Trump is helping to write his own Articles of Impeachment

Trump's refusal to recognize that there IS an Article One in the Constitution, and that the Founders weren't about to let a demagogue, charlatan and wanna-be dictator destroy this republic, is slowly but surely digging his own "grave."

Bear in mind these two major breaches by Trump......

Abuse of Power.....and.......Obstruction of Justice

The above two are just the preludes to dozens of sub-breaches to this lawless administration. Trump's refusal to release documents AND refusal to allow his cronies to testify before the appropriate House committees, are the beginning of the end for this gang of clueless an d corrupt dimwits.

Mueller CLEARLY stated that his investigation's listing of Trump's unlawful dealings were up to Congress to follow-up and possibly impeach.....OR........that these same unlawful dealings were up to various courts of jurisdiction to indict Trump and his entourage AFTER he left office.

The above, coupled with the daily Mafia-style obstructions by the WH will bring down....not only Trump and his family.....but all those who refuse to recognize that this man is unfit, clueless and arrogantly abusing the office of president.

Mu guess of how the "dam" will finally give out, is the resignation of Pompeo, Barr and these stooges will try to save their own hides from prosecution...........The bunker will soon become too crowded.

Which is phonier: impeachment or Russian Collusion?

Neither is as phony as Donald Trump, The First Phony.

The Department's position has been and remains that establishing a safe zone in northern Syria is the best path forward to maintaining stability.

Unfortunately, Turkey has chosen to act unilaterally. As a result we have moved the U.S. forces in northern Syria out of the path of potential Turkish incursion to ensure their safety. We have made no changes to our force presence in Syria at this time.

The Trump White House is getting more bizarre by the day. The President asked for interference from a foreign power in our Presidential election to benefit his political campaign.

The Trump White House sent a letter to the House of Representatives telling them to vote on the impeachment of the President.

Our ignorant Commander-in-Chief is concerned the Turkish army will attack American troops and he ordered a retreat from northern Syria to ensure their safety?

What are the odds of the Turks attacking American troops? Slim and there ain't no way. But Trump doesn't know that. Or ...

Trump has an ulterior motive. Who will benefit most from the American withdrawal? The answer is simple, Russia and Russia's ally, Iran.

Then, just when you think matters couldn't get any worse, matters got worse.

This has to be read to be believed. This is what has happened to the leadership of our armed forces under our Commander-in-Chief. In addition to the disgraceful statement that began this report, strongly suggesting a surrender to Turkey, there is this.

Secretary Esper and Chairman Milley were consulted over the last several days by the President regarding the situation and efforts to protect U.S. forces in northern Syria in the face of military action by Turkey.

Esper and Milley were consulted by Trump? It is supposed to be the other way around. The secretary of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are supposed to consult the Commander-in-Chief, offering him sound advice. What is the problem and what are the alternatives.

Instead, Trump consulted them, according to the Department of Defense statement. In all likelihood, Trump told them his decision to surrender to the Turks, and that was it. Trump was not in the mood to be given advice. He was ordering the retreat.

The White House’s announcement that U.S. forces are pulling back from northeastern Syria to allow a Turkish offensive there took the Pentagon and the government’s Syria point man by surprise ⁠— and the decision defied the current thinking of President Donald Trump's national security leaders. 'POTUS went rogue': Trump's Syria move blindsides national security leaders
Unfortunately, Turkey has chosen to act unilaterally. As a result we have moved the U.S. forces in northern Syria out of the path of potential Turkish incursion to ensure their safety. We have made no changes to our force presence in Syria at this time.

Trump has an ulterior motive. Who will benefit most from the American withdrawal? The answer is simple, Russia and Russia's ally, Iran.

When Putin helped Trump in the Presidential election of 2016, he knew, according to the American Constitution, the President commands the U.S. armed forces.

I do not understand any American supporting Trump on this. If you do, please explain why you support the betrayal of an important ally who suffered much. Please explain why you support the failure of leadership of our armed forces, ordering the retreat from the Turks!

I'll say this, as a retired Marine, that really sucks.
Unfortunately, Turkey has chosen to act unilaterally. As a result we have moved the U.S. forces in northern Syria out of the path of potential Turkish incursion to ensure their safety. We have made no changes to our force presence in Syria at this time.

