Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

End the life of a human baby is not a reproductive right.

A reproductive right would be the right not to get pregnant

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The Constitution says otherwise.

Actually, it doesn't. A handful of unelected judges said otherwise, reading something new into the Constitution that was never there and rendering a decision that even Bader-Ginsburg admitted was poorly written. That said, the government needs to stay out of people's private lives. People who don't approve of abortion don't need to have one. What someone else decides is really nobody else's business.

The Constitution gives the SCOTUS the power to interpret the Constitution, which means that the Court has the power to tell us what the Constitution means,

and what the Constitution means is part of what comprises the Constitution.
Since the Constitution affords NO rights of personhood, citizenship, or any such other relevant condition to fetuses,
the right to terminate a fetus has nothing to do with killing humans as far as the law of the land is concerned.

The Constitution affords no rights of personhood to transgenders either. Does that mean it's O.K. to kill them?
Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?

To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote
"having" in this sense, is the actual birth, isnt it? So, wouldnt saying "im having a baby" be correct?

I was six weeks and I said I'm having a baby. Guess what? I did
Yes, you birthed a baby. You didnt birth a fetus.

It was a fetus...just like you were at one point.

I gotta be honest're struggling mightily on this thread. Not like you at all
Since the Constitution affords NO rights of personhood, citizenship, or any such other relevant condition to fetuses,
the right to terminate a fetus has nothing to do with killing humans as far as the law of the land is concerned.

The Constitution affords no rights of personhood to transgenders either. Does that mean it's O.K. to kill them?

They aren't citizens?
If you believe the Bible, God said he knew you BEFORE you were in the womb,

a Biblical interpretation accurately applied therefore, would mean that Life begins BEFORE conception.

How the fuck do you apply the law to that?
Translation: "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.
crazy thing about the religion argument is, in the bible the fetus wasnt a big deal. Killing a fetus was "loss of property" if you will. In fact, it says human beings didnt begin until god breathed into them and they took their first breath of air. The Jews thought a pregnant woman had nothing but water for the first 40 days. Also, in jewish law, the baby doesnt matter until the head pops out. AKA becoming a human being.

Actually, not true at all.

King James Bible
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

That's from the OT.

King James Bible
And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost..

One of the few areas I agree with Trump’s current position

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Aren't you libertarian?
Your position seems contrary.
I know a few libertarians that are against abortion. Thing about libertarians is, they arent a big collective like the duopoly is.

Sure, but forcing a woman under penalty of law to carry to full term seems very contrary to their principles.
End the life of a human baby is not a reproductive right.

A reproductive right would be the right not to get pregnant

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The Constitution says otherwise.

Actually, it doesn't. A handful of unelected judges said otherwise, reading something new into the Constitution that was never there and rendering a decision that even Bader-Ginsburg admitted was poorly written. That said, the government needs to stay out of people's private lives. People who don't approve of abortion don't need to have one. What someone else decides is really nobody else's business.

Does the Constitution SAY that an individual citizen has the right to own a gun,

or did the unelected judges of the court decide to interpret the Constitution that way?
no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.
crazy thing about the religion argument is, in the bible the fetus wasnt a big deal. Killing a fetus was "loss of property" if you will. In fact, it says human beings didnt begin until god breathed into them and they took their first breath of air. The Jews thought a pregnant woman had nothing but water for the first 40 days. Also, in jewish law, the baby doesnt matter until the head pops out. AKA becoming a human being.

Actually, not true at all.

King James Bible
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

That's from the OT.

King James Bible
And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost..


So life begins before conception?

Wouldn't that make contraception murder?
And the killing of the unborn is a crime biblically speaking:

Exodus 21:22New International Version (NIV)
22 “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows.
23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life.
Translation: "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.

You are the one who said that de-legalizing abortion interferes with your choice to exercise your religious beliefs.

Another nutzoid baby killing freak.


You are the one who said that de-legalizing abortion interferes with your choice to exercise your religious beliefs.

This is not what I said. What I actually said that "de-legalizing" abortion denies a pregnant person the right to choose what religious beliefs to follow and act accordingly. An atheist who is pregnant may choose to act one way, a person who is Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan, Sikh, whatever, have their own beliefs and act within their parameters. Not every woman is a Roman Catholic or a Protestant fundie, you know. Not everyone thinks that pregnancy must be a punishment for the free exercise of female sexuality, either. Only sickos think so.
The right to bear arms is stated specifically in the Constitution. Please find me the part of the constitution where killing a human being is listed as a right.
Find me science that says an unborn fetus is a human being.
So the right of an individual to own a gun isn't a constitutional right, it's just a mere interpretation made by unelected judges?

The right to bear arms is stated specifically in the Constitution. Please find me the part of the constitution where killing a human being is listed as a right.

Since the Constitution affords NO rights of personhood, citizenship, or any such other relevant condition to fetuses,
the right to terminate a fetus has nothing to do with killing humans as far as the law of the land is concerned.

it says nothing about having the right to terminate one either, and is thus left up to the State legislatures.

