Trump is just Misunderstood

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:
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That's an interesting analysis Sunni - I've thought much the same. For years now we've seen handwringing and teefus gnashing over entrenched establishment politicians wearing big flashing for sale signs looking only to the next you suppose all this time each was only complaining about the other guys party? :wink_2:

Trump is as third party as it gets for now. He's brash and can be abrasive for sure, but he has a yuge heart and love for the country - he's set that dreaded DC establishment back on their heels - and has the so-called-media-lapdogs foaming at the mouth. That can't be all bad. I don't think most folks have any idea how little regard too many of our elected officials have for the electorate.

Some folks throughout history have been very disappointed in their deliverers only because they didn't fit a particular image -
Trump is not a patriot. What he has shown is that he is a divider. He will use anything to save his skin. He abuses the flag and anthem as a political weapon to distract people. Trump needs to go.
Trump is as third party as it gets for now.
You really hit the nail on the head SeaGal.

The establishment Republicans detest Trump, and wish he would just go away. And of course the Dem's hate him because he won on the Republican election ticket.

What I really admire, is that Trump is holding the milquetoast weasel Republican's feet to the fire, and exposing their political duplicity for the public to see first hand.

And of course, he is constantly eviscerating the looney liberals on a daily, if not hourly basis, and driving them into a crazed frenzy.

Trump is the Man!!! .... :thup:
Trump is as third party as it gets for now.
You really hit the nail on the head SeaGal.

The establishment Republicans detest Trump, and wish he would just go away. And of course the Dem's hate him because he won on the Republican election ticket.

What I really admire, is that Trump is holding the milquetoast weasel Republican's feet to the fire, and exposing their political duplicity for the public to see first hand.

And of course, he is constantly eviscerating the looney liberals on a daily, if not hourly basis, and driving them into a crazed frenzy.

Trump is the Man!!! .... :thup:
And all that despite he is actually doing nothing!
Trump is not a patriot. What he has shown is that he is a divider. He will use anything to save his skin. He abuses the flag and anthem as a political weapon to distract people. Trump needs to go.
He will use anything to save his skin.
does that mean he is just another politician now?....
That's an interesting analysis Sunni - I've thought much the same. For years now we've seen handwringing and teefus gnashing over entrenched establishment politicians wearing big flashing for sale signs looking only to the next you suppose all this time each was only complaining about the other guys party? :wink_2:

Trump is as third party as it gets for now. He's brash and can be abrasive for sure, but he has a yuge heart and love for the country - he's set that dreaded DC establishment back on their heels - and has the so-called-media-lapdogs foaming at the mouth. That can't be all bad. I don't think most folks have any idea how little regard too many of our elected officials have for the electorate.

Some folks throughout history have been very disappointed in their deliverers only because they didn't fit a particular image -

In reality he has not done much except dividing this country big time, makes us laughing stock, a joke, disgrace, racist, ignorant, liars here and around the globe. He never stop lying. A total disgrace POTUS.

Maybe you have not seen the bipartisan blasting this president even inside his own party and enormous number of people blasting and hate this childish president.

If he love this country why is he keep saying they they they the democrats? He is acting like he is in planet Uranus. Democrats are Americans.
If he keep it up ——— he might end up the most hated POTUS.
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:

On behalf of the American people? You mean, he's fighting for all those people he's insulting, threatening, etc? Bullshit.
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:

On behalf of the American people? You mean, he's fighting for all those people he's insulting, threatening, etc? Bullshit.

Meanwhile Clinton and the MSM goes around demonizing him and everyone who voted for him as literally hitler without a care in the world for the ramifications.
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:

Ever since Trump was elected we've seen all kinds of craziness from the left. The list is long, but I'll mention some. Beside of spying on the campaign, they've tried to convince electors not to vote for the candidate that they pledged to. They refused to attend the inauguration, and some even disrupted it. They claimed that election was hacked, stolen, therefore they won. They claimed there was collusion between Trump and Russia,.They went to campuses dressed up in masks and carry baseball bats and bike locks and beat up conservative speakers who tried to present different point of view. When none of that was bought by the public, they claim racism, white supremacy, fascism on the right.

The leftist butthurt continues.
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:

On behalf of the American people? You mean, he's fighting for all those people he's insulting, threatening, etc? Bullshit.

Meanwhile Clinton and the MSM goes around demonizing him and everyone who voted for him as literally hitler without a care in the world for the ramifications.

