Trump is ineligible to run for office.

Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.
We already said this would be the next hoax: That because of ABCDE Trump is not eligible to run for President. The media and democrat congress will also bang this drum as election time nears
When you can’t win—cheat.
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YOU don't think that January 6, 2021, rendered Donald Trump un-electable?

You will be eating crow on the morning of November 6, 2024...

At which time I (and scores of others online here) will laugh at you... not with you... but AT you... and serve to you a big, fat
I Told You So...
You folks are gluttons for punishment. Biden has been a failure on every single level, you should concern yourselves with that. Instead, you whine about Trump.
I thought the left wants him to run because he is so easy to beat. You guys must be pissed off if he cant run.
He is a criminal and an amoral animal that has no business running for any office. And you're a piece of shit for supporting him.
You folks are gluttons for punishment. Biden has been a failure on every single level, you should concern yourselves with that. Instead, you whine about Trump.
You've hung your hat on one of the worst leaders of the last 50 years. Deal with the consequences you dumb animal.
You already charged him with that. There was a trial. FOund not guilty. You lost. Time for you guys to put on your big boys pants and get over it.
Don't be foolish. You know better. There are the docs. But trump is still on the hook with multiple indictments. Plus, Georgia is days away and J6 may not be far behind. trump should do a deal, but he won't. He is too much of a flaming Narcissist. None of this is going away.
Don't be foolish. You know better. There are the docs. But trump is still on the hook with multiple indictments. Plus, Georgia is days away and J6 may not be far behind. trump should do a deal, but he won't. He is too much of a flaming Narcissist. None of this is going away.
It's all going to go away. Everyone, yes, you included, understand all the indictments are nothing more than parstisan nonsense. And we're sick of it. IMHO, the Democrat's politization of the judicial system is the biggest scandal in US history and is going to blow back on you big time.
You've hung your hat on one of the worst leaders of the last 50 years. Deal with the consequences you dumb animal.
Hardly, the worst, most corrupt POS to ever sit in the Oval Office is clearly Biden. Scum like you elected this dirtbag. All Biden has succeeded at is importing more drugs, more sex slaves, and more trash, the very thing you morons crave.
You folks are gluttons for punishment. B
I'm not a Democratic Party loyalist.
iden has been a failure
Indeed. Yet, folks knew he was going to be largely a Placeholder President... that's how dangerous Rump was for the Rule of Law and the Constitution...

Folks were actually willing to vote for an old-coot Placeholder rather than let your Orange POS have another turn at the wheel...

on every single level, you should concern yourselves with that. Instead, you whine about Trump.
Most folks will take a corrupt politician or even an incompetent one over someone willing to $hit on the Constitution, as your boy did...

Your boy will get the nomination, if he doesn't get clapped into jail first...

But he will not win the general election in 2024...


Rump will not be running against Biden's record, rather, Rump will be running against his
own past and grievous faults and January 6, 2021...

Beyond your own base,
Rump is now un-electable...

Believe it...

You need to find a new Standard Bearer - one who can beat Biden - while you still can...

If you wait until Rump gets the nomination you condemn us all to another four years of Democratic leadership...
YOU don't think that January 6, 2021, rendered Donald Trump un-electable?

You will be eating crow on the morning of November 6, 2024...

At which time I (and scores of others online here) will laugh at you... not with you... but AT you... and serve to you a big, fat
I Told You So...

Let's see:

War with Russia is off the table because NATO just handed Ukraine over

Another plandemic will just cause a March on the Bastille

What else you got, Biden's amazing "double the price of everything" economy?

Good luck
He is a criminal and an amoral animal that has no business running for any office. And you're a piece of shit for supporting him.
Its not your fault.

Your boy Biden is committing war crimes sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. Is he a criminal and amoral animal?
It's all going to go away. Everyone, yes, you included, understand all the indictments are nothing more than parstisan nonsense. And we're sick of it. IMHO, the Democrat's politization of the judicial system is the biggest scandal in US history and is going to blow back on you big time.
Trump Devotional Syndrome gets the orange crushes every, single, time. The orange-crush TDS is the nonsensical partisan BS. You are guy is going to prison.
Trump Devotional Syndrome gets the orange crushes every, single, time. The orange-crush TDS is the nonsensical partisan BS. You are guy is going to prison.
Again - Good luck with that.

It ain't about Trump. It's about how frightened your party is of him and the absurd lengths to which it will go to stop him from running.
Its not your fault.

Your boy Biden is committing war crimes sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. Is he a criminal and amoral animals
Great defense of Trump there, shithead. But, but, but Biden. LOL! Biden shouldnt be doing that. See how I can do that? But where have I ever said I support Biden being President. Yes, I voted for him because Trump is completely on another level of worse.
Hardly, the worst, most corrupt POS to ever sit in the Oval Office is clearly Biden. Scum like you elected this dirtbag. All Biden has succeeded at is importing more drugs, more sex slaves, and more trash, the very thing you morons crave.
Meanwhile Trump is going to trial. And you'll continue to sit there and wonder why Biden is in the Oval Office. Because you're stupid.

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