Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

The IRS is charged with catching tax cheats. Are you implying that Obama's IRS is inept?

You sound like a desperate teenage girl hoping against all odds for that prom invite from the star football player. Literally dripping with desperation.
Obama's IRS did a good job with catching Manafort, the tax cheat

Or are you going to claim that wasn't Obama's DOJ or something

No Obama knew his place, which was independent of the IRS and DOJ. Actually it was Rod R. (a republican) and Mueller (another republican) who put Manafort in his place.

Are you pro white collar crime, which is what Manafort is sitting in jail for, well Daddy Day Camp.
not sure your point. he deserved what he got. so, not sure where you're going with this.

It was not Obama's DOJ.
and? he still got what he deserved. right? what is your point?
What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

The IRS is charged with catching tax cheats. Are you implying that Obama's IRS is inept?

You sound like a desperate teenage girl hoping against all odds for that prom invite from the star football player. Literally dripping with desperation.
Obama's IRS did a good job with catching Manafort, the tax cheat

Or are you going to claim that wasn't Obama's DOJ or something

No Obama knew his place, which was independent of the IRS and DOJ. Actually it was Rod R. (a republican) and Mueller (another republican) who put Manafort in his place.

Are you pro white collar crime, which is what Manafort is sitting in jail for, well Daddy Day Camp.
not sure your point. he deserved what he got. so, not sure where you're going with this.

It was not Obama's DOJ.
Of course it was Obama's DOJ -- anytime the DOJ indicts and/or convicts a republican (while Obama and Hillary remain out of prison) -- it is proof that Obama controls the DOJ, IRS and FBI....Deep State, duh
What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

The IRS is charged with catching tax cheats. Are you implying that Obama's IRS is inept?

You sound like a desperate teenage girl hoping against all odds for that prom invite from the star football player. Literally dripping with desperation.
Obama's IRS did a good job with catching Manafort, the tax cheat

Or are you going to claim that wasn't Obama's DOJ or something

No Obama knew his place, which was independent of the IRS and DOJ. Actually it was Rod R. (a republican) and Mueller (another republican) who put Manafort in his place.

Are you pro white collar crime, which is what Manafort is sitting in jail for, well Daddy Day Camp.
not sure your point. he deserved what he got. so, not sure where you're going with this.
Oh now Manafort got what he deserved?

Bawahahaa....trumpers are pathetic...
who ever said he didn't? bawahahahaa fk?
What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

The IRS is charged with catching tax cheats. Are you implying that Obama's IRS is inept?

You sound like a desperate teenage girl hoping against all odds for that prom invite from the star football player. Literally dripping with desperation.
Obama's IRS did a good job with catching Manafort, the tax cheat

Or are you going to claim that wasn't Obama's DOJ or something

No Obama knew his place, which was independent of the IRS and DOJ. Actually it was Rod R. (a republican) and Mueller (another republican) who put Manafort in his place.

Are you pro white collar crime, which is what Manafort is sitting in jail for, well Daddy Day Camp.
not sure your point. he deserved what he got. so, not sure where you're going with this.
Lots of others who should be gotten for what they deserve. Why did Mueller restrict his investigation into collusion and obstruction to only Repubs or conservatives? Plenty of both on the Dem/Lib side, too. If Mueller was truly impartial and investigating without bias, why wasn't the other side included in his investigation?
The IRS is charged with catching tax cheats. Are you implying that Obama's IRS is inept?

You sound like a desperate teenage girl hoping against all odds for that prom invite from the star football player. Literally dripping with desperation.
Obama's IRS did a good job with catching Manafort, the tax cheat

Or are you going to claim that wasn't Obama's DOJ or something

No Obama knew his place, which was independent of the IRS and DOJ. Actually it was Rod R. (a republican) and Mueller (another republican) who put Manafort in his place.

Are you pro white collar crime, which is what Manafort is sitting in jail for, well Daddy Day Camp.
not sure your point. he deserved what he got. so, not sure where you're going with this.
Oh now Manafort got what he deserved?

