Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

It won’t, the behavior from both parties is devolving and none of them are honorable. Not Obama, Clinton, Trump, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Romney, Bush, Ryan. They are all terrible people.
But Biden is OK ? I'd vote for him

I didn’t say he is okay, he is toast anyway after Sanders sold him out.
then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

Yep, good thing you were trained for those shovel ready jobs...dumbass.
But Biden is OK ? I'd vote for him

I didn’t say he is okay, he is toast anyway after Sanders sold him out.
then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

That is pure unadulterated BS!
yeah obama didn't dig us out of a republicans hole? Clinton out a reagans hole?? and now a dem will bail us out of trumps hole
But Biden is OK ? I'd vote for him

I didn’t say he is okay, he is toast anyway after Sanders sold him out.
then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

Yep, good thing you were trained for those shovel ready jobs...dumbass.
Stinker I wouldn't hire you,,,,,you'd need to go back on the dole
I didn’t say he is okay, he is toast anyway after Sanders sold him out.
then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

That is pure unadulterated BS!
yeah obama didn't dig us out of a republicans hole? Clinton out a reagans hole?? and now a dem will bail us out of trumps hole

If you go by that stupid theory then Bush got us out of Clinton’s hole, but I don’t believe that because many things influence the economy and it just isn’t political party. As pointed out and ignored by simple minds is many factors cause a recession not just a President.
I didn’t say he is okay, he is toast anyway after Sanders sold him out.
then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

Yep, good thing you were trained for those shovel ready jobs...dumbass.
Stinker I wouldn't hire you,,,,,you'd need to go back on the dole

I seriously doubt you're in a position to hire anyone.
then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

Yep, good thing you were trained for those shovel ready jobs...dumbass.
Stinker I wouldn't hire you,,,,,you'd need to go back on the dole

I seriously doubt you're in a position to hire anyone.
well not any more I'm retired
It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

Yep, good thing you were trained for those shovel ready jobs...dumbass.
Stinker I wouldn't hire you,,,,,you'd need to go back on the dole

I seriously doubt you're in a position to hire anyone.
well not any more I'm retired

Yet you still push that leftist bullshit...go figure.
I didn’t say he is okay, he is toast anyway after Sanders sold him out.
then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

That is pure unadulterated BS!
yeah obama didn't dig us out of a republicans hole? Clinton out a reagans hole?? and now a dem will bail us out of trumps hole

Explain about this hole you feel Reagan left us in.
Is It Worth It For Congress To Obtain Trump’s Tax Returns By Force?

"A person’s tax return is confidential.

"The Internal Revenue Service takes this very seriously as no one has leaked President Trump’s tax return to this day.

"However, Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code specifies certain instances where someone’s tax return must be disclosed.

"The section states that the IRS must provide anyone’s tax return to the chairman (and only to the chairman) of the House Ways And Means Committee upon request.

"The entire committee can review the tax return in a closed executive session away from the public.

"Section 6103 does not state that a House Ways And Means Committee member is authorized to release a tax return to the public.

" But it allows the committee to forward the returns to the full House or the Senate.

"Professor Andy Grewal stated that by voting to release the returns to the full House, the committee can effectively release the tax return to the public."
26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

"Disclosure to Committees of Congress
Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure."

Why are law and order conservatives afraid of what Trump's tax returns will reveal?

Fishing expeditions are NOT a legitimate legislative purpose, the courts will tell them to pound sand.

Fishing expeditions are NOT a legitimate legislative purpose, the courts will tell them to pound sand.

"Congressional oversight is oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies.

"Congressional oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.[1]

"Congress exercises this power largely through its congressional committee system.

"Oversight also occurs in a wide variety of congressional activities and contexts.

"These include authorization, appropriations, investigative, and legislative hearings by standing committees; specialized investigations by select committees; and reviews and studies by congressional support agencies and staff."

Congressional oversight - Wikipedia
Is It Worth It For Congress To Obtain Trump’s Tax Returns By Force?

"A person’s tax return is confidential.

"The Internal Revenue Service takes this very seriously as no one has leaked President Trump’s tax return to this day.

"However, Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code specifies certain instances where someone’s tax return must be disclosed.

"The section states that the IRS must provide anyone’s tax return to the chairman (and only to the chairman) of the House Ways And Means Committee upon request.

"The entire committee can review the tax return in a closed executive session away from the public.