Only way not to be seen Clintons and the left as bad as they are is to claim that the other side is as bad if not worse. By doing that, they're justifying use of "any means necessary" to get rid of him, meaning... it's ok to use Nazi methods of intimidation, disruption, to shut off anyone who disagree with them while claiming that the party they're doing it against is a Nazi.
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:

On behalf of the American people? You mean, he's fighting for all those people he's insulting, threatening, etc? Bullshit.

Meanwhile Clinton and the MSM goes around demonizing him and everyone who voted for him as literally hitler without a care in the world for the ramifications.

And why not?

Trump's response to anyone who criticizes him is to insult them.

Trump insults McCain, saying he's a not a war hero, and then Trump said he had his own little personal Vietnam.

The 380 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Alisyn Camerota
Co-host, “New Day”

Katie Couric
Global anchor, Yahoo News
“third rate reporter”
“has been largely forgotten”
“should be ashamed of herself”
“fraudulent editing”

Gonzalo P. Curiel
Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California
“very biased”

“totally biased”
“very unfair”
“Totally biased”

Ted Cruz
United States senator
“Lyin', he should drop out of the race-stop wasting time & money”
“Made all sorts of crazy charges”
“really went wacko today”
“Can't function under pressure”
“not very presidential”

“Lyin', can never beat Hillary Clinton”
“has NO path to victory”

“can never beat Hilary Clinton”

“has to team up with a guy who openly can't stand him”

“mathematically dead and totally desperate”
“Drop out LYIN' Ted”
“all he can do is be a spoiler, never a nice thing to do”
“hates New York”

“Hillary would destroy him”
“can't win with the voters so he has to sell himself to the bosses”

“can't get votes (I am millions ahead of him)”
“has to get his delegates from the Republican bosses”

“will never be able to beat Hillary”
“Despite a rigged delegate system, I am hundreds of delegates ahead of him”

“attacked New Yorkers and New York values- we don't forget!”
“losing big”

“just another dishonest politician”
“Mormons don't like LIARS!”
“Who should star in a reboot of Liar Liar- Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz? Let me know”
“a big problem!”

“can't win!”
“his lying is getting worse”

“bought and paid for by lobbyists!”
“another all talk, no action pol!”
“he has accomplished absolutely nothing”

“a nasty guy”

“lies like a dog-over and over again!”
“does not have the right 'temperment' to be President”
“biggest liar in politics!”
“a world class LIAR”
“a true lowlife pol!”

“a liar!”
“complete & total liar”
“holds the Bible high and then lies and misrepresents the facts!”
“a cheater!”


“I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen”
“lies so much and is so dishonest”
“the worst liar, crazy or very dishonest”
“caught cold in lie”
“should be immediately disqualified in Iowa”
“just lied again”
“told thousands of caucusgoers (voters) that Trump was strongly in favor of ObamaCare and 'choice' - a total lie!”
“sent out a VOTER VIOLATION certificate to thousands of voters”
“didn't win Iowa, he illegally stole it”
“lying on so many levels”
“totally unelectable”

“Not one Senator is endorsing Canada Ted!”
“can't even get a Senator like @BenSasse, who is easy, to endorse him”

“will do anything to stay at the trough”
“dropping like a rock”
“a nervous wreck”
“not caring for the truth”

“in bed w/ Wall St.”
“people do not like Ted”
“a nervous wreck”
“falling in the polls”
“spending $millions on ads paid for by his N.Y. bosses”
“greatly dishonest”
“When will @TedCruz give all the New York based campaign contributions back to the special interests that control him”
“why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?”
“says one thing for money, does another for votes”
“the ultimate hypocrite”

“did not list on his personal disclosure form personally guaranteed loans from banks. They own him!”
“The Ted Cruz wiseguy apology to the people of New York is a disgrace”
“not much of a reformer”
“Goldman Sachs owns him”

“not believable”
“not nice”
“would speak behind my back, get caught, and then deny it”
“should not make statements behind closed doors to his bosses”
“he will fall like all others”
Ben Carson
Retired neurosurgeon
“incapable of understanding foreign policy”
“very weak on illegal immigration”
“many lies by Ben Carson”
“Pyramids built for grain storage - don't people get it?”
“VERY weak on illegal immigration”
“has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse)”
“very weak on illegal immigration”
Chris Christie
New Jersey governor
“spending all of his time in NH”

CNN panelists
“a joke”
“very dumb”

“mostly losers in life!”

Mark Cuban
Owner, Dallas Mavericks
“not smart enough to run for president!”

Chris Cuomo
Anchor, CNN

James Comey
Former F.B.I. director
“illegal leaks”
“leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!”
“Very 'cowardly!'”
“so many false statements and lies”
“a leaker!”

