Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Now you're getting somewhere. Before the police can search your private papers and effects, it first has to be ascertained that a crime was committed, and a credible reason must be presented to a judge in order to get a search warrant. They cannot simply, on the word of a neighbor who's mad that you beat him out for president of the local HOA, search your house looking evidence of a possible crime. Thus, in this case, they should first get from the IRS the procedures in place for handling presidential tax returns, THEN ask for returns that can be checked against those procedures to be sure the IRS is following them. And if they were really concerned with oversight, they would demand returns from multiple presidents, not just Trump. The fact that they're ONLY interested in his returns blows their rationale out of the water.
This is not the same situation. The IRS, an agency of the federal government is the custodian of Trump's tax return. It can be shared with any agency, department, or division of the government as long as rules of privacy are present and adhered to. Such rules exist in congress and laws are in place to protect privacy. These is no data in any federal agency that can be withheld from congress, even classified information, again as long as security precautions are in place.
Not true. Oversight is not an enumerated power of Congress but an implied power of Congress, implied by the need to see how govenment agencies are functioning in order to carry out Congress's legislative function, and access to the President's taxes is in no way going to aid Congress in its legislative function. This will go to the courts after the Democrats do their little dance over it and in 3 or 4 years the Supreme Courts will issue its decision and you will see I am right.

The fact that they're insisting on only seeing Trump's returns makes it a partisan hunt. They didn't even pretend to go after multiple presidents' returns.
In case you haven't heard, every president since Nixon has released their tax returns. They are already available.

Since Nixon, how many Presidential candidate's taxes did you look through?
/----/ More presidents have not released their tax returns than have - putting Trump in the majority. Suck on that Libtards.
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Who gives a flying farck!? Seriously, doesn't Congress have ANYTHING more important to deal with?
Legislating, funding, and oversight of goverment is there job.

And if oversight was what they really wanted, they have readily available to them the tax returns of multiple presidents, stretching back many years. But that's not what they really want.
what do they want oversight of? that is the question that hasn't been asked. why?
I'm going with, they just want a word they can throw around to cut off discussion. Yell, "oversight" and claim all the authority they demand. Asking questions doesn't let them get away with the simple approach.
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Who gives a flying farck!? Seriously, doesn't Congress have ANYTHING more important to deal with?
Legislating, funding, and oversight of goverment is there job.

And if oversight was what they really wanted, they have readily available to them the tax returns of multiple presidents, stretching back many years. But that's not what they really want.
what do they want oversight of? that is the question that hasn't been asked. why?
I'm going with, they just want a word they can throw around to cut off discussion. Yell, "oversight" and claim all the authority they demand. Asking questions doesn't let them get away with the simple approach.
at the end of day, in a court of law if by some mystery it got there, the question from the judge will be, what do you need to see his taxes for? I'm sure the answer must be, because my wittle wearend was butthurt in 2016.
Who gives a flying farck!? Seriously, doesn't Congress have ANYTHING more important to deal with?
Legislating, funding, and oversight of goverment is there job.

And if oversight was what they really wanted, they have readily available to them the tax returns of multiple presidents, stretching back many years. But that's not what they really want.
what do they want oversight of? that is the question that hasn't been asked. why?
I'm going with, they just want a word they can throw around to cut off discussion. Yell, "oversight" and claim all the authority they demand. Asking questions doesn't let them get away with the simple approach.
at the end of day, in a court of law if by some mystery it got there, the question from the judge will be, what do you need to see his taxes for? I'm sure the answer must be, because my wittle wearend was butthurt in 2016.
I have noted that oversight could easily be accomplished with returns already freely available, yet they insist only on Trump's.
There's something seriously wrong with people who have such a desperate need to review another persons taxes. I used to do my taxes longhand but now I do it the easy way, turbo tax. It's a lot easier and quicker but at the end there is a place where you get to review your return. Hell, I blow off reviewing my own return out of laziness and apathy, BS that it all is. So you can understand why I think it's insane to worry about anyone else's return. That's the job of the IRS, period. Disgruntled nincompoops and ignoramuses might disagree.
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Who gives a flying farck!? Seriously, doesn't Congress have ANYTHING more important to deal with?
I am not in congress, and neither are you....

so why don't you answer my questions, like people are suppose to do, when they debate....?

Is President Trump LYING when he says he would release his taxes to us, when he is not under audit.... or just bluffing? What do you think?

Don't you find it odd, that he is going full blown crazy madman, on the Ways and Means committee viewing them IN A SECRET classified setting? Would you accept this and say, just move a long, there is nothing to see here, if it were Hillary as president? Or Obama as president?

don't you in the least wonder what it is that has him so ballistic over it, which makes it appear as if he is some criminal, trying to hide his crimes?

I suppose it is asking too much of a Trumpster to do anything else but repeat in unison what ever the man says and not even think for yourself... but, at least I am trying to understand why you would take the position you are taking on this, when you know, you would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS, accept this kind of behavior from anyone else, on this earth, that was sitting as president, from either side of the aisle.
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Who gives a flying farck!? Seriously, doesn't Congress have ANYTHING more important to deal with?
I am not in congress, and neither are you....

so why don't you answer my questions, like people are suppose to do, when they debate....?

Is President Trump LYING when he says he would release his taxes to us, when he is not under audit.... or just bluffing? What do you think?

