Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

I kinda agree with you Mac, but then ask you a question----------------> Since the electorate elected Trump, elected a Republican House, and a Republican Senate, would you not say that the REPUBLICANS as a whole, have a mandate?
Well, let's look at the point of the term "mandate": In political terms, it essentially means "license to cram our entire agenda down your throat".

The Democrats claimed a "mandate" in 2008 and immediately proceeded to overdo it. That should be a valuable lesson.

The country is fairly evenly divided, take your pick , 55/45 either way or somewhere in between. If both parties keep ignoring that and keep over-interpreting their "mandate", all we're going to see is a non-stop tug of war and little progress.

OK, then just for my own information, although everyone else will see the answer---------->is it FAIR for Trump to undo everything Obama did by EO?
Fair? Well, sure, he'll be the President.

That would be an example of my point, the tug of war, new EO's and laws and regulations being issued and then repealed, on and on, back and forth.

Politics aside, don't you think the American people would prefer some stability?

Yep, that is why Trump should NOT use EOs, he should pass laws, and if he can't, then it doesn't happen.

I am the person who harps on the left about not enforcing the law on illegal immigration, and if they want it the way they want it, pass a law. Same goes for Trump, no EOs.

I mean personally, maybe it would have been bad for the GOP, but what if Obama went to the people instead of putting in EOs like Reagan did and told them, "Hey folks, either change some people in congress, or I can't give this to you!" Well, either they would change people, if they didn't he had political cover for not giving them the policy, and.........maybe he would have learned Americans didn't want the policy!

All political historians who address this is issue say--------->the machinations of our government were PURPOSELY designed to move slowly. It was to insure all debates could be had, to make the people come out and vote in people who would deliver it if it was that important, and so NOTHING could change to quickly.

Obama set that on its head, but fortunately, a lot of it was EOs. And so, I say get rid of every one of his EOs, get rid of every regulation that was not law, get rid of everything possible, then put it to congress and the country at want this, put YOUR John Hancock on the dotted line for it. Put your political career where your ideology is! Only laws, signed by congress, and not vetoed by the President. No EOs! And if you are having trouble. Then go to the people, have them call Washington, write Washington, or change Washington if need be. That is stability, and that is what our founders wanted, everyone engaged as much as possible, and an exchange of ideas, not insults.
Good stuff. Yeah, as with everything else political, EO's have almost been overused over the years, and yeah, essentially as a replacement for earning the votes.

I think it would be a good idea to review the whole concept and insure that an EO, if they have to remain, must be very limited in scope. They go against the spirit of the vote, and they just exacerbate divisions.

And I sure as hell don't trust any given President to not go too far with them.
It's a canard. They are very limited and can be easily overturned. OTOH, they can show themselves to be good ideas (like Obama's) and expanded by congress.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.
Yeah that vast amount of 'ALL-IN' liberal media, Rigged Primary, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, exposed racists / sexists / homophobic / anti-Semitism, hiring goons to attack Trump supporters, etc was perfectly fine though...

I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

It is not gop or dem, that' the illusion, the masses must be kept seething at one another over silly shit meaningless shit and shit the system has no intention of ever dealing with.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.
Yeah that vast amount of 'ALL-IN' liberal media, Rigged Primary, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, exposed racists / sexists / homophobic / anti-Semitism, hiring goons to attack Trump supporters, etc was perfectly fine though...


You partisanshitheads make it all possible.
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

It is not gop or dem, that' the illusion, the masses must be kept seething at one another over silly shit meaningless shit and shit the system has no intention of ever dealing with.

Funny how you say that then you're 100% on the Democrat side
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

Yep. I am concerned about that too. Unlike you though, I was worried about the leftwing propaganda as well. That, you don't seem to care about. How come?
Doesn't exist, relatively. Example?
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

Yep. I am concerned about that too. Unlike you though, I was worried about the leftwing propaganda as well. That, you don't seem to care about. How come?

That would be the same reason you don't go after yours hon.

Exactly, you don't go after Democrats because they're yours, dear. They tell you what to think and like a good little Democrat automaton, you think it ...
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

Yep. I am concerned about that too. Unlike you though, I was worried about the leftwing propaganda as well. That, you don't seem to care about. How come?

That would be the same reason you don't go after yours hon.

Exactly, you don't go after Democrats because they're yours, dear

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, and so here we stay stuck as a society, good for you.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
---- As long as we're counting meaningless stastics, Trump legitimately won because he has more inches in his height than Hildabeast. He also wears a bigger shoe size. And those are as important as the popular vote.
AND republicans couldn't tolerate a women leading them
I don't think they won't tolerate a Woman as President.