“better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”
“will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job”
“lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington”

Jeez, I only got to C in the list. I goes on, check it out.

Trump insults people instead of having arguments.
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:

On behalf of the American people? You mean, he's fighting for all those people he's insulting, threatening, etc? Bullshit.

Meanwhile Clinton and the MSM goes around demonizing him and everyone who voted for him as literally hitler without a care in the world for the ramifications.

And why not?

Trump's response to anyone who criticizes him is to insult them.

There's a difference between calling elite political and media figures names from dehumanizing entire swaths of the American populace, sowing resentment and hate for them.
Trump isn't a Republican, he never was.

Nor is he a Democrat, although he gave them a lot of money over the years.

Trump is fighting a culture war on behalf of the American people.

He is a patriotic SJW and takes no prisoners.

Trump is the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:

On behalf of the American people? You mean, he's fighting for all those people he's insulting, threatening, etc? Bullshit.

Meanwhile Clinton and the MSM goes around demonizing him and everyone who voted for him as literally hitler without a care in the world for the ramifications.

And why not?

Trump's response to anyone who criticizes him is to insult them.

There's a difference between calling elite political and media figures names from dehumanizing entire swaths of the American populace, sowing resentment and hate for them.

Yes, there's a difference. The difference isn't in terms of better or worse, it's in terms of different words. Trump will attack anyone because his arguments are weak. Just as your argument is as weak as water posing as coffee. I say Trump insults loads of people, you try and attack Hillary. What's Hillary got to do with this? We're talking about TRUMP.

Oh, yeah, diversion tactics again. What a surprise.
The left is accusing Trump of being a divider. But we have had a divider for 8 years and they didn't fault him for it. Now they toss around the term only because they lost and it is not him dividing, but them trying to tarnish anyone on the other side that they don't agree with. Talk about hypocritical, you just can't make this stuff up.
The left is accusing Trump of being a divider. But we have had a divider for 8 years and they didn't fault him for it. Now they toss around the term only because they lost and it is not him dividing, but them trying to tarnish anyone on the other side that they don't agree with. Talk about hypocritical, you just can't make this stuff up.

Obama was a "divider" simply because he was black and a lot of people in the right didn't like it. It wasn't because of what he said. He could do nothing about that.

Trump is going out of his way to annoy the hell out of people. Not only that but many people support Trump because that's what he does.
Obama was a divider because he was arrogant and ignored any that didn't agree with him. That's what made the left like him so much because his voters had the same attributes. It is telling that you couldn't refute the statement without falling back to using race. People support trump because they are tired of business as usual in Washington and electing another political puppet is not what they want.
Obama was a divider because he was arrogant and ignored any that didn't agree with him. That's what made the left like him so much because his voters had the same attributes. It is telling that you couldn't refute the statement without falling back to using race. People support trump because they are tired of business as usual in Washington and electing another political puppet is not what they want.

How is it possible not to ignore lots of people. You're president of the USA, that's a lot of different interests out there, you can't reach all of them.

Trump doesn't ignore, he insults, then doesn't do anything about anything.
Obama was a divider because he was arrogant and ignored any that didn't agree with him. That's what made the left like him so much because his voters had the same attributes. It is telling that you couldn't refute the statement without falling back to using race. People support trump because they are tired of business as usual in Washington and electing another political puppet is not what they want.

Obama was hailed as a Washington outsider who was going to bring change to DC. He promised to oversee the 'fundamental transformation of America'. The left applauded. Few asked why, and into what? You don't threaten to fundamentally transform something you love and admire.

Obama and Co see the world through the prism of race. Yes, he was a divider, referring to Republicans as the 'enemy', who can come along for the ride but have to 'sit in the back'. Called Bush, a sitting president, unpatriotic and irresponsible for the debt he ran up 'all by his lonesome'...then went on to double it. Characterized a large swath of the American electorate as 'bitterly clinging to their guns and religion', which wasn't meant as a compliment. One of his favorite targets for ridicule was Fox News, and it's viewers. The left didn't complain because they agree with him.

And Hillary's 'basket of deplorables'? (improper use of an adjective) - puhleeze! The left has no one but themselves to blame for Trump. A good friend of mine, dedicated progressive (thankfully we have other interests in common) who openly declares he would 'vote for a yeller dog before he would vote for a Republican' - who actively supported Trump's primary win because he would be so easily beaten by Hillary - sorrowfully admitted on election eve - I think we outsmarted ourselves.

Ya think? :biggrin:


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