Trump is currently addressing the March against Women's Reproductive Rights

He's not manipulating language, you are.

By using terms that mean one thing in a way that isn't appropriate, or correct.

Zygotes are not *potential* humans. They are human.

And none of us were *once* sperm. Sperm is a different thing from a human. Sperm does not develop into a human.
And the unborn do have separate life from their mother. Which is why baby killers seek to change the meaning of life, and the meaning of person. Because as long as the unborn are living people, they cannot justify what they want to do to them.
Oh crap
They arent human. They dont meet the requirements for humans. THEY DONT EVEN MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIFE IN GENERAL.
We all came from a sperm binding to an egg. I didnt know you were such a semantic type
They are COMPLETELY dependent on their mother. Until they are born. Then, they are human.

They do meet the requirement for *life in general*. I don't know what definition you go by, but the scientific definition maintains the unborn most certainly are alive.

That's why the definition of abortion isn't simply the termination of's the termination of pregnancy which results in the DEATH OF THE FETUS.

If they found a zygote on Mars the left would fall over themselves declaring science found life on Mars
If it was just a fetus it wouldnt be alive :p

"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]
Lol, thanks for that link. Appreciate it.
Say, do you know what primordium is?
If you liberals are trying to make society better, you're doing it wrong!

Our minority communities are buckling.

And you think more young unwed girls having babies is the answer.

Or you could man up and actually take care of the children you helped create rather than treating her like a sex toy and running. Just saying
Maybe these ones having abortions should get the need to be responsible.
Oh, i absolutely agree.
Personally, the thought sickens me. However, i dont think the govt has the right to force gestation on a person and i dang sure dont think manipulating terminology and science is the right thing to do.

You're halfway there....there is hope yet
I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
Oh crap
They arent human. They dont meet the requirements for humans. THEY DONT EVEN MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIFE IN GENERAL.
We all came from a sperm binding to an egg. I didnt know you were such a semantic type
They are COMPLETELY dependent on their mother. Until they are born. Then, they are human.

They do meet the requirement for *life in general*. I don't know what definition you go by, but the scientific definition maintains the unborn most certainly are alive.

That's why the definition of abortion isn't simply the termination of's the termination of pregnancy which results in the DEATH OF THE FETUS.

If they found a zygote on Mars the left would fall over themselves declaring science found life on Mars
If it was just a fetus it wouldnt be alive :p

"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]
Lol, thanks for that link. Appreciate it.
Say, do you know what primordium is?
Yes, I do. Do you? I'm thinking you probably don't.
Oh, i absolutely agree.
Personally, the thought sickens me. However, i dont think the govt has the right to force gestation on a person and i dang sure dont think manipulating terminology and science is the right thing to do.

You're halfway there....there is hope yet
I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?
They do meet the requirement for *life in general*. I don't know what definition you go by, but the scientific definition maintains the unborn most certainly are alive.

That's why the definition of abortion isn't simply the termination of's the termination of pregnancy which results in the DEATH OF THE FETUS.

If they found a zygote on Mars the left would fall over themselves declaring science found life on Mars
If it was just a fetus it wouldnt be alive :p

"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]
Lol, thanks for that link. Appreciate it.
Say, do you know what primordium is?
Yes, I do. Do you? I'm thinking you probably don't.
If you did, why would you post something that backs up my argument?
You're halfway there....there is hope yet
I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?

To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote
Child abuse sky rocketed since the advent of abortion.

Which makes sense. Pro-abortion fruitcakes maintain that humanity is dependent upon age, and that there is no such thing as an inalienable right..rights go to the strong and the aggressive. Not to the vulnerable and passive.

actually, nutter butter, child abuse escalates when women are forced to have children they don't want, aren't ready for and can't afford. anti-choice religious extremists think women should be denied sex ed, birth control and abortion. if you had a modicum of decency and tried to help babies AFTER they were born and weren't just pro-birth, maybe we'd give a damn about what you have to say

people who can't run their own lives really shouldn't try to run the lives of other people.
Translation: "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.
I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?

To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote
"having" in this sense, is the actual birth, isnt it? So, wouldnt saying "im having a baby" be correct?
Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?