Trump has an ulterior motive. Who will benefit most from the American withdrawal? The answer is simple, Russia and Russia's ally, Iran.

When Putin helped Trump in the Presidential election of 2016, he knew, according to the American Constitution, the President commands the U.S. armed forces.

I do not understand any American supporting Trump on this. If you do, please explain why you support the betrayal of an important ally who suffered much. Please explain why you support the failure of leadership of our armed forces, ordering the retreat from the Turks!

I'll say this, as a retired Marine, that really sucks.
How did he do it? How did Uncle Vlad make you change your vote?
Trump's refusal to recognize that there IS an Article One in the Constitution, and that the Founders weren't about to let a demagogue, charlatan and wanna-be dictator destroy this republic, is slowly but surely digging his own "grave."

Bear in mind these two major breaches by Trump......

Abuse of Power.....and.......Obstruction of Justice

The above two are just the preludes to dozens of sub-breaches to this lawless administration. Trump's refusal to release documents AND refusal to allow his cronies to testify before the appropriate House committees, are the beginning of the end for this gang of clueless an d corrupt dimwits.

Mueller CLEARLY stated that his investigation's listing of Trump's unlawful dealings were up to Congress to follow-up and possibly impeach.....OR........that these same unlawful dealings were up to various courts of jurisdiction to indict Trump and his entourage AFTER he left office.

The above, coupled with the daily Mafia-style obstructions by the WH will bring down....not only Trump and his family.....but all those who refuse to recognize that this man is unfit, clueless and arrogantly abusing the office of president.

Mu guess of how the "dam" will finally give out, is the resignation of Pompeo, Barr and these stooges will try to save their own hides from prosecution...........The bunker will soon become too crowded.
DUDE WE ARE BEGGING YOU TO IMPEACH.. dooo it lol we dare you lol

And you get your fondest wish. Enjoy the ride. But make sure when it's over you have gotten all your guns out of the house to more stable relatives, poured the drano down the drain already and don't go for long walks near any steep cliffs.
Wait ... so you believe 67 Senators will vote - based on the evidence currently in public view - to convict? :lol:

Never let it be said that bitter, unhinged Dimocrats have a lick of smarts. Never.

Rep. Al Green: "I'm Concerned If We Don't Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected"

There ya have it. Impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories because they can't beat Trump, and anyone who thinks the "whistleblower" scam is gonna get 'er done is dim and/or gullible enough to be a Dimocrat.
Nothing like a leftist suggesting it's Trump who is anti-Constitutional and un-American.

Boy, are you going to get a strong kick on your sorry ass....LAMO

Trump should read the Constitution
Does Donald Trump understand the Constitution?
President Trump and the Constitution |

The Department's position has been and remains that establishing a safe zone in northern Syria is the best path forward to maintaining stability.

Unfortunately, Turkey has chosen to act unilaterally. As a result we have moved the U.S. forces in northern Syria out of the path of potential Turkish incursion to ensure their safety. We have made no changes to our force presence in Syria at this time.

The Trump White House is getting more bizarre by the day. The President asked for interference from a foreign power in our Presidential election to benefit his political campaign.

The Trump White House sent a letter to the House of Representatives telling them to vote on the impeachment of the President.

Our ignorant Commander-in-Chief is concerned the Turkish army will attack American troops and he ordered a retreat from northern Syria to ensure their safety?

What are the odds of the Turks attacking American troops? Slim and there ain't no way. But Trump doesn't know that. Or ...

Trump has an ulterior motive. Who will benefit most from the American withdrawal? The answer is simple, Russia and Russia's ally, Iran.

Then, just when you think matters couldn't get any worse, matters got worse.

This has to be read to be believed. This is what has happened to the leadership of our armed forces under our Commander-in-Chief. In addition to the disgraceful statement that began this report, strongly suggesting a surrender to Turkey, there is this.

Secretary Esper and Chairman Milley were consulted over the last several days by the President regarding the situation and efforts to protect U.S. forces in northern Syria in the face of military action by Turkey.

