Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Just kick back and watch the show folks, it's gonna ge a "great" one to be sure.

Yes, indeed! The Democrat Party chose a candidate who was so bad, that even though she outspent the winner by over five to one, and had the MSM in her back pocket, couldn't bullshit enough morons, such as yourself, to win. Says loads about what a shit candidate she was, the corrupt state that the DNC has sunk to, and the imbeciles who still voted for the bitch.
What imbeciles?? You've been fed a load of crap for many years about her All repub BS But the trump manure stood out in the middle of the road for all to see and smell and you still voted for mr pussy grabber mr no tax papers to show

No, the crap is true. That's the point. She made impossible deals when she was with the Rose law firm, but the MSM ignored them. She has always been unethical but the MSM refuses to report the unethical behavior she does. Until the internet, where the people can get around the gatekeepers in media, there was no way for the rest of the world to know the bullshit she has done. Now we can get that info out. The fact that you ignore well documented evidence merely reinforces what I said about YOU.

Actually it's all a ya, any rational hominid has to be a contortionist to attempt to support either of the "candidates" or parties. But hey, as long as we got someone to blame, no one has to get near any responsibility for anything. Now THAT my friend is american.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Listen, and listen tight. First thing- lower the gun from your temple, put down the glass of Clorox, turn off the car and open the garage door.
Now- the orange clown won, he won fair and square, he won 50% more states, the Ruskies did not hack our election, they may have disclosed some inconvenient truths about the bulldyke which may have caused some people to decide not to vote for her. Got it? Ok, you may now restart your car, lower the garage door, chug that bottle of Clorox, and pull the trigger. At least you'll end your miserable life knowing the truth.

All this blather, yet nothing that changes the fact that Trump is an illegitimate president. He lost by 3 million votes, even with Russia's help.

Trump is a traitor to this country who praises a murderer like Putin, and you won't touch that topic with a 10 foot pole because you're an intellectually dishonest Repug piece of shit.




Matters not.

On Jan 20. He will be President.

And Hillary Clinton will be just that much more forgotten.

Political discourse in america, as the masses ponder how things got so utterly fucked up.

Shit, this is nothing big boy. I suggest you read some of those history books you ignored in high school. The level of vitriol that was demonstrated within the halls of Congress were a thing to behold. Hell, I bet you didn't even know that there is a bullet hole in one of the Congressional desks. Yep, it got so heated in one instance that a congress critter tried to shoot another one.

Like I said, this is nothing compared to what it used to be like.

So much for "great again" heh?
Just kick back and watch the show folks, it's gonna ge a "great" one to be sure.

Yes, indeed! The Democrat Party chose a candidate who was so bad, that even though she outspent the winner by over five to one, and had the MSM in her back pocket, couldn't bullshit enough morons, such as yourself, to win. Says loads about what a shit candidate she was, the corrupt state that the DNC has sunk to, and the imbeciles who still voted for the bitch.
What imbeciles?? You've been fed a load of crap for many years about her All repub BS But the trump manure stood out in the middle of the road for all to see and smell and you still voted for mr pussy grabber mr no tax papers to show

No, the crap is true. That's the point. She made impossible deals when she was with the Rose law firm, but the MSM ignored them. She has always been unethical but the MSM refuses to report the unethical behavior she does. Until the internet, where the people can get around the gatekeepers in media, there was no way for the rest of the world to know the bullshit she has done. Now we can get that info out. The fact that you ignore well documented evidence merely reinforces what I said about YOU.

Actually it's all a ya, any rational hominid has to be a contortionist to attempt to support either of the "candidates" or parties. But hey, as long as we got someone to blame, no one has to get near any responsibility for anything. Now THAT my friend is american.

This statement is actually factual. Good job, the left blames the right, and the right blames the left, and nothing gets done to actually help the middle class. For once you got something correct. Good JOB!
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol
Political discourse in america, as the masses ponder how things got so utterly fucked up.

Shit, this is nothing big boy. I suggest you read some of those history books you ignored in high school. The level of vitriol that was demonstrated within the halls of Congress were a thing to behold. Hell, I bet you didn't even know that there is a bullet hole in one of the Congressional desks. Yep, it got so heated in one instance that a congress critter tried to shoot another one.