To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote
"having" in this sense, is the actual birth, isnt it? So, wouldnt saying "im having a baby" be correct?

I was six weeks and I said I'm having a baby. Guess what? I did
actually, nutter butter, child abuse escalates when women are forced to have children they don't want, aren't ready for and can't afford. anti-choice religious extremists think women should be denied sex ed, birth control and abortion. if you had a modicum of decency and tried to help babies AFTER they were born and weren't just pro-birth, maybe we'd give a damn about what you have to say

people who can't run their own lives really shouldn't try to run the lives of other people.
Translation: "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.

You are the one who said that de-legalizing abortion interferes with your choice to exercise your religious beliefs.

Another nutzoid baby killing freak.

I wont ever get to the point of supporting the forcing of a woman to go through gestation if she doesnt want to. I am far from a statist.
If science didnt lead me to believe it wasnt a human, it would be different.

Since science has told you it is not human, please tell us what species science tells you it is.

Sent from my iPhone using
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?

To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote

Because it's neither a fetus nor a zygote at the time of delivery.
Translation: "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.

You are the one who said that de-legalizing abortion interferes with your choice to exercise your religious beliefs.

Another nutzoid baby killing freak.


LOL You really have to have a screw loose to run around in that get up
actually, nutter butter, child abuse escalates when women are forced to have children they don't want, aren't ready for and can't afford. anti-choice religious extremists think women should be denied sex ed, birth control and abortion. if you had a modicum of decency and tried to help babies AFTER they were born and weren't just pro-birth, maybe we'd give a damn about what you have to say

people who can't run their own lives really shouldn't try to run the lives of other people.
Translation: "Pay for my baby or I'll kill it!"

no. translation... pro-birth activists are hypocrites who don't give a damn about children once they're born.
it's also -- don't tell me an embryo is a baby and leave other people alone to follow their own consciences within the law as defined constitutionally because this isn't a theocracy and I personally couldn't care less what religious zealots want.


I find it particularly appalling that the government cooperates with these filthy theocrats' desire to remove from our female population the right to choose our own religious beliefs, as well as our constitutional right to privacy. No government at any level has any legitimate business interfering with people's privacy, private decisions, private medical decisions, choice of religious beliefs, or personal relationships. These people talk about "freedom," and fuss about government "intrusion" into their financial lives, beliefs, privacy, etc. but seek to compromise it daily as to the most basic rights to have sovereignty over their own bodies and to choose their own beliefs.

Are you saying abortion is a religion?
I have to say I do agree with you. But freedom of religion ends when it comes to killing people.

Abortion is a religion? Are you out of your mind? From your prior postings, I'm inclined to believe this.
she But the idea that a fertilized egg/zygote/embryo is a human being is based on theology thought up by some bat-shit crazy cleric. Just because a person is pregnant does not give anyone any legitimate right to force somebody's else's religion on her. She will make the decision whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term based on her own chosen beliefs, not those of some jackass cleric from a faith that she has not chosen to embrace. If she wishes to ask someone for their advice, she will of her own accord. But some of these states force her to consult openly sectarian religious organizations as a condition of obtaining an abortion. Why would she want to discuss her pregnancy with an outsider, particularly one with a clear religion-based agenda. Her uterus is her property alone, not some jackass outsider cleric's.
crazy thing about the religion argument is, in the bible the fetus wasnt a big deal. Killing a fetus was "loss of property" if you will. In fact, it says human beings didnt begin until god breathed into them and they took their first breath of air. The Jews thought a pregnant woman had nothing but water for the first 40 days. Also, in jewish law, the baby doesnt matter until the head pops out. AKA becoming a human being.
what species are fish eggs? :dunno:
Your argument is lame. And old.
Fetuses arent humans. Period. No amount of emotion will change that.

Is that why the technical term is human fetus?
If it is human, why add fetus? Hell, why do we terms for the zygote as well?

To make baby killers more comfortable. I've yet to hear an expectant mother claim she is having a fetus or zygote
"having" in this sense, is the actual birth, isnt it? So, wouldnt saying "im having a baby" be correct?

I was six weeks and I said I'm having a baby. Guess what? I did
Yes, you birthed a baby. You didnt birth a fetus.

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