Esper and Milley were consulted by Trump? It is supposed to be the other way around. The secretary of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are supposed to consult the Commander-in-Chief, offering him sound advice. What is the problem and what are the alternatives.

Instead, Trump consulted them, according to the Department of Defense statement. In all likelihood, Trump told them his decision to surrender to the Turks, and that was it. Trump was not in the mood to be given advice. He was ordering the retreat.

The White House’s announcement that U.S. forces are pulling back from northeastern Syria to allow a Turkish offensive there took the Pentagon and the government’s Syria point man by surprise ⁠— and the decision defied the current thinking of President Donald Trump's national security leaders. 'POTUS went rogue': Trump's Syria move blindsides national security leaders
Trump's refusal to recognize that there IS an Article One in the Constitution, and that the Founders weren't about to let a demagogue, charlatan and wanna-be dictator destroy this republic, is slowly but surely digging his own "grave."

Bear in mind these two major breaches by Trump......

Abuse of Power.....and.......Obstruction of Justice

The above two are just the preludes to dozens of sub-breaches to this lawless administration. Trump's refusal to release documents AND refusal to allow his cronies to testify before the appropriate House committees, are the beginning of the end for this gang of clueless an d corrupt dimwits.

Mueller CLEARLY stated that his investigation's listing of Trump's unlawful dealings were up to Congress to follow-up and possibly impeach.....OR........that these same unlawful dealings were up to various courts of jurisdiction to indict Trump and his entourage AFTER he left office.

The above, coupled with the daily Mafia-style obstructions by the WH will bring down....not only Trump and his family.....but all those who refuse to recognize that this man is unfit, clueless and arrogantly abusing the office of president.

Mu guess of how the "dam" will finally give out, is the resignation of Pompeo, Barr and these stooges will try to save their own hides from prosecution...........The bunker will soon become too crowded.
1)abuse of power by the congress has been displayed for all the OCE to see and prosecute.
2)obstructing Bill Barr and trying to get info on his on going investigation is open for the OCE and public to see=obstruction of Justice by the Dems like Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Harris and even Cummins who is already still under investigation by the OCE.
3)there is no impeachment, only a propaganda news stunt to make an image of one linger, however this backfires, because it exposed there can't be one in this narative.
Even Fox news missed this problem Dems have now that they bring up China (a bait they took).
You see even Dems and MSM declare Chinas strategy to wait on a trade deal for a softer Biden, but this is problematic because;
it admits Biden can never be a candidate for president or elected president (which means he can't be deemed an opposition candidate).
Biden would be immediately impeached upon election for being financially and criminally compromised. This compromising position (card China holds on Biden) creates Chinas ability to hold back the trade deal now on this administration, meaning Biden is causing markets instability and farmers anxieties and interfering with the security and stability of our country, all through being compromised by his crime and pay to play scheme. In other words by hindering the trade deal and interfering with the administration in which he has through selling out to China is treason and I think also espionage?? =Impeachable.

Why would Dems walk out someone who's not allowed to be president and can't and won't be? Isn't this ruse just a typical misdirection like the Russian hoax was to misdirect Hillary's crimes and ineligibility?
In fact the whole Dem majority in congress is a sham based on illegal false charges and as Hillary would say; "the congress is not a legitimate one" using your and her own admissions on legitimacy that you like to displace and deflect onto opponents ( due to your unwillingness to admit faults and by way of your affiliation pride).
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Trump's refusal to recognize that there IS an Article One in the Constitution, and that the Founders weren't about to let a demagogue, charlatan and wanna-be dictator destroy this republic, is slowly but surely digging his own "grave."

Bear in mind these two major breaches by Trump......

Abuse of Power.....and.......Obstruction of Justice

The above two are just the preludes to dozens of sub-breaches to this lawless administration. Trump's refusal to release documents AND refusal to allow his cronies to testify before the appropriate House committees, are the beginning of the end for this gang of clueless an d corrupt dimwits.

Mueller CLEARLY stated that his investigation's listing of Trump's unlawful dealings were up to Congress to follow-up and possibly impeach.....OR........that these same unlawful dealings were up to various courts of jurisdiction to indict Trump and his entourage AFTER he left office.