Bawahahaa....trumpers are pathetic...
who ever said he didn't? bawahahahaa fk?
All this time AFTER MANAFORT WAS CONVICTED -- Trump and his minions said "white collar crime isn't real crime"

So why should Manafort be punished for anything if it wasn't real crime? Or is trying to defend Manafort such a forgone conclusion that you pretend you are ok with his conviction?

Because something tells me when Trump pardons Manafort, you will back on the "it wasn't a real crime" bandwagon again

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani defends Paul Manafort, suggests white-collar crime isn’t really crime
What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

The IRS is charged with catching tax cheats. Are you implying that Obama's IRS is inept?

You sound like a desperate teenage girl hoping against all odds for that prom invite from the star football player. Literally dripping with desperation.
Obama's IRS did a good job with catching Manafort, the tax cheat

Or are you going to claim that wasn't Obama's DOJ or something

No Obama knew his place, which was independent of the IRS and DOJ. Actually it was Rod R. (a republican) and Mueller (another republican) who put Manafort in his place.

Are you pro white collar crime, which is what Manafort is sitting in jail for, well Daddy Day Camp.
not sure your point. he deserved what he got. so, not sure where you're going with this.
Lots of others who should be gotten for what they deserve. Why did Mueller restrict his investigation into collusion and obstruction to only Repubs or conservatives? Plenty of both on the Dem/Lib side, too. If Mueller was truly impartial and investigating without bias, why wasn't the other side included in his investigation?
His investigation wasn't restricted by him, it was restricted by the Attorney General...Trump's attorney general...

If there is plenty evidence of financial scams, tax evasion and other crimes on the dem's side -- all Barr has to do is launch an investigation...what are they waiting for?

Here, they can follow what Obama is Obama's DOJ convicting a democrat congressman...and he is black...whaattttt!!!! I thought Obama was too racist to ever have his own Negro team-mate convicted...

Dem Rep. Chaka Fattah Convicted on Federal Corruption Charges
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Obama's IRS did a good job with catching Manafort, the tax cheat

Or are you going to claim that wasn't Obama's DOJ or something

No Obama knew his place, which was independent of the IRS and DOJ. Actually it was Rod R. (a republican) and Mueller (another republican) who put Manafort in his place.

Are you pro white collar crime, which is what Manafort is sitting in jail for, well Daddy Day Camp.
not sure your point. he deserved what he got. so, not sure where you're going with this.
Oh now Manafort got what he deserved?

Bawahahaa....trumpers are pathetic...
who ever said he didn't? bawahahahaa fk?
All this time AFTER MANAFORT WAS CONVICTED -- Trump and his minions said "white collar crime isn't real crime"

So why should Manafort be punished for anything if it wasn't real crime? Or is trying to defend Manafort such a forgone conclusion that you pretend you are ok with his conviction?

Because something tells me when Trump pardons Manafort, you will back on the "it wasn't a real crime" bandwagon again

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani defends Paul Manafort, suggests white-collar crime isn’t really crime
maybe he has statutes or knows of others who did the same thing and didn't get what he got. not sure, and he ain't me or trump supporters in here.
The only thing we've said is that if not for the witch hunt, he wouldn't be in jail. that's all. witch hunt got him caught. and that was all done while working with the podesta group and not trump. come on man, learn something.
Like I said, it isn’t about justice, right or wrong, it is only about petty politics and revenge.
Revenge ??? It can't possibly be he can't follow previous presidents showing his taxes because even excuse makers like you won't be able to accept the crap in his returns?

Why does he or any president wannabe need to release their taxes? You are supposedly a Progressive and yet you hold to some old traditions that don’t really matter. If you want to make it a law, I’d be good with it, however changing rules in the middle of a campaign is just pure BS. Make it a law going forward, it is ok by me.

