Trump is not an intellectual-thankfully.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Human love is a wonderful thing. It is warm, unqualified and everlasting. Families have always been bastions of human love and the bedrock of our society. Then in 1964-1965 a group of intellectuals and politicians decided that government love was a better idea. Government love is not the same as human love.

Replacing flesh and blood parents with an electronic benefit transfer is like handing children a picture of an absent, unfamiliar artificial love symbol to cling to and learn life lessons from. It’s a facsimile replacement born of the genius of socialized government. The government love enjoyed by millions today came from early think tanks of liberalism we call the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

One of the experts among the intellectuals of those days was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a democrat, trained sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Moynihan issued the Moynihan Report admonishing that fracturing families by removing the father from the picture was unwise. Moynihan was basically saying that paying men with government funds to essentially breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea.

Moynihan’s concerns were ignored and he was roundly ostracized by intellectuals who were bent on growing the government. Today we are at a dangerous crossroads because average people have gotten wise to the sad fact that government love is not only a fraud to expand the government, it is becoming destructive to our way of life. Domestic populations of minorities have begun rejecting government love in favor of personal responsibility which threatens the gold mine of liberal intellectuals.

In addition, a populist president was elected to resurrect the economy and bring the United States back to its former glory as a place where hard work can produce success for anyone from anywhere. The liberals have given up on domestic minorities who have gotten wise to them and are reaching out to the rat holes of the world for gate-crashing armies of future government dependents.

Today we are in the midst of a massive national opioid crisis that is the direct result of bad government policies that can be traced back to the phony government love policies of the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

The people who elected Trump know he is not an intellectual and they are thankful. We’ve had enough of intellectuals in this country.
Human love is a wonderful thing. It is warm, unqualified and everlasting. Families have always been bastions of human love and the bedrock of our society. Then in 1964-1965 a group of intellectuals and politicians decided that government love was a better idea. Government love is not the same as human love.

Replacing flesh and blood parents with an electronic benefit transfer is like handing children a picture of an absent, unfamiliar artificial love symbol to cling to and learn life lessons from. It’s a facsimile replacement born of the genius of socialized government. The government love enjoyed by millions today came from early think tanks of liberalism we call the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

One of the experts among the intellectuals of those days was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a democrat, trained sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Moynihan issued the Moynihan Report admonishing that fracturing families by removing the father from the picture was unwise. Moynihan was basically saying that paying men with government funds to essentially breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea.

Moynihan’s concerns were ignored and he was roundly ostracized by intellectuals who were bent on growing the government. Today we are at a dangerous crossroads because average people have gotten wise to the sad fact that government love is not only a fraud to expand the government, it is becoming destructive to our way of life. Domestic populations of minorities have begun rejecting government love in favor of personal responsibility which threatens the gold mine of liberal intellectuals.

In addition, a populist president was elected to resurrect the economy and bring the United States back to its former glory as a place where hard work can produce success for anyone from anywhere. The liberals have given up on domestic minorities who have gotten wise to them and are reaching out to the rat holes of the world for gate-crashing armies of future government dependents.

Today we are in the midst of a massive national opioid crisis that is the direct result of bad government policies that can be traced back to the phony government love policies of the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

The people who elected Trump know he is not an intellectual and they are thankful. We’ve had enough of intellectuals in this country.

yes, how terrible to have smart people run things.
Human love is a wonderful thing. It is warm, unqualified and everlasting. Families have always been bastions of human love and the bedrock of our society. Then in 1964-1965 a group of intellectuals and politicians decided that government love was a better idea. Government love is not the same as human love.

Replacing flesh and blood parents with an electronic benefit transfer is like handing children a picture of an absent, unfamiliar artificial love symbol to cling to and learn life lessons from. It’s a facsimile replacement born of the genius of socialized government. The government love enjoyed by millions today came from early think tanks of liberalism we call the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

One of the experts among the intellectuals of those days was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a democrat, trained sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Moynihan issued the Moynihan Report admonishing that fracturing families by removing the father from the picture was unwise. Moynihan was basically saying that paying men with government funds to essentially breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea.

Moynihan’s concerns were ignored and he was roundly ostracized by intellectuals who were bent on growing the government. Today we are at a dangerous crossroads because average people have gotten wise to the sad fact that government love is not only a fraud to expand the government, it is becoming destructive to our way of life. Domestic populations of minorities have begun rejecting government love in favor of personal responsibility which threatens the gold mine of liberal intellectuals.