Like I said, this is nothing compared to what it used to be like.

So much for "great again" heh?
Sounds like more fake news from WW...
Just kick back and watch the show folks, it's gonna ge a "great" one to be sure.

Yes, indeed! The Democrat Party chose a candidate who was so bad, that even though she outspent the winner by over five to one, and had the MSM in her back pocket, couldn't bullshit enough morons, such as yourself, to win. Says loads about what a shit candidate she was, the corrupt state that the DNC has sunk to, and the imbeciles who still voted for the bitch.
What imbeciles?? You've been fed a load of crap for many years about her All repub BS But the trump manure stood out in the middle of the road for all to see and smell and you still voted for mr pussy grabber mr no tax papers to show

No, the crap is true. That's the point. She made impossible deals when she was with the Rose law firm, but the MSM ignored them. She has always been unethical but the MSM refuses to report the unethical behavior she does. Until the internet, where the people can get around the gatekeepers in media, there was no way for the rest of the world to know the bullshit she has done. Now we can get that info out. The fact that you ignore well documented evidence merely reinforces what I said about YOU.

Actually it's all a ya, any rational hominid has to be a contortionist to attempt to support either of the "candidates" or parties. But hey, as long as we got someone to blame, no one has to get near any responsibility for anything. Now THAT my friend is american.

This statement is actually factual. Good job, the left blames the right, and the right blames the left, and nothing gets done to actually help the middle class. For once you got something correct. Good JOB!

You should pay attention more often mod.
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
The Trumpsters are claiming a "mandate" and the Regressive Left is saying he's "illegitimate". Opposite sides of the same goofy coin. And both irrelevant..
I kinda agree with you Mac, but then ask you a question----------------> Since the electorate elected Trump, elected a Republican House, and a Republican Senate, would you not say that the REPUBLICANS as a whole, have a mandate?
Well, let's look at the point of the term "mandate": In political terms, it essentially means "license to cram our entire agenda down your throat".

The Democrats claimed a "mandate" in 2008 and immediately proceeded to overdo it. That should be a valuable lesson.

The country is fairly evenly divided, take your pick , 55/45 either way or somewhere in between. If both parties keep ignoring that and keep over-interpreting their "mandate", all we're going to see is a non-stop tug of war and little progress.

OK, then just for my own information, although everyone else will see the answer---------->is it FAIR for Trump to undo everything Obama did by EO?
Fair? Well, sure, he'll be the President.

That would be an example of my point, the tug of war, new EO's and laws and regulations being issued and then repealed, on and on, back and forth.

Politics aside, don't you think the American people would prefer some stability?

Yep, that is why Trump should NOT use EOs, he should pass laws, and if he can't, then it doesn't happen.

I am the person who harps on the left about not enforcing the law on illegal immigration, and if they want it the way they want it, pass a law. Same goes for Trump, no EOs.

I mean personally, maybe it would have been bad for the GOP, but what if Obama went to the people instead of putting in EOs like Reagan did and told them, "Hey folks, either change some people in congress, or I can't give this to you!" Well, either they would change people, if they didn't he had political cover for not giving them the policy, and.........maybe he would have learned Americans didn't want the policy!

All political historians who address this is issue say--------->the machinations of our government were PURPOSELY designed to move slowly. It was to insure all debates could be had, to make the people come out and vote in people who would deliver it if it was that important, and so NOTHING could change to quickly.

Obama set that on its head, but fortunately, a lot of it was EOs. And so, I say get rid of every one of his EOs, get rid of every regulation that was not law, get rid of everything possible, then put it to congress and the country at want this, put YOUR John Hancock on the dotted line for it. Put your political career where your ideology is! Only laws, signed by congress, and not vetoed by the President. No EOs! And if you are having trouble. Then go to the people, have them call Washington, write Washington, or change Washington if need be. That is stability, and that is what our founders wanted, everyone engaged as much as possible, and an exchange of ideas, not insults.
Not the ones who passed the 2nd grade commie Marxist pinko traitor


So why isn't Trump a "commie Marxist pinko traitor" for supporting Putin?

