Trump is helping to write his own Articles of Impeachment

AP article says, "WASHINGTON (AP) — The combative White House letter vowing to defy the “illegitimate” impeachment inquiry has actually put President Donald Trump on a more certain path to charges. His refusal to honor subpoenas or allow testimony would likely play into a formal accusation against him.

"The letter sent to House leaders by White House Counsel Pat Cipollone Tuesday evening declared the president would not cooperate with the investigation — a clear reason, Democrats say, to write an article of impeachment charging him with obstruction.

"The White House insists that a formal House vote is necessary just to start the impeachment process. But Democrats are moving ahead without one, confident for now that they are backed by the Constitution and Trump’s own acknowledgements of trying to persuade a foreign government to investigate a political foe."

In a word, desperation, Trump is guilty of breaking federal law and the White House lawyers know it. So, they dance around it with political B.S. The White House asking the House to vote on the impeachment of the President is pure lunacy.

Where are Trump's supporters? Nothing to say? Yeah, supporters of Trump have a real problem, and there are more disasters on the horizon for Trump. China has lowered its expectations for progress on trade talks, and Trump surrendered to the Turks with disastrous results. Both are serious national security problems created entirely by Trump along with asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election.

Trump is a walking, talking disaster.

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