Don't you find it odd, that he is going full blown crazy madman, on the Ways and Means committee viewing them IN A SECRET classified setting? Would you accept this and say, just move a long, there is nothing to see here, if it were Hillary as president? Or Obama as president?

don't you in the least wonder what it is that has him so ballistic over it, which makes it appear as if he is some criminal, trying to hide his crimes?

I suppose it is asking too much of a Trumpster to do anything else but repeat in unison what ever the man says and not even think for yourself... but, at least I am trying to understand why you would take the position you are taking on this, when you know, you would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS, accept this kind of behavior from anyone else, on this earth, that was sitting as president, from either side of the aisle.
The tax returns in questions were 2010 through 2015 which Trump claims have been under continuous audit. That means his returns have been under continuous audit for 4 to 9 years? That does not make sense, particularly since continuous audits were discontinued in 2015.
Today is the due day that Trump was told to turn over his tax returns. who thinks he will? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Oh No's leftists, whatcha gonna do when he doesn't oblige? let's hear you all!!!! ready, go!!!
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

Don’t you think the worlds greatest investigator (Mueller) saw his tax returns and all his banking activity?
Are you really that fucking stupid?
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:

Why Trump’s tax returns are so important: This week in impeachment

Your linked article says that Trump will likely be only the 4th President to be impeached.

"Next week, assuming the whole Congress passes them, Trump will become only the fourth American president to be impeached."

There was Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and ....? Who was the third?

Fucking intellectually challenged libtard writers cannot even get something that simple correct!
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:

Why Trump’s tax returns are so important: This week in impeachment

Your linked article says that Trump will likely be only the 4th President to be impeached.

"Next week, assuming the whole Congress passes them, Trump will become only the fourth American president to be impeached."

There was Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and ....? Who was the third?

Fucking intellectually challenged libtard writers cannot even get something that simple correct!
I've heard it many times lately. The writer should have said "formally impeached".
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:

Why Trump’s tax returns are so important: This week in impeachment

Your linked article says that Trump will likely be only the 4th President to be impeached.

"Next week, assuming the whole Congress passes them, Trump will become only the fourth American president to be impeached."

There was Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and ....? Who was the third?

Fucking intellectually challenged libtard writers cannot even get something that simple correct!
I've heard it many times lately. The writer should have said "formally impeached".

Really? Who was impeached but not "formally impeached"? You don't have an answer for that either do you, dumbass?
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:

Why Trump’s tax returns are so important: This week in impeachment

Your linked article says that Trump will likely be only the 4th President to be impeached.

"Next week, assuming the whole Congress passes them, Trump will become only the fourth American president to be impeached."

There was Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and ....? Who was the third?

Fucking intellectually challenged libtard writers cannot even get something that simple correct!
I've heard it many times lately. The writer should have said "formally impeached".

Really? Who was impeached but not "formally impeached"? You don't have an answer for that either do you, dumbass?
Fuck off asshole. Nixon and Trump. Anything else?
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:

Why Trump’s tax returns are so important: This week in impeachment

Your linked article says that Trump will likely be only the 4th President to be impeached.

"Next week, assuming the whole Congress passes them, Trump will become only the fourth American president to be impeached."

There was Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and ....? Who was the third?

Fucking intellectually challenged libtard writers cannot even get something that simple correct!
I've heard it many times lately. The writer should have said "formally impeached".

Really? Who was impeached but not "formally impeached"? You don't have an answer for that either do you, dumbass?
Fuck off asshole. Nixon and Trump. Anything else?

So Nixon and Trump were "informally" impeached? Why don't you just shut up? Your hole is deeper than anything you can climb out of, already!
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:

Why Trump’s tax returns are so important: This week in impeachment

Your linked article says that Trump will likely be only the 4th President to be impeached.

"Next week, assuming the whole Congress passes them, Trump will become only the fourth American president to be impeached."

There was Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and ....? Who was the third?

Fucking intellectually challenged libtard writers cannot even get something that simple correct!
/—-/ Libtards always count Nixon as being impeached. He resigned of course.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Here is a recap on Trump and his taxes:
Brookings is a leftist think tank That takes tax dollars and does ‘paid for outcome research
Do you Trumpsters believe President Trump when he tells you he would give us his irs tax returns IF HE WERE NOT under audit?

Or do you believe he is lying about that...?

What are you thinking? He's bluffing, he's lying?

He said it again yesterday.... so, is he telling the truth, or not?
Who gives a flying farck!? Seriously, doesn't Congress have ANYTHING more important to deal with?
I am not in congress, and neither are you....

so why don't you answer my questions, like people are suppose to do, when they debate....?

Is President Trump LYING when he says he would release his taxes to us, when he is not under audit.... or just bluffing? What do you think?

Don't you find it odd, that he is going full blown crazy madman, on the Ways and Means committee viewing them IN A SECRET classified setting? Would you accept this and say, just move a long, there is nothing to see here, if it were Hillary as president? Or Obama as president?

don't you in the least wonder what it is that has him so ballistic over it, which makes it appear as if he is some criminal, trying to hide his crimes?

I suppose it is asking too much of a Trumpster to do anything else but repeat in unison what ever the man says and not even think for yourself... but, at least I am trying to understand why you would take the position you are taking on this, when you know, you would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS, accept this kind of behavior from anyone else, on this earth, that was sitting as president, from either side of the aisle.
/—-/ Trump was not lying at the time, but when he realized you Impeachtards were on a fishing expedition he wisely reconsidered.

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