How many Presidential elections have you decided to vote for because of their taxes? How many voters for Trump decided not to vote for him because he didn’t release their taxes?

Showing or not showing taxes didn’t change an election, the only reason to want the taxes now is petty partisan revenge politics.
Revenge is best served cold Either soon or after his presidency he'll feel the full brunt of those he screwed and lied about

Well you admit this is all about revenge, most commies try to sugar coat it. I guess you have no problem of setting a precedent of prosecuting political enemies. Remember that road runs both ways.

I agree with the both ways thing For me it started with B Clinton and the madman tatics used to try and bring him down It helped make me a Dem forever ,,,and yes wanting revenge on scum like McConnell Trump Trump jr etc etc Your republican friends have giving Dems lots of road space in that it runs both ways

Too bad neither party is grown up enough to quit the stupid games. That is why I will never support either party again. I want to vote for grown ups, not stupid moronic children that have lost sight of what is best for the country.
Revenge ??? It can't possibly be he can't follow previous presidents showing his taxes because even excuse makers like you won't be able to accept the crap in his returns?

Why does he or any president wannabe need to release their taxes? You are supposedly a Progressive and yet you hold to some old traditions that don’t really matter. If you want to make it a law, I’d be good with it, however changing rules in the middle of a campaign is just pure BS. Make it a law going forward, it is ok by me.

How many Presidential elections have you decided to vote for because of their taxes? How many voters for Trump decided not to vote for him because he didn’t release their taxes?

Showing or not showing taxes didn’t change an election, the only reason to want the taxes now is petty partisan revenge politics.
Revenge is best served cold Either soon or after his presidency he'll feel the full brunt of those he screwed and lied about

Well you admit this is all about revenge, most commies try to sugar coat it. I guess you have no problem of setting a precedent of prosecuting political enemies. Remember that road runs both ways.

I agree with the both ways thing For me it started with B Clinton and the madman tatics used to try and bring him down It helped make me a Dem forever ,,,and yes wanting revenge on scum like McConnell Trump Trump jr etc etc Your republican friends have giving Dems lots of road space in that it runs both ways

Too bad neither party is grown up enough to quit the stupid games. That is why I will never support either party again. I want to vote for grown ups, not stupid moronic children that have lost sight of what is best for the country.
they hold constituents hostage. all of them. they are pieces of crap.
Revenge ??? It can't possibly be he can't follow previous presidents showing his taxes because even excuse makers like you won't be able to accept the crap in his returns?

Why does he or any president wannabe need to release their taxes? You are supposedly a Progressive and yet you hold to some old traditions that don’t really matter. If you want to make it a law, I’d be good with it, however changing rules in the middle of a campaign is just pure BS. Make it a law going forward, it is ok by me.

How many Presidential elections have you decided to vote for because of their taxes? How many voters for Trump decided not to vote for him because he didn’t release their taxes?

Showing or not showing taxes didn’t change an election, the only reason to want the taxes now is petty partisan revenge politics.
Revenge is best served cold Either soon or after his presidency he'll feel the full brunt of those he screwed and lied about

Well you admit this is all about revenge, most commies try to sugar coat it. I guess you have no problem of setting a precedent of prosecuting political enemies. Remember that road runs both ways.

I agree with the both ways thing For me it started with B Clinton and the madman tatics used to try and bring him down It helped make me a Dem forever ,,,and yes wanting revenge on scum like McConnell Trump Trump jr etc etc Your republican friends have giving Dems lots of road space in that it runs both ways