"Section 6103 does not state that a House Ways And Means Committee member is authorized to release a tax return to the public.

" But it allows the committee to forward the returns to the full House or the Senate.

"Professor Andy Grewal stated that by voting to release the returns to the full House, the committee can effectively release the tax return to the public."

And when the Democrats leak his tax returns, then do you support prison time for those that chose to violate a persons right to privacy.
think if they go for impeachment they can legally get his taxes

Wrong again commie, that's not a legitimate legislative end. And out of curiosity what possible impeachment charge would include the need for his taxes?

Wrong again commie, that's not a legitimate legislative end. And out of curiosity what possible impeachment charge would include the need for his taxes?
Tax fraud and money laundering charges for starters.

How to Make Trump's Tax Returns Public |

"On June 14, the New York State attorney general, Barbara Underwood, filed a civil complaint against President Trump and his three oldest children, accusing them of 'persistently illegal conduct' in using the Donald J. Trump Foundation as ''ittle more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.'

Ms. Underwood believes there is abundant evidence to bring criminal charges against Mr. Trump as well.

"She made that position very clear in the letters she sent to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission in Washington recommending 'further investigation and legal action.'"

You might as well argue Trump never lies as contend he doesn't cheat on taxes and launder money for rich Russians.

You seem to be confused, congress is NOT a law enforcement agency, they have no constitutional authority to act as one. If you think Mueller hasn't already looked at these things, you're kidding yourself.

You seem to be confused, congress is NOT a law enforcement agency, they have no constitutional authority to act as one. If you think Mueller hasn't already looked at these things, you're kidding yourself.
We won't know what Mueller looked at until Republican hack Bill Barr releases the report.

Congress has all the constitutional authority it needs to investigate the "Red Don's" alleged tax fraud and money laundering.

Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight, as an outgrowth of this principle, ideally serves a number of overlapping objectives and purposes:

  • improve the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of governmental operations;
  • evaluate programs and performance;
  • detect and prevent poor administration, waste, abuse, arbitrary and capricious behavior, or illegal and unconstitutional conduct;
  • protect civil liberties and constitutional rights;
  • inform the general public and ensure that executive policies reflect the public interest;
  • gather information to develop new legislative proposals or to amend existing statutes;
  • ensure administrative compliance with legislative intent; and
  • prevent executive encroachment on legislative authority and prerogatives.
"In sum, oversight is a way for Congress to check on, and check, the executived directors."
It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....'s not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Why are you supporting him hiding them from Congress or anyone? What do you think he is hiding?
It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....'s not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....'s not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
It's an IRS policy to do such for every President for every year they are in office, but it is NOT a law.... the head of IRS could tell his people NOT to follow the policy.

This is also why Chairman Neal is requesting the tax returns, if the IRS is not following their policy, then the congress may choose to codify it under a LAW instead of a policy that the president could order his IRS director, not to do....'s not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes.... 6 years is about right....

Awww, change the law if you want to see a candidate tax returns because it is private and not your right.

Also if Congress obtains his returns they will never be allow to show them, and you should know this.

Also Congress made it clear why they wanted them, so it is during his time in office.

If they were truly doing it for the reasons they stated they would have requested for Obama, Bush and Clinton returns and not just Trump.

So cut the nonsense and remember you will never know what are in those returns because Trump is protected by the law...

at least maybe not knowingly! :D


there is nothing to deny about the Mueller report.... we've seen absolutely ZERO of it... not even the mueller team redacted summaries that they made on each aspect of their investigations, so they could be released to the public immediately....

Barr used 2 PARTIAL sentences of Mueller's in his Barr report... he could not even put in Mueller's full sentences.... had to cut out from even those! :rolleyes:


Nope: you're a liar. No collusion, no obstruction. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so stupid as to still hold onto that canard. Amuses me immensely. lmao

nope, you are the fool for believing Trump....

the barr report did not say there was no collusion... Barr never used the word collusion, remember... although collusion may be something ''wrong'', collusion is not a crime....

allegedly, the Mueller report said that they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt), that the Trump campaign team committed CONSPIRACY, conspiracy to defraud the United States... is the law that would be broken....

Barr's summary report did NOT SAY there was NO evidence of it, anywhere.... by using the word establish, basically tells us that there was evidence of it, but not enough to establish it beyond a reasonable doubt, which was Mueller's thresh hold, for an indictment.

