Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Hiding them from us, is a good clue! :lol:

Especially when for more than 4 decades, all candidates and presidents have released them....
:auiqs.jpg: Okay comrade, whatever you say.

A half truth couched in a lie. A dimocrap scum specialty

Here is the official tally on President's and their tax returns....

Presidential Tax Returns

The Rapist, only the 8 years he as in Office

George HW -- 3 years

GW -- 8 years he was in Office

The Peanut -- 3 years

dimocrap scum are pathological liars. IOW, they can't tell when they're lying. It just comes totally natural to them. Dogs bark, Cats meow, pigs oink.....

dimocraps lie
Presidential Tax Returns
Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals.

the Congress ways and Means committee chair, is one of those ones who are authorized to get them.
Presidential Tax Returns
Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals.

the Congress ways and Means committee chair, is one of those ones who are authorized to get them.
His financials are no one’s business but his own... Live with it's not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
what evidence do you have he is hiding anything?
He's afraid to show his tax returns ,will sue if anyone shows his grades Use the brains God gave you and figure out why the fear?
I don't blame him. he was a private citizen under audit. it's no one's business but his. Period. Swamp creatures will use it to start further witch hunts and mystical hoaxes. Again, not sure what you think you will find. You won't even answer that question. what are you hiding?'s not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
what evidence do you have he is hiding anything?
He's afraid to show his tax returns ,will sue if anyone shows his grades Use the brains God gave you and figure out why the fear?

It's his private information. He has the same reluctance to reveal it that you do. He knows very well that anything the jackals get hold of will be used to smear him, no matter how innocuous.
the Congress ways and Means committee chair, is one of those ones who are authorized to get them.

How's that working out for you?

stupid little girl
we'll know something by the end of the day, today... on that.

If the IRS director follows the LAW and doesn't become another one of President Trump's lawless goons covering up for him, the ways and mean's chairman, should have them by today's end....
the Congress ways and Means committee chair, is one of those ones who are authorized to get them.

How's that working out for you?

stupid little girl
we'll know something by the end of the day, today... on that.

If the IRS director follows the LAW and doesn't become another one of President Trump's lawless goons covering up for him, the ways and mean's chairman, should have them by today's end....
what law is that?
the Congress ways and Means committee chair, is one of those ones who are authorized to get them.

How's that working out for you?

stupid little girl
we'll know something by the end of the day, today... on that.

If the IRS director follows the LAW and doesn't become another one of President Trump's lawless goons covering up for him, the ways and mean's chairman, should have them by today's end....
what law is that?

It's in the same law that you all keep quoting that's says grand jury testimony is to stay private... THAT law has the exceptions listed and procedure to do so...
the Congress ways and Means committee chair, is one of those ones who are authorized to get them.

How's that working out for you?

stupid little girl
we'll know something by the end of the day, today... on that.

If the IRS director follows the LAW and doesn't become another one of President Trump's lawless goons covering up for him, the ways and mean's chairman, should have them by today's end....
what law is that?

It's in the same law that you all keep quoting that's says grand jury testimony is to stay private... THAT law has the exceptions listed and procedure to do so...
post the law, I have no idea what you are referring to. post it up
Hiding them from us, is a good clue! :lol:

Especially when for more than 4 decades, all candidates and presidents have released them....
:auiqs.jpg: Okay comrade, whatever you say.

A half truth couched in a lie. A dimocrap scum specialty

Here is the official tally on President's and their tax returns....

Presidential Tax Returns

The Rapist, only the 8 years he as in Office

George HW -- 3 years

GW -- 8 years he was in Office

The Peanut -- 3 years

dimocrap scum are pathological liars. IOW, they can't tell when they're lying. It just comes totally natural to them. Dogs bark, Cats meow, pigs oink.....

dimocraps lie
you've got some bad information there... or you have misunderstood it?

This is an article from the media site during the campaign... Bill Clinton and GH Bush released them as candidates...

Here's Why Delaying His Taxes Could Be Disastrous for Trump

Indeed, it’s hard to see how Trump can keep marketing himself as the truth-speaking hero to the working folks if he balks at letting those same voters compare his grandiose financial claims—a pillar of his campaign—to the financial facts.

Presidential candidates have no legal obligation to make their tax information public. But the tradition is so strong that every nominee, and virtually every major contender, in recent decades has complied. The practice of presidents’ regularly publishing their tax returns started with Richard Nixon in 1969. Not all followed suit: Gerald Ford never provided his IRS filings.


Since 1980, though, every party nominee has produced a tax return, and all but three have released their returns well before the balloons descended at the convention.

An early exception was Ronald Reagan, who didn’t comply until after winning the nomination that year. Subsequently, it became standard practice to act much earlier. In 1988, both President George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis published their returns before their conventions. Four years later, President Bush and frontrunner Bill Clinton made their 1991 filings public right around tax time, April 16 and 18 respectively, starting a long-standing tradition that’s been followed to this day. In fact, the only major candidate who refused to release his return was maverick billionaire H. Ross Perot. But if he had, perhaps he would have done even better than the 18.9% of the vote as an independent.
Hiding them from us, is a good clue! :lol:

Especially when for more than 4 decades, all candidates and presidents have released them....
:auiqs.jpg: Okay comrade, whatever you say.

A half truth couched in a lie. A dimocrap scum specialty

Here is the official tally on President's and their tax returns....

