"Trump Is Finally Boring...his act is getting old, it could hurt him if he runs in 2024"...let's come up with some new material for Trump, my friends

Trump is becoming less and less relevant in the GQP as the authoritarian, theocratic MAGA White Nationalist cancer continues to metastasize. But there are still millions who still really do believe that he is an honest, Godly, brilliant, strong, patriotic man, and adore him. And that continues to speak volumes about the awful condition of our society.

Waiting impatiently in the wings is De Santis, a somewhat less embarrassing and damaged figure who is quite possibly more autocratic, theocratic, aggressive, pugilistic and ultimately dangerous than Trump himself. So Trump opened the door and released the REAL Kraken, millions of mal-informed Americans consumed by rage and paranoia.
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Trump is becoming less and less relevant in the GQP as the authoritarian, theocratic MAGA White Nationalist cancer continues to metastasize. But there are still millions who still really do believe that he is an honest, Godly, brilliant, strong, patriotic man, and adore him. And that continues to speak volumes about the awful condition of our society.

Waiting impatiently in the wings is De Santis, a somewhat less embarrassing and damaged figure who is quite possibly more autocratic, theocratic, aggressive, pugilistic and ultimately dangerous than Trump himself. So Trump opened the door and released the REAL Kraken, millions of mal-informed Americans consumed by rage and paranoia.
“Waiting impatiently in the wings is De Santis, a somewhat less embarrassing and damaged figure who is quite possibly more autocratic, theocratic, aggressive, pugilistic and ultimately dangerous than Trump himself.”

It seems that no matter what repubs do they cant get no love from proud 1%ers, aka Tweeners.

After all, everything is so peachy keen with the man mac1958 voted for what is there for conservatives to complain about?
A coup attempt means nothing to Trump's asseater's as long as gas is cheap. Hero worship of Trump is the name of the game.

It is sad to see you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats spew your hate of Trump because he had an agenda to make this country great.

You idiots voted for and then ignored the fact that Joe Pottohead stole an election and now our country is fucked up more ways than anybody every imagined possible. Runaway inflation, millions flooding across the border, lower family income, reduced GDP, astronomical cost of energy, increased taxes, a weak stupid foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world, and babies can't even get food.

Joe Potatohead spent the weekend partying at the beach while most Americans couldn't even afford the gas to drive to the beach because of his demented Environmental Wacko anti fossil fuel agenda. Despicable, isn't it?
It is sad to see you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats spew your hate of Trump because he had an agenda to make this country great.

You idiots voted for and then ignored the fact that Joe Pottohead stole an election and now our country is fucked up more ways than anybody every imagined possible. Runaway inflation, millions flooding across the border, lower family income, reduced GDP, astronomical cost of energy, increased taxes, a weak stupid foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world, and babies can't even get food.

Joe Potatohead spent the weekend partying at the beach while most Americans couldn't even afford the gas to drive to the beach because of his demented Environmental Wacko anti fossil fuel agenda. Despicable, isn't it?
Biden didn't steal the election, you idiot.

Go put your "I'm With Stupid" cap on. You earned the honor.
Trump is becoming less and less relevant in the GQP as the authoritarian, theocratic MAGA White Nationalist cancer continues to metastasize. But there are still millions who still really do believe that he is an honest, Godly, brilliant, strong, patriotic man, and adore him. And that continues to speak volumes about the awful condition of our society.

Waiting impatiently in the wings is De Santis, a somewhat less embarrassing and damaged figure who is quite possibly more autocratic, theocratic, aggressive, pugilistic and ultimately dangerous than Trump himself. So Trump opened the door and released the REAL Kraken, millions of mal-informed Americans consumed by rage and paranoia.
1. Trump will announce for 2024 any day now.
Democrats are pariahs, gas could double again by November 2024. Democrats are toast.

2. Trump's record as president is way better than Xidens. Trump would beat Biden like a drum in 2024.

3. Desantis is dangerous to democrats. He's competent and wouldn't be an "Excuse maker in-chief".

4. The Kraken is released, thanks to Xiden and the democrat's total incompetence, November is coming.
Trump is becoming less and less relevant in the GQP as the authoritarian, theocratic MAGA White Nationalist cancer continues to metastasize. But there are still millions who still really do believe that he is an honest, Godly, brilliant, strong, patriotic man, and adore him. And that continues to speak volumes about the awful condition of our society.

Waiting impatiently in the wings is De Santis, a somewhat less embarrassing and damaged figure who is quite possibly more autocratic, theocratic, aggressive, pugilistic and ultimately dangerous than Trump himself. So Trump opened the door and released the REAL Kraken, millions of mal-informed Americans consumed by rage and paranoia.
Look at how DeSantis is runnning Florida. We're screwed if he makes it into the W.H. because he'll run this Country the same way.

Like Trump he's a narcissist, but better at hiding it.
Look at how DeSantis is runnning Florida. We're screwed if he makes it into the W.H. because he'll run this Country the same way. Like Trump he's a narcissist, but better at hiding it.
You post dem talking points, what we call "lies".

Look how Desantis is running FL, beautifully, people are moving there to escape democrat run hell holes.

Desantis would make a great president. Besides, who do dems have in 2024??????????????

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