As far as the obstruction charge for President Trump, one of Mueller's partial quotes used said that president Trump COULD NOT BE EXONERATED for it.... that means there is most certainly evidence collected on President Trump, for his obstruction in this official investigation....

so, basically, it really is all up in the air at this point, without having the Mueller report to read.

It's not a prosecutors job to "exonerate", it's his job to determine if there's evidence to support a prosecution. There wasn't, and by our system of justice, Trump is innocent until proven guilty is a court of law and that ain't gonna happen.

10 to 1, there was enough evidence to prosecute him, but since the rule for Presidents, is that they can not get indicted while in office, Mueller likely left that up to congress, to impeach or not.

Starr did not charge president clinton with obstruction or perjury either, he left it opened for Congress to decide on articles of impeachment, or not...

Jaworsky did not press charges on Richard Nixon either, they passed their information on the Congress, for them to decide on articles of impeachment, or not....

Mueller did the same....

but the Barr man came in and overstepped his bounds and cleared him.... instead of just passing it to Congress, as he was suppose to do.... as with all cases involved with a President previous to this....

the crooks are running the show in Washington DC now, don't cha know?

there is nothing to deny about the Mueller report.... we've seen absolutely ZERO of it... not even the mueller team redacted summaries that they made on each aspect of their investigations, so they could be released to the public immediately....

Barr used 2 PARTIAL sentences of Mueller's in his Barr report... he could not even put in Mueller's full sentences.... had to cut out from even those! :rolleyes:


Nope: you're a liar. No collusion, no obstruction. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so stupid as to still hold onto that canard. Amuses me immensely. lmao

nope, you are the fool for believing Trump....

the barr report did not say there was no collusion... Barr never used the word collusion, remember... although collusion may be something ''wrong'', collusion is not a crime....

allegedly, the Mueller report said that they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt), that the Trump campaign team committed CONSPIRACY, conspiracy to defraud the United States... is the law that would be broken....

Barr's summary report did NOT SAY there was NO evidence of it, anywhere.... by using the word establish, basically tells us that there was evidence of it, but not enough to establish it beyond a reasonable doubt, which was Mueller's thresh hold, for an indictment.

As far as the obstruction charge for President Trump, one of Mueller's partial quotes used said that president Trump COULD NOT BE EXONERATED for it.... that means there is most certainly evidence collected on President Trump, for his obstruction in this official investigation....

so, basically, it really is all up in the air at this point, without having the Mueller report to read.

It's not a prosecutors job to "exonerate", it's his job to determine if there's evidence to support a prosecution. There wasn't, and by our system of justice, Trump is innocent until proven guilty is a court of law and that ain't gonna happen.

10 to 1, there was enough evidence to prosecute him, but since the rule for Presidents, is that they can not get indicted while in office, Mueller likely left that up to congress, to impeach or not.

Starr did not charge president clinton with obstruction or perjury either, he left it opened for Congress to decide on articles of impeachment, or not...

Jaworsky did not press charges on Richard Nixon either, they passed their information on the Congress, for them to decide on articles of impeachment, or not....

Mueller did the same....

but the Barr man came in and overstepped his bounds and cleared him.... instead of just passing it to Congress, as he was suppose to do.... as with all cases involved with a President previous to this....

the crooks are running the show in Washington DC now, don't cha know?

Let say there is actual evidence of Obstruction and let me ask what is Pelosi going to do?

Simple, she will do like she did with Bush and see what happen in the next election...

there is nothing to deny about the Mueller report.... we've seen absolutely ZERO of it... not even the mueller team redacted summaries that they made on each aspect of their investigations, so they could be released to the public immediately....

Barr used 2 PARTIAL sentences of Mueller's in his Barr report... he could not even put in Mueller's full sentences.... had to cut out from even those! :rolleyes:


Nope: you're a liar. No collusion, no obstruction. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so stupid as to still hold onto that canard. Amuses me immensely. lmao

nope, you are the fool for believing Trump....

the barr report did not say there was no collusion... Barr never used the word collusion, remember... although collusion may be something ''wrong'', collusion is not a crime....

allegedly, the Mueller report said that they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt), that the Trump campaign team committed CONSPIRACY, conspiracy to defraud the United States... is the law that would be broken....