Presidential Tax Returns

The Rapist, only the 8 years he as in Office

George HW -- 3 years

GW -- 8 years he was in Office

The Peanut -- 3 years

dimocrap scum are pathological liars. IOW, they can't tell when they're lying. It just comes totally natural to them. Dogs bark, Cats meow, pigs oink.....

dimocraps lie
you've got some bad information there... or you have misunderstood it?

This is an article from the media site during the campaign... Bill Clinton and GH Bush released them as candidates...

Here's Why Delaying His Taxes Could Be Disastrous for Trump

Indeed, it’s hard to see how Trump can keep marketing himself as the truth-speaking hero to the working folks if he balks at letting those same voters compare his grandiose financial claims—a pillar of his campaign—to the financial facts.

Presidential candidates have no legal obligation to make their tax information public. But the tradition is so strong that every nominee, and virtually every major contender, in recent decades has complied. The practice of presidents’ regularly publishing their tax returns started with Richard Nixon in 1969. Not all followed suit: Gerald Ford never provided his IRS filings.


Since 1980, though, every party nominee has produced a tax return, and all but three have released their returns well before the balloons descended at the convention.

An early exception was Ronald Reagan, who didn’t comply until after winning the nomination that year. Subsequently, it became standard practice to act much earlier. In 1988, both President George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis published their returns before their conventions. Four years later, President Bush and frontrunner Bill Clinton made their 1991 filings public right around tax time, April 16 and 18 respectively, starting a long-standing tradition that’s been followed to this day. In fact, the only major candidate who refused to release his return was maverick billionaire H. Ross Perot. But if he had, perhaps he would have done even better than the 18.9% of the vote as an independent.
It doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican, we are in trouble for the next four years.
dems will have to dig us out of the hole republicans put us in and the sad part is repubs will bash them all the way

That is pure unadulterated BS!
yeah obama didn't dig us out of a republicans hole? Clinton out a reagans hole?? and now a dem will bail us out of trumps hole

Explain about this hole you feel Reagan left us in.
He didn't outspend the Russians into the ground ? and what was the tax rate then?

Are you sad that we won the Cold War?
Did Clinton have to dig us out of that victory?'s not Trump they are after, it's the IRS?
That is going to be a tough sell when it ends up in the courts. just sayin'
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
what evidence do you have he is hiding anything?
He's afraid to show his tax returns ,will sue if anyone shows his grades Use the brains God gave you and figure out why the fear?

Fear or just playing a game costing Taxpayers money?

I say playing you fools for the fools you are.

The only thing you will discover if I am correct is he is not worth as much as he claims...

That is it...
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
what evidence do you have he is hiding anything?
He's afraid to show his tax returns ,will sue if anyone shows his grades Use the brains God gave you and figure out why the fear?

Fear or just playing a game costing Taxpayers money?

I say playing you fools for the fools you are.

The only thing you will discover if I am correct is he is not worth as much as he claims...

That is it...
well we do know he paid taxes. that's about 95% of the charges from lefts.
Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
what evidence do you have he is hiding anything?
He's afraid to show his tax returns ,will sue if anyone shows his grades Use the brains God gave you and figure out why the fear?

Fear or just playing a game costing Taxpayers money?

I say playing you fools for the fools you are.

The only thing you will discover if I am correct is he is not worth as much as he claims...

That is it...
well we do know he paid taxes. that's about 95% of the charges from lefts.

He does?

Are you sure??

I heard he ate puppies for breakfast, cheat at rummy and plays Krampus during Christmas, so I say what you said is fake news...

I mean would the left ever lie or distort the facts to benefit them in the upcoming 2020 election when they walk on water and never told a lie!?!
the law is clear, I doubt it will make it to court, without being thrown out....

the law is the law, follow it or change it, through legislative means.... the courts are not for anything else, but determining if a law is broken, or a law or action, is unconstitutional.

I do not believe Trump's stacking of the courts, will be able to help him on this....

Alright, then the court could limit the tax returns to Trump time in office...

The Congress does not need anything before that.
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
what evidence do you have he is hiding anything?
He's afraid to show his tax returns ,will sue if anyone shows his grades Use the brains God gave you and figure out why the fear?

Fear or just playing a game costing Taxpayers money?

I say playing you fools for the fools you are.

The only thing you will discover if I am correct is he is not worth as much as he claims...

That is it...
let's hope so! If that is all that is found, it would make me feel more at ease with him running the show!!!
why do you support him hiding them from us? What do you believe he is trying to hide?

You need many years of taxes, to actually understand the taxes....on someone like Trump or any billionaire, 6 years is about right....
what evidence do you have he is hiding anything?
He's afraid to show his tax returns ,will sue if anyone shows his grades Use the brains God gave you and figure out why the fear?

Fear or just playing a game costing Taxpayers money?

I say playing you fools for the fools you are.

The only thing you will discover if I am correct is he is not worth as much as he claims...

That is it...
well we do know he paid taxes. that's about 95% of the charges from lefts.

He does?

Are you sure??

I heard he ate puppies for breakfast, cheat at rummy and plays Krampus during Christmas, so I say what you said is fake news...

I mean would the left ever lie or distort the facts to benefit them in the upcoming 2020 election when they walk on water and never told a lie!?!
unfortunately for them, Rachel Maddow fked them and provided the evidence on live tv. wow, I'm not sure why she's allowed to stay on air.

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