The above, coupled with the daily Mafia-style obstructions by the WH will bring down....not only Trump and his family.....but all those who refuse to recognize that this man is unfit, clueless and arrogantly abusing the office of president.

Mu guess of how the "dam" will finally give out, is the resignation of Pompeo, Barr and these stooges will try to save their own hides from prosecution...........The bunker will soon become too crowded.

The only way trump can avoid prosecution, at least on the federal level, is if he retires or is thrown out of office.

pence will pardon him if one of those things happen.

If the senate does what I believe they will do, not convict, then trump will be voted out of office and there will be nothing he or pence can do to stop the prosecutions when he's out of office.

What it comes down to is if trump wants to stay out of federal prison, he better be hoping he's either thrown out of office or resigns.
Trump's refusal to recognize that there IS an Article One in the Constitution, and that the Founders weren't about to let a demagogue, charlatan and wanna-be dictator destroy this republic, is slowly but surely digging his own "grave."

Bear in mind these two major breaches by Trump......

Abuse of Power.....and.......Obstruction of Justice

The above two are just the preludes to dozens of sub-breaches to this lawless administration. Trump's refusal to release documents AND refusal to allow his cronies to testify before the appropriate House committees, are the beginning of the end for this gang of clueless an d corrupt dimwits.

Mueller CLEARLY stated that his investigation's listing of Trump's unlawful dealings were up to Congress to follow-up and possibly impeach.....OR........that these same unlawful dealings were up to various courts of jurisdiction to indict Trump and his entourage AFTER he left office.

The above, coupled with the daily Mafia-style obstructions by the WH will bring down....not only Trump and his family.....but all those who refuse to recognize that this man is unfit, clueless and arrogantly abusing the office of president.

Mu guess of how the "dam" will finally give out, is the resignation of Pompeo, Barr and these stooges will try to save their own hides from prosecution...........The bunker will soon become too crowded.

The only way trump can avoid prosecution, at least on the federal level, is if he retires or is thrown out of office.

pence will pardon him if one of those things happen.

If the senate does what I believe they will do, not convict, then trump will be voted out of office and there will be nothing he or pence can do to stop the prosecutions when he's out of office.

What it comes down to is if trump wants to stay out of federal prison, he better be hoping he's either thrown out of office or resigns.
You really need to change your news source, it's got you thinking things are crimes that are not.....meaning they got you drinking their coolaide.
pssst, although he looks like him, Anderson Cooper is not Applegate.
by hindering the trade deal and interfering with the administration in which he has through selling out to China is treason and I think also espionage?? =Impeachable.

Good lord this forum attracts the MOST ignorant, poorly educated Trump ass kissers.......Go to bed.
See, you could not defend Biden's compromised nature being the cause of a problem for our country that you and your Brainwasher media have moaned about yourself.
So how do you handle truth?
You lock it up by sending me to my room, while Maxine Waters tells me I can't eat. Fascists! *L*
Trump's refusal to recognize that there IS an Article One in the Constitution, and that the Founders weren't about to let a demagogue, charlatan and wanna-be dictator destroy this republic, is slowly but surely digging his own "grave."

Bear in mind these two major breaches by Trump......

Abuse of Power.....and.......Obstruction of Justice

The above two are just the preludes to dozens of sub-breaches to this lawless administration. Trump's refusal to release documents AND refusal to allow his cronies to testify before the appropriate House committees, are the beginning of the end for this gang of clueless an d corrupt dimwits.

Mueller CLEARLY stated that his investigation's listing of Trump's unlawful dealings were up to Congress to follow-up and possibly impeach.....OR........that these same unlawful dealings were up to various courts of jurisdiction to indict Trump and his entourage AFTER he left office.

The above, coupled with the daily Mafia-style obstructions by the WH will bring down....not only Trump and his family.....but all those who refuse to recognize that this man is unfit, clueless and arrogantly abusing the office of president.

Mu guess of how the "dam" will finally give out, is the resignation of Pompeo, Barr and these stooges will try to save their own hides from prosecution...........The bunker will soon become too crowded.

