Trump is fading among Independents


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
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I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
You are correct about Indies. There are more "I's" that will be doing the deciding. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Independents comprise +40% of US voters.

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018

Right now you are weighing Trump v. Trump. It will not come down to Trump v. Trump, it will come down to Trump v. whomever the Dems put up.

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
I think if Trump starts listening to his GOP advisors he'll lose for sure.

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018

Right now you are weighing Trump v. Trump. It will not come down to Trump v. Trump, it will come down to Trump v. whomever the Dems put up.
It's really Trump vs the Washington Establishment.

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018

Maybe so, but not one independent will vote for any of the 22 folks the opposition has put up against Trump.
This Independent will vote again for Trump.
Despite the R attached to his name.

Not just the Indy's but a lot of democrats will too. The union workers who see construction jobs and even some manufacturing jobs coming back like Trump. The dems hate pipelines, energy, tariffs, and doing anything that would upset their donors (aka bribers). In 2016 there were a lot of "stealth" Trump voters, be they union, or black, or women, or others who don't agree with the dems' policies.
The new "populist" GOP will get more votes than the new "socialist" democrats.
Trump still leads in Vegas, a 4:1 favorite, irrespective of the "polls"
Donald Trump EVEN
Kamala Harris +450
Joe Biden +600
Elizabeth Warren +800
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I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda.
An independent is a "liberal" too ashamed to admit they are liberals. That is the first thing, the second as you see here, with President Trump in office, the US is having its best economy with the most people working yet this guy has PTDS. 44% approve of the president in its latest poll, UP since last year. Either the pollsters are lying or this guy is lying.

'This Week' Roundtable: Trump Reaches Peak Approval Rating At 44%, Which Democrat Has Best Shot To Win?
Trump is not fading amongst Independents.

Rather, the memory of HRC is fading amongst Independents.

Her nature, elitism, arrogance and hostility towards White Straight Christian Middle America explain why they voted for Trump.

By-and-large, they did not vote for Trump on his merits, rather... they voted for Trump because of HRC's defects.

And now that she's long-gone, their profound lack of comfort with Trump is beginning to re-materialize; noticeable now in the polls.

But it was always there... dormant... lurking... ready to re-awaken in advance of the next presidential election cycle.

This should not be news to anyone over the age of 10.
Trump is not fading among Independents.
Rather, the memory of HRC is fading among Independents.
Her nature, elitism, arrogance and hostility towards White Straight Christian Middle America explain why they voted for Trump.
By-and-large, they did not vote for Trump on his merits, rather... they voted for Trump because of HRC's defects.
And now that she's long-gone, their profound lack of comfort with Trump is beginning to re-materialize; noticeable now in the polls.
But it was always there... dormant... lurking... ready to re-awaken in advance of the next presidential election cycle.
This should not be news to anyone over the age of 10.

Agreed that HRC lost the 2016 election, and that Trump was not universally acclaimed as worthy of the office. The MSM and even GOP Never-Trumpers were all against Trump winning, yet Trump won. In 2020 the stark policy differences between the parties will mean that Trump, with his strong record of accomplishment, will probably win re-election. Trump is still being attacked constantly by the democrat MSM propaganda machine to the tune of 93% negative coverage. It won't matter. People vote their pocketbooks, and Trump won that battle. In case you forgot, here are the democrat policies that Trump will beat the dem nominee over the head with like a baby seal:
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare, "Medicare for all"
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Promote or excuse the murder of newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Hunt down white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
Well, this claim didn't age well!

I HAD BEEN ASSURED THAT TRUMP’S ANTICS HAD TURNED ALL THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS AGAINST HIM: Mind-Blowing! 58% Of Attendees at Trump’s Wisconsin Rally Were NOT Republicans, Up from 43% in Ohio.
Voters love Trump. He's keeping us safe with his Muslim ban. He's keeping us safe by building the border wall. He's keeping us employed by ending job killing environmental regulations. He should win easily in 2020.
You are correct about Indies. There are more "I's" that will be doing the deciding. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Independents comprise +40% of US voters.
Don't think it's that high but it doesn't matter. Independents put Trump in the White House in 2020 and they'll all vote for him again in 2020.

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018

Lunatic, you start off with an outright lie then comes a post of pure bullshit.
Get a clue, get a life and get out.

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
Obama lowered the deficit, Clinton actually paid down the debt.

tRump is spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave.
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