In addition, a populist president was elected to resurrect the economy and bring the United States back to its former glory as a place where hard work can produce success for anyone from anywhere. The liberals have given up on domestic minorities who have gotten wise to them and are reaching out to the rat holes of the world for gate-crashing armies of future government dependents.

Today we are in the midst of a massive national opioid crisis that is the direct result of bad government policies that can be traced back to the phony government love policies of the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

The people who elected Trump know he is not an intellectual and they are thankful. We’ve had enough of intellectuals in this country.

yes, how terrible to have smart people run things.
The irony that LBJ was not an intellectual but Monyihan certainly was one, is lost on Ray. LOL
What a lot of people don't realize is that black men dying in street confrontations with cops is because other black people called the cops on them. The liberals are starting to run out of compliant black citizens who just reflexively want more government. What they want are safe streets and neighborhoods.
What a lot of people don't realize is that black men dying in street confrontations with cops is because other black people called the cops on them. The liberals are starting to run out of compliant black citizens who just reflexively want more government. What they want are safe streets and neighborhoods.

Not enough race cards there. Did you wear out your old deck?
What a lot of people don't realize is that black men dying in street confrontations with cops is because other black people called the cops on them. The liberals are starting to run out of compliant black citizens who just reflexively want more government. What they want are safe streets and neighborhoods.

Not enough race cards there. Did you wear out your old deck?

Yes, anyone with an opposing point of view is either a racist, sexist or a fascist.
What a lot of people don't realize is that black men dying in street confrontations with cops is because other black people called the cops on them. The liberals are starting to run out of compliant black citizens who just reflexively want more government. What they want are safe streets and neighborhoods.

Not enough race cards there. Did you wear out your old deck?

Yes, anyone with an opposing point of view is either a racist, sexist or a fascist.
What a lot of people don't realize is that black men dying in street confrontations with cops is because other black people called the cops on them. The liberals are starting to run out of compliant black citizens who just reflexively want more government. What they want are safe streets and neighborhoods.

Not enough race cards there. Did you wear out your old deck?

Yes, anyone with an opposing point of view is either a racist, sexist or a fascist.
You can say that again!
What a lot of people don't realize is that black men dying in street confrontations with cops is because other black people called the cops on them. The liberals are starting to run out of compliant black citizens who just reflexively want more government. What they want are safe streets and neighborhoods.

Not enough race cards there. Did you wear out your old deck?

Yes, anyone with an opposing point of view is either a racist, sexist or a fascist.
Thanks for saying that again!
What a lot of people don't realize is that black men dying in street confrontations with cops is because other black people called the cops on them. The liberals are starting to run out of compliant black citizens who just reflexively want more government. What they want are safe streets and neighborhoods.
Seriously, do all these "thoughts" run together for you? Welfare, opiod, BLM ..... I'm struggling to find a common thread here. LOL
Human love is a wonderful thing. It is warm, unqualified and everlasting. Families have always been bastions of human love and the bedrock of our society. Then in 1964-1965 a group of intellectuals and politicians decided that government love was a better idea. Government love is not the same as human love.

Replacing flesh and blood parents with an electronic benefit transfer is like handing children a picture of an absent, unfamiliar artificial love symbol to cling to and learn life lessons from. It’s a facsimile replacement born of the genius of socialized government. The government love enjoyed by millions today came from early think tanks of liberalism we call the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

One of the experts among the intellectuals of those days was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a democrat, trained sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Moynihan issued the Moynihan Report admonishing that fracturing families by removing the father from the picture was unwise. Moynihan was basically saying that paying men with government funds to essentially breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea.

Moynihan’s concerns were ignored and he was roundly ostracized by intellectuals who were bent on growing the government. Today we are at a dangerous crossroads because average people have gotten wise to the sad fact that government love is not only a fraud to expand the government, it is becoming destructive to our way of life. Domestic populations of minorities have begun rejecting government love in favor of personal responsibility which threatens the gold mine of liberal intellectuals.

In addition, a populist president was elected to resurrect the economy and bring the United States back to its former glory as a place where hard work can produce success for anyone from anywhere. The liberals have given up on domestic minorities who have gotten wise to them and are reaching out to the rat holes of the world for gate-crashing armies of future government dependents.

Today we are in the midst of a massive national opioid crisis that is the direct result of bad government policies that can be traced back to the phony government love policies of the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

The people who elected Trump know he is not an intellectual and they are thankful. We’ve had enough of intellectuals in this country.

Oh, and btw, I think we agree the Oranguton is not an intellectual. Reagan was not an intellectual. He was civil, principled and a gentleman, however.
Yes, anyone with an opposing point of view is either a racist, sexist or a fascist.