The only way trump can avoid prosecution, at least on the federal level, is if he retires or is thrown out of office.

pence will pardon him if one of those things happen.

If the senate does what I believe they will do, not convict, then trump will be voted out of office and there will be nothing he or pence can do to stop the prosecutions when he's out of office.

What it comes down to is if trump wants to stay out of federal prison, he better be hoping he's either thrown out of office or resigns.
You really need to change your news source, it's got you thinking things are crimes that are not.....meaning they got you drinking their coolaide.
pssst, although he looks like him, Anderson Cooper is not Applegate.

I don't watch CNN. I haven't watched that station since 2004.

I get my news from a variety of sources. Mostly Canadian. It's against the law to lie in the press in Canada. I also get my news from other sources such as the Guardian, Reuters and the AP.

However I'm basing my belief on trump's own words. The partial transcript from that phone call, the declaration on TV last week and the fact that he has obstructed the process which is obstruction of justice.

You need to stop paying attention to right wing news. They aren't giving you the full truth.
Fact: in Dems demands, MSM commentary and Nats own previous posts regarding impeaching Costas and forcing him from his position for a lenient plea deal for a sex offender years ago means Dems, MSM and Nat and others are saying Kamala Harris has to step down from the Senate or be impeached for her Role as DA in a similar lenient sentence on a similar type of hideous sex offender.
*oooops* crickets.....double standard.....this proves abuse of power by Dems, start impeaching the Dems who are dancing around their own standard by throwing protectors of molesters and treasonous money grubbers at us.
As long as Harris is not impeached from Senate, and Biden is a candidate, the IP needs to move this thread to conspiracy or the rubber room. tmp-cam--1911129608.jpg
Trump's refusal to recognize that there IS an Article One in the Constitution, and that the Founders weren't about to let a demagogue, charlatan and wanna-be dictator destroy this republic, is slowly but surely digging his own "grave."

Bear in mind these two major breaches by Trump......

Abuse of Power.....and.......Obstruction of Justice

The above two are just the preludes to dozens of sub-breaches to this lawless administration. Trump's refusal to release documents AND refusal to allow his cronies to testify before the appropriate House committees, are the beginning of the end for this gang of clueless an d corrupt dimwits.

Mueller CLEARLY stated that his investigation's listing of Trump's unlawful dealings were up to Congress to follow-up and possibly impeach.....OR........that these same unlawful dealings were up to various courts of jurisdiction to indict Trump and his entourage AFTER he left office.

The above, coupled with the daily Mafia-style obstructions by the WH will bring down....not only Trump and his family.....but all those who refuse to recognize that this man is unfit, clueless and arrogantly abusing the office of president.

Mu guess of how the "dam" will finally give out, is the resignation of Pompeo, Barr and these stooges will try to save their own hides from prosecution...........The bunker will soon become too crowded.

The only way trump can avoid prosecution, at least on the federal level, is if he retires or is thrown out of office.

pence will pardon him if one of those things happen.

If the senate does what I believe they will do, not convict, then trump will be voted out of office and there will be nothing he or pence can do to stop the prosecutions when he's out of office.

What it comes down to is if trump wants to stay out of federal prison, he better be hoping he's either thrown out of office or resigns.
You really need to change your news source, it's got you thinking things are crimes that are not.....meaning they got you drinking their coolaide.
pssst, although he looks like him, Anderson Cooper is not Applegate.

I don't watch CNN. I haven't watched that station since 2004.

I get my news from a variety of sources. Mostly Canadian. It's against the law to lie in the press in Canada. I also get my news from other sources such as the Guardian, Reuters and the AP.

However I'm basing my belief on trump's own words. The partial transcript from that phone call, the declaration on TV last week and the fact that he has obstructed the process which is obstruction of justice.

You need to stop paying attention to right wing news. They aren't giving you the full truth.
Your response does not address why you are posting false info aka propaganda which Nat states is wrong to be colluding with other countries a basis for this wacka-doo OP, so you are doing what the OP says is wrong.
Furthermore you lied, the Canadian Presient lied in Canadian news by claiming he only wore black face the one time he was caught, leaving out the other 2 incidences.
So ask yourself, how does your response validate your missinformation when it only proves it?

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