Can you explain that one, unsophisticated Repug goober boy? Didn't think so. You suck at this shit, unremarkable one.

Are you going to cry now? Or are you going to run out and take a poop on a American flag....To prove what a dumb fuck you are?

Still waiting for an explanation, dishonest unsophisticated Repug goober boy....

You got nothing, traitor piece of shit.

Remind us Boi who is the traitors again?

Occupy Oakland on July 4, 2012. Their“F**K the 4th” parade included vandalism, “Kill Cops” rhetoric and a flag burning. It was at least the third flag burning at Occupy Oakland.

Elsewhere, Occupy Charlotte and Occupy Maine held their own flag burnings. Meanwhile, college campuses were of course reliable flag-burning hotspots. Including at LSU, where in 2011 a communication studies graduate student (really) planned to burn a flag. Sadly for him, hundreds of patriotic counter protesters showed up. He never got to light the flag and had to be taken away in police custody for his own safety. Oh, and his reason for the protest? The arrest of another LSU student for stealing and then burning an American flag.

Ferguson to Baltimore

Reports on the rioting stemming from controversial deaths of black men at the hands of police over the last several months have shown looting, rock-throwing, chanting and sign waving. Only ABC News noted flag burnings. On the October 10 World News Tonight with David Muir showed video as correspondent Steve Osunami introduced a report from St. Louis, saying ,“The streets on fire in Missouri again. They were burning flags and throwing bricks at police.”

I'm more than happy to remind you who the traitor is -- YOU, white trash Repug pussy.

You suck Putin's cock, just like Trump does.

Only in the liberals mind a working blue collar guy like myself, who fears god and salutes the red white and blue proud is considered a traitor from a guy who pisses on the flag and constitution every chance he gets.

A strange country we live in.

Political discourse in america, as the masses ponder how things got so utterly fucked up.

Shit, this is nothing big boy. I suggest you read some of those history books you ignored in high school. The level of vitriol that was demonstrated within the halls of Congress were a thing to behold. Hell, I bet you didn't even know that there is a bullet hole in one of the Congressional desks. Yep, it got so heated in one instance that a congress critter tried to shoot another one.

Like I said, this is nothing compared to what it used to be like.

So much for "great again" heh?

Actually I think the new admin has a chance to make this country great again. The outgoing admin felt that this country was a pox on humanity and decided that the best way to help the third world peoples was by turning this country into yet another third world banana republic. He felt that the middle class here needed to dropped down a peg, or three hundred, instead of thinking "hey, maybe the way to make the whole world better is to destroy the third world! Instead of dividing the world into two classes, a very, very tiny elite, and a huge mass of poor, why not elevate EVERYONE up to first world status?

Yes, that requires work. Educating people to stop being provincial, vain, and selfish is hard, but doable. But the problem with progressives in general, is they have these grand ideas, but they want them NOW. They don't seem to understand that you can't kill ideas. You can kill hundreds of millions of people, as progressives have done over the last 100 years, but ideas take a lot more effort to kill off. And it is those ideas, some very good, some very bad, that drive the various peoples of this world.

A lesson that progressives either seem unable, or unwilling to learn.
Political discourse in america, as the masses ponder how things got so utterly fucked up.

Shit, this is nothing big boy. I suggest you read some of those history books you ignored in high school. The level of vitriol that was demonstrated within the halls of Congress were a thing to behold. Hell, I bet you didn't even know that there is a bullet hole in one of the Congressional desks. Yep, it got so heated in one instance that a congress critter tried to shoot another one.

Like I said, this is nothing compared to what it used to be like.

So much for "great again" heh?

Actually I think the new admin has a chance to make this country great again. The outgoing admin felt that this country was a pox on humanity and decided that the best way to help the third world peoples was by turning this country into yet another third world banana republic. He felt that the middle class here needed to dropped down a peg, or three hundred, instead of thinking "hey, maybe the way to make the whole world better is to destroy the third world! Instead of dividing the world into two classes, a very, very tiny elite, and a huge mass of poor, why not elevate EVERYONE up to first world status?