I didn't call you a racist. I said you were tossing race cards. Honest people understand the very fundamental difference there.

Oh, that's right. You couldn't address my point, so you cried and ran, covering your retreat with "WAAAA! WAAAA! Everyone is calling me a racist! WAAAA!".

So, that's my new point, the fundamental gutlessness of modern conservatism.

And my original point is how conservatives rely so heavily on tossing race cards.
Human love is a wonderful thing. It is warm, unqualified and everlasting. Families have always been bastions of human love and the bedrock of our society. Then in 1964-1965 a group of intellectuals and politicians decided that government love was a better idea. Government love is not the same as human love.

Replacing flesh and blood parents with an electronic benefit transfer is like handing children a picture of an absent, unfamiliar artificial love symbol to cling to and learn life lessons from. It’s a facsimile replacement born of the genius of socialized government. The government love enjoyed by millions today came from early think tanks of liberalism we call the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

One of the experts among the intellectuals of those days was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a democrat, trained sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Moynihan issued the Moynihan Report admonishing that fracturing families by removing the father from the picture was unwise. Moynihan was basically saying that paying men with government funds to essentially breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea.

Moynihan’s concerns were ignored and he was roundly ostracized by intellectuals who were bent on growing the government. Today we are at a dangerous crossroads because average people have gotten wise to the sad fact that government love is not only a fraud to expand the government, it is becoming destructive to our way of life. Domestic populations of minorities have begun rejecting government love in favor of personal responsibility which threatens the gold mine of liberal intellectuals.

In addition, a populist president was elected to resurrect the economy and bring the United States back to its former glory as a place where hard work can produce success for anyone from anywhere. The liberals have given up on domestic minorities who have gotten wise to them and are reaching out to the rat holes of the world for gate-crashing armies of future government dependents.

Today we are in the midst of a massive national opioid crisis that is the direct result of bad government policies that can be traced back to the phony government love policies of the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

The people who elected Trump know he is not an intellectual and they are thankful. We’ve had enough of intellectuals in this country.

Oh, and btw, I think we agree the Oranguton is not an intellectual. Reagan was not an intellectual. He was civil, principled and a gentleman, however.

Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton had extremely high IQ's - both were shunned by RW idgets.
Human love is a wonderful thing. It is warm, unqualified and everlasting. Families have always been bastions of human love and the bedrock of our society. Then in 1964-1965 a group of intellectuals and politicians decided that government love was a better idea. Government love is not the same as human love.

Replacing flesh and blood parents with an electronic benefit transfer is like handing children a picture of an absent, unfamiliar artificial love symbol to cling to and learn life lessons from. It’s a facsimile replacement born of the genius of socialized government. The government love enjoyed by millions today came from early think tanks of liberalism we call the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

One of the experts among the intellectuals of those days was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a democrat, trained sociologist and assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Moynihan issued the Moynihan Report admonishing that fracturing families by removing the father from the picture was unwise. Moynihan was basically saying that paying men with government funds to essentially breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea.

Moynihan’s concerns were ignored and he was roundly ostracized by intellectuals who were bent on growing the government. Today we are at a dangerous crossroads because average people have gotten wise to the sad fact that government love is not only a fraud to expand the government, it is becoming destructive to our way of life. Domestic populations of minorities have begun rejecting government love in favor of personal responsibility which threatens the gold mine of liberal intellectuals.

In addition, a populist president was elected to resurrect the economy and bring the United States back to its former glory as a place where hard work can produce success for anyone from anywhere. The liberals have given up on domestic minorities who have gotten wise to them and are reaching out to the rat holes of the world for gate-crashing armies of future government dependents.

Today we are in the midst of a massive national opioid crisis that is the direct result of bad government policies that can be traced back to the phony government love policies of the War on Poverty and the Great Society.

The people who elected Trump know he is not an intellectual and they are thankful. We’ve had enough of intellectuals in this country.

Oh, and btw, I think we agree the Oranguton is not an intellectual. Reagan was not an intellectual. He was civil, principled and a gentleman, however.

Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton had extremely high IQ's - both were shunned by RW idgets.
Projection can be dangerous, but I think Ray has a hard on for Obama. LOL Obama is in some ways an intellectual. He's also an elitist, so it's difficult to separate. Obviously, he was more able to speak about racism that other presidents, including Slick. It was not always comfortable, and I didn't always agree. But esp in his second term he was willing to speak out.

Not all intellectual poutus's were elitist. JFK. I think Lincoln was an intellectual in terms of race and society.

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