Too bad neither party is grown up enough to quit the stupid games. That is why I will never support either party again. I want to vote for grown ups, not stupid moronic children that have lost sight of what is best for the country.
sadly it'll be a long time coming ,if ever, that both parties work together for the best of our country
so you didn't support bill clinton? king of degenerates. come on, I bet you did? hey pot, how's kettle?
A republican all my life until GWB Even voted for him in 2000 But yes I wasn't happy with repubs trying to impeach Clinton
well then your fallback is to believe in socialism. that seems rather extreme to me. I believe in work for a buck. If you vote now for dems, you're voting for stay at home for a buck. shameful.
JC that's BS Dems work at least as hard as republicans and welfare is doled out to republicans too
I never said one word about the republican vs democrat did I? you get welfare, you don't get no vote. I don't work for you.
True. Regardless of political affiliation, if you are accepting public assistance, no vote until you free yourself from that government slavery.
LOL There goes the red neck vote down the drain
Why does he or any president wannabe need to release their taxes? You are supposedly a Progressive and yet you hold to some old traditions that don’t really matter. If you want to make it a law, I’d be good with it, however changing rules in the middle of a campaign is just pure BS. Make it a law going forward, it is ok by me.

How many Presidential elections have you decided to vote for because of their taxes? How many voters for Trump decided not to vote for him because he didn’t release their taxes?

Showing or not showing taxes didn’t change an election, the only reason to want the taxes now is petty partisan revenge politics.
Revenge is best served cold Either soon or after his presidency he'll feel the full brunt of those he screwed and lied about

Well you admit this is all about revenge, most commies try to sugar coat it. I guess you have no problem of setting a precedent of prosecuting political enemies. Remember that road runs both ways.

I agree with the both ways thing For me it started with B Clinton and the madman tatics used to try and bring him down It helped make me a Dem forever ,,,and yes wanting revenge on scum like McConnell Trump Trump jr etc etc Your republican friends have giving Dems lots of road space in that it runs both ways

Too bad neither party is grown up enough to quit the stupid games. That is why I will never support either party again. I want to vote for grown ups, not stupid moronic children that have lost sight of what is best for the country.
sadly it'll be a long time coming ,if ever, that both parties work together for the best of our country

It won’t, the behavior from both parties is devolving and none of them are honorable. Not Obama, Clinton, Trump, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Romney, Bush, Ryan. They are all terrible people.
Revenge is best served cold Either soon or after his presidency he'll feel the full brunt of those he screwed and lied about

Well you admit this is all about revenge, most commies try to sugar coat it. I guess you have no problem of setting a precedent of prosecuting political enemies. Remember that road runs both ways.

I agree with the both ways thing For me it started with B Clinton and the madman tatics used to try and bring him down It helped make me a Dem forever ,,,and yes wanting revenge on scum like McConnell Trump Trump jr etc etc Your republican friends have giving Dems lots of road space in that it runs both ways

Too bad neither party is grown up enough to quit the stupid games. That is why I will never support either party again. I want to vote for grown ups, not stupid moronic children that have lost sight of what is best for the country.
sadly it'll be a long time coming ,if ever, that both parties work together for the best of our country

It won’t, the behavior from both parties is devolving and none of them are honorable. Not Obama, Clinton, Trump, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Romney, Bush, Ryan. They are all terrible people.
But Biden is OK ? I'd vote for him
A republican all my life until GWB Even voted for him in 2000 But yes I wasn't happy with repubs trying to impeach Clinton
well then your fallback is to believe in socialism. that seems rather extreme to me. I believe in work for a buck. If you vote now for dems, you're voting for stay at home for a buck. shameful.
JC that's BS Dems work at least as hard as republicans and welfare is doled out to republicans too
I never said one word about the republican vs democrat did I? you get welfare, you don't get no vote. I don't work for you.
True. Regardless of political affiliation, if you are accepting public assistance, no vote until you free yourself from that government slavery.
LOL There goes the red neck vote down the drain
Do you think I am a "red neck"? Why would I be denied a vote?
well then your fallback is to believe in socialism. that seems rather extreme to me. I believe in work for a buck. If you vote now for dems, you're voting for stay at home for a buck. shameful.
JC that's BS Dems work at least as hard as republicans and welfare is doled out to republicans too
I never said one word about the republican vs democrat did I? you get welfare, you don't get no vote. I don't work for you.
True. Regardless of political affiliation, if you are accepting public assistance, no vote until you free yourself from that government slavery.
LOL There goes the red neck vote down the drain
Do you think I am a "red neck"? Why would I be denied a vote?
public assistance no vote is what some dummy posted
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....
When will trump's IRS and DOJ bring Clinton to justice for their dastardly deeds?