Yes, that requires work. Educating people to stop being provincial, vain, and selfish is hard, but doable. But the problem with progressives in general, is they have these grand ideas, but they want them NOW. They don't seem to understand that you can't kill ideas. You can kill hundreds of millions of people, as progressives have done over the last 100 years, but ideas take a lot more effort to kill off. And it is those ideas, some very good, some very bad, that drive the various peoples of this world.

A lesson that progressives either seem unable, or unwilling to learn.

You poor thing. It's gonna be a terrific show, this reality america.
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

Most of what you say is very true. The part that isn't is the putin comey bit. Those two asshats wouldn't have even been in play if the shrilary had not violated the law and had a classified material on a private server. Full stop. It ALL rolls downhill to her stupid decision to try and avoid the FOIA laws on the books.
Political discourse in america, as the masses ponder how things got so utterly fucked up.

Shit, this is nothing big boy. I suggest you read some of those history books you ignored in high school. The level of vitriol that was demonstrated within the halls of Congress were a thing to behold. Hell, I bet you didn't even know that there is a bullet hole in one of the Congressional desks. Yep, it got so heated in one instance that a congress critter tried to shoot another one.

Like I said, this is nothing compared to what it used to be like.

So much for "great again" heh?

Actually I think the new admin has a chance to make this country great again. The outgoing admin felt that this country was a pox on humanity and decided that the best way to help the third world peoples was by turning this country into yet another third world banana republic. He felt that the middle class here needed to dropped down a peg, or three hundred, instead of thinking "hey, maybe the way to make the whole world better is to destroy the third world! Instead of dividing the world into two classes, a very, very tiny elite, and a huge mass of poor, why not elevate EVERYONE up to first world status?

Yes, that requires work. Educating people to stop being provincial, vain, and selfish is hard, but doable. But the problem with progressives in general, is they have these grand ideas, but they want them NOW. They don't seem to understand that you can't kill ideas. You can kill hundreds of millions of people, as progressives have done over the last 100 years, but ideas take a lot more effort to kill off. And it is those ideas, some very good, some very bad, that drive the various peoples of this world.

A lesson that progressives either seem unable, or unwilling to learn.

You poor thing. It's gonna be a terrific show, this reality america.

Oh, don't feel sorry for me. I am actually getting interested in the direction this country will be heading in again. For the first time in six years I can see a way forward that doesn't include destroying this country and its people.
The Trumpsters are claiming a "mandate" and the Regressive Left is saying he's "illegitimate". Opposite sides of the same goofy coin. And both irrelevant..
I kinda agree with you Mac, but then ask you a question----------------> Since the electorate elected Trump, elected a Republican House, and a Republican Senate, would you not say that the REPUBLICANS as a whole, have a mandate?
Well, let's look at the point of the term "mandate": In political terms, it essentially means "license to cram our entire agenda down your throat".

The Democrats claimed a "mandate" in 2008 and immediately proceeded to overdo it. That should be a valuable lesson.

The country is fairly evenly divided, take your pick , 55/45 either way or somewhere in between. If both parties keep ignoring that and keep over-interpreting their "mandate", all we're going to see is a non-stop tug of war and little progress.

OK, then just for my own information, although everyone else will see the answer---------->is it FAIR for Trump to undo everything Obama did by EO?
Fair? Well, sure, he'll be the President.

That would be an example of my point, the tug of war, new EO's and laws and regulations being issued and then repealed, on and on, back and forth.

Politics aside, don't you think the American people would prefer some stability?

Yep, that is why Trump should NOT use EOs, he should pass laws, and if he can't, then it doesn't happen.

I am the person who harps on the left about not enforcing the law on illegal immigration, and if they want it the way they want it, pass a law. Same goes for Trump, no EOs.

I mean personally, maybe it would have been bad for the GOP, but what if Obama went to the people instead of putting in EOs like Reagan did and told them, "Hey folks, either change some people in congress, or I can't give this to you!" Well, either they would change people, if they didn't he had political cover for not giving them the policy, and.........maybe he would have learned Americans didn't want the policy!

