Trump is ineligible to run for office.

Why? We'll just throw you shitheads in jail if you try anything again. It's funny you are so willing to defend Trump over a bunch of lies. Then again, the likes of you are too much of a coward to actually do anything.
you will will you. Throw us in jail? LOLOLOLOL
We should ignore a former president who incited a deadly riot? That`s not going to happen. Ever.
It never happened. Stop lying. Yap yap yap Trump, yap yap yap, incited, yap yap yap Trump Trump Trump.

Deadly in that a leftist DC cop (murderer) murdered a woman for trespassing. Why hasn't this criminal been punished?
Why? We'll just throw you shitheads in jail if you try anything again. It's funny you are so willing to defend Trump over a bunch of lies. Then again, the likes of you are too much of a coward to actually do anything.
Be sure your insurance is paid up.
If you expand the definition of "insurrection" far enough you might consider the Biden administration giving aid and support to the rioters who burned and looted cities last year. You almost gotta laugh at the left wing phonies who pretend to be outraged over a bunch of unarmed mom and pop demonstrators escorted through the Capital building. If it was an insurrection it was a piss poor one.
If you expand the definition of "insurrection" far enough you might consider the Biden administration giving aid and support to the rioters who burned and looted cities last year. You almost gotta laugh at the left wing phonies who pretend to be outraged over a bunch of unarmed mom and pop demonstrators escorted through the Capital building. If it was an insurrection it was a piss poor one.
Actually, that would never fall under "insurrection", dummy. And they were dealt with as they should have been.
The rule of law prevailed and 1,000+ right wing terrorists were arrested and some thrown in jail.
Yes, it was a piss poor one. Because you're a bunch of cowards.
Hillary was the first birther, well actually it was Obama himself (herself?) who told his (her) publisher that he was "born in Kenya"
I just put the quote in. It was never claimed by anyone in Hillary's camp. Basically some right wing nut got egg on their face since it was so fake and lied using this quote.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
So, it’s a crime in your eyes to vote for a Republican?
It is a metaphorical crime to vote for someone who just attempted a coup. It should be a crime of treason voting for Trump but I will give way to say it probably isnt technically one.
Under the 14th amendment section 3, anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and took part in an insurrection OR GAVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO DID are ineligible to run for office.
Long story, short. Traitors are ineligible to hold office.
Yup. That was the reason your party was insistent on calling it an "insurrection" rather than a riot. Rather humorous.
He campaigned on investigating clinton and then did nothing when he was elected. He pushed operation snake juice. Those are reasons I'll not vote for him. Has nothing to to with January 6. That's was a joke.
Granted... the memory of his idiotic behaviors is enough for many.,.. however, I furthermore hold that January 6, 2021, will cause fence-sitters to oppose him.
It is a metaphorical crime to vote for someone who just attempted a coup. It should be a crime of treason voting for Trump but I will give way to say it probably isnt technically one.
Either way, lock them up. They are an imminent threat to America.

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