Jut this particular one.

I'm not Republican and I wouldn't tolerate Hillary as President.

She wasn't Presidential to me. Nor likable.
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"As Obama himself, elections have consequences...put snowflakes reject that...when they lose."

There are never any consequences for Goldman Sachs, Wall Street and the like.

This should eventually dawn on a coherent hominid. And the wealth redistrubition paradigm is about a half century old now, utterly bipartisan over time. But ya know how some a ya's are with your tribalism shit.
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol

The last thing the power structure wishes to confront is a clear, coherent, united population.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.

Yep. I am concerned about that too. Unlike you though, I was worried about the leftwing propaganda as well. That, you don't seem to care about. How come?
Doesn't exist, relatively. Example?
No propaganda or bullshit from the Left.

Only the Right.

Those guys, over there.

Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
---- As long as we're counting meaningless stastics, Trump legitimately won because he has more inches in his height than Hildabeast. He also wears a bigger shoe size. And those are as important as the popular vote.
AND republicans couldn't tolerate a women leading them

Yeah, butt hole, that's it. It's not that she's a socialist. It's that she's female. Talk about being a mental flat liner
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.
Yeah that vast amount of 'ALL-IN' liberal media, Rigged Primary, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, exposed racists / sexists / homophobic / anti-Semitism, hiring goons to attack Trump supporters, etc was perfectly fine though...


You partisanshitheads make it all possible.
BS e-mail chatter isn't evidence of rigging, dupe. As Bernie said. All in lib media my arse- They reported the "rigging" bs and all the other e-mail "BREAKING NEWS" too etc etc grubbing swine.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
---- As long as we're counting meaningless stastics, Trump legitimately won because he has more inches in his height than Hildabeast. He also wears a bigger shoe size. And those are as important as the popular vote.
AND republicans couldn't tolerate a women leading them
I don't think they won't tolerate a Woman as President.

Jut this particular one.

I'm not Republican and I wouldn't tolerate Hillary as President.

She wasn't Presidential to me. Nor likable.

There were no presidential candidates.
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.
Yeah that vast amount of 'ALL-IN' liberal media, Rigged Primary, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, exposed racists / sexists / homophobic / anti-Semitism, hiring goons to attack Trump supporters, etc was perfectly fine though...


You partisanshitheads make it all possible.
BS e-mail chatter isn't evidence of rigging, dupe. As Bernie said. All in lib media my arse- They reported the "rigging" bs and all the other e-mail "BREAKING NEWS" too etc etc grubbing swine.

This entire system floats on the belief that you have two different sides with different visions. You do not.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Seriously, this shit again?

Trump won the way ALL presidents achieve the White House. He's legit, but you are not.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
---- As long as we're counting meaningless stastics, Trump legitimately won because he has more inches in his height than Hildabeast. He also wears a bigger shoe size. And those are as important as the popular vote.
AND republicans couldn't tolerate a women leading them
I don't think they won't tolerate a Woman as President.

Jut this particular one.

I'm not Republican and I wouldn't tolerate Hillary as President.

She wasn't Presidential to me. Nor likable.
and trump was and is?
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Seriously, this shit again?

Trump won the way ALL presidents achieve the White House. He's legit, but you are not.

So he'll be legit like the last guy.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
---- As long as we're counting meaningless stastics, Trump legitimately won because he has more inches in his height than Hildabeast. He also wears a bigger shoe size. And those are as important as the popular vote.
AND republicans couldn't tolerate a women leading them

Yeah, butt hole, that's it. It's not that she's a socialist. It's that she's female. Talk about being a mental flat liner
Socialist?? more republican BS call her a commie next?
That's our 2 party system for you. The only thing that bothers me is the mountain of GOP BS propaganda.
Yeah that vast amount of 'ALL-IN' liberal media, Rigged Primary, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, exposed racists / sexists / homophobic / anti-Semitism, hiring goons to attack Trump supporters, etc was perfectly fine though...


You partisanshitheads make it all possible.
BS e-mail chatter isn't evidence of rigging, dupe. As Bernie said. All in lib media my arse- They reported the "rigging" bs and all the other e-mail "BREAKING NEWS" too etc etc grubbing swine.

This entire system floats on the belief that you have two different sides with different visions. You do not.

Correct again! Brings to mind one of the all time best lyrics ever penned to paper... "here comes the new boss, same as the old boss"... which brings us to the trumpster. Here, for the first time since Teddy, we had a candidate that BOTH political classes hated. That sounds like a positive to me. How about you?


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