldozer than finesse.

I'm glad that the Filipino President is more agreeable to dealing with Trump, but I'm really worried about guilt-by-association for Duarte's psychotic behaviors and policies.
Does this mean we should not deal with him in a respectful, positive manner?
That's a very good question.

We have not had much luck getting into bed with dictators over the years.
In Bed?????????????????????????????????????????

But when Castro and Cuba was dealt with the Libs in the US rejoiced.
I'm more concerned that Obama invited Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Black Lives Matter to the WH...
I'm more concerned that Obama invited Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Black Lives Matter to the WH...

Exactly right!

I have no problem with Duterte calling Obama epithets.

In fact I quite enjoy it! :D ;)
The bed wetters destroyed any pretense of civility or good intentions. They're regressive parasites willfully or not causing the decline of the greatest nation on earth. Fuck that piece of shit commie bastard and his wookie wife. Fuck the pseudo intellectual elitist pigs in the media who protect him, and fuck the sniveling retards who parrot every moonbat talking point they can find.

For 8 years they said and did the most vile shit that could be done to protest Bush and every republicrat in the country, then their meat puppet faggot got in and instead of pretending to care about "civility" hordes of unwashed college aged douchebags and homeless people trashed cities. The went on a rampage for the entire abysmal obozo regime, insisting everything was better because of their messiah out of one side of their mouths, and insisting that everything that was still fucked up was still all Bush's fault out the other side. They elected an empty suit demagogue who attacked voters who disagreed. Never before have I heard of a president who condemned the citizens he is supposed to serve like that piece of tick turd pillow biter.

They vilified everyone who wasn't a bed wetting liberal so much that the only people left who care to vote democrook are the sponges in the inner cities and the vapid yuppies who shop at whole foods. They were so smug they allowed hitlary to be their nominee. She was beaten by a clown. A literal clown in orange paint. A clown who went out of his way to insult everyone who bed wetting liberals pretend to care about, at least as far as I can tell from their hysterical posts. Now they want to piss and moan because a guy from a country they can't find on a map, let alone spell correctly ACCURATELY INSULTS their moonbat messiah.

He IS the son of a whore, and a bastard of a communist agitator.

They were all giggles when Hugo Chavez called Bush satan. Now they're all diaper rashed over Duerte.


Yes, the same one who called President Obama son of a w*** some time ago, remember? yes.

My, I am liking Trump more and more. :2up:

Aide: Trump invited Philippine leader to WH
Careful, Skye.

At best, Duarte is a mentally unstable loose cannon.

At worst, Duarte is an autocratic, bloodthirsty dictator, who will turn on the United States for a pack of cigarettes.

I voted for the HildaBeast but I didn't much like it. I don't trust Trump, but, now, folks have to be willing to give him a bona fide chance to govern.

Dealing with Duarte - until his own people throw him out - is going to require a delicate balancing act, and Trump is more bulldozer than finesse.

I'm glad that the Filipino President is more agreeable to dealing with Trump, but I'm really worried about guilt-by-association for Duarte's psychotic behaviors and policies.
Does this mean we should not deal with him in a respectful, positive manner?
That's a very good question.

We have not had much luck getting into bed with dictators over the years.
In Bed?????????????????????????????????????????

But when Castro and Cuba was dealt with the Libs in the US rejoiced.
Oh, puh-leeeez !!!!!


In bed.

Do you understand the concept of metaphor, or will you insist upon playing (or demonstrating) the fool in connection with such language?

In bed.

Marcos, in the Philippines; Syngmann Rhee, in Korea; Batista, in Cuba; Diem, in Vietnam; Pahlavi, in Iran; Hussein, in Iraq; Pinochet, in Chili; Noriega, in Panama; Somoza, in Nicaragua; Franco, in Spain and dozens of others; and that's just in the 20th and early 21st Centuries.


In bed, and usually ending badly for the United States; sometimes with us jumping out of bed, and attacking or undermining or overthrowing our bed-mate.

What does LibTard reaction have to do with the historical facts of the matter?

What does any of this have to do with the idea that the United States needs to learn from its past mistakes, rather than empowering the Emperor du Jour to make yet more?

We're all waiting for you to stun us - downright pole-axe us - dazzle us with your intellect, in serving-up substantive and decisive answers in this matter.
Yes, the same one who called President Obama son of a w*** some time ago, remember? yes.

My, I am liking Trump more and more. :2up:

Aide: Trump invited Philippine leader to WH
Careful, Skye.

At best, Duarte is a mentally unstable loose cannon.

At worst, Duarte is an autocratic, bloodthirsty dictator, who will turn on the United States for a pack of cigarettes.

I voted for the HildaBeast but I didn't much like it. I don't trust Trump, but, now, folks have to be willing to give him a bona fide chance to govern.

Dealing with Duarte - until his own people throw him out - is going to require a delicate balancing act, and Trump is more bulldozer than finesse.

I'm glad that the Filipino President is more agreeable to dealing with Trump, but I'm really worried about guilt-by-association for Duarte's psychotic behaviors and policies.
Does this mean we should not deal with him in a respectful, positive manner?
That's a very good question.

We have not had much luck getting into bed with dictators over the years.
In Bed?????????????????????????????????????????

But when Castro and Cuba was dealt with the Libs in the US rejoiced.
Oh, puh-leeeez !!!!!


In bed.

Do you understand the concept of metaphor, or will you insist upon playing (or demonstrating) the fool in connection with such language?

In bed.

Marcos, in the Philippines; Syngmann Rhee, in Korea; Batista, in Cuba; Diem, in Vietnam; Pahlavi, in Iran; Hussein, in Iraq; Pinochet, in Chili; Noriega, in Panama; Somoza, in Nicaragua; Franco, in Spain and dozens of others; and that's just in the 20th and early 21st Centuries.


In bed, and usually ending badly for the United States; sometimes with us jumping out of bed, and attacking or undermining or overthrowing our bed-mate.

What does LibTard reaction have to do with the historical facts of the matter?

What does any of this have to do with the idea that the United States needs to learn from its past mistakes, rather than empowering the Emperor du Jour to make yet more?

We're all waiting for you to stun us - downright pole-axe us - dazzle us with your intellect, in serving-up substantive and decisive answers in this matter.
LOL I know what the term "in bed" means.

To show respect for the head of a sovereign state is the order of the day not the exception.
Oh, puh-leeeez !!!!!


In bed.

Do you understand the concept of metaphor, or will you insist upon playing (or demonstrating) the fool in connection with such language?

In bed.

Marcos, in the Philippines; Syngmann Rhee, in Korea; Batista, in Cuba; Diem, in Vietnam; Pahlavi, in Iran; Hussein, in Iraq; Pinochet, in Chili; Noriega, in Panama; Somoza, in Nicaragua; Franco, in Spain and dozens of others; and that's just in the 20th and early 21st Centuries.


In bed, and usually ending badly for the United States; sometimes with us jumping out of bed, and attacking or undermining or overthrowing our bed-mate.

What does LibTard reaction have to do with the historical facts of the matter?

What does any of this have to do with the idea that the United States needs to learn from its past mistakes, rather than empowering the Emperor du Jour to make yet more?

We're all waiting for you to stun us - downright pole-axe us - dazzle us with your intellect, in serving-up substantive and decisive answers in this matter.

I want to defend the legacy of Augusto Pinochet.

He was a patriot who wanted the best for the people of Chile. He didn't sell bullshit Utopian propaganda, he promoted real merit. The greatest human being to have risen to prominence in the entire modern history of the western hemisphere.

Viva Pinochet!!!



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