Barr's summary report did NOT SAY there was NO evidence of it, anywhere.... by using the word establish, basically tells us that there was evidence of it, but not enough to establish it beyond a reasonable doubt, which was Mueller's thresh hold, for an indictment.

As far as the obstruction charge for President Trump, one of Mueller's partial quotes used said that president Trump COULD NOT BE EXONERATED for it.... that means there is most certainly evidence collected on President Trump, for his obstruction in this official investigation....

so, basically, it really is all up in the air at this point, without having the Mueller report to read.

It's not a prosecutors job to "exonerate", it's his job to determine if there's evidence to support a prosecution. There wasn't, and by our system of justice, Trump is innocent until proven guilty is a court of law and that ain't gonna happen.

10 to 1, there was enough evidence to prosecute him, but since the rule for Presidents, is that they can not get indicted while in office, Mueller likely left that up to congress, to impeach or not.

Starr did not charge president clinton with obstruction or perjury either, he left it opened for Congress to decide on articles of impeachment, or not...

Jaworsky did not press charges on Richard Nixon either, they passed their information on the Congress, for them to decide on articles of impeachment, or not....

Mueller did the same....

but the Barr man came in and overstepped his bounds and cleared him.... instead of just passing it to Congress, as he was suppose to do.... as with all cases involved with a President previous to this....

the crooks are running the show in Washington DC now, don't cha know?

Barr is following the letter of the Law.

then with 4 more of trump we're all in deep shit

It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

That is pure unadulterated BS!
yeah obama didn't dig us out of a republicans hole? Clinton out a reagans hole?? and now a dem will bail us out of trumps hole

Explain about this hole you feel Reagan left us in.
He didn't outspend the Russians into the ground ? and what was the tax rate then?
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

Yep, good thing you were trained for those shovel ready jobs...dumbass.
Stinker I wouldn't hire you,,,,,you'd need to go back on the dole

I seriously doubt you're in a position to hire anyone.
well not any more I'm retired

Yet you still push that leftist bullshit...go figure.
And republicans and Trump aren't the biggest bullshitters to come to washington in my lifetime?
And when the Democrats leak his tax returns, then do you support prison time for those that chose to violate a persons right to privacy.
think if they go for impeachment they can legally get his taxes

Wrong again commie, that's not a legitimate legislative end. And out of curiosity what possible impeachment charge would include the need for his taxes?

Wrong again commie, that's not a legitimate legislative end. And out of curiosity what possible impeachment charge would include the need for his taxes?
Tax fraud and money laundering charges for starters.

How to Make Trump's Tax Returns Public |

"On June 14, the New York State attorney general, Barbara Underwood, filed a civil complaint against President Trump and his three oldest children, accusing them of 'persistently illegal conduct' in using the Donald J. Trump Foundation as ''ittle more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.'

Ms. Underwood believes there is abundant evidence to bring criminal charges against Mr. Trump as well.

"She made that position very clear in the letters she sent to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission in Washington recommending 'further investigation and legal action.'"

You might as well argue Trump never lies as contend he doesn't cheat on taxes and launder money for rich Russians.

You seem to be confused, congress is NOT a law enforcement agency, they have no constitutional authority to act as one. If you think Mueller hasn't already looked at these things, you're kidding yourself.

You seem to be confused, congress is NOT a law enforcement agency, they have no constitutional authority to act as one. If you think Mueller hasn't already looked at these things, you're kidding yourself.
We won't know what Mueller looked at until Republican hack Bill Barr releases the report.

Congress has all the constitutional authority it needs to investigate the "Red Don's" alleged tax fraud and money laundering.

Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight, as an outgrowth of this principle, ideally serves a number of overlapping objectives and purposes:

  • improve the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of governmental operations;
  • evaluate programs and performance;
  • detect and prevent poor administration, waste, abuse, arbitrary and capricious behavior, or illegal and unconstitutional conduct;
  • protect civil liberties and constitutional rights;
  • inform the general public and ensure that executive policies reflect the public interest;
  • gather information to develop new legislative proposals or to amend existing statutes;
  • ensure administrative compliance with legislative intent; and
  • prevent executive encroachment on legislative authority and prerogatives.
"In sum, oversight is a way for Congress to check on, and check, the executived directors."

Alleged? Who is alleging? The only people alleging is the opposition party with no reason to allege. Just another witch hunt because the last one failed

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