No it gives persons the right of privacy. The states ought not be allowed to interfere in a woman's right to the private act of abortion because there is no constitutional protection of what is being aborted.

what is being aborted is a human, what else could it possibly be? Do you think the thing being aborted is a frog?
There's more human cells in my morning crap than in a fertilized egg.
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?

To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote
"having" in this sense, is the actual birth, isnt it? So, wouldnt saying "im having a baby" be correct?

I was six weeks and I said I'm having a baby. Guess what? I did
Yes, you birthed a baby. You didnt birth a fetus.

It was a fetus...just like you were at one point.

I gotta be honest're struggling mightily on this thread. Not like you at all
I know. But the phrase "im having a baby" is referring to the birth. Future tense.
How am i struggling? My entire stance on this is based on biology.
no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.

You are the one who said that de-legalizing abortion interferes with your choice to exercise your religious beliefs.

Another nutzoid baby killing freak.


You are the one who said that de-legalizing abortion interferes with your choice to exercise your religious beliefs.

This is not what I said. What I actually said that "de-legalizing" abortion denies a pregnant person the right to choose what religious beliefs to follow and act accordingly. An atheist who is pregnant may choose to act one way, a person who is Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan, Sikh, whatever, have their own beliefs and act within their parameters. Not every woman is a Roman Catholic or a Protestant fundie, you know. Not everyone thinks that pregnancy must be a punishment for the free exercise of female sexuality, either. Only sickos think so.

You're a fucking tard.

What religious belief requires abortion, you fucking moron?
Since the Constitution affords NO rights of personhood, citizenship, or any such other relevant condition to fetuses,
the right to terminate a fetus has nothing to do with killing humans as far as the law of the land is concerned.

The Constitution affords no rights of personhood to transgenders either. Does that mean it's O.K. to kill them?

They aren't citizens?

Persons are either men or women, transgenders are neither.
So the right of an individual to own a gun isn't a constitutional right, it's just a mere interpretation made by unelected judges?

The right to bear arms is stated specifically in the Constitution. Please find me the part of the constitution where killing a human being is listed as a right.
Find me science that says an unborn fetus is a human being.

What else can it be? Is it a chicken? or is is a penguin? or is is frog? NOPE the only possible answer is that the results of two humans mating is that they created another human.

Science tells us that each kind begets its own.
When i eat my fresh chicken eggs in the morning for breakfast, am i eating eggs or chickens?
Look, i understand the emotion in this, but calling them human beings isnt correct. They dont even meet the requirements for a living organism, much less a human.

you are eating a chicken egg.

Please explain to me how a fetus does not meet the requirements for a living organism.

When does the magic happen that transforms the non-human into a human? Are you a big Harry Potter fan?
When does the magic happen that transforms the non-human into a human?
Logically, it's a human when it can survive outside of the womb.
You ASSUME every person who aborts would be a bad mother. Fascinating. That's very revealing.

Pro-choicers are ugly inside. Through and through. You hold victims of rape and incest as human shields. You threaten, "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it".


We had a totally unexpected child. My wife got pregnant at the worst possible time. We had moved 3,000 miles from our families, had just had twins which were exhausting us, and I was laid off from the job which had brought me 3000 miles.

Everyone we knew suggested abortion.


Inconveniences are temporary. Life is forever.

I cannot imagine life without our youngest child.
I don’t assume every, but it’s a safe assumption that some certainly will not be good parents. Look at all the stories of child abuse we have now.

Child abuse sky rocketed since the advent of abortion.

Which makes sense. Pro-abortion fruitcakes maintain that humanity is dependent upon age, and that there is no such thing as an inalienable right..rights go to the strong and the aggressive. Not to the vulnerable and passive.
Did it? Link?
" Those claiming that abortion is needed to reduce child abuse must contend with the empirical reality that child abuse increased by over 500 percent in the decade following Roe v. Wade. In fact, in less than a decade after Roe, child abuse had already risen by over 500 percent. These stats come right from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

Mike Adams - Does Abortion Really Prevent Child Abuse?

  • Trends in Reporting Rates (per 1,000)
1976: 10
1977: 13
1978: 13
1979: 15
1980: 18
1981: 19
1982: 20
1983: 24
1984: 27
1985: 31
1986: 33
1987: 34
1988: 35
1989: 38
1990: 41
1991: 41
1992: 43

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. 1993 and 1999. Child Maltreatment (1993,1997): Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Crimes Against Children Research Center

It is hard to abuse a child that doesn’t exist.

Children don’t cease to exist when they are killed
To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote
"having" in this sense, is the actual birth, isnt it? So, wouldnt saying "im having a baby" be correct?

I was six weeks and I said I'm having a baby. Guess what? I did
Yes, you birthed a baby. You didnt birth a fetus.

It was a fetus...just like you were at one point.

I gotta be honest're struggling mightily on this thread. Not like you at all
I know. But the phrase "im having a baby" is referring to the birth. Future tense.
How am i struggling? My entire stance on this is based on biology.
No it isn't!! I've shown a dozen ways your stance is non-biological! Just saying it's *biological* doesn't make it so. Every *biological* point you've made has been shown to be utterly and completely unscientific and unbiological.
When you are asked to provide the evidence of your new biology, you can't.

Good grief. Don't be such a dumpkof.

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