Maybe you can forward the evidence you have, that can help them out

Just admitted how Trump is in charge of all , now its Trump's IRS and DOJ. You are right!!!
That is the problem.
How is it that back in 2016 it was still Obama's IRS, are you saying Obummers IRS didnt do their job right with then Candidate Trump?
Well you admit this is all about revenge, most commies try to sugar coat it. I guess you have no problem of setting a precedent of prosecuting political enemies. Remember that road runs both ways.

I agree with the both ways thing For me it started with B Clinton and the madman tatics used to try and bring him down It helped make me a Dem forever ,,,and yes wanting revenge on scum like McConnell Trump Trump jr etc etc Your republican friends have giving Dems lots of road space in that it runs both ways

Too bad neither party is grown up enough to quit the stupid games. That is why I will never support either party again. I want to vote for grown ups, not stupid moronic children that have lost sight of what is best for the country.
sadly it'll be a long time coming ,if ever, that both parties work together for the best of our country

It won’t, the behavior from both parties is devolving and none of them are honorable. Not Obama, Clinton, Trump, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Romney, Bush, Ryan. They are all terrible people.
But Biden is OK ? I'd vote for him
just don't take your daughters near him.
JC that's BS Dems work at least as hard as republicans and welfare is doled out to republicans too
I never said one word about the republican vs democrat did I? you get welfare, you don't get no vote. I don't work for you.
True. Regardless of political affiliation, if you are accepting public assistance, no vote until you free yourself from that government slavery.
LOL There goes the red neck vote down the drain
Do you think I am a "red neck"? Why would I be denied a vote?
public assistance no vote is what some dummy posted
I supposed you would think I'm a dummy since you have no value system or objectivity. but you keep posting ol boi, we be watching.
Well you admit this is all about revenge, most commies try to sugar coat it. I guess you have no problem of setting a precedent of prosecuting political enemies. Remember that road runs both ways.

I agree with the both ways thing For me it started with B Clinton and the madman tatics used to try and bring him down It helped make me a Dem forever ,,,and yes wanting revenge on scum like McConnell Trump Trump jr etc etc Your republican friends have giving Dems lots of road space in that it runs both ways

Too bad neither party is grown up enough to quit the stupid games. That is why I will never support either party again. I want to vote for grown ups, not stupid moronic children that have lost sight of what is best for the country.
sadly it'll be a long time coming ,if ever, that both parties work together for the best of our country

It won’t, the behavior from both parties is devolving and none of them are honorable. Not Obama, Clinton, Trump, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Romney, Bush, Ryan. They are all terrible people.
But Biden is OK ? I'd vote for him

I didn’t say he is okay, he is toast anyway after Sanders sold him out.
Is It Worth It For Congress To Obtain Trump’s Tax Returns By Force?

"A person’s tax return is confidential.

"The Internal Revenue Service takes this very seriously as no one has leaked President Trump’s tax return to this day.

"However, Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code specifies certain instances where someone’s tax return must be disclosed.

"The section states that the IRS must provide anyone’s tax return to the chairman (and only to the chairman) of the House Ways And Means Committee upon request.

"The entire committee can review the tax return in a closed executive session away from the public.

"Section 6103 does not state that a House Ways And Means Committee member is authorized to release a tax return to the public.

" But it allows the committee to forward the returns to the full House or the Senate.

"Professor Andy Grewal stated that by voting to release the returns to the full House, the committee can effectively release the tax return to the public."
26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

"Disclosure to Committees of Congress
Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure."

Why are law and order conservatives afraid of what Trump's tax returns will reveal?

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