All political historians who address this is issue say--------->the machinations of our government were PURPOSELY designed to move slowly. It was to insure all debates could be had, to make the people come out and vote in people who would deliver it if it was that important, and so NOTHING could change to quickly.

Obama set that on its head, but fortunately, a lot of it was EOs. And so, I say get rid of every one of his EOs, get rid of every regulation that was not law, get rid of everything possible, then put it to congress and the country at want this, put YOUR John Hancock on the dotted line for it. Put your political career where your ideology is! Only laws, signed by congress, and not vetoed by the President. No EOs! And if you are having trouble. Then go to the people, have them call Washington, write Washington, or change Washington if need be. That is stability, and that is what our founders wanted, everyone engaged as much as possible, and an exchange of ideas, not insults.
Good stuff. Yeah, as with everything else political, EO's have almost been overused over the years, and yeah, essentially as a replacement for earning the votes.

I think it would be a good idea to review the whole concept and insure that an EO, if they have to remain, must be very limited in scope. They go against the spirit of the vote, and they just exacerbate divisions.

And I sure as hell don't trust any given President to not go too far with them.
Political discourse in america, as the masses ponder how things got so utterly fucked up.

Shit, this is nothing big boy. I suggest you read some of those history books you ignored in high school. The level of vitriol that was demonstrated within the halls of Congress were a thing to behold. Hell, I bet you didn't even know that there is a bullet hole in one of the Congressional desks. Yep, it got so heated in one instance that a congress critter tried to shoot another one.

Like I said, this is nothing compared to what it used to be like.

So much for "great again" heh?

Actually I think the new admin has a chance to make this country great again. The outgoing admin felt that this country was a pox on humanity and decided that the best way to help the third world peoples was by turning this country into yet another third world banana republic. He felt that the middle class here needed to dropped down a peg, or three hundred, instead of thinking "hey, maybe the way to make the whole world better is to destroy the third world! Instead of dividing the world into two classes, a very, very tiny elite, and a huge mass of poor, why not elevate EVERYONE up to first world status?

Yes, that requires work. Educating people to stop being provincial, vain, and selfish is hard, but doable. But the problem with progressives in general, is they have these grand ideas, but they want them NOW. They don't seem to understand that you can't kill ideas. You can kill hundreds of millions of people, as progressives have done over the last 100 years, but ideas take a lot more effort to kill off. And it is those ideas, some very good, some very bad, that drive the various peoples of this world.

A lesson that progressives either seem unable, or unwilling to learn.

You poor thing. It's gonna be a terrific show, this reality america.

Oh, don't feel sorry for me. I am actually getting interested in the direction this country will be heading in again. For the first time in six years I can see a way forward that doesn't include destroying this country and its people.

We've all seen your pre-ejaculatory partisanshithead cheerleading.
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.
Liberals have gotten so intoerant that the DNC's candidate's campaign HIRED groups / individuals to firebomb GOP HQs and to beat / bloody Trump supporters...

They declared opposing the election results would be a socialist attempt to undetmine the very pillars on which our democracy rests...and then have done nothing BUT do that since they LOST.

Whining, complaining, scapegpating, throwing tantrums, engaging in violence, and finally declaring they will never accept the outcome.....

This is what happens when you turn educational competitive sports that teaches kids life lessons and turn it into a pussified PC waste of time where everyone gets a trophy.

As Obama himself, elections have consequences...put snowflakes reject that...when they lose.

The DNC ran THE WORST candidate in US history....LOST...and now are actually surprised. :p

They feel no need to change.
They believe it is not tjem but the Ametican people who are to blame...because they just won't agree to be 'ruled'. Teid says in 2020 they will be a party of dinosaurs. Sanders ssys he's embarassed because their party Abandoned the Middle Class...and they abandoned Democrats at the voting booths.

They are is SERIOUS, f*ed-up, intoletant DENIAL.
"That is stability, and that is what our founders wanted, everyone engaged as much as possible, and an exchange of ideas, not insults."

Nope, not at all. They set up a system in which only entitled white male landowners had a vote with a senate appointed by the aristocracy.
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

Yep. I am concerned about that too. Unlike you though, I was worried about the leftwing propaganda as well. That, you don't seem to care about. How come?

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